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Everything posted by lightsage

  1. [quote name='That Other Guy' date='18 August 2010 - 11:36 PM' timestamp='1282167378' post='66495'] Liquid cooling ftw, much less of a shrapnel hazard. O.o In your arm though What happened?! I hope you are ok :s [/quote] Just for the record: Unless you have a PC with an extremely low TDP, which is hard considering your going to need everything watercooled including your MB chipset as you don't have airflow. As well as your PSU which heats up your loop significantly. You are going to need fans to actively cool your radiators. Unless your referring to liquid nitrogen, which would be a pain in day to day use. All in all, liquid cooling without fans is always going to bring huge disadvantages As for IAB: Why did you substitute the GPU fan with a 80 mm fan? Why not just replace the VGA cooler? Oh and is your GPU now broken or does it just not work because it overheats? Depending on the card (if it's a consumer card) and it's age, it's likely that someone will have a reference cooler laying around somewhere which you should be able to get cheap/free... This is a reminder I shouldn't open my case while my PC is on through (so far I've touched fans and it hurts... But none have shattered, yet)
  2. Selling untokened angien age 440 bought on the first day (maybe second) angiens were available for purchase.
  3. I'll offer 10 silver for the pair
  4. It'd help if you'd tell us which tokens. (No description please that's a spoiler)
  5. Sold, topic can be closed
  6. I'm selling a BP archer age 105, with a claw II token.
  7. Yeah, MP3 and 4 have a XP cap to encourage moving up. I was actually referring to your time ingame
  8. You missed some(things) about aura's. I won't tell you because I consider them to be spoilers and I believe it would be... Against the rules for anyone else to post this too.
  9. Because [i]anyone[/i] in a different alliance, regardless of MP can attack you. Not to mention your to young to know what you want
  10. Yes, it was given to kafuuka (torture machine contest, festival of pain) he organized. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5264-festival-contest-day-275-kafuuka-torturing-device/"]Linky[/url]
  11. I do believe you missed the: [quote]Gold coins only[/quote] I'm afraid I can't accept that offer for the above stated reason.
  12. I'm auctioning a rein, starting bid is 8 gold. Will end in 6 days or when stagnant. I retain the right not to sell in case gold coins lose my interest. 9 gold offered EDIT: untokened and 220 age
  13. 6 gold morphs
  14. 67 silver dark 4 gold morphs
  15. Happy B-day No One Yeah, I do make a habit of posting in No One's birthday topic
  16. I do believe there's already a topic for that: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7101-spell-otherarmy/
  17. About 10=15 minutes before posting. It's fixed now, through I'd find it more likely it's due to fixing the random drachs (there'd only be 2 in a random rit before) than server issues. EDIT: actually I have the exact times: OUT X *dst* 69248 0 2 04-08-2010 14:17:24 replay and 04-08-2010 14:19:33
  18. Using a random ritual (with only my drachs and a tree alive) I've got 4 drachorns in a ritual, this is not always the case through...
  19. lightsage


    Amount of drachs has been fixed (checked) Creature selection is still the same (checked that too )
  20. Clicking stuff before the page has finished loading also causes that if that's not the cause, open your own topic.
  21. lightsage


    Afraid I haven't taken a screen but I do believe (my def is random) that one time I only got a GG and rein... And I have got a screen of 4 creats (1 bird, 1 angie and 2 rein) in a random def... And another similar. Maybe I should kill everything none drach and keep the random def up, that way if it only selects 2 we'll empirically have proven it in notime at all. EDIT: Def is random and the only things alive are drachs and one walking tree (for obvious reasons) Findings are as follows: Either 2 drachs and a tree or just 2 drachs Meaning there's probably a > or < instead of >= or <= as no one said. The 'problem' with less than 6 creatures is the way I think the function works: For each slot: 1. Pick a random (as before) creature 2. Check how many there are in the rit if there's too many creatures continue with next slot else place the creature in the slot So if you happen to hit a creature with the random that's already at it's max amount, you lose a slot.
  22. lightsage


    BFH, I think efforts to help with the English 'translation' should be encouraged. However, it requires more than just a "spelling-check" and updated game mechanics. To illustrate this point I'll try and redo the protector text. That little piece of text is actually filled with grammatical errors and sentences that sound peculiar. I'd go for something like: Worship Protector: Enter the name of the player you will worship. (When using type in you need to refer to something to type in in that sentence and enter is much more common) Player must be Mindpower 6 or 7. Your characters are entering a close in game relationship. (Revised sentence to avoid overusing will) You must respect and obey your protector, denying your protectors' wishes or switching protector will cost you dearly. (Possessive, no more "him" as that is always male and switching to avoid overusing your) Your protector will have the power of life and death over you. ("have life and death powers over you" Sounds wrong and even if it's not, it's very peculiar) I by no means claim to be capable of producing flawless grammatical structures (in any language ) and this is not against you. I'd recommend you wait until Grido says the English 'translation' is finished before submitting errors they might have missed to anyone who's not a native speaker. Simply because people will need to double check for peculiar errors we might make.
  23. 10 silver for the lot
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