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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. to bad I'm not in one
  2. I've been there oftend enough, that I know my way around back there
  3. (takes out a rifle carefully aims then blows dst's head off)ok I say call the egg... you figure that part out
  4. Liberty has a point there it is to guide you around
  5. have a happy birthday you crazy eggs
  6. nice idea be great for a newbie
  7. I feel this be a good time to say this about pirates, pirates were oftend really sided with a land and were call privateers and told to make sure that land controls the sea but were called pirates by other lands, so if cry were to side with GG, it actually make him more of a pirate not less sorry to bring facts in again and kill part of your point Glaistig
  8. copying a anime that makes me sad, come up with something of your own, tell then I will not show you the pubs or buy you a drink
  9. good luck then and make sure to have some fun no matter what
  10. hi and don't worry I always carry my own, and shockly I don't own a pub or inn, knowing my luck it fail
  11. darkguard and the rest are waiting for you sage
  12. to Liberty:shocking I didn't need poof as I said I could be wrong somewhere, and read my papers if it protect's the bell then indeed it must stay up to bored: thats actually fairly good reasoning oh and just some I forgot in my last post, it does not need to be night to see the moon, on the darkness in necro because I like some of those people, and if you've said too much it means you've said far too little, if you don't want people wanting to remove it, explain why it needs to be up, otherwise someone at some point will take it down, not knowing that they are doing something wrong
  13. I got a odd idea, everyone who was at the wedding of ailith and king bull had a dream a very short one. I had the same one later thanks to raven it shows what appears to be the lands we know as MD surrounded by a dome that appears as light under the night sky. what if it not that the sun isn't setting that if we merely never see that, appears all a illusion that only makes it appear to be always day is far simplier and easier to use then something that actually stops the sun from setting and sometimes simple things work best. now how that relates to the pillar when you open a gate even if it fails for a sec there is a glow that looks alot like heat and both look a lot sunlight in my opinion, maybe the pillars a powered by something like heat and that the dome of sunlight is created by the same power, so if one could find and shut that power, I would almost bet my drachorn that the pillars could take you there, or maybe I misunderstand something and this is all flawed who knows p.s. sorry about the spoilers but there needed for my reasoning, if anyone wants I'll add spoiler tags
  14. if she does that Blaze ad it goes bad I'm sorry but I have to fed you to something large and very mean, I'm rather fond of have amoran around, and Kalaminara Kol hasn't done anything to annoy me, I pefer if nether of them died, fusion may be hard on them but it wouldn't be too bad and who knows maybe they will just keep on as they are, but really dieing is a bad idea, for ether of them and on the help subjecty I would love to help her, but this test is for her no one else
  15. no, never enough, get drunk to get them as adepts turn my adepts them into alcoholics then my worshipers, then I shall rule Marind's Bell(evil laugh) oh wait there goes my master plan, I guess no army of drunk newbies, oh well back to the plan of just protecting the place instead
  16. hi and if you can't find one I'll help you find the pubs
  17. Kalamanira is Amoran's dark side, if you try to fight darkness with darkness the greater darkness will win, even if amoran wins the fight she will have become like kalamanira, the answer would be to not to fight her because you can never really win a fight against yourself just embrace her figurely speaking at least she could try explaining that war can be beautiful in that in war people set aside there own hopes and dreams to fight and maybe even die for the sake of other people's dream and a greater cause maybe even people the hate and maybe afterward if Kalamanira doesn't stop, the same and give up her hopes and dreams for Kalamanira's, thpugh this route may not end well and I am rather fond of having Amoran around or she could try explaining that being strong in battle is not the same as being strong in life not even close, and that even if Kalamanira does win she may not become whole instead she may find herself forever missing a peice of heself and that if amoran fights her and wins the same may happen
  18. hi and if you can't find'em I'll show you to the pubs
  19. (laughs)I'll help you find drink but you start slaughtering people I may have to do a little slaughtering of my own (evil grin)
  20. Tarquinus has my support and to the loreroot who have been attacking and treaty breakers show some respect, you should act better then a half demon drunk
  21. hi if you get tired of all that get a drink in one of the pubs
  22. thanks mur you really do, do a great job
  23. Glaistig would likily call it cute :rofl: , but I agree with dst
  24. many, I've talked to and myself are having the same problem and nomally, I don't get much lag
  25. in a way it a even better gift
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