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Everything posted by juntaozhu15

  1. reindrach and rusty 3 sold, rest still for sale
  2. raising my bid to 1 gold for 2
  3. Bump, still looking for bids, got a few interesting ones so far
  4. 8 silver for two if you can break a gold
  5. I would like to sell/trade my extra rustys and reindrach here are the relavent stats Rusty 1 id 585212 4.4 mill heat 667 age claw 1, claw 2, stardust, antifreeze, goldbelt, darksheild Rusty 2 id 424208 7.7 mill heat 893 age claw 1, claw 2, kelletha fire, emeral glare, antifreeze, oynx fangs, dark shield, dark sky, gold belt, purpurmoon Rusty 3 id 605166 2.9 mill heat 616 age claw 1, claw 2, claw 3, starsut, antifreeze, darksheild, fire drop Reindrach id 605141 2 mill heat 616 age dark sheild, oynx fangs, jewel shards I am not interested in silver/gold, I am looking for rare creatures (shades, anniversary aramors, wind drachs, tainted angiens, morphs, etc.) I may also be interested in md credits and unique items My current active account is jtz champion, you can pm me there or on the forums for more information I will only trade if I get a interesting offer as I am in no hurry to get rid of my drachorns
  6. In game name Jtz Champion Member of KoB
  7. I may be interested in this, pm me a timeframe and some more information, I'll see if I can make it, mp4 (weaker then my mp5 I can pm some details if you wish) and mp5 available as needed (though no payment is needed, just in it for the fun )
  8. being a full drachorn user myself, I know of very few ppl that can survive my first attack with a ritual that still has enough power to fight back, sure you can boost 1 angien and have it survive my 250k ish first hit, then you kill 1 drachy (assuming you're not frozen by my 5 rusties) but by killing that drachy you also kill yourself (or even 4 drachs with multitarget) thus you would need more then 1 creature and so far I know of maybe 5 people that can put more then 250k vita on 3-4 creatures (though I haven't trained/talked with some of the grinders for over 2 years, so ppl's vitas might have skyrocketed, I have not seen that though)
  9. I have grasans with claw 2 (or pimped, not sure) for free for you since I have no need of them, I'll have to check for age and other tokens though, pm me (not sure how many I have atm, but at least one, and as many as 5 or 6)
  10. i tried talking to you twice but you were afk both times pm me if there is a specific time (in-game) you will be onlin each day and I will try to get online then within 2-3 days
  11. 3 gold
  12. jester, liberty, peace, eden, lifeline
  13. n00b is mp4, but he defiantly does it as well
  14. This will last until new years day, so if anyone still wants one I have a few more to give Note that simply pm'ing me asking for one without anything interesting attached to the message will not get you a ctc
  15. depends on the quest pm me the details and I'll see if I would like to make a donation
  16. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='26 December 2009 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1261795971' post='51070'] RUles me out then Ah well, I don't need it anyway, I have 4 and can already get another 4, if I pick up the grasans (which I wont) I just like competitions >.> [/quote] Well I've been pretty loose on the requirements so far so its basically whoever asks and is obviously not an alt/veteran, when I only have a few left I will make them harder to get @ Apophys, I will pm you a ctc shortly
  17. well its hard to put an age limit on "younger players" but mostly mp3/4's who are not alts and are not staying at the lower mp to try and win heads or for RP purposes
  18. I'm giving 1 pimped grasan to anyone who can come up with a good reason for me to give them one (could be a joke, a interesting story, a funny picture, etc.) I'm only giving grasans to younger players though since this is mainly to help them a little Please post here or pm me in-game @ "jtz Champion", don't pm me on the forums please (don't want alot of mail ) Edit: I can usually be found at the GoE
  19. 13*13 or 169
  20. I use FF normally, though I do use opera once in awhile and IE when the other 2 fail (like once every 2-3 months)
  21. I like the idea, since I don't really do many quests, the age this would allow me to at least get a few wishpoints I think it should be limited to the highest aged account per ip though, since with my current alts I could get alot of wp's and I'm sure there are others who could do the same
  22. I have over 450 active days and I have never owned a wp on any account but back on topic, I think a 4 wp creature shouldn't be scaled power-wise, since then everyone with 4 wp will buy it instead of the other offerings in the wp shop (it should still be useful though, somewhere along the lines of angien/bird in terms of usefulness) with some unique ability that is situational, the creature should also look amazing and be completely unique (not just a colored/mutated version of any current creature, or even limit it to the first 10 buyer)
  23. Nice @ MRI, though you should have taken off the armor first
  24. I gained the following, and am temporarily mp 10 Element Principle = 0.01 Principle of Balance = 83.73 Principle of Cyclicity = 0 Principle of Syntropy = 0.01 Transposition Principle = 0.03
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