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Logan Marquis

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Everything posted by Logan Marquis

  1. I will respond with only this... The biggest problem with the AL is it's limited amount of space with which to put a given post. When one has to summarize a very large amount of things while still trying to hold true to the character, it would lose a LOT of quality substance. So I ask you this instead... Substance or Character?
  2. i took dst heads(500-something) with a few hours to go...then with about an hour to go I nabbed gogu's heads while others were trying to help a mp5 get them so he could move up a spot. I then ran...and ran I did. To MDA, Loreroot, everywhere in between... I ran through the Gazeebo of Equilibrium once just for fun... Then I hid... I hear that a few were trying to hunt me down, but didn't succeed or something. Not totally sure. I just didn't want anyone to have those heads or points. At least not at that point...
  3. Lol. I doubt it compares to that final two hours though. My GOD did that get insane.
  4. Sounds like, actually, i just worded myself poorly(been kinda overly stressed lately). I won't attempt to re-word, but I think you and I to some degree are actually on the same page now in terms of our understanding of your point of view. I'm not saying, nor have I meant to say, that you had no reason to desire change, just that not all would receive that ideal for change with open arms. You have a valid point, and one that I am sure at some point can be addressed more openly and heavily, but for now, as you have said yourself, the focus is on amping up the roleplaying aspects more than combat(though combat changes ARE on the horizon). I do want to say one thing in closing: Mur's statement that anyone regardless of age can beat older more experienced players in combat using strategy is true, ENTIRELY true. He never said that there wouldn't be roleplaying involved to get that strategy, or that it might not require some serious puzzle solving. But it is possible. With that said...I want you to know that I see much more clearly where you are coming from and can understand the frustration(like I said previously, I played a MMO that was more about the PvP than RP and it turned me off after a while because to me it wasn't what I was looking for in a MMO). I hope that to some degree you will find that the combat changes to come might help address some of your requests for change. I believe you do have some good insight into a different mindset of MMOs.
  5. maggot: no offense, but what you refer to is Diablo...and I am sure everyone here KNOWS or at least has HEARD of Diablo. There becomes a point when pure PvP and hack and slash get well, mundane, and even more so, old. Repetition does not create newness, it creates oldness. Perhaps many originally were lured to MD because of it's newness in the beginning. A unique combat system with many intricacies to learn and exploit, but eventually that HAD to change. Well, it SHOULD have changed, and it did, to some degree. Mur has said time and again that this game to him is more than the game, it's the community. And as such, the community interacts how it will interact. Mur reminded everyone not long ago about how vital the community had become when he said simply, "imagine before there was chat..." maggot, I do not, and did not, mean to offend you. In fact, that was the complete opposite of what I was trying to point out. My concern is that there are many like you...who sit idly by and claim they don't like to roleplay, and well, that's fine. But there are plenty of games out there like that. And truthfully, you do NOT have to roleplay on MD. You can hack and slash all you want. You can PvP all you want. If that is your desire than what REAL awards can Mur offer? He gives heads contest. He can't give more, though he will. Should those who prefer hack and slash be given abilities that help that? Because that would actually make the game TRULY unbalanced. Imagine, if you will, if dst -- and I only use dst because he's the best example of one who focuses on the PvP aspect of the game over the RP aspects(which is TOTALLY cool) -- was given some sort of special bonus ability like "Leadership Charge"(note this is a totally made up ability) where his creatures all gain 1000 VE plus an attack and power boost of 500 points each. Who could compete with him? Seriously... I know where you are coming from, as I have been in the opposite position where a truly unique PvP game had been set up and there was little to no RP. I became addicted the PvP but I really wanted something to show for my RP side. Unfortunately, the creators and managers of that game didn't heed my requests and so ultimately I left. But I hope you understand, and it does appear you really do, that Mur's focus is on pushing the roleplaying elements further to enhance the openness of RP. Essentially, he wants RP, and who are we to argue?
  6. Dst, is that not your role? :-) Perhaps what you define as role is a bit too refined. Truly, what makes us all unique is us, and the role we play. As such, isn't it simply HOW we play that makes us unique, too? Perhaps the fact you beat up on noobs and mess up heads contest is your role, your thing, your persona on MD. That's truly all I see the roles being. Something that enables people to interact in a way that focuses the interaction. Think of it this way, perhaps... You are, in essence, something akin to "The Balancer of the Lands". That can go many different directions, really, but you as dst bring balance to the game as very few can. Even if it is a chaotic balance. *smirk* Maybe this helps you some? Also, feel free to come to Renavoid's Unofficial Official Office(Marind's Room). I think we could enjoy a chat with one another. EDIT: In addendum to this, I think many people have a seriously misconceived notion of what a role can or can't be. Heck, if Mur didn't agree with this, I wouldn't have been promoted. There is room for learning from one another, and I do believe I have a different insight than most(and Tarquinus is akin to me in this.). This world has a long way to go, but I have to say I am in love with it and the atmosphere. Without growth and learning it would be rather dull, though.
  7. I know I am a bit late into this discussion, but you all can blame Hurricane Ike for screwing with my life and internet time and such. I have a TOTALLY different opinion on what dst had to say...and the subsequent posts thereafter. This game will require some of everything. Solving quests and puzzles, socializing through both roleplaying and non-roleplaying means, and even battling. Everyone, I am sure, has a sense of this in some way, shape or form. For those that believe there has to be some insanely awesome backstory to have a well-defined role, I challenge you to review my personal comments page that explains my role. It is ENTIRELY within the realm of possibility on MD to play a well-defined role with almost no backstory whatsoever. I challenge EVERYONE who believes otherwise to take my lesson(shout out to Envy of Endurance for the help and such with it!!) on roleplaying and roles. Ask any individual who participated in the two lessons I conducted(even the second one, as doped up as I was on medicine, said they got something out of it) about the usefulness of having a role. Your role is not just what you do...it is who you are, what you do, how you do it, what you say, think, etc, etc, etc. Think of it this way: Your role in your real life(away from MD) is not just your occupation, your time at school, your time with family, your friends, etc... Your role is simply YOU. ALL of you goes into your role. So when I say that you HAVE to have some sort of role, it's not an overstatement. It's simply how it is. The way you play this game could even be considered your very own unique role. And in that...we all have already chosen our roles...it is just defining them and learning to utilize them properly that is the hard part. Again...if you are interested in developing the way you play MD a little more...PM me and I'll try to set up another lesson for a week from now or so. You will NOT be disappointed.
  8. Ok so MAJOR update and a bit of "bad" news perhaps... We returned to the house yesterday to an interesting site as we drove through the neighborhood and onto our street. Every house(with the exception of just a couple really) on our street had carpet and other miscellaneous items piled on their lawns. Our next door neighbor had servpro trucks outside(she had people working on her house already). We were not feeling so great about the condition of our place. Well, we get to the house and I get inside and head to our TV room. Sure enough, there is ceiling damage (ie: part of the ceiling is now on the floor and I can see the support beams above). SUCKS! So I was thinking, man, that sucks, who has the room above the TV room because it HAS to be trashed... So I went upstairs and opened my door...well...I tried to. There was so much wet insulation and ceiling debris that fell from the attic into my room that I couldn't BUDGE my door at all. I got it partially opened to view the destruction and it was pretty surreal. Everything I owned that was in my room is TRASHED. Thankfully...that does NOT include my laptop. Well...the conditions currently are not liveable, so we are staying in a hotel in San Marcos. I will try to keep everyone informed and try to hop on when I can to chat with people and further my role development. I appreciate all the support you all have shown already and the support you guys have shown off-MD and the forums(ie: over msger and such). It means a lot. It's going to be rough going for a while. Our insurance WILL cover the damage and actually we may end up better than we started...eventually. I will update you guys again after cleaning up some tonight. --Logan Marquis
  9. Ok, so hurricane evacuation sucks. Especially the traffic. UGH! Anyways... We have made it into Dallas and are out of the way of danger now. It was NOT a fun 8 and a half hours(not too much longer than normal...but longer than normal nonetheless). This is just for those interested. By the way...Hurricane Ike is going to leave some damage in it's wake...LOTS of damage...some people will be sad they didn't evacuate when they should have.
  10. Yeah, but I think the purpose behind them is not what wynken is getting at. His suggestion was to come up with a system to actually reward RP, not someone's ability to solve puzzles. And I can say that in at least that method it seems a viable option. Wishpoints would be a bit extreme for his suggestion because of what they ultimately reward, but eh...nonetheless. I don't even remember what my point was...blah!
  11. Due to Uncontrollable Circumstances, the current Phrog storyline will be on hold for a few days until further notice. Please stay tuned for further updates.
  12. You seriously destroyed phrog's body? Way toooooo goooooo! Seriously...did you expect anything different?
  13. Central Standard Time
  14. I completely agree Aql. I hope more people will join in and thank our most amazing Manu. He's our Manu...and we should all feel EXTREMELY lucky for that. I know I do.
  15. You know...I was sitting here and had read a bunch of stuff on the forums of some people who were concerned by the state of affairs of the game...and I realized something...when does Manu get the thank you he deserves for his absolute commitment to the game? Manu has spent countless hours/days doing things we all can only imagine (i know, i used to do websites and programming...and believe me...it can be very tedious). Sometimes...he should know how much WE, the community of MagicDuel, appreciate his devotion, his commitment, his passion for his little baby. He hasn't sold out...once. He doesn't give in to pressure to make the game "easier or nicer" or even to make it more "user friendly". He is one of few true game programmers who actually has a vision for where he wants the game to go, and gosh darnit he actually is taking the game there! He refuses to give up. He refuses to reset the game. The look of the game is beautiful. The flow of the game from mindpower level to mindpower level is genius. The movement of the game is awesome. But I want to say this. One thing Mur understands better than ANYONE I've met who runs online games is that the community IS the game. He understands that you can sit there and make a beautifully aesthetic game, you can make a wonderfully addicting game, you can even make the perfect game, but he knows that without you, me, and the entire community of players, the game is just the game. It does not live. It does not breathe without us. And for that Manu should be applauded. He is smart. He is wise. He is considerate. He doesn't ignore us. In fact...he feeds us. He keeps changes coming and let's be honest, it keeps us entertained all the time. You can't grow tired on MagicDuel unless you WANT to grow tired. What I mean by that is there is so much change, so much going on, that you can not grow stagnant unless you want to. This is important because it prevents the game from getting too repetetive. Even when you think hey, I've done this before (like going from MP3 to MP4) there is this huge difference in what you do, how you do it, and so on. I just wanted to say that if you don't appreciate Manu...I DO! His work, his devotion, his dedication, his passion... They have NOT gone unnoticed. And dangit...just because other people don't say it...I will... THANK YOU MANU! You are truly a great leader. You are truly a great owner. You truly are a big part of what makes this game absolutely unique and ABSOLUTELY amazing. I am addicted to MagicDuel not because of it's perfection...but because of it's constant movement. Manu breathed life into it, and it expanded with the community. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can we have a special room in like the Archives with a statue of Manu? It would be awesome. I'd write a little plaque for it :-)
  16. Maybe a row of like archery targets? Just a thought...
  17. This is the story of Logan Marquis: The Observer of Wills didn't start out that way, in fact, his beginnings are still fairly vague. What he does remember is usually faint images of his past, but sometimes vivid flashbacks have appeared as well. How he got to MagicDuel he will probably never truly remember, but through all of his time here in these lands he has learned of how only a few others got here. His main focus was originally learning all he could on the Time Principle in order that he might learn to control the very plane of Time -- the very fabric of Time even --, but the deeper his understanding of it grew, the more he learned the consequences of such could be devastatingly bad not only for himself but for everyone. So then he thought long and hard about his place within MagicDuel, and as he did someone had begun to tell him stories of the Necrovion Sentinels and the Shades. He heard about the Shades and their true quest for balance, and while many mocked the Sentinels, Logan found them intriguing and inviting. So he joined them and spent time learning about them, about the Shades, and about Khalazdad the Black. In a short time he learned a lot about Necrovion and even had been granted access to Outer Necrovion for a short period of time by the Dark One, Khalazdad the Black, but the more he learned and the more he found the less he felt like the Sentinels was his place. During his time with the Necrovion Sentinels he had focused on the possibility of using Time and Darkness to perhaps shift between locations, but the more he delved into that pursuit the more he felt the pull of the Shades, and he could not live with himself if he succumbed to the pull. Once he had left the Sentinels, he sought out those who had the keys to wisdom and knowledge in MagicDuel. One such person was Renavoid, the Archivist. Others like him always inhabited the Archives and offered their knowledge whenever possible. Logan spent much time talking with Renavoid and the Archivists whenever he could, and soon realized he was more fit to try and join them. Also, through talking with Renavoid and some soul-searching, Logan settled upon his perfect role. This role would become the definition of Logan Marquis and truly be the way he would be remembered throughout the history of MagicDuel. The Observer of Wills. Very few took the time to observe others, observe the way they interacted with each other, and more importantly observe the very world of MagicDuel. So it became that he had chosen his role, his place, his very essence. His pursuit was now for knowledge, wisdom, and to attempt to observe the world and all it had to offer so that he might TRULY understand it. =================== This is the beginnings of the story that is Logan Marquis and essentially is the Observer of Wills. More to come. Hope you all enjoy!
  18. Happy birfday to you all. Now we know the REAL reason behind the MD Festival!
  19. Logan Marquis Fittings Roles: Shadow Shifter, Oracle of Shadows, or Silencer of Lies The Shadow Shifter is one who seeks the power of shifting the planes and frabrics of time and space and much more. He reflects the light, as would a mirror, yet he absorbs the darkened shadows of this realm as he passes. It is his way. It is his call. It is his destiny... or The Oracle of Shadows is one who seeks to learn how to utilize the powers of the Shades to gain wisdom and insight towards his inevitable goal of foreseeing that which comes ahead. There is a belief he holds which pushes him forward in his research to learn to utilize these principles in unison and together for the ultimate goal of becoming the true Oracle of Shadows. or The Silencer of Lies is one who has focused himself upon shielding the younglings who come into the lands of MagicDuel from the lies that have begun to spread across the lands of MagicDuel. Utilizing the wisdom and knowledge of the Shades, the Sentinels, the Archivists, and many others, the Silencer has sworn himself to Silence the Lies to his grave. Also...desired ability granted: Shadow Shift. Either the ability to jump to a player via shifting into the shadows and back out of them, or the ability to go invisible by shifting into the shadows for a short duration(a single regen counter perhaps). Shadow Shift could eventually be used with more research to transport people to the shifter via the shadows. Thankies Edit: No, I didn't steal it. I had it from day one of my char, lol...
  20. I'm curious, but is the use of spells in the competition cheating? At least at a MP Level of 3 or 4? And I will be PLENTY happy to name names. Also, I do apologize, I actually was not aware jumping to leader was unallowed. Now that I know I shall not use it. But it should be something mentioned on the contests rules page.
  21. The light and dark portions were not aimed at you. You just read them that way...
  22. Oh I say let them participate...but also make it clear they cannot win. If they do "win", they don't get any of the benefits, just the satisfaction of winning. So basically...you still have 3 spots available for newbies or what-nots.
  23. Sorry...I must've mistook the idea that it's a contest to mean "fun"...apparently "fun" means "whoever has the most inside info" ;-) Seriously...I am not going to say that I was shocked when it happened...but why have the contests then? I know Mur does use them for research...but uh...usually research has a point. And obviously the point gets lost. But eh...whatever...maybe things won't change...but at least I made an effort to voice my opinion. After all...isn't that what this game is about? And really...I just pointed you out cuz the alt was so easy to recognize. You should've gone with a better one...then I would've been like oh well :-p Lol...enjoy that "hard-earned" trophy...*laughs* way to make it pointless... P.S. -- Just because everyone else is doing it...doesn't mean YOU have to. Although...I apologize...I did just realize MP6's can't participate...so yeah, I guess this was your way of participating...so actually...yeah...I retract my previous statements (NOT) P.S.S. -- Hypocrite ;-) (This is a joking statement at RJ meant as a joke and more like if I were to say it and then laugh it off)
  24. Ok, I do actually want to add something productive to this... What should or should not be considered cheating in the heads contests? I believe, honestly, that alts of characters should not be allowed to compete in the heads contests, period. Not because of the point listed previous this post, but the following point: These players know how to manipulate the game to their will. By allowing them to utilize the knowledge and wisdom they have obtained in-game through their alt, they are effectively cheating. It would be like abusing the spoilers on the forums here to focus your character to be the strongest they can be. I wasn't horribly upset about what happened to me...because you know what? Stuff happens... I am upset that it's not dealt with. And to note...the one who attacked me who I am fairly certain IS another character would be I AM RJ. (no flaming him, just pointing it out because oddly SmartAlek posted previous me on this subject ;-) ). Again, I could care less really that I'm no longer going to win the heads contest. Hey, I had no reason to believe I'd even stand a chance when it began, but somehow I managed. My problem is for the MP3's, the MP4's, who worked hard to get their character to that point and think how much fun it would be to participate in a heads contest, only to have some alt who is HIGHLY OVERPOWERED(*cough* MS DK...et al) jack them up for what they worked so hard for. Effectively, I am requesting a thorough discussion on the purpose of the heads contests and whether that purpose is TRULY being served. I have heard numerous times from players today, friends and foes alike, that they hate heads contest. Shouldn't that say something? It has become nothing more than a contest of who has power-gamed their newest alt to be essentially the MD version of "god-mode". Basically...it sucks for those who really do work hard... And anyone who has an alt who is leading right now...seriously...what are you thinking? You make contests like these absolutely pointless. Shouldn't you be ENCOURAGING the newbies to really do something fun and worthwhile? Think about it...you've essentially ruined some perfectly good fun for everyone else(or a good portion of everyone else) and turned a game into something unexciting. Heck...I personally think the heads contests need to be gotten rid of or limited down MUCH more than they are. I think I've made my point...
  25. Oh yeah, I'm in the same boat. I've had numerous try victorious wins, and yet...my win count doesn't change...at all. *sniffs* makes it hard to get wins. Lol.
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