Now onto the actual post that has actual grammar...yay!
Ever since the beginning of my time in MD, I've been friends with the MRs, and when I finally joined them I was quite happy...they helped me train my shiny new MR account (except I, being a win addict and also a heads addict, wasted lots of EXP), which lead to my winning heads (also I had a bit of help there too). When I trained, it was with one person, attacking over and over again...it got rather boring, but with the Training Ground it's not so boring because one: You have more people to attack, two: There's other people training so you can talk with them and three: I'm no imaginative enough to think up another one...so we'll just go with "Because I said so". At MP3 the Training Ground is great for getting a bunch of won OR lost fights, because you can either train lots and get wins or idle there and get losses. The Training Ground is good for all MP levels, but it kinda depends on who you are (an MP3 who doesn't really care for fighting wouldn't really like it, but if the same MP3 got to MP5 and decided to start fighting, the Training Ground would benefit them quite greatly. Of course it works the other way around too, a big fighter at MP3 will most likely sit at Willow's instead of the Training Ground). Soooo...I'd keep going, but I'm running out of imagination juice...so...all done now