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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Pipstickz


    Nope, she doesn't have a forum account. I'm probably explaining it better than she would be, knowing her
  2. Pipstickz


    No, I don't think she played torch contest She has logged in since then and is still dead
  3. Pipstickz


    So, say someone gets Kittiness's password, for example, and kills herself, the same way, the same thing happens to her, and no one discovers that her account was being used by someone else. She logs in to find her account dead, as Lup is. Everyone believes she killed herself in RP, but she insists that she didn't. Would it not be undone?
  4. Pipstickz


    I don't know what happened, turns out she doesn't either.
  5. Pipstickz


    I have no idea how it happened, and I don't think she does either, but yesterday she showed up dead, like in torch contest...no land, and she hasn't been resurrected to GoE...I'll post more when she gets online and I get to talk to her [attachment=1023:Lup is dead!.jpg]
  6. I've never actually seen my heat go up when walking either...never thought to much of it though xD
  7. Basically how it works is you choose between taking your silver, or rolling for the drach. While rolling, he goes down the list and rolls for everyone, using QP as ordering system. Higher QP means you get a roll before everyone who has lower QP than you. I think so, anyways.
  8. Memory is Advertiser leader...no more question marks!
  9. I'm considering joining Advertisers instead...less politics, less stuff to worry about, and also there's party times PS: I'm not sure about the party times, but whatever. Sorry D: EDIT: Advertisers is full, may reconsider my reconsideration xD.
  10. You can also see it in Mt. Kelle'tha
  11. Can Pipstickz join? He thinks he can help out
  12. Not quite sure I understand...but why not just give players a banner ad that's like a referrer link so they can send that to people?
  13. I voted no. Cheating is cheating, especially when you're caught. If he makes an alt and does it again, worse punishment
  14. Isn't this getting slightly off topic?
  15. Horray! Happy birfday!
  16. Well I think it's quite rude to kiss someone without asking or anything...but you can't blame him, really...who wouldn't want to kiss all of you?
  17. It's totally not fair! I <3 HC and I hate it when people cheat >.< And Death Ring did it too >.< He told me himself, earlier today >.<
  18. MRPip - ID: 81102
  19. Nonono...No Man's Land for the win! Alrighty then...so I'm gonna support GG in this, being an MR...and I don't really think Loreroot needs a king, so...yeah
  20. I R SUPPORT TRAINING GROUNDS Now onto the actual post that has actual grammar...yay! Ever since the beginning of my time in MD, I've been friends with the MRs, and when I finally joined them I was quite happy...they helped me train my shiny new MR account (except I, being a win addict and also a heads addict, wasted lots of EXP), which lead to my winning heads (also I had a bit of help there too). When I trained, it was with one person, attacking over and over again...it got rather boring, but with the Training Ground it's not so boring because one: You have more people to attack, two: There's other people training so you can talk with them and three: I'm no imaginative enough to think up another one...so we'll just go with "Because I said so". At MP3 the Training Ground is great for getting a bunch of won OR lost fights, because you can either train lots and get wins or idle there and get losses. The Training Ground is good for all MP levels, but it kinda depends on who you are (an MP3 who doesn't really care for fighting wouldn't really like it, but if the same MP3 got to MP5 and decided to start fighting, the Training Ground would benefit them quite greatly. Of course it works the other way around too, a big fighter at MP3 will most likely sit at Willow's instead of the Training Ground). Soooo...I'd keep going, but I'm running out of imagination juice...so...all done now
  21. So...I had this idea because I was bored, not able to take heads any more. It's a heads contest that anyone can sign up for, including previous winners. It'd run at the same time as normal heads, but maybe use a different object so people who are competing in normal heads don't get confused and attack people who've signed up and not be able to take their heads. There would be no reward for this, it's just for fun. MP level wouldn't matter in it, you could attack anyone else in it and there would be no EXP gain or loss because if an MP5 attacked an MP3 with a ritual intended to make the victim lose EXP it'd really screw up the MP3's chances in the game. I'm really hoping people like this idea...because I do...anyways...have a nice day!
  22. You ARE!? *Runs away* HEEELP MEEEEE!!!

  23. When I click "Speak Words" on the RPC box things for the quests, it gives me some stuff that I don't really understand anyways...here's a picture of it to better explain myself [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=540"]Bug picture[/url] After I open a couple more boxes it goes back to the normal "nothing interesting here now" thing where you type your words, but if I was trying to do a quest that required these boxes (which I'm not), I'd have a tough time, seeing as I can't see if I got the right word in the right place or not... Anyways...have fun!
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