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  1. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Pipstickz in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    BUT, from my point of view, RPCs are (should be, whatever) equal. Their roles may decide their position over each other in RP, but one RPC shouldn't be able to say "I don't like what you did, so I'm punishing you by taking your spells/screwing you over in heads contest with heads control/sticking you in a dream when I know you need to be somewhere/etc."

    I really can't help it if that's my opinion...and I can see that it's pointless to try and persuade you that mine is the right one, which is may or may not be, but whatever x3
  2. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Pipstickz in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    [quote name='awiiya' date='30 September 2009 - 09:05 PM' timestamp='1254366347' post='43311']
    And Pip: When was this a matter of people? They are great people, minus the titles, I'm sure. If this were a matter of who is a good or bad person, then the result would be different. So I don't see how your point makes any sense. Yrthilian's status as a person was never called into question, nor was Grido's. Grido isn't asking Yrthilian to be disposed as a person.
    Because it brings people like you who bring up definitions of the word, which is not what this is about. This isn't your English king, this is MD.

    And to Rendril: Lots of things are based on public opinion in MD. Lifeline's banned accounts (In my opinion, a slightly less blown-up, but bigger issue than this) were decided by vote, new features are decided by vote...Mur wants his players happy and entertained xD
  3. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Rendril in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    [quote name='Grido' date='01 October 2009 - 03:09 AM' timestamp='1254359383' post='43289']
    I'm just asking, specifically to the bold bits, but you know, any bit, which bit describes the situation yrth is in? There is a large proportion of "his" people objecting to his rule, [s][b]ruling is cemented[/b][/s][b], [/b][s][b]stable[/b][/s], and there are complaints about his abilitie to rule as well, bad decisions etc. [s][b]undeniable ability of the King to rule[/b][/s] So...yeah, how is he a king again?[b]

    It appears to me that this is an in-game issue which you are trying to solve through an out-of-game means.
    As Awiiya and Tarquinus have aptly put, I feel you should stage a coup if you intend on dethoning Yrthilian.

    Remember, you are holding a public vote (something I doubt a threatened king would allow) through a means by which the king cannot stop you (apart perhaps from arguing back) and just as he cannot affect whether this vote is held, I do not see why this vote would affect his kingship.

    If you wish to remove him from power, do so in an appropriate fashion. Incite the denizens of Golemus who are supposedly suffering, convince them that Yrthilian is unfit to rule. Bear down and dethrone him yourself.
    (I could be mistaken but I see only 2 people of Golemus showing an inclination to dethrone him, you and Metal Bunny)

    Of course, the removal of the crown itself has to be done by Mur but if he bases such a decision on a mere vote, consider the repercussion on the game. It would plain and simply be divine intervention.
    From the game's viewpoint: Yrthilian exiles Grido, Grido is unhappy about it *poof* Yrthilian is king no more.
    (Perhaps you have been taking in-game action against him but I have no seen or heard such, though admittedly I have not been around much)

    This thread asks "Should Yrthrilian be diposed?" thus you get a public opinion on the matter, I fail to see why such a vote should determine whether he remains king.
    If the thread is an effort to rally the people against him so be it, but why then the vote?
    Do you wish to see how many would stand agaisnt him? I don't think the thread gives an accurate reflection.
  4. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to awiiya in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    What definition of King are you using?

    In England, which is the most classic example of Kings, the King was the military leader, at the back of the army but always fighting. In fact, sometimes entire battles would be settled by a King and his challenger fighting.

    So in that sense, Yrthilian did exactly what a King of old times would have done.

    If you refer more to the spiritual King (which is what Khalazdad claimed to associate more with, although to be truthful he did lead an army as well), then yes it would have been beneficial to appoint a military leader.

    But in my opinion I think Yrthilian did fine as the military leader. He is the leader, and as such controls the most who he attacks and how he attacks them.

    But this whole dethroning business... it seems to me in a bitter spirit. People are throwing accusations that Yrthilian overstepped his boundaries. Did he really? Or did everyone just not realize what the title "King" means?

    Also, why is Kingship going to a vote? Votes are for appointed leaders of democracy, where everyone's opinion is equal. This should be determined by a fight, because the King is the strongest person in a land, not the one that everybody likes the most. Did everyone like Napoleon? No, he killed lots of people. Then why did he lead? Because if you spoke out, you would end up like the dead people.

    True, death means very little in Magic Duel, which is the source of a lot of problems, including this one. If Yrthilian could just kill Grido, rather than exiling him, this whole business would be avoided, and he would be even more of a leader. Unfortunately that is not so.

    But in the spirit of the Kingship, and what that means, I think Yrthilian is perfectly in his power. King's powers derive from the Gods, not from his subjects, at least that is the way it was set up in the past. You dare question someone who is appointed by God(s)?

    In short, Yrthilian's power should not end because he angered his subjects, and they hold a silly vote. No! It should end when there is a coup, a show of military strength that Yrthilian is NOT the strongest person in the world, and NOT appointed by God.

    But I'm not involved in this, so this is only an opinion. I am a member of Golemus now, true, but my pursuits don't change based on Kings.

  5. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Watcher in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    [quote name='teufelhunden' date='30 September 2009 - 03:41 AM' timestamp='1254296476' post='43211']
    You are right, now that grido has been exilded he can do whatever he feels is his right,
    Real men and women never wait until they have been punished to do the "right thing."
  6. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Lifeline in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    correct me if i am wrong please. yrth is the king of golemus and that implies a monarchy. nobody complained about it being a monarchy. so i guess everybody is fine with a monarchy and the rules a monarchy has. i must admit that i know little about how gg was run but all i heard suggested a normal monarchy.
    if ur second in command doesnt support the monarchy and just refuses to help his king to whom he should be loyal its perfectly normal to strip him of his powers. that is how monarchies are run. in a monarchy the kings decision is final and all his men have to follow that decision. if they dont they must expect the king to remove their position.
    i am sorry grido nothing against u but if i dont misunderstand how golemus was run this is how i see it. and monarchies have strict rules and its no option to simply stay neutral especially not for a second in command.
  7. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Lifeline in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    of course. my point is:
    if a member of the monarchy goes against the ruler he has to expect his position to be removed. grido was part of it and accepted his king and the rules of a monarchy i suppose. so if he wants a new king him being removed from his former posItion doesnt help in the argumentaion. he can say the king turned into a tyrant and whatever else and start a revolution. but he cant hold against the king of a monarchy the removal of people from their spots that lost the kings trust.
  8. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Muratus del Mur in The Burning Of Khalazdad Soul   
    Raven, as extravagant as you want to make that sound, no it is not and it will never be "your" word against mine.

    I am starting to feel that some of you forget some basic concepts around here, when i say something related to the game is in one way or an other, then it is THAT way and no other way. If i am unsure of something or want to lower my influence on things said, i make sure i say "in my opinion".

    When i say what the summoned army did, this is what it did, not what i think it did or what i had the impression it did. The Summoned army came targeted to counterballance yrth actions. He knew his mission has a high risk of failure and i was going to make things difficult for him.

    If you enjoy seeing things as "Our word against Murs words" and think this sounds as a scandal topic and you like it, you will only get me pissed. This entire thing allready got me angry anyway, not to mention what got me to make it a Pain Festival in the first place.

    You people don't know to lose, i will not try to make you all happy, or to find ways around so that each of you is right in the end, i am tired of that. You roleplay you die, and i see it, you die (in game ofc), you attack your own allied forces, you are considered a traitor, as simple as that.

    You don't like what is written on AL or announcements, live with it. When you will stop complaining and you will bring arguments, then i will listen. At this point i realy don't care if you are hurt, if you feel life is unfair with you, if you find stupid excuses for past mistakes, i really don't care.

    During good times you kiss my ass trying to obtain things in your favor then you get upset you dont, during bad times you pretend everything is fine but accuse me of nepotisms on other sites where you have the impression i cant trace you (i am not talking about you raven, but in general). You know what, if you think MD would be better without me actualy playing it, then have fun. I can take a one year break to work on MD without announcing what i do, without playing the shade sentinel, the summoned army, the postman, without watching over your wars and friendships and then you will slaughter yourself freely. Of course i can also clean up MD, burn it to ground from all people that i have the slightest feeling that they are unfitted to MY personal view of what is MD. simple as that.

    So before you lose your respect and dare to say its my word against yours, or start thinking MD would be better off without me in it, think i might think the same about some of you and one day i might stop being the Mur you know that tries to understand everyone.
  9. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Raven in The Burning Of Khalazdad Soul   
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='27 September 2009 - 06:46 PM' timestamp='1254073590' post='42970']
    people ..what uninformed...my head hurts...do you forget who you are talking to?

    Again, the summoned army, was attacked by necro people, OF COURSE IT FOUGHT BACK. It attacked both necro and non necro after it saw that they make no difference anyway and they keep attacking it. So..it didnt attack back only those hiting it, but all, once you showed no kind of support. Except the fights, there was no support in chat, but even worse, you left the general impression you are curious and want to see what will happen with yrth actions. Don't act surprised or revolted now, you should have been that way back then.

    The summoned army has no humor, you play games attacking it just to see if you win or not, you might end up complaining on the forum later for the outcome.

    *coughs* So it had come to this. Your word against ours and guess who is going to be right in the end. No matter what has really happened.

    Edit: Don't kill me
  10. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Yrthilian in War!   
    [quote name='pamplemousse' date='24 September 2009 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1253802187' post='42520']
    If this battle is delayed or halted or any harm comes to the Sentinels by use of bugs I swear I will not rest until the person who did so is punished.

    There will be a battle, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. If you stand in the way, I will not forget and I will not forgive.

    Those that call the shots will be in the line of fire.

    well well by use of bugs or what not but no mention of the stealing of character creatures there i see.
    Even though the allaince was taken and wodin is under contol of peace. this does not excuse the stealing
    of his creatures and NO the spoils of war is not an excuse for this. Wodin may be controld by allaince leader
    of GG. He is still a player in his own right. So in essence the use of the system to take control and steal
    from him is not excusable in ANY way.

    There will be hell to pay for this and i will not rest untill this is resolved.
    if this was any other player you would all be crying and complaining about the theft.
    so why treat Wodin any diffrent?

    That is all i have to say on that matter.
  11. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Yrthilian in War!   
    Well played Peace

    How a ghost should be able to do such hing is dont know
    But as you have been told no i will not take this lying down.

    I am for one not a coward and i will not run. The fact that there is now a centinal
    trying to take a land allaince IS an attack on Golemus the land. By this i would
    Hope the MR's will step.

    I will admit i am supprised and i fear it might be time to bring some weapons to
    to forfront and start destrying the land that decided to cause this damage.

    I will also hunt down the spy and i will Kill them out right
    Also Peace for do this i will also Kill you and trust me i have the meens
    to do so i just choose to hold it close

    I also think it time to cause your father a lot of pain remember who holds his

    You now will feel the wrait of the King of Golemus for trying this and for
    trying to bring war to the lands in the first place.
  12. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Fenrir Greycloth in War - September 2009   
    Just a message to ask all those who say they care about Bob...to look after him. If you don't know what that means...ask me, or read your guide. Anyone trying to become one of the guardians proper...this is a good time to prove your loyalties.

  13. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Elthen Airis in My Claim   
    The lands foundations are un-inspectable, as, is, your, claim.

    Message from:
    The Anarchy Faction
  14. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Udgard in War - September 2009   
    Just a message to ask all those who say they care about Bob...to look after him. If you don't know what that means...ask me, or read your guide. Anyone trying to become one of the guardians proper...this is a good time to prove your loyalties.

  15. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in War - September 2009   
    Just a message to ask all those who say they care about Bob...to look after him. If you don't know what that means...ask me, or read your guide. Anyone trying to become one of the guardians proper...this is a good time to prove your loyalties.

  16. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to genocidal in War!   
    [quote]I did chose Jester to lead. I did gave him full authority over the army. From that point after it was all up to him, not up for the Dynasty. I did agreed with the idea of a war, yes, the reasons why I will not make public. At least not yet.[/quote]

    Does this not imply that you peace supported the idea of war that jester was planning on golomus? Correct me if im wrong but if a leader before and after his inogeration states he will go to war on a certain land, does that not give the power to that land to take his words as a threat and retaliate? Words have alot of power and words from heads of countries have alot of weight.
  17. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Observer in War!   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' date='20 September 2009 - 10:28 PM' timestamp='1253482130' post='42216']
    Why exactly are you making a big deal out of this? Peace will do what Peace does.

    [quote]So,my 'dear' Liberty, if you say that we are the ones who have the final word then why wasn't I notified or even do any negotiations in the first place to prevent this from happening?[/quote]

    Peace will do what peace does but that does not mean dead people should have a final word (and in their defense claim it's in their description)
  18. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Glume in The Artisans Guild   
    Hey there. I hope its not against the rules for someone as fresh as me to submit an application. I made this sample a few hours ago. If you'd like to see more I can try to cook something else up real quick, but Im out of ideas for tonight.
    I didnt know what resolution the avatars are usually done in, so I fudged it...
    Let me know what you think!
  19. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Guybrush Threepwood in My Claim   
    I would clearly make a better God-King-Emperor-Guy. Why? Because I am at least already a Guy. There. Flawless logic, in your face and whatnot.
  20. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Raven in My Claim   
    No biggie Granos.

    People do it all day long today it seems. So go for it I guess.
  21. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Phantom Orchid in The New Reign Of The Sentinels   
    [quote name='Jester' date='13 September 2009 - 04:48 PM' timestamp='1252885726' post='41705']

    The peace that has been covering this realm like a plague has caused the inhabitants to become stagnant. Instead of learning and progressing, people have become secure with their ineptitude and do not work or grow. We plan on teaching them the folly of their ways. Khalazdad said that people must adapt and change in order to survive, and I plan on enforcing this lesson in the most brutal way possible.

    Do not misunderstand us, our purpose is not to cause pain and misery. We merely desire combat, true combat, not combat without meaning or purpose. Among our ranks there may be people who desire only to inflict suffering, but they are not representative of the views of the Sentinels as a whole.


    I am compelled to ask: What is your definition of war? In the homeland of my previous life, in the land of Druids, people did not frequently die in wars - they fought with (mostly) non-lethal means in order to settle differences. It was 'clean', clear cut - the victor was the one who either gained new hunting grounds, rode off on the opponent's horses, and/or settled in the more fertile lands, etc. It was ritualistic; there were ceremonies of blessing which celebrated the tangled dance of life and death. War was _not_ annihilation, neither destroyed nor decimated populations as a whole - suffering was never its purpose.

    And my second, and more important question is: Who are you fighting? Perhaps the purpose of combating stagnation (which equals death) is truly your ends, and we will just have to wait and see the answer to this question, but I do wonder who is responsible - in your opinion - for the peace and stagnation that plagues this realm.

    And my third, and even more important question is: What does the mighty land of Necrovian have to say when it speaks to you?

    May your sword ever remain as sharp as your wits,

    Priestess Orchid - Knight of the Full Moon
    Children of the Eclipse
  22. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    ...i dunno... you really made me re-think what i said,reconsider my opinion... [/i][/b]

    I think you just made my day.

    Yet i do not think RP should be based on game stats. at most on age - activity days - (assuming older means smarter :| )[/i][/b]

    Well I'm not one for assuming older means smarter, and I have to say in some ways I agree with you about the game stats role play thing, in other ways I agree with what others have said. I'm a little bit on the fence about that issue in honesty. If we take for example MRD, we all treat him as strong because we know he is very good at creature battles and can wipe the floor with a lot of people - we naturally do that in our role play (at least thats what I see for the most part) so that is based on game mechanics BUT, by the same token, I'm not sure a character with weak creature battling skills couldn't smash someone up RP wise. What if I have no creatures for you to fight and I have high VE (if i work on the game mechanics idea) well then...my character still has all his health to run around and leap about etc etc. And then there is the fact that if someone has 0 VE they should be dead...but nobody dies. So even the mechanics dont support the mechanics in some ways.

    I don't know, its a confusing issue for me. I try to work with both ideas personally: use game mechanics where you can because it makes it all the more realistic, and where you can't I'll react depending on how good the RP comes across to me.

    Some people don't like the RP fighting in game because we have a creature battle system, but...you can't fly through the air and dodge and ..well...have a story to go with it that way...and...well for me, that's far more fun - but unfortunately god-modding can get in the way of the fun of it, and all sorts of stuff and...Im going to start rambling now so I'll stop

  23. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Get ready for a long one...

    Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE.[/i][/b]
    In general Role Play games, your character description (in MD, that’s your papers for the most part) is there so that people playing with you are aware of what they see visually and potentially what they are or are not able to interact with in regards to you. That doesn’t mean you make a list of weaknesses you are correct. However, it does mean that your story should at the very least allude to them. Especially if you are playing something irregular that people won’t be able to draw conclusions from, because they arn’t inside your brain to see what you feel is obvious. Your papers are not your RP, so writing lies in them, in my opinion, is a terrible thing to do. Your papers/description are/is there for ooc informational purposes in order for those playing with you to be more well informed. If you don’t want someone to know something, then of course don’t put it there. Anything visual should be there because their character could see it anyway, other than that, it’s down to how well you interact with others in game as to whether you can pull something off or not.

    and no, RP shouldn't be based off game mechanics. it will simply spawn some gods into this world and trillions of weaklings crawling around.that would utterly squash the creativity of new players and make them leave the game before they even get a taste of it

    It's a bit hard with stats and trying to *hit* people that *dodge*, but I found my way around that and just cast a frog spell if necessary. They can't *resisted the spell with magical dragon scale armor* when they're clearly saying *ribbit*

    There are limits imposed by the game such as illusions[/i][/b] - (not a quote, but my summary of a post)

    This isn’t like any other live text based role play game. It isn’t a free world, there is a world built around you. That’s the confusing thing. You are born into Magic Duel as whatever age you choose, but no matter what age you are, you are still a new born. At least that’s how I see it. You worry about spawning gods....but you have no issue with god-modding...seems odd to me. Ud demonstrates the game mechanics in play there, so does Burns, I would have thought that that would be an adequate explanation no?

    you can't just make a program that stops you from saying *kills Mur*[/i][/b]
    No one suggested that. They just suggested that that was a very dull thing to do, and I’ll explain my view on that at the end of this post.

    Godmodders will always be here.[/i][/b]
    As long as you are happy for people to act in a certain way, they will. I could say...thieves will always be around, but I doubt that would stop you from installing an alarm system in your house. So you are correct, they will always be around , but I fail to see your point?

    Oh, and Udgard, asuming you were a new player, would you play this game for a year and a half, striving everyday to rise your stats, getting beaten up by older players, just to be allowed to say *attempts to kick X or Y*?!
    and then to be answered *dodges*!?[/i][/b]
    Have you considered why role play should be an attempt and not an act? As you said earlier, not all your information is likely in your papers. Only you truly know the limits and strengths of a well thought out character. As such, only you could say how they would or would not react, what they could or could not dodge. I could not just walk up to your character and hit him, for all I know your character might have the ability to dodge me very easily. I can go to hit you, I can try to hit you, but then you say whether I do or not. I give you that freedom and trust. I give you the freedom to show me what and who your character is, and in turn you give me the same respect and freedom. As a result we build both a knowledge of one another’s character and also a respect for each other’s actions. Sometimes I realise I will get hit, because you write the RP in a clear enough way, and I know my character well enough. It’s a story we build after all. One argument I hear often is “everyone wants to win though”, of course, and if you understand that properly, then sometimes you will allow yourself to get hit, sometimes you will lose. That’s called mutual respect. Of course sometimes enforced action will happen, more often than not when it is a friendly gesture, because the point is for everyone to feel involved, understood, and respected, and of course for the story to progress and build. The latter is a bit of a complicated one, but I think I've explained what I mean.

    roleplaying should consider what a character cannot do as much as what s/he can do.[/i][/b]
    Couldn’t agree more.

    you are trying to manipulate us, by using your influence in this game and what you have best here. Not like anything's wrong with that, but it's just the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of.

    the more you try to deny or forbid something, the more everybody will try to do it[/i][/b]

    It’s not about trying to deny or forbid you. It’s about making interaction just that, and not some grab for power or to demonstrate the girth, or lack of, in a certain area of your anatomy. It’s about making role play viable. When you say “you” are trying to manipulate “us”, could you clarify precisely what it is you mean by that?

    I don't play MD to fight. I play MD to interact with friends[/i][/b]
    This is the main thing really isn’t it. People role play... to play. If you choose to god-mod and you meet another god-modder then...no one will ever win or lose, there will be no story just a big bash up with very little of any interest for anyone else involved. Role play gets cut short so quickly because someone decides to just walk in somewhere, hack everyone to death, and walk out again. Is it really such a surprise then that people either ignore that sort of thing or argue with the person who did it? The god-modder has just walked into a piece of game play they don’t understand and have no part in (yet), then decide to obliterate it, ruining the game for everyone involved instead of adding to it. It is the same on a one on one basis too. Coming up to me and saying you chop Bob down accomplishes nothing, it doesn’t move the game forward, it doesn’t seem realistic and it doesn’t make me want to play with you. How about creeping along against the wall trying so Z doesn’t see you? Then Z might or might not see you. If he doesn’t see you, creep some more, then get to Bob, then get your axe out, run your thumb across it...do you see where I’m going with this? You elongate your actions, you make the game, you create the story, you make people want to play. For me, Burns (yes, shock horror, Burns, supposedly a grinder) is a very good example of someone who does this extremely well.

    Anyway, that's my two cents as you guys like to say.

  24. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Lady Renata in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Get ready for a long one...

    Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE.[/i][/b]
    In general Role Play games, your character description (in MD, that’s your papers for the most part) is there so that people playing with you are aware of what they see visually and potentially what they are or are not able to interact with in regards to you. That doesn’t mean you make a list of weaknesses you are correct. However, it does mean that your story should at the very least allude to them. Especially if you are playing something irregular that people won’t be able to draw conclusions from, because they arn’t inside your brain to see what you feel is obvious. Your papers are not your RP, so writing lies in them, in my opinion, is a terrible thing to do. Your papers/description are/is there for ooc informational purposes in order for those playing with you to be more well informed. If you don’t want someone to know something, then of course don’t put it there. Anything visual should be there because their character could see it anyway, other than that, it’s down to how well you interact with others in game as to whether you can pull something off or not.

    and no, RP shouldn't be based off game mechanics. it will simply spawn some gods into this world and trillions of weaklings crawling around.that would utterly squash the creativity of new players and make them leave the game before they even get a taste of it

    It's a bit hard with stats and trying to *hit* people that *dodge*, but I found my way around that and just cast a frog spell if necessary. They can't *resisted the spell with magical dragon scale armor* when they're clearly saying *ribbit*

    There are limits imposed by the game such as illusions[/i][/b] - (not a quote, but my summary of a post)

    This isn’t like any other live text based role play game. It isn’t a free world, there is a world built around you. That’s the confusing thing. You are born into Magic Duel as whatever age you choose, but no matter what age you are, you are still a new born. At least that’s how I see it. You worry about spawning gods....but you have no issue with god-modding...seems odd to me. Ud demonstrates the game mechanics in play there, so does Burns, I would have thought that that would be an adequate explanation no?

    you can't just make a program that stops you from saying *kills Mur*[/i][/b]
    No one suggested that. They just suggested that that was a very dull thing to do, and I’ll explain my view on that at the end of this post.

    Godmodders will always be here.[/i][/b]
    As long as you are happy for people to act in a certain way, they will. I could say...thieves will always be around, but I doubt that would stop you from installing an alarm system in your house. So you are correct, they will always be around , but I fail to see your point?

    Oh, and Udgard, asuming you were a new player, would you play this game for a year and a half, striving everyday to rise your stats, getting beaten up by older players, just to be allowed to say *attempts to kick X or Y*?!
    and then to be answered *dodges*!?[/i][/b]
    Have you considered why role play should be an attempt and not an act? As you said earlier, not all your information is likely in your papers. Only you truly know the limits and strengths of a well thought out character. As such, only you could say how they would or would not react, what they could or could not dodge. I could not just walk up to your character and hit him, for all I know your character might have the ability to dodge me very easily. I can go to hit you, I can try to hit you, but then you say whether I do or not. I give you that freedom and trust. I give you the freedom to show me what and who your character is, and in turn you give me the same respect and freedom. As a result we build both a knowledge of one another’s character and also a respect for each other’s actions. Sometimes I realise I will get hit, because you write the RP in a clear enough way, and I know my character well enough. It’s a story we build after all. One argument I hear often is “everyone wants to win though”, of course, and if you understand that properly, then sometimes you will allow yourself to get hit, sometimes you will lose. That’s called mutual respect. Of course sometimes enforced action will happen, more often than not when it is a friendly gesture, because the point is for everyone to feel involved, understood, and respected, and of course for the story to progress and build. The latter is a bit of a complicated one, but I think I've explained what I mean.

    roleplaying should consider what a character cannot do as much as what s/he can do.[/i][/b]
    Couldn’t agree more.

    you are trying to manipulate us, by using your influence in this game and what you have best here. Not like anything's wrong with that, but it's just the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of.

    the more you try to deny or forbid something, the more everybody will try to do it[/i][/b]

    It’s not about trying to deny or forbid you. It’s about making interaction just that, and not some grab for power or to demonstrate the girth, or lack of, in a certain area of your anatomy. It’s about making role play viable. When you say “you” are trying to manipulate “us”, could you clarify precisely what it is you mean by that?

    I don't play MD to fight. I play MD to interact with friends[/i][/b]
    This is the main thing really isn’t it. People role play... to play. If you choose to god-mod and you meet another god-modder then...no one will ever win or lose, there will be no story just a big bash up with very little of any interest for anyone else involved. Role play gets cut short so quickly because someone decides to just walk in somewhere, hack everyone to death, and walk out again. Is it really such a surprise then that people either ignore that sort of thing or argue with the person who did it? The god-modder has just walked into a piece of game play they don’t understand and have no part in (yet), then decide to obliterate it, ruining the game for everyone involved instead of adding to it. It is the same on a one on one basis too. Coming up to me and saying you chop Bob down accomplishes nothing, it doesn’t move the game forward, it doesn’t seem realistic and it doesn’t make me want to play with you. How about creeping along against the wall trying so Z doesn’t see you? Then Z might or might not see you. If he doesn’t see you, creep some more, then get to Bob, then get your axe out, run your thumb across it...do you see where I’m going with this? You elongate your actions, you make the game, you create the story, you make people want to play. For me, Burns (yes, shock horror, Burns, supposedly a grinder) is a very good example of someone who does this extremely well.

    Anyway, that's my two cents as you guys like to say.

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    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to phantasm in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    plus lucius is one of the best rpers in the game...both in my opinion and fact...id take what he says to heart
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