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Everything posted by LunarGoddess

  1. *laughs at Metal Bunny* Okay.

  2. *smiles* Hello!
  3. LunarGoddess

    I'm back!

    *smiles and hugs Jazira* Welcome back.
  4. [quote name='Burns' post='30421' date='May 5 2009, 11:17 PM']hot-fix: refresh your browser and you'll be out on the map again real fix: that thing is caused by background images as far as i know, reseize it and you should be done with the problem... the necros always had that trouble because they wanted pitch-black backgrounds...[/quote] I can't edit my papers to resize anything. [quote name='lightsage' post='30428' date='May 6 2009, 01:52 AM']It has to do with not properly closing your tags (or in the wrong place), Lib helped me last time I screwed up and closed them (when you notice DO NOT CLOSE YOUR PAGES, right click on your papers and click back, fix it and save again)[/quote] [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' post='30430' date='May 6 2009, 02:24 AM']This is a really common problem with MD papers so don't panic because it is fixable (although incredibly annoying I know). It tends to come either from trying to do some complex HTML and forgetting to end the script, or, one of the headings in the blog style editor has a tendancy to push your frame out of sync and make it really wide (in this case try highlighting some text and pushing your mouse to the right to scroll sideways and find your buttons to edit and fix the issue). Might not be your issue, but those tend to be the reasons in my experience. If you need a hand, you know where to find me. Z[/quote] I might have forgotten to close a tag, but I have done that before and the buttons never dissapeared. But if that is the case, I can't edit anything.
  5. I really like this idea. So I guess I 9th it. *smiles*
  6. I was editing my papers, which went fine. But when I was done editing my papers if found that the buttons edit and okay are no longer at the bottom of my papers. They aren't anywhere. So now I can't edit or exit my papers. I assume no body can exit them. Can someone help me with this? Any way to fix it?
  7. *steals a kiss* it's mine now *smiles*

  8. *smiles* Happy Birthday.
  9. *chews on the corner of a piece of paper that says man pretty*

  10. This kind of sounds like it will depend on how fast your computer is. People with slow computers wouldn't stand a chance, while those with fast computers would have no problem. I don't think this is a good idea, it doesn't have anything to do with your skills and knowledge of MD, just how fast your computer is.
  11. I agree. *smiles* Was just hoping.
  12. I kind of want to hear from the other accounts that vandalized Demo. An apology maybe? Or at least an explanation.
  13. *smiles and waves* Hello!

  14. *smiles* This is going to be fun.
  15. *smiles and waves* Hello and welcome to MagicDuel!
  16. I don't think that there is a lot of people drawing things for MD right now. Only a couple people I think. So it might be a while before new avatars come out.
  17. *smiles and waves* Hello.

  18. I get these messages all the time when I click the star filter "o". Doesn't really bother me. I imagine all alliance members get these messages, I guess they don't show up until you click star filter "o".
  19. Every once in a while someone opens Necro, I just watch the triggers box and wait for it to open. Then I go running to Necro. I'm not sure how to get into GG.
  20. *smiles* Welcome to MagicDuel.
  21. *twitches*...Caffeine????

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