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Everything posted by Burns

  1. the adept system makes it easier to get a hold of the game mechanics, as teachers get a small bonus for their adepts and adepts get to know the knowledge of his/her teacher^^ just run around a bit ingame and try to find someone who looks thrustworthy and can help efficiently in chat, most ppl like having adepts, and some of the players here know quite a lot about the things happening in and around the game once you found someone, teachers will tell you secrets about the game and helpful tips as pm to make sure only you get them and not other players who read the chat logs in exchange for you becoming an adept of them
  2. that happens sometimes, i'd suggest to take it easy, you can't do anything against it atm BUT liberty says that a good way to get rid of attackers in the dojo will be implemented soon, just read the forum on repeated aggressors right here in the dojo section^^ i know that "taking it easy" is quite hard for you right now, but there really is nothing you can do except for telling the dojo staff about it-.-
  3. ok, now that's a way of punishment i can figure out, i don't want to go into the details of it (spoiler) but i know what ppl like dst can do to users, even without using spells :lol: i hope that message goes out to all those mp4s that continously violate the dojos rules... and i'm really looking forward to those punishments liberty is talking about, it makes life at dojo much more fun when the complaints "xxx attacked me again, do something" stop
  4. what exactly is the point of that list anyway? "the dojo guards will hunt you"...meaning what? that you have to set more def rits? it's not like there are people with extraordinary powers hopping around the world, checking the list and bewitching ppl who are on it with spells that make them unable to attack or stealing all their ve whenever they see them... If you mess with certain people from the dojo, you can either talk it out or take their wrath, that's your choice, but no matter whether you are on that list or not, you can find people who will exchange wins or grant you easy xp in dojo and outside dojo. and as long as you don't loose anything for being on that list, like the ability to chat within the dojo or the ability to see the playerlist in the dojo, there's no point in "getting off the list", is there? lateron, there might be more severe punishments (the two i just wrote might be nice^^) and ways to get off the list again once you are on it, but for the time being, it's just a collection of users who obviously don't use the dojo and who might get attacked inside and who will most likely get loads of pm they will delete before reading them :lol: don't get me wrong, i think that punishing violators in some way is important to keep the dojo running, but i don't see the ways for it atm...
  5. it's some sort of "refreshing" counter. You might have noticed that you don't loose ap and ve instantly when you lose then, they only get updated when you refresh magicduel (F5) or when that little golden bar that runs around that circle reaches it's top position and it glows for a moment. If you don't believe this, try it out, walk around a bit and look at your ap, they get updated when the circle glows^^ ps: that thing doesn't always take a minute to make a full turn, it has funny intervalls sometimes
  6. I'd say that this feature would make "hit and run" far too easy, and way too many players would exploit it when implemtented with all the features you are asking for (players in same mp, players who can be attacked, players with low vit and so on) I have to say that i'd like to see who worshipps whom, as some players are asking other players not to attack if they have the same "master", but all the other features come in handy only for the players who want to bash other players, and therefore i would not appreciate if they were implemented i have to give in that i was using the "hit and run" stragety for some time too, but it's far more fun if there's a chance for the other players to bash back before someone vanishes again, and if the feature was there, weak players would be in an area for about 30 secs before leaving again, and that would take all the fun out of the game^^
  7. first of all @ blood moon: glaistig is not telling the truth, at least not the whole truth^^ with his 300 attack (and his other stats, which i know from watching his profile) he/she's really not one of the storngest mp5 players, but a long way from as weak as he tells you here xD i myself have quite miserable stats for an mp5 ( 120 att, 200 def, all the other things 40 or less) but still manage to play good because i sozialize with people! All you have to do is finding someone who needs anything (easy wins on critters or losses are best to give away at my postion, as i'm very very very off-balance atm (400 win to 600 losses)) and then get something back from time to time, example: ghost hunter was asking for victorious battles a few weeks ago, and seeing a chance, i started to attack him with a rit that could never possible win and that gave him a vic almost everytime. Lateron, he tried to get losses, which i happily gave him. Now he remembers my name, and whenever we meet, he kindly uses his amazing vit to give me easy xp, which are very hard to acquire for me in regular battles atm, making me stronger than i could ever have grown without help! All that stupid babbling is just to say that everyone can win when one finds helpers, and i know very few people who can grow really strong on his / her own. to come back to the idea: i dislike the idea of bounty-hunting people who violate the dojo, it really is enough punishment if those people don't get help in the dojo, which they will need in the long run. Even if they have a friend who helps them, there will come a time when one freind alone is not enough for that player, and everybody who thinks he can manage on his /her own, here's a warning: i tried to do that, and it didn't get me anywhere except on the hate list of the folks i killed!!! And meanwhile, you really need to set up defence rits ( yeah i know it's hard if you have no high elemental and no high tree, but it can be done) to save your critters from being killed while training, you have 16 slots and can only use 6 critters in a training rit, so it shouldn't be a real problem, seeing that not many people attack in the dojo like madmen^^ p.s.: there's n o need for a def rit to stand chances to win!! just set a fresh grasan and let him die in a 0%-vit rit, there's no need to set a def rit that wins the incoming battles, because that WON'T WORK, there's always people who can bash you with no troubles at all^^
  8. one raises in mind power when one has enough wins and /or xp to level up, if you choose only one principle, fine, that's your own way to play the game, but your mind power is high enough to handle 4 principles from now on, and later even 5 when you raise to mp5 it doesn't matter how many principles you actually choose, mind power is just the limit on principles, not a counter on how many principles you play with
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