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Everything posted by Burns

  1. LOL lib lost the heads for losing, but still won the contest overall, that's what the "i still won" means =D
  2. severin is talking about the story you play at the beginning (with killing the shades and stuff) (yes, some people actually manage to get stuck there xD), but i don't think that's your problem, that doesn't fit with the screen you posted... if you were actually stuck in story, the game would tell you what to do, and not show you an error nobody knows =D
  3. Just...great... the slideshow on the left side...the screens from king mur himself...everything is just great^^ ps: the .:HOME:. button bugs me a bit...it doesn't fit with all the other artwork on the page... maybe a simple shade of grey - brown would fit better than violet...and another font, maybe [font="Book Antiqua"]Book Antiqua[/font], or [font="Century Gothic"]Century Gothic[/font]^^ plus, it should be either on every page or on none (i'd prefer on none, the navigation on top is cool enough) but that's just me searching for hair in the soup =) it's still great^^
  4. what about seeing the newspaper as advanced AL? i'm sure you (myrrh, i naturally assume you are editor in chief^^) could find loads of reporters writing about events for you, both what really happens and they have witnessed AND (much cooler) all sorts of pieces that improve people's personal role^^ the really hard work for you would be coordinating your permanent reporters and choosing which (amateur-) article should come out first, because you will be flooded with pieces if the idea comes out =D maybe manu could even make a new part of the 'right side'( where rpc list and AL are now) with the 'MD post' or whatever you want to call it
  5. it's not a stealer... grasans have a weaken power of 150, don't they? =D i never watched them that closely, i just watched the damage raising per turn xD
  6. no, there are no special creatures you get for being in an ally x( if you have read closely, GG-members can't enter GG freely... by being in an ally, you gain a homeland and house bonus on your stats, homeland bonus being constant and house bonus altering with the number of other ally-members online (eg if 4 members are online, you get 8% of the max house bonus) yes, we can fight other players normally (8 min on normal players, 1 hour on other allies), and we gain loyalty from winning against other ally-members and lose some loyalty for losing against other ally-members^^ cons: there are none =D except that you lose loyalty, and that you will be asked all sorts of stupid questions by n00bs because they think you are a god-like being...if none of these two things bug you, there are really no cons
  7. dst, you can't see it because you are in an ally ;-) neither can i, for that matter... but hey, who cares for honor, the system tells you once you go under -500, and as long as that doesn't happen, why should i mind my honor? there's nothing you can gain from having high honor anyway =D
  8. i'd love it if the honor system was gone for good, there was a lot of clamoring about it...now ppl will have to find a new feature that bugs them, i wonder what's going to be the next^^ another question: why sheath? i don't get it... can anyone explain me what's meant with that? giving up includes sheathing one's sword, i know that much, but i don't get how it fits with the new way to say win, which is sword... the winner gives the loser the deadly blow with the SWORD while the loser is holding his SHEATH up to sheath his sword as gesture of retreating? or does he block the blow with the sheath? why not with the sword? please explain^^
  9. i started out of boredom...seriously, i'm not making fun of IAB here^^ last summer right after my finals, i just did not know what to do with all my time...i temporarily forgot what living meant because i had spent more than 6 weeks learning for the exams, so i started google-ing for browser-based rpgs that are running slow, not like WoW which consumes you totally for hours at a time, and there was MD... xD i stayed because i was free to leave whenever i want to (paradox, ain't it? =D), nobody in here is dependent on the fact that i'm online and shoot something or heal someone or even talk about something... whenever i feel the urge to do something else, i just leave, and whenever i have nothing better to do, i come back again, and it's always instant fun, that's why i love the game so much =)
  10. Now, what do you think? Official discussion for the latest change...oh, i have waited sooo long for te moment i can say that^^ Mods, if you find it appropriate to drag this topic to contests sub-forum, please do so, but i have posted it here because i want to know what people think about that special idea, NOT what they think about the Head Contest in general or how that rule f**ks their personal contest up, there's no need for another ranting forum... PS: I wonder how many players will choose option two ;-)
  11. i don't say it should be too easy, i'd even say it should be very hard, but i won't say that mp5 are better than mp3 when it comes to solving riddles, either ;-) if the quest for the custom creature was to be a riddle, every user in the whole world has about the same chances of solving it, and if it's a battle-quest, mp5 would have greater chances for sure, but i'm sure a mp3 who knows what he's doing can defeat wodin and maybe even dst if they have a rit that may not change for the whole quest-thingy... plus, i don't think it's fair to exclude the freshmen from the fun =P
  12. it is, but i was thinking about mp3s here... personally, i would get myself a critter with regen multi and insane vitality^^ but if you give mp3 the opportunity to make any creature the want, it's going to be a stupid war machine, even when grasans are quite good for that, the will always need another one... they just don't care for regeners, healers or steal life-critters, because the simple damage dealer is the one who decides the outcome of the fight in mp3, and if that damager has some init of about 10, it will kill three enemies with first strike, deciding the battles all alone...and taking the fun out of it...=(
  13. why would the shadowguards fight you, dst?
  14. maybe it's a bug mur caused while implementing all those new clickable things round here... let's see what happens after manu's done with all the new developments he's implementing right now
  15. there have been suggestions about leech spells, but that would give us the same picture as deleting the cap once and for all, because you could just go to the leech-master and ask for another reset... i think it is not possible to make one attack work different for different mps...and if you make a new critter only mp5 can get, most players would be really pissed because SOME always manage to get all the creatures they want on mp3...i think i have even seen a lvl 4 drachorn on mp3 once O_o plus, to tell the truth, there are only about 5 players with (more than one!!) fullgrown trees on mp4, and none on mp3 because they consume too many xp for max lvl anyway, and the player xp bug was cleansed for all mp lower than 5, so you run on a veeery low risk of losing all your precious xp^^ i know it's annyoing, even for veterans when they are trying to train one creature, but it's all we have atm...
  16. well, who knows what mur is doing right now, maybe he has finally found a way, that madness state is really long now^^ and the ratio 10-1 is not that bad, after all you don't meet a regen rit every 20 battles, do you? i have met about ten unprepared in over 4000 fights up to now...but maybe i'm the exception to the rule xD if the ratio win-loss was 1-1, the game would die out, simply because people don't have the time to find loss-partners for every single xp they want to win... people just NEED regen rits with losses over 150k so they can keep on playing... and, as you have surely read, there are ideas to un-set the cap for highest level, but that would lead the whole game ad absurdum...imagine you could grow and grow and grow endlessly, there would be just one reason to play: beat the high score...and that would destroy the whole 'life' of MD, making it a simple beat em up with gods running around and bashing everybody just for the sake of bashing people because they grow on bashing everyone... with the system the way it is, you are (nearly) safe from god-attacks, because most people who are really strong know that the only way of growing stronger is beating strong players, bashing weaklings wouldn't give you the stat and xp reward you want to have for the player xp you need to lose again... it's kind of hard work to lose xp, so we want a good reward for the xp we gain again from winning a fight =D
  17. there are ways of gaining special stats, i don't yet know them all because i'm focusing on regen and attack, but if you ask dst, he could tell you the very rit for every stat you want (except init maybe, i think that one is the toughest to farm...)
  18. i definitely love it, but i think that it would not increase the "uniqueness"... after all, most players would take strong damagers to raise other critters, only very few would choose another option, and of course everyone would take the highest stat they can get... after all, that would lead to hundreds of different pics for the same creature with, let's say, 200 damage multiple, 50 def and 15 init (just numbers, didn't really think trough it all the way xD) but i would love it anyway, even facing the fact that my special critter would look like a kindergarden-picture xD
  19. there's no more sympathy left to lose ;P and i didn't want to insult you in any way, it was just so funny that dst linked to the same topic xD and a bug has to be there before it's a bug, so it was a game mechanism before it was declared a bug, right?^^ and mur wanted to solve that mechanism because it's really annoying sometimes, but on the other hand, if that bug was not there, he would have loads of mp5 who can't train critters anymore and would most likely leave the game... and there are are not that many people who set such "xp traps" for their own private pleasure, there are only some who have them always and some who have them to help others losing xp, if you attack random players and avoid some like no one, dst, stf, anubarak ect.ect., you will win xp in the long run^^ and it's still a bug in most peoples eyes, but one we have learned to cope with and even exploit it whenever we want our players xp reset, there are worse bugs in the game -.- your choices are simple: live with the bug and get angry when you meet a "trap" and write the player down so you don't attack him again, OR ask people before attacking them when you need some xp really bad, there are always those who are willing to help OR leave our community (that would be a loss, because you seem to be both nice and intelligent =)) ps: there are not that many people who are able to raise an army that will give you a massive xp loss, and losing 3k is not really that bad, is it? that only about 10 small wins ;-)
  20. Maybe dst wants to say something special with that...maybe he suggests redsun has problems reading topics before posting in them xD and i would be soooo glad if everybody had a tree rit set, it's hard to loose xp if you have only little time... and redsun, of course there's always the chance of losing a battle, and sometimes, you lose more than vit, so put up with it or stop attacking random people ;-) EDIT: yep, i've faced the problem myself, right when i started mp5, i attacked STF and No One, and all of a sudden, my two da3 (my best critters back then) were back to 0 xp, just to make sure you don't claim that i wouldn't know what i'm talking about, hitting the cap myself... i do know what it's like =D
  21. hmm...illus... would it be available to everyone who wants to take part if it was based on illusions, or just to those few who advance to a level when illus can be used? But i get what you mean...maybe some sort of spell that the 'chess master' could cast on those who want to participate, something like an extended dream state... Personally, i like bored's idea better, and it needs some more serious considering how many critters every player should get, and which... at first i thought of one of each (maxed) kind, but then again, that would not leave enough choice for setting different strategies...(thinking about rits with more than one ele, or more than one grasan). On the other hand, if you gave every player 6 of every kind, there would soon be one 'god-rit' (you can imagine a few very very nasty things a player can set with all the creature's he wants to, but one would turn out to be the nastiest) and then, the normal game would lose it's fun because everyone would try to get that very rit ingame, not caring about stats, tactics and abilities anymore if an advanced player told them about those methods to ensure his/her party wins the game... i have no idea how that dilemma could be solved, but it's better than letting people fight with their own creatures and stats for sure, imagine mp3 or mp4 would want to participate, would it be fun for them anymore if we told them 'well sorry, you can't play chess because you are too weak and your critters are not strong enough to kill ours'?? They can even compete successfully in the head contest, and that really is about strenght, so why exclude them for a simple game of chess, which is brains only, no muscles?
  22. i think the rewards are way too high... and it would be quite unfair because players like dst are straight out stronger than others... i think there should be a combination of 20-25 creatures (chosen with the help of dst and no one, if they want to help) some given stats for all players, so really everyone in the game has the same chances and it really comes down to strategy, i mean, the pawns CAN kill the king in chess... the game should be faster, because if two or three chess pros per team can talk out the next move for hours, it will lose it's fun, i'd suggest one move per ~ 2 minutes, so there's the real chance of making mistakes... and the rewards should not be that high, it would enable mp4's to become gods...i rather suggest only a vit reward, maybe a luck or regen reward, but the other stats influence the game too much, and of course players should be able to participate more than once, but only 'win' in the way of gaining something for it one time (like head contest)^^
  23. Playername: Burns ID:53832 I lost my Ava (Freddy-like Creature), and i got kicked out of Golemus Ally, and I'm trapped in GG... Now I'm back on Ally again (ty Light) and i guess i can teleport out once our leader is out again, but my Ava is still lost-.- i have neither a description nor a tag bug, though =)
  24. not sure whether it's an illusion bug or a general bug with mp7 or just something i don't understand, so here's the full battle log: ~~VICTORIOUS!~~ 0% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: 0 Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 1 loyalty for loosing this fight *** todo help after fight Casualties: Enemy:100%, You:0% heat You: 706, Enemy: 0 logsize:57 usevitality:100 strategy:546597 looser:E actionnr:4 rounds:0 E lost: 1063vit; A lost: vit; Array ( [vars] => Array ( [statsVp] => 171.831 [statsXpl] => 1.353 [statsAct] => 0 ) [character] => Array ( [regeneration] => 0 [luck] => 0 [energeticimmun] => 0 [tradesense] => 0 [briskness] => 0 [initiative] => 0 [defence] => 0 [attack] => 0.10824 [power] => 0 ) [something] => 1 ) FULL LOG: FumaKilla the Brave is preparing new random strategy Load Burns creatures Load FumaKilla the Brave creatures Influences for Burns: creatureboost ###### COMBO: Adding 293 combo vitality bonus for this ritual Applying 100% of Burns's energetic influence Applying 55% of FumaKilla the Brave's energetic influence Burns's Chaos Archer does damage to all creature(s) of FumaKilla the Brave and: - Aramor receives 281 damage creature DIES! - Water Daimon I receives 269 damage creature DIES! - Aramor receives 281 damage creature DIES! - Aramor receives 281 damage creature DIES! - Scout receives 284 damage creature DIES! - Aramor Warrior receives 280 damage and remains with 290 vitality Burns's Heretic Archer II does damage to weak creature(s) of FumaKilla the Brave and: - Aramor Warrior receives 196 damage and remains with 94 vitality Burns's Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of FumaKilla the Brave and: - Aramor Warrior receives 224 damage creature DIES! Burns's Elemental V cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ... Burns WINS! Creature Experience reward for Burns - Winning player Elemental V gaines 177 Xp and a won battle Chaos Archer gaines 177 Xp and a won battle Dark Archer III gaines 177 Xp and a won battle Heretic Archer II gaines 177 Xp and a won battle BloodPact Dark Archer gaines 177 Xp and a won battle lil\' Giant gaines 177 Xp and a won battle Creature Experience reward for FumaKilla the Brave - Losing player No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Winner gets won fights counter incremented! Looser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented! happened when fighting fuma while he was mp2, maybe the rules of mp3(??) were applied and i got a vic without fulfilling the vic-criterias we face at mp4/5... [color="#0000FF"]Have you tried to replicate this or was just one shot? Cause sometimes the system reacts different that it is set to act... dst[/color] [color="#FF8C00"]replicated it: i got a vic 0%-100% again when attacking mp2s with my archers, but i got the normal win (non-vic) for killing mp7 0%-100%[/color] [color="#0000FF"] Hmmm...ok. I will try to test this tonight. dst[/color]
  25. Burns


    we are still in the realms of MD, rolplaying is still up if you want it to be^^ but it's your choice...even Tarquinius drops his role on the forum (sometimes...) and it's not embarrassing to roleplay here, it's fun for everyone who's listening =)
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