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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Burns

    Amoran's Dream

    I'd like to bring in a new idea: Amoran could flee and wait for KK to calm down a bit, and ask for some help on that matter. I don't think that fighting is a good solution, as some posts have already elaborated, but convincing KK might end bad, too, simply because KK seems to think that she is WAY stronger than Amoran and won't listen to her, but turn her reasons down as a weaklings struggle for surviving and kill her anyway to show that she is right and Amoran is wrong. So i'd suggest that Amoran flees her sister and gets help from someone really strong, maybe ren, who helped her in AL up to now, who can fend off KK for some time so Amoran has a chance to talk to KK without the constant fear of being stabbed^^ Facing your dark side is a heroic and cool thing to do (anybody here knowing the Legend of Zelda? ), but it ends bad if you are not strong enough to kick your shadow's butt... I don't suggest that Kala is dark and Amoran bright, of course, but Kala is the one who seeks combat, while Amoran avoids it at most times, so, together with the assumption that Kala brought them to the Accursed Growth (which must not necessarily be true, maybe Amoran went there, dizzy as she was, she might well have mistaken necro and lore and just dreamed to be in loreroot while she actually went through outer Necrovion...), i think we can call kala the 'darker side' for the time being^^ I'd further suggest that Amoran should not only talk about how sad Kala would be if she killed her, but also tell Kala that she is a part of her and that she might become a mindless battle machine if she got rid of Amoran by slaying her, like back then with Khalazdad, who needed his bright side to become the Balanced, so she might have a good chance if she told her sister that it would be against all her selfish reasons to kill a part of her I hope that makes sense and helps people to come out of this unharmed^^
  2. Happy new year!! and there's 364 days, 23 hours and 6 mins left of 2009 for me right now =) have fun, and hopefully you survive the hangover^^
  3. your parents eat the cookies, and an angel brings the gifts and lights the candles, i thought everyone knew that... i wonder if anybody here knows that tale, watching the x-mas movies, i get the strange feeling that the fat red guy is more common than the christmas angel in most countries ... PS: kiddies, don't drink coke, you see how fat you grow when you do it!! :lol:
  4. is there a school for that sort of sarcasm? i want to have some^^ seriously, wander, you get all sorts of advertisements more than once, think only of the stupid protector PM's, those few extra from Glai won't hurt you xD oh, and while i'm here, i'd still like to be in the staff of the paper, i like little work and long deadlines, and i know about some of the things going on ingame, as i'm online for training quite a lot =)
  5. MD land wars is a bit different from San Andreas Wars, i guess xD and it wouldn't make sense if dst and no one competed (sorry guys, you know i like you both, but you just play unfair =P) in the land wars... remember the last disaster? -.- i like the idea of GTA wars, though... maybe that could be fun, if the original state is brought back once the contest is over, and the winning ally gets a small bonus until the next war starts (not permanently, there are not enough allies to give away perm boni for winning such a war...) on the other hand, if the war lasts to long, people who die in the first hours will get bored, and if it was too short, some allies wouldn't have a realistic chance (like if most strong members from one ally come from US, and the war starts at 10 am server time and ends after 3 hours, that wouldn't be very fair...) plus, land wars are either boring or even annoying to non-allie players, and that number is rather large and should therefore be considered... if they can die in the war, but not kill, the fun is totally spoiled for them... and excluding them seems unfair LOL all in all, i don't think that such wars would be a good idea, but i still like the idea =)
  6. panem et circenses, right? xD it makes sense that players who already won a contest can't compete anymore, but it was kinda funny =( and even though i liked the contest very much, i also like that i'm once and for all out of it, nobody can ask me for favors anymore, and i don't have to deny most of them anymore^^ plus, i think we can find ways to entertain ourselves without HC, best example: the loreroot battle tournament =) just find some players who like to battle (with monsters, mind or any other means you can imagine), set a few rules and enjoy the fun =D
  7. i wonder what's going to happen with head-hiding-accs, now that dst is able to shu them to the gazebo xD imagine they sign in and stand at the gazebo, where the hungry mob is waiting for blood *hehe* and another thing about the differences between mps: surely you will have freshmen and experienced players in every mp, but the difference is much greater in mp3 than in mp5... i remember my very first hc, i had just registered on 25th and then tried to compete with two aramor warrior , a lvl 2 grasan and two heretic archer 2 LOL you will also have pacts, organized teams and backstabbing in every mp, just think of the MRs, they alone are in every mp, and once gathered 15k heads for their group... they gave up their plan on 1st, else they could have done whatever they wanted to the head contest, right liberty? =P also, i think that it will be a LOT harder to win the contest by teaming up if head-hiders will actually be shu-ed (remeber, there are no rules on what people can and can't do with that spell), which gives a huge advantage to mp3 with good critters, and brings a bit more balance in the mp4 contest, even if one has a superb rit, they don't have the stats to survive 3 good attacks in a row, given the stat damage the heads do... that doesn't apply to the mp3 grasans, because heads don't give neg stats, as far as i know, and NO mp3 has the stats to kill 6 grasans with anything less than 5 grasans/chaos archers xD and it'll get even more fun with the new spells-system, now it will maybe get a contest without spells for real^^
  8. lib, are you talking out of experience when saying that mp5 is not organized? ;-) still, i think that mp5 is more balanced, and you can easily make it if you find just one or two good friends who help you out a bit^^ on mp3 it's a massacre...those few who have the age for a good rit rule the contest same goes for mp4, for that matter, those who were told what max birds do win the contest... just take a look at the highscores in mp4, that's riddiculous, people seem to have no enemies there (at least none who have what it takes to harm them xD) so, i think that lib is right when saying that it's easier to win at mp5 for 'normal' players, but alts or players with experienced friends have better chances at mp3
  9. Burns

    Wish Shop

    i was thinking about that, but what would be the sense of getting the critters for wp when you calculate the costs like that? anyone who is right in his mind would choose the creds then, simply because they give something more than just the creature xD and i don't think that rpc's give wp away for free, do they? and as far as i see the quests around here (and i saw every single quest in the past 5 months), no RPC was giving away wishpoints easily... in fact, it easier to get all inner magic docs than a single wishpoint :lol:
  10. Burns

    Wish Shop

    I seem to be not the only one to vote yes, but the first (EDIT: second by 3 mins ) to actually suggest an idea xD i'd like the option of getting premium creatures for wishpoints: aramor assasin and bloodpact archer for 1 wp joker and santa for 2 wp rusty and nutcracker for 3 wp as getting wishpoints is not exactly easy, i think that prices are high enough... i'd also like an option of a vp reset for 1 wishpoint... after losing xp, one could need such a reset sometimes =)
  11. that just means that at the end of the battle, your opponent had only 53% of the vit left he had when starting the fight, the % do not give a good image of the actual results, because they don't include the damage and healing that has been done while the battle was running. example: if you heal 10k over the time and get 10k damage from your opponent, the outcome will be a 0% for you. If you regen over your max health (like when using a hollow warrior on a full creature), you gain vit-points, but they won't be there in battle, so your opponent can't take them down anymore. If you do that and gain 10k through it, and then take 5k damage, the outcome might be something like 50%, 20% or 80%, depending on how much vit you had when starting, but the xp will get calculated from the actual gains and losses while battle, like 5k damage plus 10k negative damage => -5k xp that's what happend to you, because losing 70k is just not possible when your opponent doesn't do regen xD
  12. it's quite easy: you get 1 xp for every single point of damage you deal to your opponent. that means, if your opponent starts with an overall vit of 15k points and you kill him off, you get 15k xp, devided up on all your surviving creatures. If he starts at 12k and you only manage to get him down to 2k before the battle ends, you get 10k xp. You can even lose the battle and still gain xp, like you start with 20k, your opponent with 10k, and the battle ends when you are at 5k and you opponent at 4k, you would still get 6k xp (devided on your survivng creatures). But, if you think that further, getting one xp for one point damage leaves a little gate open for losses, too. If your opponent starts at 10k and goes up to 15k before the battle ends, he has healed 5k vit, and that's the same as if you were dealing a negative damage of 5k, if you get what i mean. So, if 4k vit you take from your opponent makes 4k xp PLUS on your creatures, it also means that if your opponent gains 5k / loses -5k vit, that outcome will give you NEGATIVE 5k xp, making you lose 5k xp on the creatures in the fight. and the high number only results from the simple fact that your opponent knew what he was doing and doesn't want to be attacked xD
  13. the log won't help you in any way, Death Bell... i can summarize one for you xD the usual blah blah (energetic influences, pray power etc.) dst's Ghost does chaotic damage to all creatures of anyone: -1 receives 2800 damage and DIES! -2 receives 2965 damage and DIES! -3 receives 3012 damage and DIES! -4 receives 8695 damage (luck: double effect) and DIES! -5 receives 4831 damage and DIES! -6 receives 5023 damage and DIES! dst's Ghost can't find any targets dst wins, me gets humiliated, loss points counter increased! that's all the log tells you, you will need to find the way to set a Ghost, not only which creatures dst uses in it ;-)
  14. just a little log i just got that might fit in here... can you find out who did that to my poor creatures? xD FULL LOG: Load Burns creatures Load xxxxxxxxxx creatures Influences for Burns: regenaura ###### COMBO: Adding 1853 combo vitality bonus for this ritual Applying 100% of Burns's energetic influence Applying 100% of xxxxxxx's energetic influence xxxxxxxx's Chaos Archer does damage to all creature(s) of Burns and: - Chaos Archer receives 3040062 damage creature DIES! - Alucard receives 3040027 damage creature DIES! - Bladerunner receives 3040045 damage creature DIES! - Pimped Grasan receives 3040084 damage creature DIES! - Grasan Huvourer receives 3040085 damage creature DIES! - Animated Tree I receives 3040077 damage creature DIES! ###### START ROUND 1 ###### xxxxxxx's Chaos Archer cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ... xxxxxxxxx WINS! nice, ain't it? LOL
  15. you shouldn't open your gifts before murmas... naughty naughty =P but, i have to give in that i'm a bit naughty, too... i already opened all 4 big presents =P i got 3 times +1 point on every stat, and once 6k vit plus 4k value^^ i've also tried a few of the cookies, and they didn't seem to change my max vit... they just gave me some temp extra vit =)
  16. i'm not sure whether punctation signs will help =P but anyway, the lags are gone for me... at least they didn't come up in the last 20 mins, so i guess whatever spooked the server is over *hooray*
  17. i'm not sure whether it's a bug with the game or a problem with my connection, but i'm having extreme lags in the last few hours... by massive meaning lags of up to 2 minutes occuring every 3 minutes -.- i've done the normal things: clear chache and cookies, reboot, reconnect with i-net, all the list up and down... any other suggestions / other people having the same troubles?
  18. i guess it makes more sense if you actually know star wars ep 1 xD great work anyway, i love that sort of things =D
  19. Burns

    md shop bug

    i lost every extra feature except for calendar search, and i had some really good left =( on the other hand, my perm boosters are fully there, including the new extra vp and ve upgrade
  20. could it be that your rit was attacked and the guy who killed it used a burst to make the battle log vanish?
  21. O_o i think i've just seen the strangest incident so far in MD... someone tells dst how to test a bug
  22. BETTER and faster way, indeed^^ you can get about 8k a week if you know how to do it =P
  23. that occured in the last test war... mur made people in the alliances actually die when they got defeated by another ally member, and dst started killing everything he saw LOL there were about 30 corpses hanging around, and the spirits were allowed to chat in the location they died, but nothing else, i f i remember correctly...
  24. Burns would love to join the fun, too^^
  25. well,m if you are an mp4 for two months, you are a veteran more or less, so you might probably not get moire than 8 shots at the lottery anyway, and the price i suggested will keep you away from upgrading/buying for roughly a week, so if you need to upgrade something, you won't play the lottery in that week anyway xD and it's very very unlikely that a player ever wins anything, as there are probably 200 competing and only 3 win something in mp4, making the chance of winning a joker 1/200 * 8 -> the chance to hit a joker within 8 times of playing the lottery is 4%, so out of 100 gamers only approximately 4 get ONE premium creature, but about 40-50 of those who don't get one face one in combat and then think 'uh, that mob is really strong, i should get one myself' and buy it in the shop^^ the lottery would therefore most likely get more people to buy credits, and is just a little gimmick for all those who already have bought some, like, getting another blood pact for free is not that bad, is it? =D and most other rewards are just not that good for showing off =P EDIT: [url="http://www.pokerlistings.com/poker-rules-texas-holdem"]texas hold'em rules[/url] that's the most common (easiest) style of poker, and the rules are quite good explained there^^
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