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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. Hiria Sticky Goop
  2. Thank you Amoran , I was aiming for more of a ritualistic approach and all I did was just state what was in the picture not what the table, knife with blood on it, or what the cup of red liquid was used for. I had it placed inside a cave because I wanted it to seem a bit more mysterious and have a dark feel to the picture. The water symbolizes balance but also a way of cleansing. Also in some Wiccan rituals they have cloths that drape over the alters/tables, mine is used to just be placed under the cup and the blood tipped knife. I do not have the cloth layed perfectly on the table because I want to show a bit of disorder. That about sums up the intent that I had in the picture when making it. The picture was made with water color pencils.
  3. Here is a picture of the inside of a cave with a glass and dagger on a table. From the enterance of the cave you can see the moon and tree line. to the right is a small pool of water that reflects the moon.
  4. Congrats Asterdai. I like the idea of the quest and thought that it was interesting. I wish I was able to put more effort into it so that things would last a bit longer and be a little more of a challenge for me. I too was surprised that Asterdai, the first person who got my facts, leverage, and then finally the desire i held; turned out to be Asterdai's desire. I just saw it all as a challenge that could be faced. I would defiantly play again (the next time I try a quest I will try to make sure that I have the time to do it) should you run another quest like this. As for a suggestion, maybe a small practice round for people to get accustom to the new quest and that way if they run into any problems or things that need more clarification they can ask you and you could make corrections for the main quest. This one seemed to have a few areas that I thought were clear until I started talking with some of the others. Also the whole pm thing added some difficulties.I know that you provided examples and were willing to do tutorials with people to help them through the concepts of the quest but sometimes trying some things with others will help out with any problems that may arise that wasn't thought of before the quest.
  5. Becoming Brain Dead... studying for 3 tests that are tomorrow :(

  6. Just letting people know that I am very busy this week. I will try to get on for a few minutes. I have 4 tests this week in college and I am having trouble keeping up with things as it is. By thrusday evening my time things will be better and I will be able to focus more on things going on in MD.
  7. Assira the Black


    Sept. 23/2010 Assira the Black 0001011111011000000001111 0001001011 StrongWilled Legna 001101101110110111010101 011111101 (I just realized that accourding to the General information I have only played legna 346 days out of 777 days about 45% of the time) For the Myers-Briggs I am a INTJ, I do not know my scores for each of my charaters. The program shows that no one has the exact DNA as my characters.
  8. Goodbye Eon and Thank you I wish you the best of luck.
  9. Hello. Welcome to Magicduel.
  10. I have not worked with Awiiya and Vanasia. So I will need a taste if it will not be too much trouble.
  11. The shadows lurking beyond the truth of Mya's death do not end with Ivorak. The truth of the matter is that we, the Seal of Six, have been the darkness that surrounds this mystery. Ivorak has been the knife, but we were the ones to weild it. The money within our pockets has lightened but the deeds we wished done have been accomplished. Our reasons are beyond your understanding and our secrets are ours to hold. We are the cause of Mya's death and the chaos it has caused
  12. I like this a lot. I am just not able to be as involved as I would like. I am looking forward to what else maybe uncovered.
  13. Scattered throughout the lands forms of entertainment has been seen: music, dances, fighting, theater performances, magic performances,story telling, and more. Entertainment reaches as far as the minds of many beings can imagine. The creatures and other beings have much to offer that can stretch beyond the limitations of our own minds. This is why I wish to form a guild of entertainers for I am limited to my own style of entertainment and I wish to bring more to people everywhere. So I search for any who have a talent that can be used in a performance. The purpose of the guild is to gather entertainers and put of performance and events. People may hire the guild to put on a performance at the events they hold and may request specific people. This guild does not have a land preference and is open to all people of any lands. So I announce: Masks of the Mist P.S. I have been given permission by Kyphis of the Legend Speakers to do story telling and should the leadership of the Legend Speakers change I will ask permission to continue story telling and I hope to work with the Legend Speakers in the future. For those I have not worked with before please contact me either in MD, in this topic, or through forum pm on when we could meet so that I can get a taste of your talents. So be prepared with something to show me
  14. For the most part the move went alright. I am going to move again in about a month. Where I am staying now is only temporary, so I would probably be with out internet again for about a week around that time. I about went crazy without having internet access, it was one of my main forms of entertainment.
  15. I am back for a bit. I was gone because I did not have any internet access and I will not have as much access as before.
  16. Changes in the Path by Assira the Black I began my journey like any newbie but with the intent to seek the darkness of these lands. Soon after my arrival here in Magic Duel I met Khalazdad at Howling Gates and at the time I did not know that he was King of Necrovion. After some time of speaking he mentioned that our paths would cross again. It was not long after meeting Khalazdad that I met Stormrunner and became his student. In the process of showing me around Magic Duel and introducing me to people, I came in contact with Kittiness and was asked to dance. This request was a major turning point that lead me down a long path into slavery and romance. After that first dance Kittiness wished to teach me more and have me dance at Howling Gates. At the end of each dance Kittiness would correct my techniques and offer advice and stormrunner would be there watching my performance. A little while after dancing others would stop by Howling Gates to see me perform and to see what new dance I would come up with next. I spent weeks dancing there and perfecting my skill. One day Kittiness said that she could only teach me more about dancing if I would become her slave and that if I did not become her slave that I would be free to do what ever liked but our relationship would not be the same. So I made my choice I became Kittiness's slave and in return she taught me all that she could about dancing. Being a slave was not as hard as some would think but it was not an easy journey. There were consequences for not obeying or doing just as she said, most of the time I obeyed. A little while after I was dancing for Kittiness and Stormrunner began to take notice of me and we became a couple. He would sometimes help out in my dances and other times we would train in the arts of battle.I showed little emotion and would say very little. I have only been known to have showed any emotion at two points in my journey so far. Once was when I enrupted into flames out of anger towards Stormrunner because I had been sold to him and he had commanded me to do something because I went against what he wanted done. And the second time... well that will be mentioned later. After awhile of hanging out at Howling Gates, Stormrunner stopped coming around and Kittiness left to become the slave of Tarquinus. Around this time I had joined the Necrovion Sentinels but I no longer saw a point in standing at the deserted gates of Necrovion. I wandered the lands in search of answers for myself and to adapt to a new beginning of my life. When the Tribunal Lands opened up I saw it as an opportunity to begin again and thought that there were many possibilities in that land. I journeyed there often and felt at home in the pub and began to bartend there. I soon left the Sentinels no longer feeling like it was the place for me to be and I then joined the CareTakers whom I thought had a lot of potential. After a short time of helping come up with ideas for the CareTakers I did not like how things were going and made a decision that changed the direction of my path. I took control of the CareTakers and sought to change things by doing this. I did not have control over the alliance long before it was wrestled from my grasp by my nemesis Phantasm. The battle that took place against Phantasm was brutal and he will never be forgiven. I will find some way to get back at him for that humiliating battle that I had lost. I continued to wander around and fell victim to Phantasm's shadow. I was possessed and the second raising of my emotions began. Because of this possession I became increasingly irrational, annoyed, and angry. And from what I heard from others, at the end of my possession I had gone on a killing rage. Though I did not actually kill a single person, Phantasm had yet again humiliated me in front of others. I will not let this end with me at the bottom... I will get my revenge.
  17. *Legna is soaking wet and tosses a water balloon at Darigan while giggling*

  18. Items: A large steal box like cage (that can only be opened from the outside and it has no holes so that not even the shadow could escape. So more or less it is a really big box that you can not escape from), a small cube that is able to open and close, and duct tape...lol it fixes anything... any way on a more serious note, the third item could be a crystal. Now the plan of how to use everything above. Step 1: In some cultures crystals could be said to store emotions/thoughts. So the crystal can be put in the small cube and then that is set down on the ground with no one around, other than a person who is able to use light. The shadow maybe drawn to the crystal inside the box that contains. Close the lid of the box and surround it in light by the person that is able to use light. But that person is also there to make sure the shadow does not escape before it is contained in the box. Step 2: Put Phantasm and the box containing the shadow into the big cage, the person that is able to use light will also need to put a ball of light inside the cage with Phantasm, and then someone locks the cage. Then Phantasm will need to open the box to release the shadow in the sealed cage. Phantasm will need to retrieve the crystal from the small cubed box. The crystal will enhance the light given off of the ball of light bathing the inside of the cage in the light. Since the crystal holds emotions inside of it Phantasm can temporarily absorb the emotions, this will hopefully attract the shadow to him. T The reasons this may work is: 1) it leaves the shadow no where to run. 2) the shadow will be weakened by the light and will need a source of energy 3) the shadow could be attracted to Phantasm because of the emotions and of the fact he is the only human around. 4) Phantasm and the shadow would not be able to leave until they are connected again.
  19. I have been fine. How about you?

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