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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. Yep. Except on weekends... holidays, and if I happen to be on vacation...
  2. An odd occurance has been happening in the realm. Odder players have been returning from their slumbers. Who have you seen wandering the shadows?
  3. Normally, I am on from 2mdst to about 6 mdst tuesdays - saturdays MD time. In my time its about 6pm to 10pm Monday - friday. On Sunday - Monday Md time I am pretty much on a lot, though its difficult to say times since its a few hours before the turn of the next day... so it might be better to say saturday-monday MD time. I am on off and on during thoses days. Though for a few days this coming week I will be out on a camping trip and will not have access to internet for about four days. By next weekend I would be around again.
  4. I have started to learn the basics of PHP coding but I am a bit confused when applying what I am learning to the MD clickables (through my Legna character). I have no prior knowledge to coding and find the jargon used on the forums to be confusing. So far I have reached a very basic understanding of the if/else and case. Is there anyone who has the time to lend a hand?
  5. Ah those trick old spells. Must be a pain for coding.
  6. I guess it would be better to say that the spells do not appear to work. I tried the spells out on Syrian. When I casted the random ap one, we made sure to take note of the amount of ap she had and that her reg counter was not close to turning over. As for the luck, she checked her character profile there were no magical changes to her luck and the luck stat was the same as it always has been. In the trigger box I did not see the spell say that it did something. I am not sure that when a spell is cast on someone else if the trigger box is suppose to show what was done to them with the castors spell. Little pop up boxes informed me when it consumed heat and how much action points it cost me.
  7. It was two spells that Legna got long ago when getting the Child of Time tag. I did not use it much before, so I am not sure if it worked then.
  8. For StrongWilled Legna, Two of the spells do not have any affects on other people. I tested the spells out on Syrian and found that random actionpoints and randomluck does nothing.
  9. Text description could be: MD a game where character is developed and minds explode through quests, ideas, and puzzles. Where does your story begin? *shrugs* Or something like that if someone can figure out a better way to describe it. The background could be a compiled pictures of shades or other creatures in the throne room or in front of a fort. Some sort of cut scene that would hold the ideal of an adventure.
  10. I am an okay artist... what kind of art work style are you looking for?
  11. As far as the creatures appearing in scenes it might be interesting for MD to be taken over by creatures and have battles go on to free the lands.
  12. Oh okay. I forgot that this account is new versus my old one. Thank you.
  13. Attached is a screen shot.
  14. I had noticed that people were able to give rep points on the forums but I can not find the arrows to do so.
  15. I have problems with things loading on the right side panel as well. A long with the ap, vt, and other points. I do not know if it is related to the side panel drop system or if it is a seprate problem that I have with my computer. The sound on the fighting and mail system have me jumping out of my skin when it goes off. I like having the sound on so that I can here when someone posts in chat when I am multitasking. But on my computer the sound of chat is quieter than the mail or battle sound. The sound itself does not bother me much... just how loud it is in comparison to other sounds in MD.
  16. Greetings, Necrovion has been my home since the beginning of my journey here and I wish to return. I have had my share of adventures and consider myself to be a dancer. It was Kittiness who taught me to dance at Howeling Gates. At one point in time I have been apart of a Necrovion alliance, while searching for something admiss in my life. I like chaos and its many forums that it comes in. I like to plan and impliment plans. So if events or quests need a new touch then I may be of help. Assira the Black P.S. I have started my citizenship poll.
  17. Hi! I have applied to be a citizen. :) I once was apart of the CoE and have recently awakened. I would love to come back to LR to play and begin my adventures again. If there is anyway I can further the cause of LR, please let me know! Signed, StrongWilled Legna Child of Time
  18. I think some of these ideas have potential if discussed and built upon. And even if these never see the light of day then it at least it will get people involved in thinking of ways to add different quests or ideas to the game. I like the idea of something happening during death mode/nightmode. Kind of like an addition to the astral plain. The astral plane was a really cool idea that just had to be worked through. I am not sure what had happened behind the scenes but I think that what problems had occured to have it cancled could be fixed in the Death mode. By having Death mode built upon I think people would not be as upset about dieing. Have a quest or something that could be completed in Death mode to have the person be reborn. Similar to the storyline when first joining MD. Where maybe at certain point in the story line your ghost self is transported to a different room for a period of time until you move on in the next stage of the death mode story line. Also depending on your citizenship, certain alliance members could play a role in the story line. Like at the locations that your ghost self is teleported then the alliance member acts as a spiritual guide. Like if you are a citizen of tribunal the Caretakers help you with preparations for the next stage... like if you need certain items to proceed in the Deathmode story line. For example:The storyline stage 4 in Deathmode. You are surrounded by darkness and before you there is a lantern. To proceed. You have to throw one of these items into the flame. If you do not have any items please wait until your spiritual guide arrives. throw herb into flame throw water on to the flame throw fenths on to flame throw candy on to flame And you have to have at least on of those items in your inventory to click on that link. And once you click on the link that item is consumed in your inventory. But also during the deathmode if people want to try to come to rescue you they could go on a journey through the Deathmode and are able to meet up with each other at certain locations. But by people trying to help you would all have to be present to move forward and the items required would cost more. This would be a good rp moment and with more people that come to the rescue the storyline speed could be increased. For with each storyline stage you have to wait a certain amount of time before continuing on. Upon exiting deathmode and finishing that storyline you get a medal on your avatar (similar to how the BH you got a medal for what place you were in).The ones who helped in the rescue also get a rescue medal. The one who died can get a particular soul gem. This gem would represent the choices they made through the storyline and might be able to have some sort of ability. The soul gem's would not be tradeable for it is soul linked to that one person. The down side of dieing would be that you would not be able to be apart of current events of MD. So if you are a leader and you are killed then your land would be open to rebellion or invasion. Or if you are the item holder for your land by dieing you would not be able to transfer items to those who need it of your land. And if your friends of that land come to rescue you then they will be absent from current events in MD for however long it takes you to get through deathmode. Just an idea building off your idea of a deathmode.
  19. also I would like to add another item. I was not sure if by adding it to my previous list it would be seen. Vial of Poison that makes the person it is used on appear dead but after a certain time they are revived.
  20. Things Assira the Black would buy: Belly Dancing outfit that had invisible spell or ghost ability (regenerated uses) To fix her pendant and use its ability (I think that pendant had a specific purpose), so more or less get the missing stone to fix it. A bracelet that when I activate its ability *action chat* becomes a different color than the standard blue (regenerated uses) Things StrongWilled Legna would buy: Tiny, the giant rat pet (not really an item but it does not really fall under anything else) Set of markers that when used on someone it does a random action ( affect speech, random ap, makes their battling creatures appear as a purple fog... I am not sure :P running out of ideas for random actions that could happen) A piece of drawing paper or sketch book that allows her to look at past events/chat logs on specific days. So another words things I would be interested in buying mainly deals with furthering a role or add some sort of finishing touches to it.
  21. That makes sense :) If I had put that much effort in to it I would not want it just to be scanned, scanning it would take away from the unique qualities to the documents.
  22. I think this is a really neat idea. I like the design and colors. As for trying to figure out how to get people to sign it. You could scan the titles and email it to people. They could print it off, sign the area they are suppose too, scan it, and email it back. You would have the original documents to keep track of it all. This is just an alternative to mailing it. I know that occasionally the post offices here loses a letter or that it comes back close to shreds. Most of the time it is fine here but I know I would be rather upset, if that 1% chance of it being damaged happen to MD related documents.
  23. It was a very interesting and fun quest. Assira the Black
  24. Even I didn't show up because I got the days wrong... I thought it was today (the 21st my time) at 2:30MDST.... I am still not accustom to MD time. I apologize. I was looking forward to the contest. Assira the Black
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