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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. You actually think that you can delete an email/text before the other person sees it. (That one has probably been said some where... but I am too lazy to go through it all to see). Wish that spicy pickles gives you enough energy (ap) to get through the day. (If a spicy pickle give ap in MD... I can only imagine what coffee or energy drinks would do if added to MD. Mmmm expresso)
  2. Then welcome back, change plays a key role in growth and patience helps keeps the 'burn out' phase away.
  3. Maybe inactive for a bit longer, I am having internet problems.

  4. I hope you get to feeling better.
  5. Happy Birthday, Intrigue
  6. Time:Oct. 11th MDST19 Location: Howling Gates
  7. When md seems like a black hole that you can never truly escape (in a good way) (Btw I have had dreams about md and woke up thinking what happened in the dream happened here... but then later found out that it didn't)
  8. It was a fun and interesting quest.
  9. Lash killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to be an opposing force to a god (god slayer) Lash killed Mur to break the limits Lash killed Mur to reveal something of the past Lash killed Mur to reveal effects of an action Lash killed Mur to show the meaning of being a god in md Lash killed Mur to prove that a god could be killed Lash killed Mur to show that anything can be done Lash killed Mur because through chaos more things are born Lash killed Mur because to do nothing would be against his beliefs.
  10. Lash killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to negate a god (god slayer) Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his existence Lash killed Mur to bring about his own death Lash killed Mur to become reborn in a new role Lash killed Mur to rise above death Lash killed Mur to further study death Lash killed Mur to draw the attention of a specific individual Lash killed Mur to signal someone else Lash killed Mur to release a hold on power
  11. Lash killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to negate a god (god slayer) Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his existence Lash Killed Mur to satisfy an urge Lash killed Mur to further a believe Lash killed Mur to build up to an event Lash killed Mur to show there are no limits in MD Lash killed Mur to rise above the kingslayers Lash killed Mur to show his inner will Lash killed Mur to show the different between outer and inner 'darkness'
  12. Lash killed mur because he had to act in accordance with his nature Lash killed Mur to be an opposing force to a god (god slayer) Lash killed Mur as a reflection of his own destruction Lash killed Mur to raise above the bar set by others Lash killed Mur to satisfy his will Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his exitstance Lash killed Mur to end his wanderings Lash killed Mur to focus on his path Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle Lash killed Mur to break the limits
  13. What time in four days does it end? (And if I win... can it be Assira the black that gets the reward?)
  14. Lash killed mur because he had to act in accordance with his nature Lash killed Mur to be an opposing force to a god (god slayer) Lash killed Mur to break the limits Lash killed Mur to create a new path Lash killed Mur to bring balance Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his exitstance Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction Lash killed Mur to distract from a different plot Lash killed Mur to draw attention to Necrovion Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle
  15. Bird will be sold to Dark Demon as soon as the transactions are made.
  16. Team:Intriguing Black Intrigue Assira the Black (team leader)
  17. Dark Demon 5sc
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