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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. So Legna is not gone, it is just hard to keep up with both. Though I tend to forget what character met specific people and did certain quests. Lately I focus on my Assira account, but I log on to Legna here and there. Logged on today to show that Legna has not died. Just that I do not log on to her very often. :) there were times in day back then that I would hold conversations between the two to throw off any that we're guessing that they were connected. I had separate instant messengers. It got a bit hairy when I had the same people on both. Lol Amoran suspected the two were connected. Probably because my messengers came on at the same time a couple of times. Any who the more I talk the more memories surface :D Hehe (and it is getting late. I will probably ramble and repeat myself too much if I stay on. Goodnight)
  2. I remeber hanging out at the Wind and Rain pub and something was always going on there. Laughter, 'bar fights', stories... Running around playing pranks (as Legna). Being spoiled ;) As Assira I spent a lot of time at Howling Gates, learning from Kittiness, dancing, listening to stories. Also use to participate in quests for the fun of it. Seeing what new twist... some where pretty random and silly. But still had fun. I would get so caught up in MD that I would procrastinate on homework for college. Papers did use to be a big thing. With as many people there, it was away for them to connect with you and clicking their papers reminded people who they were. A lot of people to remember back then. Now since we all know each other that part of the papers is not required as much. I started as Legna around August 2008 and as Assira March 2009. One of the things I had fun with was keeping it a secret that the two had the same player. It was fun to see peoples reactions. I have had many characters but those two are the ones that I still go back too. It was these days that got me hooked on MD. And now I can't escape :P Even with the 3 1/2 year abscence I always end up coming back to MD. Even during the abscence I did pop back as Hiria to check things out and was blown away at all the improvement to md. Sadly rl had pulled me away from MD at that time. Hmm... memories :D A lot of them are coming back.
  3. tired... and brain dead... No thinking for me tonight

  4. I will have to step down as a host. The other days available I work during the most active times. Last time events where held during the week I did not participate. there are times I work late and still have to sleep. So I would not be able to be present long enough or stable enough to ensure that the day I host goes well if it falls on one of my weekdays. But I can help others in ideas or help with planning.
  5. Happy Birthday Syrian. I hope it is a good one. :)
  6. April 19th Sunday Assira the Black Id:141566 I have planned a few events in the past and I look forward to things planned at MD Birthday.
  7. Happy Birthday :D
  8. on for a few minutes, then will be gone again for a few days

  9. Will be gone from md for a week but may be on the forums.

  10. Enchanted consumable=items that have a raw state that are then altered by spells or other items abilities. rare= Items that there is only one or two of and has the potential to be useable (for example it can be opened but does not have a script yet) or is currently useable personal = items that have a persons name in the item name or description Unique=item that there is few of it in MD and is not useable/does not have the option to click use (or open item) on it. common= Items bought from the md shop (this does not include the coins or personalized items) Resources=items gathered from the land or are byproducts (such as cold tea is a by product of hot tea) Consumable=items that after all it's uses are 'consumed' it will no longer be present to be used Valuable= currency or items made of gold or silver Examples: I think that enchanted consumables should stay the way it is, for we never know what items maybe introduced that could fall under this category. For example: Vial of Water, if we had it under consumable to where it helped to "refresh" a specific stat. Then it becomes an enchanted Vial of Water...Then it could be moved to the enchanted consumable. Rare could also be an unique item that has been enhanced to be useable. For then there would not be other's like it with that useable ability. Personal could also include the leashes since it has a player's name in it. And example of Unique is the mechanical heart that you can get from the md shop. And possibly custom items that are not useable. Or uncommon category could be non-scriptable items from the mdshop that there are few of (like the empty box, mechanical heart, and black rose) and unique is custom made items that are not scriptable. Kind of on a side note: When you click on a different characters inventory list, it could show the categories. Once you click the category you would then see that characters items under that category. That may be a mess of coding or have other problems that I am not aware of. It just may organize it better when people look at others inventory lists.
  11. I would like the wish point, please. :D Thank you, Asthir for the quest.
  12. Never have I ever told the truth. On a more serious note: Never have I ever solved the broken gazebo puzzle. _______________________________________ (ooc: based off of Assira's character in md :P)
  13. Hehehe. I hear Assira mentioned occasionally.... I made the name Assira the Black because... [Spoiler] I had a dog named Assira, she was a Great Dane and she was black... hence the name Assira the Black. At that point in time, I could not think of a name. So I chose that and it sounded neat :D My family had to give the dog away. [/spoiler] So for a while I heard the name Assira fairly often.
  14. You almost sign your name in rl with the name you use in the game. You turn your head at the mention of your game name in rl. And do you know how many emails/texts/fb messages that I have wanted to cancel and rewrite... I keep forgetting it is only a md feature....
  15. I think the limit is fair... but if this continues much longer. I will have to leave the tag game (or something). I will be leaving for about a week starting this sunday/monday (depending on your time zone) and will not have access to md. I will have access to the forums.
  16. I think that I saw mention some where that there is a Day 0, so the Day will be off by one by our standards. ( I was not paying attention around that time so I am not certain.)
  17. If splitting resources in this way is not wanted, then putting a 'ward' on the strongbox to not allow resources to be placed inside. Only allow enchanted stones, common items, default items, valuables, consumables, and etc. to be placed within the strongbox/bank.
  18. pass off to sunfire
  19. I can not edit my clickables if I am at a different location from where the clickable is but it seems I can click the maintain button from any location on my clickie tab. (The particular clickie I am talking about is the Fountain of Dark Vibrations)
  20. tagged kalamity [attachment=4476:tag kalamity.png]
  21. A25 tools, AL, and game intro for newbies. A25 tools being implemented in MD would give new depth to quests and to a lot of aspects of the game outside of rp. I think it could add to the introduction for newbies and if AL was restarted it would validate interactions between players and players with the items/environment. So I am strongly for the A25 tools. Other things can be worked on or polished up... but A25 tools to me have a lot of potential. edit: Even if it is implemented in small steps. :) It is those small steps that I think will make some changes to md.
  22. pass back to amberrune
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