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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. How many bottles of shampoo does the Wookie need to clean it's fur? - Mr A Corn It takes only one bite to get to the center of this problem. Though you could always find out. -Assira https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ0epRjfGLw&list=RD0UYvsk6_foc&index=2
  2. This has not been forgotten. It is still being reviewed by the judges.
  3. I am very close to being a midget :P 4 feet 11 inches. I could roll up in those suit case just fine :))
  4. Windy, thank you eagle eye for the quest. -Assira
  5. In this Mr. Rubico, your question is just rubbish. It is just a simple spelling difference. -Assira the Black
  6. Question 2: How can a door be fateless? Surely opening and closing is the fate of a door? - Dox Para That is quite the paradox. Perhaps it is fateless because it does not exist as a door should. It is neither opened or closed. It is only as you wish it to be.
  7. tired and sore... I do not want to go to work tomorrow.

  8. I got lost in Necrovion and don't know what to do, I can't leave my scene, has anyone got any advice? - The Headless Horseman- Stay away from the Shade-y parts.
  9. Judges will review the log and hand me their scores. I will then add up their scores and post the winners. For the places, in case of a tie both participants will win for that place. For awards, since it is the judges nominating for the awards, if they can not agree on a person then I will review the logs and chose one for that award. Though if this is not agreeable, I am open to suggestions.
  10. People are always welcome to join the Masks of the Mist. Just send me a pm if you are interested and what it is you would like your profession to be written down as.
  11. I have trouble with some of the items showing in the first maze. Like the car meter things, those I have to sometimes refresh to see. I have not entered the 2nd maze, can't seem to find a certain item to be heavy enough to allow me entrance. I suspect that it is due to the fact that I do not always see the items when I enter the scene. Even for the car meters it can take a few refreshes for me to see and click to activate. (I know it is not car meters but it looks like it and I do not have a better word for it)
  12. Below are the events, quests, and contests that Masks of the Mist participated in or held: Masquerade Ball & Dance Contest for MD's 10th B-Day, Day 6 of the MD B-day week.
  13. Thank you all for participating. I hope you found it to be enjoyable. [log=Dance Contest Raw Full Log] [19/04/15 19:43] :Sir Blut sits in a corenr [19/04/15 19:46] Mirus:heya everyone! pls vote on the word war if you have yet to! :) great literature over there! [19/04/15 19:46] Sir Blut:Id tather vote on the peace treaty *gasps* [19/04/15 19:46] Sir Blut:rather* [19/04/15 19:47] :*Syrian* failed to cast a spell [19/04/15 19:47] *Sunfire*:welcome to my great hall [19/04/15 19:47] :WittyLeWat got lost for a bit [19/04/15 19:47] Assira the Black: *glances at Sunfire* Kind of small... [19/04/15 19:48] :WittyLeWat sits next to Blut [19/04/15 19:48] :Sir Blut steals a kiss [19/04/15 19:48] *Sunfire*: *mumbles* ran out of cash [19/04/15 19:48] Lintara:Praise the Sun! [19/04/15 19:48] :[Spell] Come to me, Ivorak,Kyphis,phantasm,samon,nadrolski,tacitamuta*Eagle Eye*,*Nimrodel,*Menhir, *Grido*, Miq, Azull, JadenDew, Antyvas, Dark Demon, Jester, [19/04/15 19:48] :WittyLeWat kisses Blut back [19/04/15 19:48] *Sasha Lilias*:That's Grido summoned. [19/04/15 19:49] :*Sasha Lilias* chuckles [19/04/15 19:49] Aeoshattr: (That spell always makes me hum "It's raining men!" in my head) [19/04/15 19:49] Jester: (even better, its raining Jesters!) [19/04/15 19:49] Assira the Black:Thank you. [19/04/15 19:49] Jester: (Jesters > Men) [19/04/15 19:50] :Sir Blut whispers in wittys ear [19/04/15 19:50] :Jester whispers in Blut's shoulder [19/04/15 19:51] :Sir Blut boops Jester's nose [19/04/15 19:51] :WittyLeWat whispers back [19/04/15 19:51] :Mirus laughs out [19/04/15 19:51] Sir Blut:My shoulder doesn't wanna hear it [19/04/15 19:51] Jester:mean shoulder. [19/04/15 19:51] Lintara:nay, a cold shoulder [19/04/15 19:52] Jester:hahaha perfect [19/04/15 19:52] Assira the Black:Thank you all for gathering here *coughs* Or for being dragged here. [19/04/15 19:52] :*Sasha Lilias* chuckles [19/04/15 19:52] :Jester is happy to be dragged for Assira anyday [19/04/15 19:52] :Valoryn chuckles quietly [19/04/15 19:52] :Lintara giggles [19/04/15 19:53] Assira the Black:Today's event is not your avarage event. But when is anything just average in MD. [19/04/15 19:53] Assira the Black:To start off there will be the Dance Contest that will start in a few minutes. [19/04/15 19:54] :WittyLeWat frowns for a second as she turns into a little green dragon with orange eyes [19/04/15 19:54] :apophys waves [19/04/15 19:54] :WittyLeWat waves to Apo [19/04/15 19:54] :MaGoHi waves to apo [19/04/15 19:55] :Jester catches the tiny dragon in a jar [19/04/15 19:55] Assira the Black:There is a twist to the Dance Contest, that will kick start the events to follow. [19/04/15 19:55] :WittyLeWat is little compared to a nromal dragon [19/04/15 19:56] :WittyLeWat isn't a dragonfly to be captured in a jar [19/04/15 19:56] Assira the Black:Will the Contestants please step forward? [19/04/15 19:56] :WittyLeWat steps forward [19/04/15 19:56] :TheRichMerchant looks at Assira and steps foprward [19/04/15 19:56] :Valoryn steps forward [19/04/15 19:56] :dst steps forward [19/04/15 19:56] :Aeoshattr chuckles and takes a step forward, showing that he's barefoot [19/04/15 19:56] apophys: *is reminded of an old avatar he drew...* http://magicduel.com/userfiles/51654/1037.gif [19/04/15 19:56] :Zleiphneir steps forwards [19/04/15 19:56] :WittyLeWat folds her wings close to her body [19/04/15 19:57] :Jester cheers for the barefooted one [19/04/15 19:57] Lintara: (aww ^^) [19/04/15 19:58] :Assira the Black steps towards WittyLe Wat [19/04/15 19:58] :WittyLeWat is nervous [19/04/15 19:58] :Mirus cheers every contestant [19/04/15 19:59] :[Spell] hands a mask to WittyLeWat [19/04/15 19:59] Aeoshattr: (That. Is. EPIC) [19/04/15 19:59] :apophys considers stepping forward, goes to read the forum [19/04/15 19:59] :Assira the Black steps toward TheRichMerchant [19/04/15 19:59] Lintara: (cool!) [19/04/15 19:59] :MaGoHi chuckles [19/04/15 19:59] :TheRichMerchant tries to run [19/04/15 19:59] :[Spell] hands a mask to TheRichMerchant [19/04/15 19:59] :Masked Figure 5690766 chuckles [19/04/15 20:00] :Assira the Black steps towards Valoryn [19/04/15 20:00] Lania: (awesome!) [19/04/15 20:00] Masked Figure 5690766: (o.O) [19/04/15 20:00] :Assira the Black failed to cast a spell [19/04/15 20:00] Masked Figure 4877226:yup [19/04/15 20:00] apophys: (ah, too late for me to enter, too bad.) [19/04/15 20:00] Masked Figure 4877226:awesome indeed [19/04/15 20:01] :[Spell] hands a mask to Valoryn [19/04/15 20:01] :Masked Figure 5690766 pokes the masked figure who spoke [19/04/15 20:01] :Masked Figure 4877226 pokes back witty [19/04/15 20:01] :Assira the Black steps towards dst [19/04/15 20:01] :Masked Figure 5690766 isn't witty, is a masked figure [19/04/15 20:01] :[Spell] hands a mask to dst [19/04/15 20:01] :apophys pokes witty [19/04/15 20:02] Masked Figure 4877226: (hh) [19/04/15 20:02] :Assira the Black steps toward Aeo [19/04/15 20:02] :Masked Figure 5690766 giggles [19/04/15 20:02] Masked Figure 4877226:it feels like we're about to play in a greek play [19/04/15 20:02] :Aeoshattr pulls his hood back [19/04/15 20:02] :[Spell] hands a mask to Aeoshattr [19/04/15 20:02] :Masked Figure 5690766 pokes apophys [19/04/15 20:02] :Assira the Black steps toward Z [19/04/15 20:03] :[Spell] hands a mask to Zleiphneir [19/04/15 20:03] Lania:Not much of a difference there. *chuckles* [19/04/15 20:03] :Masked Figure 8486279 goes to a corner to prepare [19/04/15 20:03] Masked Figure 4877226:man, am i gonna write a lot :( [19/04/15 20:04] :Masked Figure 5690766 is totally unprepared [19/04/15 20:04] :Masked Figure 4877226 is perfectly prepared, but too lazy to do the right steps. [19/04/15 20:05] apophys:Not that many contestants. [19/04/15 20:05] Assira the Black:Now a few of the contestant do not appear to be awake at the moment. I will hand their masks to them in a few minutes. [19/04/15 20:06] Mirus:cool masks! [19/04/15 20:06] Chewett: (masks can be taken off at any time, by going into the magic interface on the right and ending the illusion) [19/04/15 20:06] Chewett: (Please note, after ending the illusion, check you still ahve your avatar, name, etc. If you dont, please contact me asap) [19/04/15 20:07] apophys: (If there are an odd number of people by the time the dance should start, may I join in?) [19/04/15 20:07] *Syrian*: (isnt it on the left?) [19/04/15 20:07] Assira the Black: (Yes but please do not remove atleast until after the contest) [19/04/15 20:07] Chewett: (Large amounts of work have been done for this spell to the illusion inteface so its a lot safer now) [19/04/15 20:07] :Jester would only dance with dst, syrian, jadendew or assira [19/04/15 20:07] Chewett: (ues the left, please ignore that lol) [19/04/15 20:07] Masked Figure 4877226:any pairs? [19/04/15 20:07] :Masked Figure 5690766 is riding solo [19/04/15 20:08] Masked Figure 4877226:on a goat? [19/04/15 20:08] :Masked Figure 8486279 goes solo [19/04/15 20:08] Assira the Black:There are a few pairs for the contest. And people can of course dance after the contest is over. But I would prefer not to change the Dance Contest participants. It would be really... confusing. [19/04/15 20:10] Assira the Black:If Contestant A is ready to perform you may begin. The time starts as soon as you do. [19/04/15 20:11] :Masked Figure 5690766 jumps [19/04/15 20:11] Assira the Black:If anyone has questions you can Pm me. [19/04/15 20:11] Masked Figure 5690766:Oh dear [19/04/15 20:11] :Masked Figure 5690766 walks into the middle of the hall [19/04/15 20:11] :Masked Figure 4877226 cheers on the side [19/04/15 20:11] :apophys observes [19/04/15 20:12] :*Syrian* sits on the floor eating cake [19/04/15 20:12] :Masked Figure 5690766 sits and covers herself with her wings and snaps her fingers as the music starts [19/04/15 20:12] Masked Figure 5690766: [Video link] [19/04/15 20:12] :Masked Figure 5690766 jumps up and unfolds her wings [19/04/15 20:13] :Change sits on the floor in another part eating food and cake [19/04/15 20:13] :Sir Blut beams [19/04/15 20:13] :Masked Figure 5690766 moves her pelvis from a side to the other one and moves her arms in circular motions [19/04/15 20:13] :apophys cringes at the music [19/04/15 20:13] :Masked Figure 5690766 bobs her head and blows flames as she does a pirouette [19/04/15 20:13] Masked Figure 4877226:disco!! [19/04/15 20:13] Masked Figure 4877226: :)) [19/04/15 20:14] :Masked Figure 5690766 shales her butt and holds her nose as she lowers on her legs [19/04/15 20:14] :Masked Figure 5690766 moves her arms from a side to the other one at the same time [19/04/15 20:14] :Masked Figure 5690766 flaps her wings [19/04/15 20:15] :Masked Figure 5690766 does the moonwalk [19/04/15 20:15] :Masked Figure 5690766 does a handstand and flaps her wings [19/04/15 20:15] :Masked Figure 5690766 jumps back up on her feet [19/04/15 20:16] :Masked Figure 5690766 does a motion with her hands similarly as if she cleans a window [19/04/15 20:16] :Masked Figure 5690766 blows fire upwards [19/04/15 20:17] :Masked Figure 5690766 bows [19/04/15 20:17] :Masked Figure 5690766 blushes [19/04/15 20:17] :Sir Blut cheers and claps [19/04/15 20:17] Masked Figure 4877226:8cheers* [19/04/15 20:17] :Masked Figure 1094578 claps [19/04/15 20:17] :apophys claps [19/04/15 20:17] :Masked Figure 4877226 cheers [19/04/15 20:17] :Lania cheers and claps for the performer [19/04/15 20:17] :Mirus claps for masked figure 5690766 [19/04/15 20:17] :Masked Figure 2183572 claps [19/04/15 20:17] :MaGoHi applauds [19/04/15 20:17] Sir Blut:Encore encore! [19/04/15 20:17] :Masked Figure 5690766 laughs and returns to the crowd [19/04/15 20:18] Masked Figure 5690766:Thank you [19/04/15 20:18] Assira the Black: *claps* Thank you for your performance. [19/04/15 20:19] Assira the Black:Would Contestant B please step forward for your dance? [19/04/15 20:19] :Masked Figure 9827412 steps forward [19/04/15 20:19] :Masked Figure 9827412 bows to the crowd [19/04/15 20:19] :Masked Figure 4877226 cheers [19/04/15 20:19] :Masked Figure 5690766 cheers [19/04/15 20:20] Assira the Black:You may begin when you are ready. [19/04/15 20:20] Masked Figure 9827412:tonight I will be dancing on this [19/04/15 20:20] Masked Figure 9827412:" [Video link] [19/04/15 20:20] :Masked Figure 9827412 goes to the back of the room [19/04/15 20:20] :Masked Figure 4877226 's jaw drops [19/04/15 20:21] :Masked Figure 9827412 prepars herself by taking the suffed panda in her right hand and the sugar cane stick to the left [19/04/15 20:21] :Masked Figure 9827412 takes position 1 [19/04/15 20:21] :Masked Figure 9827412 hits the play button [19/04/15 20:22] :Masked Figure 9827412 slowly enters the dancing room on her tiptoeswith her right arm raised above her head [19/04/15 20:22] *Nimrodel*: (Someone send me a log later) [19/04/15 20:22] :Masked Figure 9827412 move to the middle of the room and smacks Nim with her stuffed panda for interrupting [19/04/15 20:22] :Masked Figure 9827412 does a plie [19/04/15 20:22] :Masked Figure 9827412 does a turn to the left [19/04/15 20:22] :*Nimrodel* gasps and scribbles a negative point for cheekiness [19/04/15 20:23] :Masked Figure 9827412 fondues on the supporting right leg coup de pie left footfront [19/04/15 20:24] :Masked Figure 9827412 extends 45 degrees side straighten leg [19/04/15 20:24] :Masked Figure 9827412 fondue on supporting leg [19/04/15 20:24] :Masked Figure 9827412 straigthten supporting leg [19/04/15 20:24] :Masked Figure 9827412 lowers her leg and does another plie [19/04/15 20:25] :Masked Figure 9827412 turns around once [19/04/15 20:25] :Masked Figure 9827412 turns around twice, three time, spinning faster and faster and faster [19/04/15 20:25] :Masked Figure 9827412 gets dizzy and starts going towards the crowd [19/04/15 20:26] :Masked Figure 9827412 steps on apophys' foot and hits Miq with the sugar cane [19/04/15 20:26] :Masked Figure 9827412 shakes her head and continues [19/04/15 20:26] :Masked Figure 9827412 double frappe front [19/04/15 20:26] :apophys chuckles and smiles [19/04/15 20:26] :Masked Figure 9827412 does a triple frappe front [19/04/15 20:26] :Masked Figure 9827412 smacks apop with th panda again [19/04/15 20:27] :Masked Figure 9827412 repeats the double frappe side [19/04/15 20:27] :Masked Figure 9827412 closes 5th position back [19/04/15 20:27] :Masked Figure 9827412 holds [19/04/15 20:27] :Masked Figure 9827412 looks around the crowd and tosses her candy cane in the air [19/04/15 20:27] :Masked Figure 9827412 does a rotation on her right leg and catches the cane [19/04/15 20:28] :Masked Figure 9827412 kisses the panda [19/04/15 20:28] :Masked Figure 9827412 does another plie and stops [19/04/15 20:28] :Masked Figure 9827412 bows to the crowd [19/04/15 20:28] :Masked Figure 9827412 leaves to take off the nasty shoes cause feet hurt like crazy [19/04/15 20:28] :Masked Figure 4877226 rolls on the floor, thinking how is he going to dance after seeing this [19/04/15 20:29] :Masked Figure 5690766 claps [19/04/15 20:29] :*Sasha Lilias* chuckles [19/04/15 20:29] :*Nimrodel* aplauds [19/04/15 20:29] :Masked Figure 1094578 claps [19/04/15 20:29] :Lania claps and cheers for the performer and lack of muscle cramps [19/04/15 20:29] :Lintara cheers [19/04/15 20:29] Assira the Black: *claps* Thank you Contestant B. [19/04/15 20:29] :Mirus claps for contestant B [19/04/15 20:29] :Masked Figure 9827412 bows kisses towards the crowd [19/04/15 20:30] :MaGoHi applauds [19/04/15 20:30] Assira the Black:Will Contestant C please step forward? [19/04/15 20:31] :Masked Figure 4877226 steps forward. [19/04/15 20:31] :Masked Figure 5690766 cheers for contestant C [19/04/15 20:31] :Masked Figure 4877226 thinks he should have rehearsed the steps at least once. [19/04/15 20:31] Assira the Black:You may begin when ready. [19/04/15 20:31] :apophys cheers [19/04/15 20:32] Masked Figure 4877226:this [Video link] is perfect for improvisations [19/04/15 20:32] :Masked Figure 4877226 inhales [19/04/15 20:32] :Masked Figure 4877226 raises his arms to the side. [19/04/15 20:32] :Masked Figure 4877226 raises the left hand higher and snaps his fingers. [19/04/15 20:33] :Masked Figure 4877226 puts his right foot behind his left foot and lowers himself [19/04/15 20:33] :Masked Figure 4877226 jumps right back up and throws his right foot up front. [19/04/15 20:33] :Masked Figure 4877226 starts moving to the side, slowly taking his coat off [19/04/15 20:34] :Masked Figure 4877226 throws the coat on the floor, ready to step onit [19/04/15 20:35] Masked Figure 4877226:*throws hisright foot forward and his shoe flies somewhere in the audience8> [19/04/15 20:35] Masked Figure 4877226: (oups) [19/04/15 20:35] :Masked Figure 5690766 gets hit in the head with a shoe [19/04/15 20:35] :Masked Figure 4877226 Starts throwing his feet, alternatively, up front [19/04/15 20:36] :Masked Figure 4877226 lowers down once again and hits the ground with his palm. [19/04/15 20:36] :Masked Figure 4877226 turn to the side and lowers his head. [19/04/15 20:36] :Masked Figure 4877226 suddenly jumps up, his arms to the side. [19/04/15 20:37] :Masked Figure 4877226 is too tired from jumping up and down, he bows to the crowd [19/04/15 20:37] :Sir Blut claps and cheers [19/04/15 20:37] Masked Figure 4877226:can i get my shoe back, please? [19/04/15 20:37] :Masked Figure 2183572 claps [19/04/15 20:38] :*Sasha Lilias* raises an eyebrow [19/04/15 20:38] :Lania chuckles and claps [19/04/15 20:38] :Masked Figure 1094578 claps [19/04/15 20:38] :Masked Figure 4877226 picks his coat and dusts it. [19/04/15 20:38] :MaGoHi applauds [19/04/15 20:38] :Lintara chuckles and applauds [19/04/15 20:38] Assira the Black: *claps* Thank you contestant C. [19/04/15 20:38] :Masked Figure 5690766 claps and throws his shoe back [19/04/15 20:38] :apophys claps [19/04/15 20:38] :Masked Figure 4877226 quickly retrieves his shoe and runs off [19/04/15 20:39] :Mirus claps extra loudly for contestant C [19/04/15 20:39] :*Nimrodel* throws a rose for contestant c and fan girl screams [19/04/15 20:39] Assira the Black:Hmm... *looks around* [19/04/15 20:39] *Nimrodel*:OOh that chest hair!!!! *screams* [19/04/15 20:39] :Lania laughs [19/04/15 20:39] :Masked Figure 5690766 laughs [19/04/15 20:40] :Lintara giggles [19/04/15 20:40] Assira the Black:It appears that contest D is not currently available. We will move on to Contestant E. [19/04/15 20:41] :Masked Figure 8486279 makes his way to the middle of the hall wearing only his tights that reach right under his knees [19/04/15 20:41] *Sasha Lilias*:Oh my... [19/04/15 20:41] :Masked Figure 5690766 raises her eyebrows [19/04/15 20:41] *Sasha Lilias*: *mumbles* Someone didn't use enough duct tape... [19/04/15 20:41] Assira the Black:You may begin when ready Contestant E. [19/04/15 20:42] :*Nimrodel* screams and faints [19/04/15 20:42] Masked Figure 8486279:I will dance to no music. Sometimes, silence can be equally interesting. [19/04/15 20:42] :Masked Figure 4877226 scraches his head, but decides to cheer...not too loud [19/04/15 20:42] :Masked Figure 8486279 stands still with his back turned to the audience, his bare feet right next to each other, his arms close to his chest to make them nearly invisible [19/04/15 20:42] :Masked Figure 8486279 sharply extends his right arm to the side, his hand loosely pointing at the wall to his right, and stays still for a fraction of a second [19/04/15 20:43] :Masked Figure 8486279 performs a quick kick with his left leg, effectively bringing his knee at the height of his shoulders, shifts his upper body a little to the right to keep his balance and stays still again [19/04/15 20:43] :Masked Figure 8486279 turns his left leg sideways and bends his left knee while extending his left arm upwards, all with quick sharp moves; stays still for nearly a second [19/04/15 20:43] :Masked Figure 8486279 rotates his body clockwise a little in a smooth way, exposing his right side to the audience, while standing on his right foot [19/04/15 20:44] :Masked Figure 8486279 bends his upper body forward, extends both arms to the same direction and kicks his left leg backwards, all during the rotation, so that said leg, upper body and arms are aligned [19/04/15 20:44] :Masked Figure 8486279 bends his upped body further until it touches his right leg and his hands land on the floor to the left and right of his right foot respectively [19/04/15 20:44] :Masked Figure 8486279 lifts his left leg until both legs are aligned and shifts his weight from his supporting right leg to his arms [19/04/15 20:45] :Masked Figure 8486279 bends his right knee and then extends his right leg again upwards to complete the handstand, his body now aligned again [19/04/15 20:45] :Masked Figure 8486279 slowly bends his arms to bring his body closer to the floor while keeping his whole body aligned, until the top of his head touches the floor [19/04/15 20:45] :Masked Figure 8486279 keeps bringing his body closer to the floor while arching his back a little in the process, so that the back of his head and his shoulders are in full contact with the floor [19/04/15 20:46] :Masked Figure 8486279 brings his right foot to the height of his left knee, with the right knee pointing forward in relation to the orientation of his body [19/04/15 20:46] :Masked Figure 8486279 continues to lower his body towards the floor until he ends up in a lying position, which he changes into a sitting one and then a standing one fairly quickly [19/04/15 20:46] :Masked Figure 8486279 performs two full rotations around himself and along a circular path and then jumps as high as he can [19/04/15 20:47] :Masked Figure 8486279 bends both knees sideways as soon as his feet abandon the floor and performs a pirouette in mid air before stretching his legs again and landing safely on his feet [19/04/15 20:47] :Masked Figure 8486279 performs a single full rotation more along the same circular path and jumps high once again [19/04/15 20:47] :Masked Figure 8486279 brings his right foot in front and under his left knee and withdraws his arms close to his chest, as if embracing himself, as soon as his feet abandon the floor [19/04/15 20:47] :Masked Figure 8486279 performs two pirouettes in mid air while maintaining his posture before landing back on his feet [19/04/15 20:48] :Masked Figure 8486279 takes a few quick steps along the same circular path, effectively completing three quarters of a circle in total, then takes a few equally quick steps in a straight line and jumps again [19/04/15 20:48] :Masked Figure 8486279 bends his whole body backwards as much as he can as soon as he abandons the floor until his heels nearly touch the top of his head, making his body form a full circle [19/04/15 20:48] :Masked Figure 8486279 stretches both arms to the back in relation to his shoulders and stays in that position until gravity begins to take over again [19/04/15 20:49] :Masked Figure 8486279 unlocks his body from that posture as soon as it begins its way down and he lands on a crouching position; he stays still in this posture for a couple of seconds [19/04/15 20:49] Masked Figure 8486279:slowly lies down and turns his body so that his chest and face are visible to the audience and curls himself up, wrapping his arms around his legs; stays still for a second or two* [19/04/15 20:49] :Masked Figure 8486279 slowly lies down and turns his body so that his chest and face are visible to the audience and curls himself up, wrapping his arms around his legs; stays still for a second or two [19/04/15 20:49] :Masked Figure 8486279 turns his body again until his back lies on the floor and extends his legs along the floor without stretching them fully [19/04/15 20:50] :Masked Figure 8486279 slowly slides his hands that landed on his stomach towards the top of his chest and arches his back at the same time letting his head be the only part of his upper body that touches the floor [19/04/15 20:50] :Masked Figure 8486279 slides his hands towards his face and the top of his head, while wrinkling his face and opening his mouth wide as if trying to scream [19/04/15 20:50] :Masked Figure 8486279 turns to the side, showing his back to the audience, and curls himself up with quick and sharp moves; stays still again for a second [19/04/15 20:50] :Masked Figure 8486279 shifts to a sitting position with the help of his right arm, his back still visible to the audience, and brings his knees close to his chest [19/04/15 20:50] :Masked Figure 8486279 wraps his arms around his knees and slowly drops his head in his arms, rendering every body part except his back nearly invisible [19/04/15 20:51] :Masked Figure 8486279 takes a deep breath and stands again, turns towards the audience and bows [19/04/15 20:51] :apophys cheers approvingly [19/04/15 20:51] :*Sasha Lilias* claps [19/04/15 20:51] :Masked Figure 1094578 stands and stares, then begins to clap vigorously [19/04/15 20:51] :Lania blinks out of the hypnosis and starts to clap [19/04/15 20:51] :Jester also claps [19/04/15 20:51] :Lintara stares speechless, then slowly raises her hands and claps at an increasing speed, cheers out loud [19/04/15 20:51] :Masked Figure 2183572 claps [19/04/15 20:52] :powle claps [19/04/15 20:52] :MaGoHi applauds [19/04/15 20:52] :Masked Figure 5690766 claps [19/04/15 20:52] :Masked Figure 8486279 bows again and runs back to the corner [19/04/15 20:52] :Change claps from her spot [19/04/15 20:52] Assira the Black: *claps* Thank you Contestant E [19/04/15 20:52] Masked Figure 4877226: *claps* dem modern dancers... [19/04/15 20:52] :Masked Figure 5690766 flaps her wings [19/04/15 20:53] Jester:was that interpretive dance or something? [19/04/15 20:54] Assira the Black:Next is the contestant F pairs. Will the two of you please step forward. [19/04/15 20:54] :Masked Figure 1094578 peeks from the crowd, then takes a couple of steps forwards [19/04/15 20:54] :Masked Figure 2183572 puts on a CD [19/04/15 20:54] Masked Figure 2183572: [Video link] [19/04/15 20:55] *Sasha Lilias*: *laughs* What a beautiful couple... [19/04/15 20:55] Sir Blut: *wshispers to Masked Figure 5690766* What's a cd? [19/04/15 20:55] :Masked Figure 2183572 wanders over to the bird and snatches a rose from its pocket. Puts it in his mouth, makes a single clap with a stamp and holds his hand out [19/04/15 20:55] :Masked Figure 4877226 cheers [19/04/15 20:56] :Masked Figure 5690766 shrugs [19/04/15 20:56] :Masked Figure 5690766 cheers [19/04/15 20:56] :Masked Figure 9827412 blows kisses [19/04/15 20:56] :Masked Figure 1094578 hesitates at first, but quickly rips his sleeves off, shaking one of them and letting five black orbs float from it and around his back, then tosses the sleeves away. [19/04/15 20:57] :Masked Figure 1094578 rests one hand on the Cat-man's waist, and holds the outreached hand with the other [19/04/15 20:58] :Masked Figure 2183572 puts a hand around the birds waist and takes the other, then slides his right leg back across the ground tilting his body beconing the other to follow [19/04/15 20:58] :Masked Figure 1094578 's feet seem to follow faster than his body - he is nimble, but his torso lags behind slightly, stiff and clumsy compared to his feet. The orbs follow right behind him [19/04/15 20:59] :Masked Figure 2183572 lets go of the bird's waist and yanks his arm to the right [19/04/15 21:00] :Masked Figure 1094578 spins on his feet away from the cat-man, stepping on the cloak and tearing out a chunk of it, but then spins the other way, back close to the cat-man [19/04/15 21:01] Masked Figure 2183572:ow! thats my foot watch it *frowns and retorts kicking his leg between the bird's, then, behind his own before dropping him into a dip* [19/04/15 21:02] :Masked Figure 1094578 cringes under the mask, then leans back, the orbs that were following him bonking into one another and then fanning out behind the Cat-man, as if watching [19/04/15 21:04] :Masked Figure 2183572 lifts the bird and spins on an axis, then gently places him back to his feet and takes one knee, bowing his head but keeping hold of the birds hand [19/04/15 21:04] :Dark Demon O.O [19/04/15 21:04] Assira the Black: (1 min) [19/04/15 21:05] :Masked Figure 1094578 seems somewhat dazed, but grins, taking the Cat-man's hand, yanking him back up on his feet and taking him for a brief, sharp stride, though he ends up tripping on his tattered cloak [19/04/15 21:06] :Masked Figure 2183572 catches the bird from falling, then takes his hand to bow [19/04/15 21:06] :Masked Figure 1094578 smiles and bows, after skidding to a stop [19/04/15 21:07] :Masked Figure 4877226 claps for the beautiful couple [19/04/15 21:07] Assira the Black: *claps* Thank you F pair. [19/04/15 21:08] :Lintara cheers loudly, clapping [19/04/15 21:08] :Masked Figure 5690766 applauds [19/04/15 21:08] :Dark Demon applauds [19/04/15 21:08] :apophys applauds vigorously [19/04/15 21:09] :Masked Figure 9827412 would throw confetti but she doesn't have osme [19/04/15 21:09] :*Sasha Lilias* raises a 0 sign [19/04/15 21:09] :Lintara throws rose petals instead [19/04/15 21:09] :*Sasha Lilias* grins at the two [19/04/15 21:09] :Chewett raises a 1 next to sasha's 0 [19/04/15 21:09] :Jester glares at sasha and raises a 10 sign [19/04/15 21:09] :MaGoHi applauds [19/04/15 21:09] Chewett: *shouts* TEN [19/04/15 21:09] :*Nimrodel* settles next to Burns [19/04/15 21:10] :*Sasha Lilias* laughs [19/04/15 21:10] :Masked Figure 1094578 pulls his hood on out of reflex to hide blushing [19/04/15 21:10] *Sasha Lilias*: *moves to the otherside of Chew* 1! [19/04/15 21:11] Assira the Black:Thank you all contestants. This concludes the Dance Contest, as the other Contestant is not available. DD can start his ceremony, as I prepare the next step. [19/04/15 21:11] Assira the Black: (though first can a log be pulled?) [19/04/15 21:11] Masked Figure 1094578: (Shall we keep our masks on, Assira?) [19/04/15 21:11] Dark Demon: (I can do so, should I?) [19/04/15 21:11] Chewett:I will pull the log [19/04/15 21:11] Assira the Black: (Yes, keep them on :D) [/log]
  14. Assira 's Rum Cake Ingridients 2 blue candies 2 red candies bottle of rum 3 unidentified plants 1 aromatic herb Heat the pan crush blue candies, add one unidentified plant and heat to make blue icing crush red candies and heat to make red syrup Mix red syrup, rum, unidentified plants, and aromatic herb. bake cake tap cake out of baking pan let cool coat top of cake with blue icing. Cut and serve
  15. Alright people can form teams if they like. Please let me know before the 20mdst if you are teaming up with someone. I will send all participants a forum pm about it, in case people miss this forum topic. Question list above has been updated.
  16. Questions: Is there a theme to it? Or do I plan what I want to do on my own? There is no theme, plan what you want. Just as long as it does not go over 10 minutes. Dance contest is basically rp-ing the dance moves? Do we get songs? Yes the dance contest is role playing the dance moves and if you wish to have a song you can post the youtube video link that you wish people to listen to as you dance.
  17. All contestants have been sent a pm. If you have questions you can pm me or reply in the pm I sent you all. There were few enough contestants that the contest will be based on Solo performances.
  18. Dance Contest Big Rewards and new Award section added

  19. AWARDS section added We now have MORE PRIZES!: Most Amusing: WP and an aramor Most Skillful: WP and an aramor
  20. Dance Contest- Check out the updated rewards

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