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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. I had pictures and the info on the Syntax errors... but realized something. I will contact Chewett. AND the following image of undefined stats... not sure if it is connected to the other syntax problem but both are happening. Refreshing fixed the undefined stats, but still get the errors.
  2. Take care Chewett and hope all goes well.
  3. i cant really explain how it storenow does not work in clickies for me, just that it doesn't. I post the link in the html section with the scr= with the dimensions of the image and etc. can't remember exactly what I put in at the moment I need to look it up in my files but I am on my phone at the moment.this I have done for other images feom other sites. It works dine for imgur or photobucket but not for storenow. I tried several different methods and had someones help and could not get storenow to post an image in a clickie. I did not realize before this topic that storenow was md based. Then again I did not pay that close attention. Certain things slip by unnoticed, especially when I am tired.
  4. I am excited about starting a garden. My new place has a small backyard. It has been a few years since I have been able to have a garden. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      Nope, i will have to look in my bag of seeds. I have a lot of different kinds of vegetable and fruit seeds, as well as some herbal seeds. I have a good potato tuber and legume seed source. Once I get the raised bed made I will start the planning stage.

    3. Ungod


      Ooh, good luck!

    4. Maebius


      Awesome! Make sure to document it to for the Herbs in MD quest! :D

  5. When I tried recently to use storenow to upload a pic to it, it stores it as a file. I did not use to do that in the past. I could upload and test the link, and it would take me to the pics link. Now it want me to download it as a file even if I click to upload it as a picture. I just was frustrated with it. The reason I stopped using it months ago was because when I would try to embed a picture in a clickie for a quest, I could not get it to work. But I could get it to work with other sites. So over all, I gave up using it. And for storenow, I never got all those options. Just the option of file and picture, then when I click picture I could upload it. Then it would act as a link.
  6. I would like suggestions on what is best for using for MD related material. I do not like storenow and have troubles using it when it in clickies when it comes to quests. Photo bucket is horrible for quests, seeing as how people can view other photos on that account and thus spoil quests. I like imgur... I upload images to my account but do not publish the images... and do not come across problems faced with the other picture storage sites mentioned above. But it seems that imgur is 'rubbish' for the copyright that jargon always confuses me so I am not sure what makes a good copyright. Though I do not have problems with images being deleted, probably since it is on my account. So any suggestions on what can be used for what I need and that meets MD copyright requirements? --Assira
  7. *wonders why she never saw this topic before and now has an excuse to share garden pictures this spring* Can the harvest pics happen over a period of time? The things I plan to plant are harvested at different times of the year. Do we have to include our md name or anything else to identify that it is us? Does the ritual happen in md or rl? If rl does it have to be video tapes or can pics and a written explanation work?
  8. I wasn't saying that there were not mysteries now, just that what was once spoilers may now be common knowledge. And trying to point out that if people want more from their experience then to create it or find it... To be the activity.
  9. The idea of mystery or spoilers will naturally be explored more over time and since the population has remained pretty much the same those spoilers or mysteries will be no longer be that to the majority of the population. There will always be those not widely known. But what was once spoilers may become well known facts. Some of the difference between now and then is researching concepts (be it combat, spell docs, principles, out side the current known principles, and etc.), in the old days their were several people/groups of people, expanding upon what was known and thus created more mysteries or concepts that would be spoilerish. In all honesty, there is no way to go back to the old ways or days... there is only to move forward and expand upon what is here. Creating mysteries, spoilers, and activity.
  10. Alright Aethon you have been added and will receive a forum pm.
  11. I have added you to the member list and you will be contacted.
  12. Teleport to Pc 6sc and Toad speak 6sc
  13. Recruitment is still open.
  14. Idea 1: Multiple leather straps braided together around the stem end of a black rose. Then you have a Black Rose Whip. Idea 2: Apothecary box filled with toxic plants and red glass fragments. With this you have a nasty little trap should curious hands go digging through your things. Idea 3: Multiple Monkey Claws placed inside a barrel.... Aka Monkey's in a barrel. Idea 4: Empty Box, Clown mask, Handle, gears, handle, nuts & bolts, and inflexible spring. Put it all together and you have a Jack 'n the Box that does no retract. So it is always staring you in the face. edit: did not realize I typed handle twice
  15. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file It is currently at the top of the avatar shop. I have not clicked anything (like shuffle or bought an avatar since the avatar shop changes)
  16. Received the error after using the Bedleh of Shadow Flames Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/magicdue/public_html/bar/inc.boxheader.php:25) in /home/magicdue/public_html/bar/box.activeitem.php on line 19 opening item...
  17. Information Center is back. If you wish for something to be posted there, contact me on the forums or in game.
  18. back for a bit... life may become hectic after holidays are over or may be calmer than before.

    1. Lintara


      Welcome back Assira and good luck either way! :)

    2. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      Thanks, I plan to stick around, I just may not be around as often as I would like



      Glad to hear it :)

  19. May not be around much for a while. Work has been busy and looking at getting involved in the local art community. So I may not have the time or energy to be around on MD much.

    1. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      Awesome that you're looking at getting involved in your local art community, much luck to you.

    2. Assira the Black
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