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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. Greetings, At the Hall of the Great Sun a dance contest will be held April 19th at 20mdst. Participants will sign up by posting their name and id to this forum topic. If enough people have signed up, teams of two will be assigned. If there are not many people who sign up, then it will be solo performances. Sign ups end Friday 17th and you will be messaged who your partner is (if there is one). Do not share who your partners are. If there is an odd number of people, then a substitute will be found. You may have props (items) used in your dance but it has to be in your inventory to use it. Arrive on time, if you are late to your performance or do not show. Then you forfeit the contest. Scoring will be based upon a scale of 1 to 10. 1 = you did not arrive and forfeited or broke the rules and 10 = you (& your partner) did really well and showed that the two of you put thought into it. Judges will send me their scores and it will be added up. Which ever person/team receives the highest score gets 1st place to 3rd place. Rewards: 1st Place: Darkling and Anni (from Chewett),1 rp item, 1 g,and 5 silver 2nd Place: Mutated Drach(From Chewett), 1rp item, 1g and gets 3 silver each 3rd Place: Morph (from Chewett),1g, and 1rp item Minor rewards for all participants too (The above rewards are based on solo performances.) Awards: Most Amusing: WP and an aramor Most Skillful: WP and an aramor The awards are separate from the Places. Nim: Sponsors 3 Gold (Its division amongst the reward places will be decided when sign up phase has ended) Chewett is sponsoring this event Rp items and silver will be from my inventory. Rules being: No alts, can only dance once, must have a partner (unless solo performance are chosen by default then if you do not show up or late to your time frame you forfeit the contest), and a dance is limited to 10 minutes (it can be less but do not go over the 10 minute mark). In case of a tie... Then if I have enough silver and rp items, it will go to the teams that tied for those positions (so if two teams tie for first then all four people will get the first place reward). If I do not have the rewards available then there will have to be a tie breaker of some sort. Judges: Will be announced once scores and places are announced. I strongly suggest that you arrive early and everybody is invited to watch. -Assira the Black and the rest of the Masks of the Mist. Thank you Chewett.
  2. Kneading eraser and tooth pic My camera did not like focusing on it
  3. If judges are needed for a quest and if I do not have to be present at the time of the event. Then I am willing to be a judge for any quest that needs one.

  4. This could be countered by the idea that practice makes perfect. The more experience you have at doing something the better you become or the more naturally it comes to you. You already have the knowledge of it but that by putting it to use it evolves not degrades. I have knowledge of riding a bike, I have seen others do so, but once you ride a bike and have the experience of riding it. Then it becomes more than just knowledge and can not degrade to nothing. I know how to ride a bike and can go years without riding one. I have not forgotten how to ride one. At first I may be unbalanced, but I pick it back up quickly. Same thing can go for anything that we experience. If I were to have knowledge of spells and cast them, then it would not be something that I easily forget. I would get better at casting them or find ways to better cast them. For it then becomes an experience. I think there is a difference between knowledge and experience. Knowledge unused becomes tainted and fades. But knowledge and experience builds to become better than it originally was.
  5. Take care, Chewett
  6. I play games to challenge myself, explore new things, think in different ways, and to interact with others that I would not normally cross paths with. Most games I get bored with quickly. It will hold my attention for a little bit, but then it stops holding my interest. There have only been two games that have held my attention for longer than a few months. One was BattleMagica (the game died, I was one of the few left logging in occasionally but now the site is down) and the other is this one, MD.
  7. *narrows her eyes at the lagging computer*

  8. So if a person votes for person M. Then it is a vote against person M being a diplomat. Correct?
  9. At the time my dog (a great dane) was named Assira and she was black. So Assira the Black, an account I created with the intention to create chaos and stir things up a bit. I was missing something from my experience as playing Legna (was pretty depressed at the time and did not have the energy to play Legna). So I made Assira on March 21st the day after my birthday (though in my time it was the day of my birthday). StrongWilled Legna is because I was often told that I am Strong willed and Legna is Angel backwards. Hiria comes from a variation that I have used in the past in other rp games. Hirian, Hirria, and etc. I have had many other characters such as, Irithiran Viff/Iff Uirrian Vladisalvia Ajani Tiny Legna (without the StrongWilled part) and a few others. Most of the names are a combination that I like the meaning of... but I can not remember anymore.
  10. I am able to upload pic files, but do come across the file error, where it will say that I have reached the max size even though I have decreased the file size to the appropriate size.
  11. Person A:We have a exam?! Person B: Good thing it is not an English exam. http://imgur.com/S51KISA Death by Teacup http://imgur.com/2igsSiL Nothi...ng Remains http://imgur.com/oQjjKCH.png
  12. Because of this post ... I now can not get the song out of my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jofNR_WkoCE
  13. Assira the Black

    Random Artwork

    I will occasionally upload some of my art work... it has been awhile since I have seriously sat down to draw. So lately that is what I have been doing.
  14. Within a dream an image appears. A wall so strong that nothing could harm it. Not wind, rain, ice, or fire. It held against the forces of nature. The mortar cracked and crumbled as a hole appeared beneath its foundation. Structureless the wall buckled. The strength the wall held once is no more, falling victim to the floor.
  15. 3 silver for the dress
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