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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. The free gifts under the Power ups section has given be an error when it tries to give full vit to 6 creatures. I had more than 6 creatures that did not have full health and none recovered any health from the free gift. http://storenow.net/my/?f=07d994e40bad9f26a09b64a91db71500
  2. Deadline has been reached. Thank you all for your participation. gonzalocsdf95 won and I will find him in MD to give the reward.
  3. Ideas for new things for shop -Reset on Principles (some peoples roles develop differently that what they had in mind when chosing the principles. And maybe limit it to one purchase even if the shop is reset) -mystery boxes that affects change based off of strongest principle or combination of principles. (temporarily increasing one of the stats...including stats that deal with harvesting) Though if some tags are based off of the resource stats there may a limit on the tags to not include the temporary increases in stats. -Hmm... might come up with more later when I wake up some.
  4. If anyone wishes to be a judge please message me.
  5. Updated Original post @ Junior, please confirm that I have the correct link for your character.
  6. Okay. I have bought a santa and the drac previous years but not the nutcracker(or at least I do not have it in my creature list) or snowman (not sure if that is where the snowmen appear)
  7. Original post updated @Rophs, I assume you are participating as Rophs and not Ciphla...
  8. Deadline approaching in a few days.
  9. I do not see the Christmas creatures mentioned in the the announcements. I am towards the end of the all but the tokens branch. Is this a bug?
  10. The sandals in the md shop is fine, as well as the flying shoes at scenes that give ap.
  11. Changes made to original post. @Azrafar, Is that the correct profile link for your character that will be participating in this contest? (In the original post)
  12. Only limited to stat boosters. Increased regeneration is fine through md shop and items like tea. Methods of increasing ap through items is fine as well (candy, cake, flying shoes or pickles). The main things is that I want people moving through the realm, not standing in one spot using items or md shop to increase the volition.
  13. I think it would add a new... depth or twist to illusions/tags. I am not very familiar with illusions in md. An illusionist can become a master at deception or become so enthralled with the illusion that it does not differ from reality. It would be an interesting role-play element.
  14. Start Date: 12/20 Start Time:20:00MDST Location: Gazebo of Equilibrium End Date: 12/27 End Time: 20:00MDST Rewards: To Be Determined This is a race of volition. Who ever gets the highest percent increase of volition in that time frame get first place. All the way to 3rd. Rules: Arrive 10 minutes before start time. Do not leave the scene. This allows me (Assira) and another judge/s to look at your profile to record your volition. (Update: idling at the GoE or being completely logged off is fine. We just need to be able to get an accurate reading of the volition) Do not use items/mdshop to increase volition stat. Volition should only be gained through the normal means. EDIT: Increasing Regeneration and ap (pickles, candy, cake, and flying shoes) is allowed. Must register in advance and please post your true profile link. Arrive on time or idle at the GoE at the End Time. If you are logged off then that is fine. The reasoning for this is that you need to be 'still' while I record peoples end volition. So being at the GoE in person, idling at the GoE, or being logged off at 20:00MDST allows me to record the volition from profile link. The profile link updates quickly and I will record those numbers before the start time and after the end time. If you wish to be a judge please pm me. Judges will be anonymous until after the contest ends. Example 1: Starting volition 177.99 which on profile link shows up as 177 Ending volition 178 178-177=1 1/177=.0056 .0056x100=.56% Example 2: Starting volition 40 Ending volition 100 100-40=60 60/40=1.5 1.5x100=150% Example 3: Starting Volition 1000 Ending Volition 1200 1200-1000=200 200/1000=.2 .2x100=20% So it will be harder for people with high volition to win. But easier for newer players to win. Comments, Suggestions, questions, and etc. are welcome. (This is not a MotM sponsored event, this way people in the MotM can participate if they wish. Judges will not be able to take part in the race.) Judge: Asthir Participants: Azrafar http://magicduel.com/players/Azrafar&override=true Starting Volition:146 Ending Volition:301 106.16% Intrigue http://magicduel.com/players/Intrigue&override=true Starting Volition:224 Ending Volition:229 2.23% *Eagle Eye* http://magicduel.com/players/*Eagle%20Eye*&override=true Starting Volition:470 Ending Volition:501 6.59% Dark Demon http://magicduel.com/players/Dark_Demon Starting Volition:305 Ending Volition:342 12.13% Change http://magicduel.com/players/Change&override=true Starting Volition:53 Ending Volition:79 49.06% Rophs http://magicduel.com/players/Rophs&override=true Starting Volition:362 Ending Volition:379 4.69% Junior http://magicduel.com/players/Junior&override=true Starting Volition:52 Ending Volition:140 169.23% 1st Place:Junior - 169.23% 2nd Place: Azrafar - 106.16% 3rd Place:Change - 49.05% Dark Demon - 12.13% *Eagle Eye* - 6.59% Rophs - 4.69% Intrigue - 2.23%
  15. Where does the voting take place? (is it in game or on the forums?)
  16. So to make a tag the "main" role would you select the small circle or the big circle?
  17. tired... will not be doing much tonight.zzzz

  18. I am interested... I just may not have the time to do it...
  19. Going to be gone for part of weekend. Will continue working on projects when I get back :)

  20. Heat veins concept I find intriguing. It was on my list of things that I want to investigate. -Assira
  21. I think people agree that a min is okay. But to have no limit on the max.
  22. 4532x4 I have a reason for choosing those numbers.
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