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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. ID:141566 An old blank book: a dusty book with worn and torn pages. Does not appear to contain any writing Ball of yarn: undyed yarn made from cotton. handful of pebbles: unpolished pebbles collected from the river bed blades of dried grass: harvested grass that has dried out. dried leaves: leaves that have fallen from the trees chalk: plain white chalk that washes away in the rain magnifying glass: a small around piece of glass encased in some wood. Some people may use this to kill ants but it has other purposes too. bone meal: freshly ground bones that make a fine addition to any fertilizer Blood: blood from an unknown entity. Beware of vampires. teeth: humanoid teeth ... Just do not question where it came from. canine teeth: came from a creature similar to a dog. fur: seems some strands of fur have collected on your clothing. feather: a small brown feather. Careful that the wind does not tear it from your grasp. drum: a crude design that involves branches and what looks to be skin. It it too hard and it may fall to pieces. bell: a small round metal trinket that barely rattles when shaked (?) empty glass vial: an empty vial that has some chips in the glass around the mouth. It also is missing a stopper. lidless jar: a glass jar that is searching for its lid. stone disk: a thin circular piece of stone that has been worn with age sheet of old paper: this paper disintegrates if held too much. Perhaps it would be best to recycle it. pillow: small pillow stuffed with feathers. Anyone order a pillow fight? umbrella- crude design using grasan skin... but it may keep some of the rain off of you. snowshoes- twigs held together by resin... helps to aid a person to walk on the snow. brush- wooden brush to get those naughty tangles. tooth brush- wooden handle... the bristles... well you do not want to know what is used for that. splinter- small piece of wood that has become an annoyance. spec of dirt- small bit of dirt that aims for the eye piece of a silver coin- once a silver coin that has now been broken into a small piece. flower petal- petal that fell of a flower. It is smooth to the touch Dried flower petal- once a beautiful smooth flower petal has dried into a brown rough mass of plant tissue ash- what remains when a log or person catches on fire coal- wood that has been burned and under pressure. A lot of pressure... so be nice to it. torch- a branch with cloth wrapped around one end. glass bead- small bead made of glass, not of much use in its current state... unless you happen to drop it on the ground when someone walks by. Blue marble- a small round marble with different shades of blue. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Red marble- a small round marble with different shades of red. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Yellow marble-a small round marble with different shades of yellow. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Purple marble-a small round marble with different shades of purple. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Green marble-a small round marble with different shades of green. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Orange marble-a small round marble with different shades of orange. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Black marble-a small round marble with different shades of black. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. White marble-a small round marble with different shades of white. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Brown marble-a small round marble with different shades of brown. Makes a pretty display of color when light shines through. Large multicolored marble-as streaks of different shades of color. Makes an amazing display of color when the light shines through. Glass shard- medium sized piece of glass. Careful not to poke yourself or the blood collector may come. torn piece of cloth- the frayed cloth is rough to the touch. Wax beads- ear wax? What ever the source... candles have to be made some way. a shoe- just one right shoe... with no laces. vegetable oil- oil pressed from plants. matches- a small handful of match sticks. flint- piece of stone... may it spark your day small metal pin- this small pin may be apart of some contraption... or it may just be here to leave you questioning. small metal ring- too small and plain to fit on a finger... what else could it be used for. plant fibers- plant material that has been beaten and fermented, leaving behind only the fiber. Mur: good items, usable. I made some adjustments
  2. Branches, aromatic herbs, water - Survivalist Raw glass, sand,- Glass smith Toxic plants, unidentified plants, aromatic herbs, bushies, flowers, tree bark, branches, resin, tea leaves, - Botanist Skin, Bones, timeless dust, fenths, skull, - Liche Sticky goop, resin, - Glue maker Memory Stone, bones, skull, - Necromancer Sawdust, sand, solid stench, bones- Compost Maker Cup of cold tea, raw glass, - Recycler Memory stone, lumber, bark, branches, resin, fenths- Ent Summoner Rainwater, unidentified plants, bones, syntropic dust, memory stone- Shaman Colored paper, flowers, gift wrap, - Present/Gift Specialist Colored paper, resin, memory stone- Doll Maker Bones, resin, colored paper, memory stone- Voodoo doll maker Liquid Dust, Memory stone, timeless dust- Analyzer of Matter Bushies, water - Gardener Wiiya, syntropic dust, Toxic gas, fenths, memory stone- Toxic Summoner Memory stone, timeless dust, sand, - Runecrafter Rainbow candy, Blue candy, Orange Candy, red candy, yellow candy, green candy, sticky goop- Tooth Decay
  3. Spells:Send to sanctuary or temporarily make a location a sanctuary, Increase regeneration stat of player, cast a defensive shield similar to the one in md shop, give a portion of mp6 stats temporarily , give a portion of mp6 principles temporarily, push away nonwhorshippers, directly heals creatures, locate worshipper's,gives temp protector equipment, could probably come up with more.
  4. My submission. [spoiler]To walk down a path that has been treaded before, it is no different than the journey of her past days. The streets look the same and dust settles on the cold bricks. Assira looks around studying the landscape of Tribunal. Memories surface with in her mind. Memories of betrayal and grasps at power. She hears the whispers from the depths of the land. Hinting at something more… something darker. Not the temple of the void. That is not what calls her to travel deeper into the land…to travel paths she has traveled times before when she was a simple bar maiden. The silence following her…enticing her for when the realm is silent the edges of her mind is filled with noise. Whispers taunting… and urges that still occasionally pull her in, tearing her from reality molding her into who she is. Today it was stronger than normal, almost as if the gauntlet was not firmly encasing her left arm, allowing her some control. Something catches her eye when she nears the hotel. She can not place what it is that drew her here… Finding nothing to satisfy her curiosity she goes to move away from the hotel's door. The noise becomes deafening causing her to clasp the door frame to keep from falling over. Images of blood and flesh come flooding through her mind. The air seems thinner and her eyes start to lose focus. The urge… no… the need pulls at her. Her right hand slides down the door frame and rests on to the gauntlet. "If only… If only it was not there. It holds me back… holds me…" A shadow shifts just slightly in the alley way beside the hotel, bringing her attention back to the present. She clenches her right hand into a fist and grinds her teeth. On edge she stands there listening. The silence eats away at her, well the silence and something else. Thoughts surface within her mind, "Kill them… Kill them all." Shaking her head she goes to turn around to walk away from the hotel. Not that leaving the hotel would put distance between her and her mind. The silence is broken, something scrapped against stone. Not a soft scurrying sound… but something hard like metal or bone. Normally fear is not something she is accustom too… not like this. Why would she be scared of a noise… when it can do nothing to her. Not liking to be afraid she confronts what may be in that alley. With every echo of her steps the fear built. Around the corner, blood was the first thing she saw. Her jaw clenched, not with revulsion… but with the urge to devour and destroy. Amidst the blood was a young drachorn…it's skin… torn and bloody, hung in chunks from its bones. Decay seeped into its body. Why she did not notice its stench before, is unfathomable. It's foggy eyes watched her movements sluggishly. The drachorn's breath was ragged and it laid still on the cool stones. From appearances it had not been wounded by weapons… Stepping closer she then could tell what caused it to be in this state … and why she was drawn here. It was not her fear that she had felt, but the young drachorn's. Assira lowers her hand to the youngling and it goes to snap at her hand. Its' teeth tighten around her hand but stop short of piercing her flesh. A smile touch the edges of her lips, "So you have been given the command too?" "It is going to be an interesting year." She says as the tainted drachorn lets go of her hand. "Hmm…" Assira stands there studying the creature, its' fear still present with in her mind. She resists the fear's summons. "For now, I will leave you here." She walks out of the alley and glances back at the young drachorn. "I have no need for you in the state you are in… but I will be back to check your… progress." She walks the silent paths back out of Tribunal, the noise shouting in her mind and a smile twisted upon her hips. "Interesting year, indeed."[/spoiler] -Assira the Black
  5. Congratulations, Nad :)
  6. Sorry, I hope everything goes well.
  7. I was able to select multiple options... I think... I think the options I selected went through.
  8. Sat 10th @ 1600 ok Sat 10th @ 2000 best Sun 11th @ 1600 ok Sun 11th @ 2000 good Fri 9th @ 2000 can't make this time
  9. I like the land of the dead idea. When blackrider mentioned hellhounds... it got me off on a tangent about the underworld. That is sort of what inspired the Underworld shrine that a posted to my gallery about a week ago (estimated time... might have been longer or a day or so sooner..). Yeah few people die in MD, but improving the death system would make it where it has more depth to what it is now. But I think it should be thought about carefully. The symbology involved in it and what it is that we want death to mean in MD. Like how death will still be a negative thing but have new depth to it that makes it interesting.
  10. 10th or 11th at 16mdst to 20MDST is good for me... on the 9th I will be at work.
  11. Happy New Years! As for what I did... nothing but play games online or the PS3 or watch House.
  12. Thank you for the aromatic herbs. :)
  13. 1st Place (Junior): 1 Gold Coin and Lockinchaos stone 2nd Place (Azrafar): 1 Gold Coin and Invisibility Stone 3rd Place (Change): 1 Gold Coin and Heat Stone Thank you Chewett for sponsoring the Lockinchaos stone. And thank you Asthir for judging this event.
  14. 1st Place:Junior - 169.23% 2nd Place: Azrafar - 106.16% 3rd Place:Change - 49.05% Dark Demon - 12.13% *Eagle Eye* - 6.59% Rophs - 4.69% Intrigue - 2.23%
  15. Quest Ends today at 20MDST Remember Idle or be at the GoE. If you log off completely that is fine... Do not be late to the GoE. If you are logged off and do not think you have enough time to get your character to the GoE on time then not logging in until 15 minutes after 20MDST. That should be enough time to gather everybody's end volition stats.
  16. Bye won't be around for a few days. Everybody have a Happy Holidays and enjoy MD festivities.

  17. I was think that if hellhounds is introduced to md... it be more connected with death than hell hounds being connected to shades.
  18. Thank you all for your feed back this will help when I go to plan contests.
  19. Okay. Good to know. Thank you
  20. Will be gone 24-26. Maybe the beginning of the 27th md time.

  21. I am thankful that I get to go see family this year. I was not able to go any where last year.
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