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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. I might add some of the NPC related things but it depends on the current tutorial additions going on. I do not wish to interfere with what others are planning.
  2. When you gain new skill sets or improve old ones solely to apply it in md.
  3. I went ahead and made it where people can see the clickie layout and have an idea of what to expect. No quests or events are currently active.
  4. I will be around for about a day and then will be gone for two weeks... *does not want to miss any chaos*.

  5. Yeah, it still happens. I drank a beer and after closing out of that in the trigger box, the header bug was there.
  6. I have seen that with a lot of people. But it is hard to document since it is difficult to tell if they are truly on and just logged off themselves or was idle appeared to be on and disappeared/logged off. I could test it by logging in as Legna on a weekend and letting her idle. Then check to see if Legna appears to be on before reaching the log out timeframe. I am not able to test it during the week.
  7. Notebook seems to be fine for me in IE and Firefox
  8. Assira, does not have any LR land loyalty but the grab item button shows in the image. As Assira I am not able to pick it up, so that is not an issue. It informs me that I do not have enough land loyalty to obtain it.
  9. I can not get the error to happen. But I remember having troubles with it within the last week (I think it was this last weekend). I will keep trying to see if it will happen, it was happening before when I least expected it.
  10. This has been fixed. It works fine now.
  11. :) I remember you mentioning that you had plans for the billboard and something about a quest/s, after I mentioned in chat about something similar to what was posted above to something else you had said in chat. Hehehe...at this point trying to remember that conversation at the GoE escapes me. I did not realize exactly what you had in mind. This can be a clickie that people use until your plans are set. My coding in the clickie is probably not very aesthetically pleasing and crude. I worked with what I know so far which is not a whole lot. I plan to build upon it as I go and after making it up today I figured I had a good enough layout/foundation to build upon.
  12. I have developed a clickie that will be used to store information about on going quests, contests, Market, Events, and other things. The idea behind this is to add a more in game feel to the quests, market, and so on. It would not get rid of the idea of the forums to keep track of who won a quest, scores, why, and what reward they were given. People wishing to add their quests, contests, and events would need to contact me with the Quest/Event Name, Who is the main creator, if it is a land or alliance based quest/contest, any requirements, time restrictions (like if it only lasts a set time frame), and rewards. And the introductory statement that you wish for the person to read to begin your quest or hook the person on starting it. For the market, this is mainly for sells/buy/trades that last over a week or are more permanent. Like if you are regularly buying certain creatures, selling the resources you often harvest, or something along those lines. Since on the forums people forget that a specific person is always selling wood or herbs or water, it is a good way to keep track of the ongoing trades wanted. Right now the clickie is the panel above the central stairs at the GoE. It is password protected for the moment until some people show interest posting a few things. -Assira the Black (edit: Posted this in the General Forum since it covers more than quests)
  13. Hmm... I forgot about this topic... I have two poems that I had written for something I drew. I might post the images later who knows. These poems/images were for a contest but I missed the deadline. I was going to pick one for submission. So I did not get to submit them. Chaos World of Dreams lost in me Winds of change are calling Within the broken darkness lies A light shining brightly Chaos beckons on the tattered pathless Shaping course an illusion of bliss A night to remember off the slope Round it takes one into hope Gem A drop falling low away from the world that be Into a lonely darkness that none want to see Harsh words and negativity holds These help to shape and mold Clinging to what is near Bringing in what is dear A gem emerges its shape shown true Its broken and shattered... crude But in a dream peace is found In the contrast and sound The gem is made whole Listening to the soul Seeing beauty beyond the walls The light bends as it grows tall Hope of acceptance is not far away Time of life is here today
  14. Question... If it is a permanent quest is there a limited supply of wps? For example if over the course of a few months 20 different people submit entries and 12 fall into the wp range... (I know that it is unlikely that that many people would submit pictures within that time frame) I just want to point out that if it is player sponsored wps there might be difficulties later on keeping up with those that fall into the wp reward range.
  15. will be gone for a week... Please don't destory anything until I get back. lol. I would like to be present for the chaos :P

    1. Lintara


      Awwh! Okay... Have fun!

    2. ignnus


      alright but i can't give any guarantees

    3. John Constantine

      John Constantine

      (un)fortunately moderators have no vacation:)

  16. Hmm... I thought it pimped a current one. Before I had tried to get a pimped grasan with out a regular grasan and it would not do it. That is if my memory it correct. I may be wrong. I am not certain on the age that a grasan would be pimped, if it is randomly selected or if it goes for the youngest.
  17. I have not been a protector before because of adepts. I have been close to capping. As for whether I want to be a MP6 that would depend on its definition. If it is to mean to help and give at any moment. Then no. If the 'powers' or abilities of a protector is given without thought and is expected to do as much, then that limits them to being not much more than a useable item and I find to be disrespectful. I do not like being stagnant and seek to push things into motion, causing chaos or disorder. I would help but maybe not in the ways wished or expected. I like a challenge and like challenging others.
  18. While losses may be 'easier' to gain and it is possible to gain experience/heat while losing a battle in the current system, I was thinking more a long the lines of what is gained from sacrificing the creature. Another influence upon the current system that determines the stats when sacrificing them. And after looking up in the forums, I have found one similar post that talks about including wins and losses in the creature data. I have not done extensive research in the forums. The word combination brought up many forum posts. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7866-creature-of-balance/?hl=%2Bcreature+%2Bwins+%2Blosses
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