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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. Yeah, I am more of an agnostic buddhist. Still have the herbal roots from wiccian. But I do not delve more deeply than that into wiccian. I find learning about other religions to be interesting and like seeing how it has changed over time.
  2. The fossilization effect that Mur described above (tried quoting using my phone but it would not quote the selection just the first word -.-), points out the idea of aging the already exists in MD but I do not think it can be represented by numbers. The age impliementation may affect how new players view the system, but the players that are here I think would not grow or change from it. It would just be a number that has no hold. We have already eatablished characters and they already have a certain feel or age to them. Some do not rp and play as themselves. Others play a specific aspect of themselves. For example, Legna (Child of Time) represents apart of myself that never got to be a child. So playing Legna allows me to be silly, child-like, and a bit selfish. Legna is locked not only in age but is also unable to grow mentally/emotionally. I try to keep Legna as much the same as when she first became child of time. Which is why it is hard to play her at times... That and it takes more energy. As Legna even in alliances Legna would avoid responsibilities. She wants to help but will often fall through (sometimes due to me taking on too much due to playing as Assira). Assira changes over time, adapts, grows, has ambition, and ages as I do. She represents apart of my current self and changes because of that. Sometimes changes in the opposite of current self. Assira is 'dead pan', has standard phrases or actions, and often seems unchanging in these actions. But Assira pushes forward with ideas and actions. I have her age as I do because she is both a shadow and reflection of myself. There was a time in MD that Assira laughed and smiled... Occassionally. But over time she changed as I did. So while it would be possible to play Legna as a delusional old woman could be possible... It would make Legna no longer exist. Legna would no longer be legna, the happy energy filled child but would be the crazy old bat. Assira's age is not as set as Legnas and I would play Assira the same way. Though that would mainly be because Assira would still change as I do and a number would not change that. I have the age reflect the connection of me and Assira but it is not required. If you were starting a completely new game with new characters/players, I can see where the potiential and affect on the game that this could be. It would be interesting to see where it would lead. But you are dealing with already established characters that may have a few years invested in. As some have said, their characters have back stories that help mold the clay that will take form in md. These backstories give an age or feel to the character upon starting out. So while md may say that the character is 8 years old, it could conflict with the age of the character in the backstory... The foundation of the character. For example Assira's backstory is that she became the shaman for a tribe. It was a time of war and she had to do something to kill the other tribe at the age of 19. These times of chaos and war, is what leads to Assira wanting chaos or more active times. She gets bored/ restless and so is always working towards something. Over her time in md she has realized that to have a strong chaotic episode... Things have to be stable in other ways... To have order of some sort. Otherwise things are destroyed. This is a more natural way of ageing/changing or more natural way of character development. I think that having md age implimented insuch away would limit character development of the current population. For new players in a new game it may act a guide to help bring about the next stage of growth. But in md there are already natural stages that have been devloped that this number system would not fit in, in my opinion.
  3. Hmm... I do not like the idea of age being manditory. StrongWilled Legna is a child of time and I have it where she does not age past 10 years old. She will be forever 10 and locked in childhood. Assira, I have be the same age as myself(if I remember to update the age in the papers), there are reasons why I have these characters this way. honestly if this is manditory in its implementation, I will ignore it. Because to acknowledgr it or go by it, would destroy/change apart of my characters. I think otherwise it is neat and interesting results.
  4. Yes, That is what I am looking for. With this you have done your part in Phase 1 and will have a choice of any common rp item that I have or 4 silver coins. (I am currently afk in MD and will have to give this to you later. I will be back later today)
  5. Greetings all, Through talking with a few people, I was inspired to make this a quest of sorts. The MotM Booth is in the process of being contructed... both figuratively and literally. So there will be different phases that people can participate in and in each phase there will be its own rules. There will not be the standard places for each phase. All participants that meet the requirements of that phase will be given a reward of their choice of 4 silver or their choice of a rp item. The phases so far will be the following: I may offer other rewards later for the best in each phase, but that has yet to be determined. Phase 1: Understanding the New Items and Resources Phase 2: Tit for Tat Phase 3: Building the MotM Booth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 2 depends heavily on Phase 1, Phase 3 depends on the previous phases. After reaching a certain point for Phase 1, Phase 2 will become active, same for Phase 3. Phase 1 and Phase 2 will continue to be active to new posts, Phase 3 will become closed after it is complete, with the previous phase still open. So lets begin with Phase 1: With all the new additions for Item creation and the creation of new resources. I need to have an understanding of each process to be able to know what sort of tasks, quests, and rewards to give. So the rules for this are the following: You can chose 1 created Item/resource from a combiner/fillable item to focus on. One post per person. You are not allowed to chose more than one item to focus on. This is to allow others to participate and add their notes, thoughts, and research on this. You may post your information in this topic. You may make two posts, one to say you are working on a particular item and the other with the information on that item. Who ever post first on the item of their choice gets to focus on that item and nobody else will get any rewards or credit for that item if they post information on it here. So no jumping in line A person will have a month from their post to gather all the information required on that fillable item product. Information looked for is the following: Resources need in fillable or combiner to get x item. How to obtain those resources. Cool down rates and number of tools available for the harvest of the resources. If there are additional steps to beable to have the correct resource to place in the fillable item/combiner item. How many resources and distribution. (do not need the exact locations and amounts... like Angien shrine with 10 water, just the total number of x resource in the realm and number of locations it can be found at.) How easy it is to obtain that tool How much demand is for this resource... like if it is often at zero and how often people collect it. If a combiner item, how to gather those items. (If requires multiple secondary resource items from other fillable, you do not have to gather information on those fillable items just the level of difficulty you think it is to obtain those items from the fillable item.) But if you chose that combiner item, you will have to go into how many resource are required to make that fillable item and how many of it is need to be combined with x item from a different source. Now to make a few examples to make sense of this all. Example 1. A fillable item (these will be made up). Product: 1 iron Gate door Resources need: 200 Iron Bars Fillable Item used to create gate door: Furnace and anvil, with 5 days of construction How Iron Bars are created: Smelter Resource to make Iron bars: 20 Iron ore How to obtain Iron Ore: Pick axe Cool down rate of pick axe:xx time # of Pick ax in the realm 2 locations that Iron ore can be harvested, 10 is the Max number of Iron ore that is in the realm (side note to explain how that number is obtained: 2 at one location and 8 at the other) Demand is high, Iron ore is often at zero and is able to harvest from the two location every few days. Example 2: A combiner Item Product: Useable Gated Wall Resources Needed: 1 Iron Gate doors, box nuts and bolts, iron frames set, set of hinges, and bunch of iron stake pins. Combinder used: Metal Smith Yard How to obtain each resource:Furnace and Anvil Resource to make Each: 1 Iron Gate doors require 200 Iron Bars box of nut and bolts = 1 Iron bar iron frame set= 20 Iron Bars set of hinges = 1 iron bar bunch of iron stake pin= 2 iron bars How to obtain Iron bars: Smelter Level of difficulty to obtain Iron bars: Medium Number of Iron bars total to make this: 224 iron bars There will be some over lap in the creation of some items and with Mur's creation spree, there will be more items to add to this list. And if you feel that there should be more added information to your selected item... something that I did not take into account in the above examples. Feel free to add that information. If I need to explain something in further detail, please do not hesitate to ask questions, make suggestions, or share any concerns. Combiner items will have a bit more information, but you do not have to go into the starting resource if there are multiple stages of development. Remember this will be one fillable or combiner item per person. You will only be rewarded once for this phase and to be rewarded you just have to meet the basic requirements above. I do understand that this is already being done on some level for Mur's research and item creation process. But this is for public knowledge using what you all already do on a daily basis. I am looking for how hard it is to reach a certain level of item processing to know how to place it in tasks/quests for the MotM Booth. And this with information collected, it will give people the opportunity to see its placement and dispute whether one item is more difficult than another to obtain. For example, iron ore with only two locations and 10 maximum resources in the entire realm... would be very difficult to get 224 iron bars... that would mean that 4480 iron ore would be needed. If someone harvested 3 ore a day... that would take a very long time to obtain. Not taking into account others harvesting it as well and whether all 10 are harvested and how long it would take for the resource to regenerate to 1 where it would probably be harvested back to zero. A very non-realistic time frame to obtain that much iron ore for a simple quest or task for the MotM booth. -- Assira the Black List of People who have started Phase 1: List of People Who have completed Phase 1: Junior-1 Imperial Arcane Card Deck zooliii- Thin Wood Sheets
  6. Something similar to the distiller design is used in the scene behind the Tribunal kitchen. I can not remember what it looks like exactly.
  7. This is mainly about the bushie barrel and the lost of the one in the barrel to make wine. But I was told that there was a bug at some point and that it was fixed. I probably just now noticing it since I have not been around as often as usual.
  8. A few weeks ago, I had enough water to get a single bushie. I placed it in the barrel and it is now gone. Are these fillable items meant to be able to store resources over a period of time to reach its max to turn into another item? Or is it only suppose to consume one stack to reach its max and give an item in return. I was under the impression that we could fill the item over a period of time... so is there a time limit or did I misunderstand? edit: I may have placed the bushie in there before a bug was fixed. And It is not a big deal that I lost 1 bushie, just seeing if it was a current bug,
  9. With all the changes, rushing to do more, collect information, and differences in language. Miscommunication will happen and the key is understanding this and try to be patient with one another. If you feel a boundary has been crossed, that you feel wronged, and that his actions has resulted in an unbalance... then the creatures/other things collected during the project, using those tools, should be confiscated. But since it seems like it is mainly a miscommunication, I do not think he should be punished. In works like this, it is important to give clear boundaries that all involved understand. And since someone can not know the intentions of someone, it is hard to treat every situation the same. Though when in doubt about something, questions should be asked. In this situation I do not think anyone on either side did wrong and that from here on out, there may be an ease in communication. For future situations with other groups, clear ideas, boundaries, limitations, expectations, and so on... will be beneficial if discussed in a bit more detail.
  10. When under illusion, the illusion name, id, or your email can be used to log back in. I reminded some of this, but forgot to continue to remind others. This has been something faced in the past and I believe it is because of how the illusions are designed. I may be completely wrong.
  11. I studied fenths/fenths presses through the research points and found the information there to be interesting. I chose creature fenths, since fenths were the 'stem cells' of reality or the building blocks. Fenths are a by product of sacrificing some creatures, so to me fenths are in away are already parts of a blueprint to the creatures. I did not however know the description for the Reality Coagulator and did not make that connection. So part of it, I made a connection, the other part was an idea that just crossed enough that I felt it worth mentioning.
  12. Creature Soul Creature DNA Creature Orb Creature Fenths Creature Elixir Creature Form Repeats: Creature Imprint (might have been lost in previous posts.)
  13. Creature imprint
  14. List of ideas (depends on items involved: shatter player cause a mild rain (or other weather effect) intoxicate cast silvertongue on user or other in scene similar to above but with toad speak summons a board game at scene that two people have to play to leave the scene creature shield causes people to dance (or similar bunny spell) or makes everybody laugh summons a landguardian brings a specific person too you send to chaos causes scene effect where one can hear a childs laughter cause one and another to enter a dream state.
  15. This may be a quest I attempt another time, but due to lagging issues the quest is not able to take place. I have some rl things to take care of that make it where I can not do it later today. So there is no telling when I will attempt this quest again. I will give the three participants each a gold coin as a reward since that was uniform among the three places and for putting up with me and this quest MaGoHi received a gold coin Left to give samon and Aethon.
  16. Follow the Masks Quest Cancled

    1. Kaya
    2. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      I am sorry. :(

      Lag monster returned and I have to leave for work in an hour. This quest is becoming frustrating and it is not what I wanted others to experience.

  17. Major Lag monster attacks. 

  18. I almost missed my own event because of work and the fact that at some point the time changed and I did not notice -.-

  19. The MDA and MotM have joined forces to present two days of mysterious happenings and festivities! Events will be held on April 23rd and 24th, and will be sure to bring mystery, socializing, and fun for all! April 23rd: Mystery Barter- 02:00MDST and 15:00MDST RP items will be offered auctioned off, but the object will be unknown and the bidders masked until the trade is complete. No coins or creatures are accepted for trade. Accepted trades will be of resources, consumables, and other RP items. Follow the Masks Quest-17:00MDST Dive head first into the unknown. Meet Assira the Black outside LR gate to find out more about this mysterious quest... April 24th: Team Trivia: 1:00MDSTTwo teams test their knowledge in a 30 question game of trivia. It will take place in the indexed Room of Memories, MDA Masquerade Ball and Fortune Telling: 16:00MDST Get on your comfy shoes, because it's time to dance, socialize, and find out what surprises are in store for you at the Sun's Hall in MDA. The Deranged Birthday Party - 20:00MDST This year the Archives will be hosting a Deranged Birthday Party! Kings, Lords and Ladies from afar have traveled to witness the spirit of a Magicduel Birthday and splendour in the Archives architecture! Be sure to join us for some fun filled, cake eating, activities! ------ More quest or festivities are welcome during the Masquerade Ball, but please contact me so that there are not conflicts and so that I can confirm that it fits with present themes. A few other quests may be in the works and offers to run quests at times between current events are welcome as well! So stay tuned
  20. More art made today... Mainly sketches. If I ever get the will, I can draw them better... such as add more detail and use gimp to make it more md style.
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