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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. I am sorry Mur, I was not intending to add to your stress. I was trying to get others to see what was happening in MD and try to get them to take action within the game and not pressure you into making more things happen in MD. I think it falls to us to keep plots and story lines running with in MD that will catch the interest of newbies and vets. I am currently working on a quest that I will hope catch the interest of some people and it will take time for me to get it running. I also have a few other things that I am working on to try and help get people interested. I play MD for many reasons the fighting, the secrets, the quests, and most of all the roleplaying. I have created many characters to try and experience MD in many ways. Two of my characters I like a lot and they are completely different, Assira and Legna. So Peace I am more than willing to stand with you to help and restore MD, I will help in what ever way I can.
  2. ladytwin: is loyal to her friends and has plenty of nice things to say Mya: is someone you can count on and will listen should you need to talk about something. Thank you. Gremlin: is a friend and is always ready to lend a helping hand Phantasm: a challenging opponent for Assira and a great Foster father for Legna (I cam to this conclusion because Sage is Legna's Foster Mother and I think that would make him her foster father ) I could go on and on about people who have been wonderful people.
  3. I have heard people talk about the population decrease in MD. I do not think that it is a problem of people joining MD but a matter of people leaving MD. I wish to discus why you all think people are leaving MD, how to make some changes in MD to keep people around, and perhaps talk about what made MD something that you liked in the beginning. I know that some people may be leaving because of rl issues and I have a few issues of my own that makes it where I am not able to play MD as much as I would want. I wish to know what about MD makes it where they do not wish to play or want to leave. I do not like the direction that MD is going and I wish to try and change that through my characters. (Please do not just put down what is wrong but possible solutions or ideas on how to change things)
  4. Just an idea for some types of items out there. A knife for example could have the ability to kill someone in the game, like the time Lupus was made into a ghost. It was temporary. To be able to use the knife like that it could have a use limit and drain a certain percentage of stats and principles. There could be items made to also counter this knife. For example a shield could make it where the knife does not kill the person but maybe injure the defenders stats a bit temporarily. but the stronger the weapon used the more damage it could do to the defender or the higher the chances of killing the defender. I had some ideas for the pentagram pendant but I sort of forgot them and I do not know if by now something has been planned for it. If anyone has information on my item I would be more than willing to listen
  5. Pretty much all that I would have put down has already been said, like teaching the importance of learning things on your own. I offer help to some newbies through pm and when they ask me about the LR guards I give them the public hint and may tell them to read the detailed fight log. Away to start this all over and to try to stop future spoilers would possibly be to change the LR guards a bit more and make a new hint. This would in a sense wipe the playing field clean and give everyone a fresh start. Then rules on spoilers could be restated, perhaps changed, and made public. I remember when I played as Legna that I tried for a while to beat the LR guards. I didn't beat them until late in my Mp4 stage but that was because I found RPing to be more important than fighting the guards. I was really excited when I did beat them because I did it on my own and with my own knowledge.
  6. StrongWilled Legna is a sister Assira is a sister
  7. 1) I would like to be able to manipulate "matter", that would give me the ability to control just about anything. 2) to show the past to others by taking them there in spirit 3) to give immortality and 2 abilities to 2 people at the cost of my own and they would be able to give their immortality and abilities to two people at the cost of their own and so on. I would not wish to be immortal. To live a long time and see the people around you die off one by one. It would be hard to make any friends after that knowing that you would out live them and probably attend their funeral. You would see what happened to everything that the people you loved stood for. Like their house getting torn down after you remember all the memories that that house stood for. Organizations that your family was apart of, the organizations may still stand but sooner or later the people working there will be forgotten with time So two of the above would help with these things. Showing the past so that people's lives would not be forgotten and ending my own immortality by bestowing it upon others. But by doing that they could help (or hurt) people until they get tired of being immortal. Also with time there would be many immortals and people of the future would no longer be lonely but their children would not inherit the abilities and immortality so eventually they would have to pass on their abilities if they had children and wanted them to continue on.
  8. How about holding a blind date event(anyone in or out side the sister hood could be apart of it... it would just be... sponsored by the Sisterhood), a live dance contest (meaning people get up and improvise a dance possibly with other people), could play friendly pranks on people (this came from a recent prank that I heard Legna was doing), the Sisterhood could get involved with helping other sisters in creating quests.... I will probably have more ideas later when I have had more time to thing about this.
  9. 1 gold coin, 17 silver coins, Maxed Unholy Pope(tokens:blooddrop2, claw 1, stardust, kelletha fire, and emeral glare), Maxed Elemental (tokens: claw2,blooddrop3, blooddrop1,claw1, kellethafire,and blooddrop2),and a Maxed Chaos Archer (tokens:Blooddrop2, blooddrop1,claw1, and stardust) for the spelldoc
  10. bucket
  11. How about the Hall of fame in Tribunal? It sort of fits with the idea of giving out rewards.
  12. magical
  13. Alright, then I can begin speaking with some people and come up with a storyline. Who could be considered to know a lot about the principles that they have? I would like to get different people involved and different ideas. I have a few ideas on what a storyline could be but I will have to do some research. Side note: Would I now need to make another topic in the storyline section?
  14. A Random Idea http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5920-a-randome-idea/page__pid__49740__st__0&#entry49740
  15. Are you talking about the books by Garth Nix Mister Monday, ___ Tuesday, Drowned Wensday, Sir Thursday, Lady Friday....... and etc.? I have read a lot of books where things like that has happened... if the random locations or land masses are doable then I wouldn't mind helping to get the people and storyline together, but if it is not doable or any chance of it happening then I do not think it would be a good idea to put a lot of effort into getting the storyline together. Though if it would help people who do the programing and stuff get it done or decide if they want to do it, I would not mind putting forth a lot of effort.
  16. I was thinking that maybe there could be a storyline that has it where a "new area or areas" is magically unstable and randomly change locations. For example there is this new land mass (like Necrovion, Loreroot,and the other lands) that when a person steps into that area they enter a random location in that land mass. It could be where the rooms or areas change each time the person moves or the areas could reset each day. It would sort of be like picking up a jig-saw puzzle and mixing the pieces around. Some of the problems could be that the people are never able to exit the land mass... but if the land mass is not to big that should keep them from being stuck there too long... there could be one location that is there permenantly that is the area leading to the exit... that way they would sooner or later find away out. I put this under the idea section because this would have to be do able before it could become a storyline. If I do not make an sense I can try to explain it another way... or someone who does understand could explain it in a different way...
  17. What makes roleplaying interesting to me is creating the story. I do not mean the personal stories that we all have but the story we all create through our roleplaying. In the past I mainly roleplayed through forums and I loved to create characters and create a story through their interactions with others. MD is more of a special sort of roleplaying since you live it everyday, in a sense. Your character goes through a daily routine of sorts and lives out their lives. What mainly catches my attention on a character is that they stand out in some way. Not that they godmode but through how they roleplay and interact with others. In MD it is hard to be the "evil/bad" person because of the character being there almost everyday living their lives. So in a sense it can be hard to keep a character true to how one designed it but that to me makes it all that more interesting especially if one is able to keep multiple characters that are all different and adds to the experience of MD. Well I have forgotten what else I was wanting to add... I might add more later
  18. Greetings Everyone, I welcome you all to the pub in Tribunal. If you don't have a place to call home you are more than welcome to the pub. If you need a place to hold business meetings, events,performances, or anything else please speak with me so that we can work these things out. HELP WANTED: Are you looking for a job or something to do? There are somethings with the Pub that I would like help with. Currently the pub needs a Chef ( I am not a very good cook), someone to play music(songs and other things through video links), performers, and any other thing that you all think may be missing at the east land pub. Please post here any comments, thoughts, or ideas.
  19. I think something does need to be done to reduce abuse by alts. In my opinion alts are to be used to experience MD in a new way and to create new experiences for others. So the ones who do not abuse their alts may be limited because others are abusing the alts. I do not think that it would be a good thing if you made it where alts can not create items. I think it should be done correctly by methods that normal people use. I know the chances of everyone doing things correctly is slim but I do not think it would be fair to limit everyone's alts like that. Alts to me are separate characters and so they should have the same chances to do things as a main character should.
  20. I voted Yes, 2 , and something else. I have two mp5 accounts and I may not be all that active in all of my alts/main, but I play them as separate entities. I try not to have them conflict with each other and I do not abuse them. But if this system is based on the ip then I think the "User" should have a choice as to what character, that meets the requirements, gets the WP. So if I have two characters that meet the requirement then I think I should be able to choose who gets it. And next time if another wp is given out I would like to be able to choose if the other character can get it instead. I do not know if any of my accounts has reached the year mark yet... I do not think I should be able to choose a character that does not meet the age requirements.
  21. Tribunal is my home and I wish to see it prosper. I am the barkeeper at the pub located in Tribunal and will still bartend there though I have been marked as a Traitor to the Caretaker alliance. I am also a dancer and I may occasionally put on a performance if asked and if I am not interrupting any current costumers.
  22. I live in Texas, though I am 19 and can't drink. I will not be in Texas around Christmas... I will be visiting family in Georgia. Wouldn't mind hanging out
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