[quote name='Sharpwind' date='16 September 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1253118180' post='41914']
Ah!!! but that is the beauty of it they're they so called Caretakers the named themselves and took in charge
And don't forget that there is a battle for power in this thread right now by "power hungry people"
I'll even nominate
Raven for High Chancellor
Phantasm for Shadowmaster and
Fenrir as War General
hehe everybody is happy
What power? I do not understand. This is a game. There is no "power". If you think having power means having a make believe role in a game that exists only as images is having power... Get a life. People have been calling me power hungry, a kiss ass, and every thing else lately.
First, I do not want "power". I want powers to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for me, and others. I don't care who gives me the powers, or skills to do so, just as long as I get them. Yeah, sure. I can create quests now. Lots of people enjoyed my quest. But I cannot create quests like the RPCs can. Yeah, yeah, I know that I can purchase the stuff in the WP shop. But you know what? Half the damn quests out there, are either stupid, and are meant to benefit the creator only, or so incredibly hard it is a waste of my time to even bother.
Now I know people will start to think that he is just whining again, but I honestly don't care(about that). I have stopped with my attitude that has driven everyone to hate me. Like my belittling of those who have some annoying tendencies. Or my nazi attitude towards alts and those who abuse them. But I still get attacked for how I say things. I am not sure what you are all talking about when I say something the wrong way. What wrong or right way?! When we speak, we speak to convey messages. Most of you interpret what I say as purposely harmful. If I spoke it, in the exact same way, you would get a completely different meaning, because in this "world" you all live in, there are no expressions, nor sounds to convey meaning. Something I rely on. In Real Life, I am considered one of the nicest and most helpful/caring person. I volunteer every Saturday, I work harder than my co-workers, and I do it all with a smile. And it drives me nuts that you all think I am some douche bag with some inferiority complex.
Stop being so cynical of what I write, and think about what I say. Imagine me smiling when I say it if you have to. I am not sitting here flipping out when I write this either. If someone were to come in and see me typing this, they would think that I am really focused. All of your perceptions of me is skewered.
/end rant