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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. What do you mean he cant get enough bandwidth to log into the forums? :S
  2. Mur hasnt logged in for 5 days. Let the topic die and he will choose someone to lead, if he chooses at all.
  3. Mur is on vacation.
  4. Wait... by precedent, GG shall declare war on the Seal of Six, and Granos shall step down as leader... shall we start looking for a new leader?
  5. Udgard, it is because he is a valued friend amongst them. Think for a moment. They didn't capture him because he belonged to the Sentinels. They captured him because he did, and made friends amongst those in it. Many of whom would rather relinquish their alliance so that he may remain safe.
  6. War is war. If a country captures a known supporter of an enemy force, no matter if they still support them or not, do not think for one minute they wont try to extract every single useful piece of information. That information could end the war, and save millions of lives at the cost of one. Its their(Sentinels) lives, or their(GG and KotB) lives.
  7. Going there and talking while you are training is fine, despite what some people think.
  8. You should have left that for a forum mod, or Mur himself. Otherwise, nice.
  9. Hehe. Dst you are allowed your opinion... and if you slap me... I SWEAR I will call the secret service.
  10. Yes, but I don't want THAT power. I don't care if people will kiss butt for me if I get this "power". I see it as a tool for what I want to work on. And a way to group like minded people. (Lol not an alliance of Fenrir copys) But people who think and work like I do. People I respect and work well with.
  11. It wasn't directed at you Sharpwind. Sorry.
  12. [quote name='Sharpwind' date='16 September 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1253118180' post='41914'] Ah!!! but that is the beauty of it they're they so called Caretakers the named themselves and took in charge And don't forget that there is a battle for power in this thread right now by "power hungry people" I'll even nominate Raven for High Chancellor Phantasm for Shadowmaster and Fenrir as War General hehe everybody is happy [/quote] What power? I do not understand. This is a game. There is no "power". If you think having power means having a make believe role in a game that exists only as images is having power... Get a life. People have been calling me power hungry, a kiss ass, and every thing else lately. First, I do not want "power". I want powers to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for me, and others. I don't care who gives me the powers, or skills to do so, just as long as I get them. Yeah, sure. I can create quests now. Lots of people enjoyed my quest. But I cannot create quests like the RPCs can. Yeah, yeah, I know that I can purchase the stuff in the WP shop. But you know what? Half the damn quests out there, are either stupid, and are meant to benefit the creator only, or so incredibly hard it is a waste of my time to even bother. Now I know people will start to think that he is just whining again, but I honestly don't care(about that). I have stopped with my attitude that has driven everyone to hate me. Like my belittling of those who have some annoying tendencies. Or my nazi attitude towards alts and those who abuse them. But I still get attacked for how I say things. I am not sure what you are all talking about when I say something the wrong way. What wrong or right way?! When we speak, we speak to convey messages. Most of you interpret what I say as purposely harmful. If I spoke it, in the exact same way, you would get a completely different meaning, because in this "world" you all live in, there are no expressions, nor sounds to convey meaning. Something I rely on. In Real Life, I am considered one of the nicest and most helpful/caring person. I volunteer every Saturday, I work harder than my co-workers, and I do it all with a smile. And it drives me nuts that you all think I am some douche bag with some inferiority complex. Stop being so cynical of what I write, and think about what I say. Imagine me smiling when I say it if you have to. I am not sitting here flipping out when I write this either. If someone were to come in and see me typing this, they would think that I am really focused. All of your perceptions of me is skewered. /end rant
  13. Wont work since there is no "history" in the Tribunals.
  14. The idea matters more than the person presenting it, true. But other considerations must be accounted for as well.
  15. I really like Raven's idea as well, but I also agree with Pipsticks. Lets get some new blood into the alliances. Raven has led an alliance before, succeeded to a degree, and moved on. He did well. Raven has been around for a long time and would have a good following. However, we can't just keep recycling the same leaders as we add new alliances and factions. I would like to see new(er) individuals get the leadership, as they would definitely have fresher ideas. My application is perfectly suitable to be led by me, or another. I do not have to be the leader, but as it was my idea, I know more about it than others. BUT another leader is perfectly acceptable.
  16. Congrats Jester, and RIP... Peace. I will miss you.
  17. [quote name='Raven' date='15 September 2009 - 10:32 AM' timestamp='1253025163' post='41799'] [font="Courier New"]Caretakers as a group live in four ways. Three arts: demonology, witchcraft, occult. Each one of those arts presenting their purpose, their task and their role. Demonology as knowledge of the people, beings and any other strange phenomena in the land connected with it. Witchcraft as irrepressible style of living as it promotes simple, practical way of living amongst the ruins and most importantly stimulating intellect. And as last art, Occult, simply meaning "hidden" presenting the way certain activities will be held and referring to all unreported or unsolved crimes that can be regarded as occult. Opposite to the three arts is worldly-minded way of living of mercenaries in which best and most reasonable offer will receive services. [center][img]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/Raven47Pro/struct.jpg[/img][/center] The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness—intuition—which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originated Revelation united with science gives a substantial foundation for philosophy which is the proper outgrowth of science and revelation. Rituals that are to be studied and in most cases preformed are: cultural, spiritual, sexual and psychological rituals; which can in many cases overlap. Any new rituals (customarily-repeated act or series of acts) in the lands themselves will be documented and kept by Caretakers. Few examples of rituals are rituals of personal cleansing, calling and satisfying the dead, shielding, and sacrificing and many others. Ranks (each rank will be occupied by two people and depending on various situations single rank can be given to most of people. Example: In case of war there can be more people for fighting and more people dedicated to gathering information. First nobody would have defined rank but would need to prove himself/herself that he/she is able to do task of that rank or at least present past deeds that confirm their words.):  Dark Night of the Soul (warriors, defenders, military strategists)  Dreamer (rituals, researches and other various tasks)  Black/White witch (fully dedicated to rituals)  Lost Soul (bard, a poet, one to write chants)  Banisher (diplomat) This alliance would be linked to tribunals because lands of the east is a land with plenty of marks by an older civilization, many terrible deeds had to be done to ruin such a city and city as such is perfect to be inhabited once again by people that don't see only spiritual value but also material.[/font] [/quote] I really like this idea, Raven.
  18. Was Making a point. There are very few absolutes and barely any of this has anything to do with Alliances.
  19. We can not possibly judge who is capable and who is not. Sure some may appear to be, and others don't. But through out history those who appeared to be good leaders turned out not to be. And those who were forced into the role or fellupon it were the best.
  20. Phantasm, the connections I made with the names were merely that. Connections. It has nothing to do with my alliance proposition. It was an idea for others to consider.
  21. Just play md. It's like any program or technology. You will get used to it if you play around.
  22. Stop being offended over nothing. Chewett rarely plays md. Therefore he can not know what sort of actions ig we take. Tarq's rp is lightyears beyond anyone elses md. He is easily the best Rper in this game. No doubt about it. I feel this alliance is whati need to grow and step up my game a bit with a challenge. Leading an alliance, even if it consists of three people, is not easy, rightChewett? Some struggle, others don't.
  23. I never said it was a bad thing, I feel sentimental to my first bloodpact archer. The one I got as a present during Christmas. I don't feel the need to put it on an alt though. It can't mean THAT much if you put it on an alt to be forgotten about.
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