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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Burns constantly complains about having nothing to do... And lol.
  2. I suppose something like that could work but to much freedom without direction is daunting. We need to have a better way to communicate with new players... Something like a mentoring system. Have members of live help be automatically signed to new members. So when a live help member is online and a new player joins, they are signed to an online ACTIVE live help member. Then they should sen then a welcome message ad speak with them. Get them interested in the game.
  3. It is deleting not deleating lol
  4. Mostplayers come in expecting runescape or some kind of graphics. Some players come in looking for friends and a community. The players who stay are those who found friends. There are the exceptions but the large majority are those seeking friends.
  5. Well who startedthe others?
  6. So I took five different iq tests online since I have never had my Iq tested... Each with 100 questions and a differing time limit ranging between 45 and 60 minutes. I scored 135, 100, 175, 95, 120. Shows the worth/value of these tests.
  7. Can we get a list made up of which creatures lack a description?
  8. That doesn't mean I still can't drop entire charts off tables or inject strings into pages and cause havok. I would like to see a way to limit what we can do(won't hear that often) so that I(and others) can sleep soundly at night...
  9. Okay, I do not claim to be a php or mysql expert, but what stops somebody from using scripts to change character stats, querying passwords, or other such behaviours? I know there we those o us with som experience, albeit not much in my case, that will be testing these limitations. What kind of security precautions are there going to be pretecting md?
  10. I really really really liked this. It is a shame I missed it. Bravo. *claps*
  11. I offer my basic knowledge of PHP and MySQL to this cause. Breaking stuff sounds like fun.
  12. We are testing somthing, please wait and try later. Also please report this error if its still happening later. Thank you. http://magicduel.com/ifrm/ifrm.wishshop.php http://magicduel.com/ifrm/ifrm.magicpage.php http://magicduel.com/ifrm/ifrm.itemshop.php http://magicduel.com/ifrm/ifrm.quest.php will post more as I find them.
  13. I was thinking along those lines too Kafuuka. The immature comments left on most pls only tell how mature the poster is. In the case of harassment, in most cases a simple ignore would be fine. However there are certain people who use alts to write stuff about other players to try and give them a worse name.
  14. I like the idea to give the power to the Kings/Queen. +1
  15. Anyone here heard of the song by Lonely Island? "Jizz in my Pants?" This nearly applies here.
  16. Mirror ritual is sort of like this, but you want the creatures to do ve damage to themselves? Inwhat way? A spell? Illusions can only be cast by a select few.
  17. I would like to see an implementation of automated features like teleport and stat boosts. If we could make quests like the story line, (actual quests not Useless things like most rpcs had) I can see the game becoming a lot more fun. We would have to find a way to construct these quests to not be abuseable. I have a vague idea in my mind, I will try to fan it out and post it later.
  18. Hitpip horsy!!! Happy brithday guuuuuy.
  19. To tell people your iq is stupid. If you actually went to a government agency and were tested officially you must be incredibly self centered. Any online iq test is most likely not accurate.
  20. Hitpip hooray! Happy birthday duuuuude
  21. Perhaps wecould torture them with kafuukas torture contest winners conraptions.
  22. Doesnt sound fun to me...
  23. Although I like pip as a person I do not see him as a leader nor a king. I wish you the best of luck pip.
  24. Pip that is stupid... Lol Cryxus, it is a game though, meant to entertain, bring together like minded people and to express our individualities through words. I like knowing more about the Angiens and the Tainted Angiens out of pure curiousity. The really important stuff, like how to develop the lands we belong to doesn't need the stories because we make then, but a small understanding of those stories helps... Wait... Is mur an Angien? Since it was he who opened the box? An angien with a furry palm... Lol
  25. When you have hairy palms? ... Is this something we should be discussing?! Bwhahhahaha anyways... People look for stories because that is what drives MD IMO. Well, the questions anyways. We want to know more about the surroundings... And what happens next in Chapter 3+4... that story line is what drew me into md in the first place. Whether or not it gets completed is up to you, but hopefully when you have md fully automated and what not... You will remember what it is like to go back to mp3 and realise what draws people in. It's certainly not the 24 hour story mode waiting... >.>
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