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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Old people have birthdays? Yikes. I suppose you should have fun celebrating one year less of your life to live... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  2. My suggestion would be the easiest to implement and an easy way to counteract alt abuse. Age wps would be in a limited Id range. Say 1-2000(not many people will get to many wps from age). The wps would only be useable for certain functions, such as the wpshop. (nothing in there is abusable) Wps available via quests would have an Id above that. So those will Be whole wps. Useable everywhere.
  3. 'Great! It's good to see you are coming back! Even though I never knew you had left. it seems it's that way with a lot of people. Being stuck in ggg all the time training does not do me well for relationships(platonic) it's good that you have returned!
  4. And tose people will be caught and punished accordingly... hOpefully
  5. As for having the least ammount of reputation points, I hold the title and you are not even close to what I have. Or lack of. As for rednecks judgement, shall we hold a court hearing?
  6. And the people who farm alts for wps are either stupid, or greedy. If someone suddenly has 420 silver, or a new person suddenly shows up and asks udgard for a custom item, will he make it for them? Without checking to see that it is an alt or not? I really hope noone is that greedy for wps and items that they would abuse the system so badly. If they are caught doing so, there will be no second chance. As i have constantly said, ban alts. (go ahead neg vote spam me) Alts are the BIGGEST source of cheating in the game. It FAR out weighs those who have honest alts. Even if there isn't a 100% sure way o finding them. We still need to do something about it. Back on topic; as far as abusing the wp system, what in it can they actually get that would be beneficial to their main? No one wants a carnival joker, and I am not sure there is anything else in it. As for item creation, I trust Udgard is more than capable of figuring ou who the alts are an who are not.
  7. I'm sorry to say I didn't know he was even gone, but good to see you are back!
  8. I suggest changing the Id of the wps that we recieve for the age to a certain range. And only certain wps can be spent on wps that won't affect a main account(like the joker or something else)
  9. To clarify, by plural drachorns, I meant rustgold and gg drachorns. I don't want to see wps being used to buy creatures. It ruins the feel of the wp shop. It is completely seperate from creature fights(for the most part) and grinding. It focuses on the other groups out there. Questers and rpers.
  10. No problem! And I found the same disgusting remark about Calyx as well...
  11. I've sent in my findings. I suggest to those of you who have yet to start to use the CTR+f function for naughty words. And then skim through the cells looking for insults and abusive comments. I found some interesting patterns. Oh, and are we supposed to report spam? I found 129 counts of "Kill Da Rabbit" and 101 counts of "Down with the Bunny Empire"...
  12. Continued from the Year End Awards Topic: Please include who wrote it on whos log... Post your favourite PL quotes like so: Ailith wrote on Firsanthalas's Log [quote] Gargant.: yeah, didn\\\'t think so. keep the kilt firmly in place firs. Firsanthalas: *looks shyly* but your such a hunk Garg it might lift up a little [/quote]
  13. I dislike this idea. We do not need "stronger" creatures. But creatures with varieties in their attack/defend/powers. Right now, there are four creatures seen in every ritual. Drachorns, Chaos Archers, and Grasans. The rest are not strong enough to fight with.
  14. I also suggest not having someone being able to unapprove something in their own PLs/ knowing the names of the logs that they see. To keep things unbiased as possible.
  15. I hope you meet your name sake! *grins* Happy D-day
  16. I was wondering what had happened to my first Protector when I was checking how many more wins I need to achieve balance... I shall attend to send you off on your Journey to the netherlands.
  17. I can help as well. I have the next few days off so... MD.
  18. I have a slightly different approach to this, instead of what you suggest, why not enable higher level creatures when you have a higher mp. Being a higher mp means your mind is able to project creatures more profficiently. So why not have more powerful creatures when you hit another mp. Mp3s should be restricted to public creatures only. But not the max levels. Mp4s should be able to access loreroot and necrovion creatures. And public creatures max levels. Mp5s should have access to all creatures accept certain really special ones. (an incentive to become mp6)
  19. How about most influential character? The character who has the most "power" what ever power may be. Whether it is kingly powers, most friends or most wp shop powers.
  20. I'm thankful for the Canadian Thanksgiving a month earlier! Also thankful for terrorists and nasty Korean communists for giving me a job. And thank you all for giving me a break from that job!
  21. Fight the power! No seriously, words are words. If everyone stopes being offended by noises we make, life would be better. If someone calls you a piece of crap, laugh. Because a piece of crap that big must surely have torn someone anal sphincter to shreds. Most "insults" are funny if you take them literally, others just don't make sense. Really, what you are reacting to is the intent. Not the words. So, deal with the intent, not the words! Not much of a difference, but there is one.
  22. Umm, the words have meaning to those who give them those meanings. Why care if the word ni!!!! was used for slaves. They arnt slaves any more, nor are there any slaves anymore. Forget what the word meant and focus on what the word now means.
  23. Lol I saw an episode of south park last night. It was the one about the quardiplet acrobats and their mother. Before md that was my only knowledge of Romania. Now I know they have little girl ghosts and drachorns flying around! Oh and something called a Mur runs this land... What's a mur?
  24. Toten I thought about bribing that up but thought better of it. Lol Zleiph I never said that saying it was right. I was merely pointing out that it is up to the person being called a name to be offended. If they are black and called a N!!!!!', it only affects them if they are sensitive about being black. If I am called a cracker, I laugh it off. It's a word. They make themselves look stupid when The person doesn't react negatively. Names are just that, names. We are not in the 1960s anymore. These words do not have the same effect anymore.Their meanings have changed dramatically, if you don't agree with me on anything. You have to agree with me about this.
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