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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Nicely put, Pip. The point I am trying to make right now, is that her trying to get Phantom Orchid in trouble for calling her STD was wrong. Something she enjoys doing. She does not find it insulting, but she is making it a big deal.
  2. You are right, Kafuuka. Editted it a bit.
  3. What a surprise, dst has abused her powers(once again I might add) to edit out my Whats going on Thing on the front page so that STD would not appear. And then? She ups my warning level for "insulting a mod". This kind of behaviour from a Mod shouldn't be allowed... Be more mature DST. I was trying to make a point, one you failed to comprehend
  4. I honestly don't see the problem with either PL. One is accusing another of an alt, the other is making fun of her name. Both of you grow up, and sthu. If you want to see real discrimination, go back 60 years. Racism hardly exists in North America anymore. Blacks live freely amongst whites. Asians have every opportunity that whites do. Brown people have a stigma about them because of 9/11. And that is mostly gone now. I won't be ignorant enough to say that no one here has experienced real racism, but odds are, you haven't. There is a difference between Racism, and Stereotyping. Someone called you a N*****? Who cares. It's a word, and shouldn't have an effect over you. You were called a Jew? Are you Jewish? If so, why are you offended? If not, why are you offended unless you have some prejudice against Jews yourself. You wouldn't be offended if you didn't think it was something you didn't want to be. Now, dst... You are a big girl. Are you really offended by that PL? I doubt it. You are once again Hunting people you consider below you for some stupid insult. Grow up. Both of you.
  5. Try contacting Guardians of the Root, they will tell you.
  6. Out of Curiousity, what book is it that you wish to purchase, Mur?
  7. ... *rushes to Lands of the East and sits there for awhile* I certainly hope Mur is preparing more of the land. So many mysteries...
  8. I see a much easier solution. We have Gold, we have Silver, why not add Bronze? This way, Bronze is worth 10% of Silver, and Silver is worth 10% of Gold. That way the system would subtract ten percent of a silver so that the receiver would end up with either 9 bronze, or subtract 10% from the original owner depending on how the system is set up.
  9. The test items Mur has released via the Wasps Totem are not for you to keep! Use them a few times, test them out, and return them! I do not know why Mur is releasing things via first come first serve basis. Items are not being returned. People keep them for themselves. I even tracked down a few of the people with the items, and you know what? They are MP3s. MP3s shouldn't even be in Loreroot, and that makes me think that they are alts of people who do not want to be seen hoarding these test items. Just shows how selfish and greedy people are. Please return the items before you log out. You don't need them 24/7. You can't even use them that often.
  10. Perhaps MD got sick of him? Seriously though, it could be your ISP as well.
  11. Again? Stop expecting presents and gifts every few weeks! If you don't expect them, and they come, they come as a surprise. And you will be happy. If you expect them to come, you are a fool and thus don't deserve them.
  12. Wait a second while I grab the Subtle Knife, and the Amber Spyglass, and snort some Dust.... Welcome to MD!
  13. Come on people, the reason why Christmas and the Festivals are so popular is because they are so rare. Most people don't stick around to see more than one of each. I've seen two Festivals, and two Christmas(es?LOL), lets keep the greedyness to the minimal and appreciate what you do get already.
  14. Die die die! Purple dye dye dye!

  15. Does anyone else see what is wrong with this? >.> How many more of these clubs are going to appear? Stop trying to kill bob. It won't work. Second, aaront. I have to say, you're posts are useless. You have never said anything worthwhile in any of your posts. Ever. Your spelling is atrocious and your thoughts incoherent. It will not be long until your posts are moderated and we are finally rid of your ridiculous posts. ... *****
  16. You know you've been on MD to much, when you start searching for other games to play, and find none worthy of the time MD takes.
  17. +10 I find it just insulting when people don't take the time to make a proper offer, let alone take the time to make the offer legible. Why would I trade something to you if your offer is a tenth of what its value is, especially when you make me dislike you for being an idiot?
  18. Shadow that is backwards logic. The whole point to this is that MB is already open to all players, with select places that very few can access, where as the other lands are not accesible except to the select few. Now MB citizens can acces MB all they want, but don't have papers. If MB citizens get papers they should gain access to places others cannot go. It's either that or lock the gates, and let noone in, and give the citizens passes.
  19. Goodbye my adept/master. Enjoy!
  20. I only have gold, so if you can give me ten silver, the gold is yours, and the pimps are mine?
  21. 1 gold for them all.
  22. [b]Elemental Amulet[/b] Forged in secret in the underground caverns by unknown entities, it holds within it a part of each energy from all five elements. I would like to see the Elemental Amulet to allow the holder to cast unlimited weather spells.
  23. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='17 January 2010 - 08:10 AM' timestamp='1263733834' post='52882'] angels sang out, in a miracelous chorse, down from the heavens, decended chuck norris.. he is awsum^^ [/quote] Chuck Norris is an old man... there is no country for old men, but Godzilla takes what ever the heck he wants!
  24. I suggest refreshing, and/or clearing your cache. If that doesn't work, pm me your location.
  25. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' date='13 January 2010 - 07:58 PM' timestamp='1263430735' post='52708'] You cannot shrug this matter off to assuage what happened. I have requested several times that the coin be returned - and now you play as if all I had to do was ask to get it back? I will comment on this no more.. [/quote] I remember you saying that, but I also remember me replying the exact same thing (not the automated thing that is new part since the introduction of the wp) and you never replied.
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