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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. [quote name='Chewett' date='13 May 2010 - 01:57 PM' timestamp='1273773462' post='59769'] There seems to be some Misunderstanding of how the moderators are different from a normal forum user. So i shall Explain my viewpoint on this and hope that people also give their view on what i have said. Moderators unlike normal users have a few extra things they can do, Some of these are, but are not limited to, Closing/moveing/Deleting topics and editing posts. They also do their work for no reward, and have not been asked but have offered to help. Apart from this they have no other Special ability or power. Because they are just normal users, with one or two extra buttons. It means they are treated like normal users UNLESS they are using their Moderator Powers, and then they are treated as a moderator. Because of this, All (except one) moderators have agreed to not moderate a post that they feel strongly about, unless they have consulted another Mod/gotten another one to do it, Which means that they separate their Moderator powers with their normal user privileges. Like any other Member, you can complain about their rudeness or whatever else you think is against the T+C's of the forum and the forum rules. But please do not say "because they are a moderator i think that..." Because unless they are moderating a topic they are not a moderator. That argument has not validity since they have all the rights of a normal user. And thus if they are breaking the rules they will get the punishment's of a normal user. As usual, I am happy to hear people questioning whether things are right, Because that just tightens up the rules in that Members mind, But please dont start with questioning if they should be doing something "as a moderator" unless they have used their Moderator powers. Contact me any way you like to complain, moan or question anything someone has done and i will gladly give you my opinion of the matter. [u][ I am glad you cleared this up. Here, I thought the rules were different considering the explanation you gave to me based on my removal of a few extra buttons. ][/u] ---------------------------- Now onto Fenrirs Point. So, When you decided to insult me over the internet, using every conceivable swear word in your vocabulary, by your own standards you were being a "coward" sitting "behind a computer screen where you have absolutely no chance of physical harm". This would be correct based on your own portrayal of dst. The only difference being is that you were swearing at me and she hasnt. Also, From what i have seen she hasnt threatened you, Wheras you have said "Omg sometimes I wish you were here so I can punch you in the head". Something seems amiss where you complain about a few words she said wheras you threaten me and i dont complain because i decided it would be better for you. [u] [Yes, I said that. And sometimes I feel that way about a lot of people. And if they were here, I would consider doing it. The difference between me and dst though, in the terms of cowardice, I can and have done what I say I will do. [Not that I will punch you in the head, Chewett. I merely expressed my wish to do so, you were being infuriatingly annoying.] Where as DTS, she is like one of those Shitzu's. They bark and bark and bark and bark, but as soon as a Rotty comes by and barks at her, she runs away with her tail between her legs. Well, I see DTS hiding in the corner right now, with a puddle between her legs. DST, just shut up, and stop harassing players. Do what you tell me to do, and ignore them. Pretend they don't exist. Pretend you don't exist, and then we will all be happy.] [/u] I will ofc refer to my above post for a reply to this. I hope this clears a few things up. [/quote] If anyone has any problems with what I said, talk to me about it. If you don't want to talk about it, and wish to confront me, I will be glad to meet in a mutual place and we can "talk" about it there.
  2. What you said Firs makes sense, but shouldn't there be some sort of control for the quality of avatars players can use?
  3. Again, dst, you use the word coward where it does not apply. I am beginning to think that you are indeed the coward. You think it's brave to say what's on your mind? On the internet? Where there are no real repercussions? Think again, you're just some lonely woman sitting at her computer all day with nothing to do but cause trouble. As for Mods behaving like children? Mods are in a position of authority(how ever little it may be). People in authoritative positions must act like people who are in charge, otherwise, who will respect them and listen to what they say? Out of all the Mods on this forum, I respect Grido the most. By far. Why? He acts like a mature member of our community. I have never seen him loose his temper and post something that he later regretted. And if he has, I didn't read it, or don't remember it. No, you didn't use bad words. I couldn't care less if you used every curse word known to mankind. Whether or not it is true, or a lie, what you say sometimes is just plain harassment. You target the same person over and over again, launch at them your very own brand of hatred and then watch with joy as they flip out. You always provoke people. Or you go searching for things people do to give your life meaning. Anyone with eyes can see that you are a spiteful woman. No one appreciates that. Btw, thanks for responding to my Report. I knew you would read it and respond. PS: If you ever have enough gall to prove to me that you are not a coward, please, do so. And I don't mean behind a computer screen where you have absolutely no chance of physical harm. Try doing what I do, and then talk to me about cowardice.
  4. I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but I've seen such a lack of quality Artworks being submitted to the Avatar System. Since the new Avatar System has been released, I've seen only a small handful of good avatars, and even those have bad quality and are ruined because of the quality of the resizing. I was wondering if the Avatar's being submitted will be put through a system of quality checks beyond those being applied now. (IE the background/transparency checks) I liked the avatars before, because they were special artworks, and were rare. Now that they are common, almost anything that looks like pencil/pen on paper gets approved. I've seen some avatars that looked like they were drawn by children... Does anyone else see this? Or is it just me?
  5. I would like to ask someone to look into this. It sounds fishy. A player with 600+ age creatures, selling them with a forum account that has zero posts?
  6. Mur won't ban new players unless they do something incredibly stupid and obviously against the rules. Not that there is a set list anywhere. And if you think the little link at the top of MD is a list, think again. It's nowhere near complete. Just don't be stupid. And you might survive.
  7. Combat Engineer for the Canadian Armed Forces.
  8. I have a few questions about the book before I purchase one, Is there a Hard Cover version? I do not buy paperbacks, especially of books that I will want to keep and read over and over. ... Looks like that is my only question.
  9. Oh, when I say Alts are wrong, and should be banned, I get flamed. But when someone else says it, praise the Lord, they are the new saviour. Been saying this for a year. Glad to see it has finally sunk in.
  10. Good to see you are actively in charge again, Chewett!
  11. Again, you're taking things personally, dst. But I will let it be, because it doesn't matter. I used your name as an example, I don't care about the reasoning. I brought up this idea because it seemed to me that is is needed. Trashing it for the simple reason that it doesn't need to be in the WS is unacceptable. Help me make this idea into a reality instead of just throwing it to the dogs because you find all these things wrong with it. You see something wrong that I don't? Suggest something. Don't just shove it in my face and laugh.
  12. Chewett, if I were to change my name, it would be to shorten it, or add something to it. Not to change my identity. I wouldn't be able to hide for to long. As for this idea, it came to me when I kept seeing Princ, dst, MRG, and the many others that I consider to have inappropriate names. ( I mean this in the way that their names are misspelled, uncapitalized, or full of capitals.) There is not reason why I chose those three names, they were the first to come to mind.
  13. Again, you need a WP to change your name. Something that isn't easily gotten anymore. Unlike the Avatars, and the PL, and the Player Description thing, you can't change this at a mere whim. You must earn it first, and you must REALLY earn it. And the WP item doesn't have to be renewable. It can happen only once. Like the XP removal. (Which I do not think should be in there.)
  14. What is wrong with changing your name? If you want to change your character's identity, why not do so? If MD is an allegory for the human psyche, then this would make perfect sense. People change who they are through hard work and determination. Isn't that how one acquires a WP? Through hard work and determination? It takes weeks, months, years perhaps to truly change your identity, and this can be related to the amount of work that is required to acquire a WP. It is incredibly easy to change your character's image now. As it is in real life. Plastic surgery or personal training can change your body in extreme ways. It requires a bit of money to do so in most cases too, like the Avatars. Changing who you are though, that requires work, and WPs can be related to that work. If we can have a remove all xp WP, I am sure we can have a WP option to change our names too.
  15. Title says it all, Now with the availability of such unique avatars, and the kings being able to reward WPs, I would like to see a new Wish Shop item that allows us to change our names. Especially if we made a mistake in the name, or would like to add capitals, or forgot an "e" at the end of Prince. Let me know what you think.
  16. I'm sorry, but... What has Akasha done? I'm not even sure what she does anymore. Or if I even knew. I am really curious if anyone writes about her.
  17. Lord Beta Wolfeyes, just a small tip, when apply for a Writers Guild, focus on your writing in the application. >.> Capitals, grammar, and punctuation are your friends!
  18. Oh, well, it's been a long time since my last HC, so I may not know what I am talking about.
  19. I believe that previous winners should NOT even show up in the normal HC contest. So they can't place and take up a spot from those who can still win. Hopefully with the addition of the BC, this will change. Grido: He means that they can still win it by setting up defensive rituals. For instance, if I was still participating in HC, and I attacked someone that had already won, and they lost 20% of their VE, and I lost 60%, they would still take all my heads. Thus, effectively stealing heads.
  20. I know, I saw the 2million VE and was like... holy crap.
  21. I'm not sure what the problem is. Lightsage attacked you, and then you attacked him a bit afterwards.
  22. Practice definitely makes perfect! Keep on practicing!
  23. He just said that he is taking a step back from his duties as LHO/Mp6, not leaving.
  24. I know, come on. HC is supposed to be unfair. But it far fairer than anyone can believe. For instance, I won my HC. But the first place went to Raven, someone who has won HC MANY times just so that he can take first place away from the rightful owner. Was that fair? No. Do I still want to pull his feathers out for it? Yes. Yes I do. It isn't about Mur letting you win, its about you taking it.
  25. You better not become so isolated that you can't participate in my DoaK quest... I still have plans for your sanity, I mean... no I meant sanity.
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