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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Lol, I forgot about that. If you wish to have the coin returned, and not participate in the quest no longer, say so. If you wish to continue, hold tight. I have it worked out with someone to automate the quest in a way, may be a few more weeks.
  2. What I want, and what needs to be done are two different things. I keep those things separate, because one is not always right. Then Grido, I have to disagree with you on that. Players should not hesitate to play MD because someone IG is harassing them.
  3. I was doing it anyways... so... yeah. I would.
  4. Issue is done, and over with. Please stop posting your comments.
  5. So you agree that driving players from MD is correct? Just because you dont like them? Personal vendettas should not ruin MD. Harassment is plain wrong. I do not want to force her. I have no way of doing that. I WANT her to change.
  6. And I have replied with the proof about it.
  7. [quote name='Death Bell' date='13 January 2010 - 03:07 PM' timestamp='1263413269' post='52681'] lol so according to fenrir if he apologies everything is ok... i can't believe he was given mod access, good thing he was demoted. If he genuinely wasn't able to do the trade then ok i understand, but what pisses me off is that he tried lieing and lieing and lieing some more to me to cover everything up... guys don't trade with him... hope i can be a listen to all. EDIT: all my posts need to be approved first so don't worry if i dont reply fast, and its 1:30am now going to sleep. [/quote] Would you like the email from Paypal saying they could not accept the transfer? Death, you are speaking with emotions, not common sense. I was not lying, I was trying to get you the money, but you would not wait. So you made this topic.
  8. Lol, you would be right. Sorry, I replaced your drachorn with my own because it had more age. Actually, I made those promises because I had no intent on keeping them because I thought my end of the bargain would be completed. This is all I have to say. I apologise for the deal. I won't be making the same mistake again. Orlando, I have been speaking with him via pm. But he feels the need to make a topic.
  9. Would you like the email they sent saying they overdrawn my account? Or... what? I returned the drachorn with several tokesns on it as extra. I already apologised.h
  10. And how is more posts with fewer threads better than fewer posts with more threads? Fewer posts keeps the threads clean, and neat. While a thread spammed with bumps is annoying to sift through.
  11. Well, as dst is(using her favourite word) to cowardly to reply, what has been said has been said. She refuses to at least change.
  12. Clutter? I don't understand what you mean. Those topics are put from newest to oldest in the search. I dont see how they can clutter anything. There may be more posts this way, but the topics remain up to date, and if the the poster forgets what he is posting, then the offer gets lost.
  13. [quote name='Master' date='13 January 2010 - 01:50 PM' timestamp='1263408607' post='52666'] Well... i know nothing of the demotion stuff! BUT dst hunting people down ?????????????? What the hell is that ??? Who's hunting who and why ??? Limp for months ??? It's your choice if you let yourself attacked by other people ! It's your choice if you stay in a sanctuary and NEVER be attacked by ANYBODY ! I'm trying to say there is NO HUNTING in md ! if you choose NOT to be attacked you can do so very easily ! And Yeah, a long time ago i did fear dst ONLY because of what other people said ! But when i got in contact with her ! She's actually a decent player ! I have never seen a thread of meanness in her actions ! I don't think I'm that blind, i had my doubts in the begining as well, i even told her that ! But she proved to me otherwise ! So , If she's "mean" to some, that doesn't mean she's EVIL, since she's nice to others! So if this is a personal confrontation ..... take it out to the Tribunals and finish the story ! [/quote] B, she is not attacking via game mechanics. She is attacking verbally, and harassing people. So, avoiding her when she writes nasty things on PLs, spreads rumours, and reveals personal things is wrong. I have tried to talk to her about it several times, but she gets angry real fast, and asks me who I am to do this? Apparently, because I am not Mur, I cant question the actions of others. Chewett, you warned me on three seperate actions. I learned from them. In any workplace, it is not a simple three strikes you are out. It is three strikes for doing the same thing over and over, and you are out. I was performing my duties quite fine, up until the last week or so. You even told me that you were considering on making me a Global Mod because I was doing it so well. So what changed? I closed one of your friends topics because he bumped it three times in a row? (Time lapse does not matter. I believe bumps are spam.) I removed some useless posts on a topic Mur made because I had misread the post he had made. I was sent pms regarding each incident, and I was never given a chance to change. I do not think this is a good procedure for dismissal. If you can set up a meeting with Mur, I would very much like to speak with him. I would like to bring up several things with him, because you are obviously not going to change your opinion.
  14. I would prefer that they made a new topic every two weeks. So we know that the offer is still valid. Instead of my pm people about topics three months old that are still open seeing if it is okay to close it.
  15. I appreciate the comment Laz, but I am not humiliated. I especially enjoy dst reading this topic, and not saying a word.
  16. Grido, I understood your point of view. That is what I conceeded, not that bumps are spam. I had misread what he said about editing the offers that don't count. And how often has he actually acted upon it? I am the only one he has so far demoted. For some stupid reasons. I made mistakes, I should have been given a chance to respond to them. All of these events happened within the last ten days. When was I given the opportunity to change? or Learn? That is between me and him, which is why you don't understand.
  17. Pip, this topic has been active less then 40 minutes. As for them remaining anonomyous.... Why do you think that is? I realise that there will be repercussions to this for a long time. But, like anything else people don't like hearing but is true, it needs to be said.
  18. Pip, I am the only one with enough nerve to bring this up. There are many who are subject to her attacks. Whether or not they wish to stand up to her, is not up to me. But as I have posted this, I was contacted by four people saying that they agree with me. Another saying that she needs to be pushed back down to Earth. And chewett, this is not a bitching topic. I am trying to address something I see a problem with, in a calm manner. You are the one that is making it out to be so. No one is correct in assuming that there is always two halves. And I realise that. I know that what I was told was subject to being distorted.
  19. [quote name='Chewett' date='12 January 2010 - 06:03 PM' timestamp='1263337387' post='52595'] I purposely didnt post on the forum that we demoted you because i would have thought that would have ruined your reputation more. But if you dont mind i shall post why we removed you here and now. Here is the story on that front. Then i shall comment on other such things. This is directly copied from the post i made in the moderator section about fenrir. With no omissions, the comments made are my own initial ones and are only the first post. I will not post what moderators posted after for it was Chatham House Rules. They can post if they wish to. [b]Closing topics without reason:[/b] This is about one specific topic. I received a complaint from a user that Fenrir was moderating his topic unfairly. So i investigated and cleared the topic up. here is what i found in that topic. After The user bumped the topic, where the last post was around a week old, he posted. Now i dont believe there was anything wrong, and it was just a plain bump. Considers some users bump topics daily... Then after a different user asked the question and the person who complained replied he posted: [u] [Bumps are just plain spam! Something to which you are so adamantly against. They do not do anything besides reactivate dead topics. If anyone wants your creatures, they can use the search function to find it. Should I bump topics just so people can read them over again?][/u] I was uneasy with this on multiple levels. Firstly he was merely answering a question, something about accepting silver or something (since it wasnt stated in the post) Also, in this section, all the closed topics are finished, which would mean it would likely be forgotten. Overall, i felt this was just fenrir being a little too officious. But after talking with the user it seems that Fenrir didnt like him because he didnt sell his shade to fenrir. When i asked his if this was the case fenrir said it was most not and that he didnt want a "alt abusers shade" and then proceeded to rant about how the user was an alt abuser and it was against his morals. Which made me believe that it was more likely he closed it because he didnt like the user. [u] [I like him perfectly fine. I was not annoyed that he wouldn't sell it to me, because my offer was to low compared to Eiggers. I did not "rant" about him abusing alts. Infact, I think I made only one comment about it.][/u] [b]Reposting Someones WTB offer:[/b] He reposted someones entire "WTB several crits" post, and even left the title of the post the same. More than that, he also then edited his post when the original user edited his. To me this is something that is just plain rude and not something a Section Mod should do. [What? Are you serious? Because I was to lazy to rewrite absolutely everything he wrote? And because my post saying that I wanted the same creatures and to pm me if they didnt like their offer? How is that wrong?] [b]Thread Hi-jacking:[/b] As a moderator he has deleted such posts, but here he makes them, I removed it but i dont think that moderators should be hijacking threads when he deletes posts of other people that do that. [That is another one of your lies with no proof. I rarely ever deleted posts unless it was just spam.] [u] [If you wish so badly to have your Mods to have a squeeky clean rep, and not do anything questionable, why is dst still a Mod? She does nothing but attack people.][/u] [b]MD Auction:[/b] He removed a tonn of posts from it and then posted under it: While he has every right to do this, and was probably helping. We all know that any topics that Mur is organising should not be changed in any way. [Was only trying to help keep it clean. I had misread the post Mur later made.] Removing posts may also be considered an abuse of power as he may have removed posts from people he didnt like (i didnt check before remerging it) [u][That is not true. In anyway. Infact, most of those people I do not know, let alone dislike.][/u] Mur posted two posts above that he was unsure what to do, whether to delete low bids, or something else. From this i would have hoped he would have left it until Mur had decided. [u][If you look at the time stamps of my deletes, you would see that they occured during/before/ or immediately after.][/u] As you can see there are the reasons we demoted him, amoung others such as general attutuide[My attitude is a problem...? Again... please look at dst. ], And the investigation into his moderatorship started a couple days *BEFORE* the argument with Dmik in GGG. This investigation was made after several people complained how he was running the section. And i shall just quote one small section of the pm i sent to him. "If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules." [u][Sorry, but this was poorly worded and I took it to mean that you would not tell me what they said.][/u] If you want to discuss this. Then as i told you, there are many ways that you can discuss your demotion. But unless you want to make another topic, your demotion is nothing to do with your problem about dst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Now lets look at your post[/b] What "nuisance" are you referring to? do you mean she does things you dont like? Please be more specific How little you know. If you knew anything about this issue you would know that both of them are equally to blame. Dst is angry at shoeps so she berates him. shoeps is angry at dst so he swears at her. Please dont assume that because you dont know what happened, means it doesnt matter. You are taking it massively out of context. And, when was the last time you have seen her bitching about Shoeps? Every couple of weeks? have you even been playing the last few months, Shoeps stopped playing so it seems a miracle that she has been attacking him. [u] [Try looking at todays Player Logs. Enough said.][/u] May i see the list? will you publish it? And again, since you know nothing of Shoeps and dst do not make general comments that show your ignorance of that topic. Find another more apt argument that fits. [u][I actually know quite a bit. As I have had several lengthy chats with Sheops about it.][/u] Now im getting worried, im probably going to be on her blacklist because i said its half her fault, you know what? i dont care because she is merely one person. I dislike a few poeple in MD, but since its a GAME they cannot do anything to hurt me. And if you are a insulted by her calling you a "coward" then she has won, and you are letting her have her saticfaction. [u][I was being sarcastic, I am sure you can realise that. I don't care if she called me a coward. Its the fact that she has no idea what Bravery is that annoys me.][/u] oh, i see, you mean this post you made? [u][Yes, exactly.][/u] It was made on the Topic of what is "sexually explicit". And your post was rude and offtopic. that is why it was deleted. And again, if you had an issue with that, you could have brought it up. Not kept it as "blackmail" material as it seems you have now. [u][How can I bring things up against one of your Mods, when you turn a blind eye to absolutely EVERYTHING THEY DO.] [/u] i was there fenrir and your ideas were clouded, and it did seem like you were claiming that, So i am not surprised that Dmik thought you were saying that. Although i hoped you weren't. [u][Not even close. Your memory must be going. We weren't even talking about how the holocaust did or did not happen. We were on a TOTALLY DIFFERENT topic. I commented on Dmiks rude outburst about how he would kick my ass if I even claimed that it didn't happen.][/u] As i have said in the pm i sent you, and i will publish it if you wish to portray that i was not crystal clear that if you didnt understand i could send you infomation if you required it. I also did send you what you asked for, but you didnt even bother replying. again, i will requote part of the pm i sent you [b]"If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules."[/b] You did not ask for them, so if you were unclear then it was your fautl for not asking for them. [u][Because I realised it would not get anywhere. You had your mind set and you would not see the errors of you ways. Everytime I try convincing you of something, you always dismiss it. You made a mistake.][/u] And as i said in my pm to you, You can post what you want as long as it complies with the rules, However the lies you have posted need massive corrections. [/quote]
  20. It is a longshot, Pip. But I want her to change, because I am tired of her harassing people. It can't go on.
  21. Pip, I speak the truth so others may see the truth. To change if need be. Dst does it out of personal vindication. I want DST to stand up, and to change. For her to stop this public hunting of others. No one should be subject to her harassment. It isn't right. Edit: To those of you who are giving All of these negative remarks? And no reasons given? Do you disagree with what I am saying? Or are you just to immature to see reason?
  22. For as long as I can remember, dst has been just as much a nuisance to the general MD public as certain other individuals. The names Death Ray, and redneck come to mind. She may not be a nuisance in the same way, but she is still a nuisance none the less. I use the word nuisance as a kind substitute for other words which could be applied. I would like to bring to light her constant hunting of "prey". Those she considers weak, stupid, or different. For no other apparent reason other than for her own self satisfaction that she is better than others. Whether or not she is, is up for debate. Not only does she hunt these "prey" she chomps down on their hind quarters until they can do nothing but limp on for months. If they are so lucky as to be able to walk after the initial attacks, she then sinks her teeth into their throats. For instance, her attacks on Shoeps. I do not care what he did, or why she attacks him constantly, but it is not acceptable to see these instances brought up every few weeks when she can't find another prey to attack. She made it her life's ambition to see his game life ruined, and unfortunately, it appears as if she succeeded. That may or may not be the case, but the fact remains that her goal was to make Shoeps hated by the general population by making a personal conflict public because she could not win otherwise. Again, unacceptable. He is not the only one she constantly harasses. I have a list of people she makes regular attacks against, and it isn't right. Her attitude towards anyone that does anything but tread lightly around her is deplorable. If you so much as argue with her, she will call you a coward. If you so much as win, watch out, for you will be put on her "black list". I had recently posted something about her comments of calling an individual a coward on the forum. What happened? She deleted and removed the post because she found it "insulting". As well as threatened to have my warn level increased to the point that I will have a Moderator review everything I post. I was also demoted from my job of being a Section Moderator for the CTC Section. The reason being? I closed topics that were inactive, and merging posts without notifying the poster when they were spamming their topic with bumps. Why is this a reason for demotion when I had been faithfully maintaining the most active section in the forum for nearly 8 months? I believe dst is once again at hand. The night prior, I was having a heated debate with Dmik King(If forget exactly what the initial topic was about but towards the end Dmik King was claiming I was claiming the Holocaust did not happen... when I wasn't talking about it. Tried clarifying it but he would not listen because he was so angry.) and a few others. Dst intervened and started her usual act of trying to prove herself superior to others. I, in no way, claim that I am better, nor worse. When her arguments were being questioned, she resorted to her childish behavior of name calling and dismissing my questions about her arguement as being "stupid". And as an attempt to attack me once again, she decided that I was no longer fit to moderate the CTC Section. (I really don't care if I am the CTC Mod or not. It does not bother me.) So, dst and Chewett, notified me several days ago that I was demoted for reasons still unclear. I am here to call dst out. Make a valid arguement. Do not spew insults and insinuations. Make valid arguements as to why you seem fit to do this. Anyone else is welcome to comment on it, after dst has responded. [Mods: Please notice that there isnt a single insulting word, swear word, and this is not a heated response to something she did recently. I let a few days pass before I decided to write this so I could write it without being rash.]
  23. I am of the belief that we have no "purpose" but to live, breed, and die. What we do in between is our own personal purpose, but in the grand scheme of things, our lives are meaningless. There are those of us who rise above the rest and have a purpose, who can change the world with a real purpose. While this is not a very heartening purpose if you look at it that we are insignificant, and are leading meaningless lives, you must be able to understand that what the Grand Scheme perceives as meaningless and what we find meaningful are two complete opposites. I cope with this reality by doing something meaningful to others. I may not be able to change the lives of the entire world, but I can change the lives of a couple hundred(may be a long shot or and a shortshot, my life has only started. ). All in all, it does not matter if your life has meaning, it is whether or not you give it meaning.
  24. My superpowers: 1. Invincibility (that is an honest to god Super power.) 2. Super Strength 3. Super Speed I would find superman and kill him and become resident bad *** in the world. Then I would take it upon myself to do the extreme (Kidnap the president for kicks, roundhouse kick Chuck Norris, kick George Bush in the gonads... the list goes on.)
  25. Way to fight the power! Chuck Norris is old. Godzilla ia ten times the size of kk. Kk has opposable thumbs... You pick.
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