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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Don't worry about her IaB. She's just grouchy and likes to point out flaws imagined or not. Lol it's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's a viable one. How would one gain these bits? The big problem I see with this is that those with the most items and coins will be able to buy these and gain massive ammounts of wps depending on how aquirable these bits are.
  2. Udgard and his crazy experiments lol. And I apologize.
  3. My name is Fenrir Greycloth, and I am an Archaeologist stuck in the body of a Wooden Golem.
  4. I can tackle this task, if needed. Can have it done in a couple days at max.
  5. Would you rather get a colourless joker? It's cheaper lol
  6. Ill offer 1 gold for the last 4 imps.
  7. Sounds altish to me too. How can you mistakenly purchase 37 angoens?
  8. Once again you fail to see the point I am making. Yes, aaront222 is annoying. Does that mean he should be banned? Or punished? Half of MD would be banned or punished. But this constant claiming that we need more tools to punish people? Making Mur more and more tired of all this crap is all that is happening. I doubt he wants an aresenal of ways to hunt and punish people. EDIT: And yes, I would. Which is the reason I don't have the power to.
  9. We need to stop this "we need more punishments and tools to catch people" crap. FFS people. You're tired of MD? Why? Because you are tired. You've played to much. You know all the ins and outs. And now you have resorted to trying to get people banned, complaining about every little thing, and following people in order to catch them do an unspeakable act. Relax, take a break from MD and everything will come back fresh and new.
  10. [quote name='Chewett' date='17 March 2010 - 11:14 AM' timestamp='1268842442' post='56547'] Sounds Altish as usual If you want an angien that badly, pm me. and you can get them for free. [/quote] I agree with Chewett. I shall give free angiens to anyone who mentions this topic. (And can't get Angiens themselves.)
  11. Not a bad idea but mur would be swamped with request intially and not worth his time. At least that is what he will most likely say lol. I like the idea, but don't think it will happen.
  12. First of all, not creature attacks. Verbal attacks. There is no second afterall
  13. Omfg. Chewett, when have I ever called you a Nazi? I never have, never will. Mike, you harassed me. You did. So what? You annoyed kefir a bit then stopped because I was the bigger man. Dst however doesn't stop. FFS. She has made three topics about one person to try and get everyone to hate her. It's unbelievable that youvant see this crap.
  14. I like Mike for putting up with redneck when no one else will. Takes a really nice person or a really crazy person to do that lol.
  15. Is that the dream mutation? Or the coloured joker?
  16. Yes, because honestly, what I think would help, is usually good. I have bad ideas every once in a while, but I'm only human. I think that the GGG should be used only by MP5 players, and the Sparing ground for MP3 and 4. But wait. Noone cares.
  17. Not exactly what I wanted...
  18. 3 gold and 2 silver for SW.
  19. Maut has a valid point.... see? There... right there... That is what makes a debate. Valid points. Not arguements. Valid points. I had hoped once that people knew what they were. Not anymore. I've lost faith.
  20. I wasn't referring to that post, but to the attitude of what you have said prior. Again, you try to find faults with everything I say, just so that you may appear to be right. You are playing with semantics again, these little games are getting tiring. Why are people so easily offended? Are you all that big of [Fill in the Blank]?
  21. Wait, because I said that... does it mean I am now known to hate the HC? >.> I offered a solution. I didn't rant on it Chewett, I like the HC. It's thrilling, until someone ruins the HC by stealing a spot when they have already won.
  22. How about the people who participated and won before, can't participate in another HC... period. No collecting them by the spawn rate, or stealing them from others... That way certain people can't steal the winning spots anymore.
  23. Pepperoni? Or pizza?
  24. Gelatin?
  25. 5 Gold.
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