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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Thank you Chewett. I appreciate your efforts.
  2. I have given the first person I met online whose name started with P a silver. Peace was the first. Pass it on.
  3. I don't need to explain my actions while I was there. I was not there training critters, and I attacked one person, you for flaming me with swear words.
  4. Lazarus: The Quest Spammer's Spammer

  5. You are argueing over semantics. We both did our part. Now drop it and get back on topic please.
  6. Who was the one that started the whole Dojo take over? You seem to have forgotten that. I was the one that brought it to attention, you were the one who had the clought to do it.
  7. *wipes the drool from his chin*

    So citrusy. :D

  8. You guys think I find MD boring? Umm... no? This topic is just a continuation from the other so we can have this discussion without going off topic. I see the GGG as a problem. It stops the players from learning how to set proper rituals, how to fight effectively within their means. I changed the Dojo so that MP5s could attack other MP5s. Why? Because everyone hid there. Now, everyone is hiding in GGG training to become stronger. Why? Because it's easier. It requires little effort. I rarely ever train there, and yet, I can defeat most non token rituals without thinking to hard. I don't have amazing stats, and I don't have amazing creatures. But, I played MD before it became so lame. I remember when you couldn't walk through willows shop without being attacked. No one ever idles anymore. Why? Because of the honour system. No one wants to take a loss. Why? Because of the honour system. No one ever wanders out of "safe" zones. Why? Because of the honour system. Does anyone else see a pattern here? No one will leave a safe place because they can't win. Not anymore. MD is like a scale. Before, everything was generally balanced. But several additions come by, and totally made everything whacky. People thought it would be balanced soon again. But honestly, it has been over 6 months. Tokens are still here, the Honour system still makes people afraid. GGG makes people think that they need to stat grind to be powerful. I admit the GGG is not the source of the problem, but it is a step in the right direction. And people wonder why new players leave...
  9. [quote name='Lazarus' date='19 February 2010 - 09:48 PM' timestamp='1266634085' post='54806'] Fenrir Greycloth is a character that was supposed to be a Philosopher, so I was not surprised when I found out that he is against these things. A Philosopher indeed... [/quote] You hit the nail on the head. Fenrir is. I'm not. I am a logical and cynical person. Philosophy is something I do as a hobby.
  10. I am planning on doing something, but I need to see whether or not it would be supported. And why those who don't support it, don't support it. Their responses will help me decide the course of action to take.
  11. This is a continuation of the MD is dead topic so that it can remain on topic. MD is Boring. Others think it, I said it. Now lets look at the biggest problem with why MD is now Boring. First: GGG The GGG is ruining MD. People sit there all day long and farm 0 damage wins. Wins are supposed won. Not given. Stats are not to be given so freely either. After dst's post stating what is really wrong with MD, it opened my eyes. I have come to realise that the GGG is bad for our community. So I ask, is it a good idea to get rid of the GGG in order to bring back the original style of training by attacking others with real rituals? If you disagree, or agree, please post why.
  12. Wow. And I totally guessed on that too....
  13. [quote name='Grido' date='18 February 2010 - 02:44 PM' timestamp='1266522243' post='54691'] (I offer 2 Silver to whoever replies first with why that date). [/quote] 1813: Dr David Livingstone, Scottish explorer and opponent of slave trade Could it be because an explorer was born March 19th? Or maybe because the Original Labyrinth was opened on the 19th?
  14. Be friends with the right people. People that don't pretend to be vampires, werewolves, or demons. Be realistic, intelligent, and truthful! Be Patient.
  15. Unfortunately, I see the same thing happening to this game that happened to another beloved game. Thekingofspades.com The owner/coder/manager/gm/everything else is finally running low on energy. Krome, the owner of TKOS, ran TKOS by himself for over five years. And now? The game sits online, and has one or two people log in every now and then. He has this plan for a .Net transfer. Basically recoding the entire game in a different language. Why? I don't know, but I believe he is just bidding his time until the game finally dies off, or when his batteries are recharged. Mur, I have this to say to you. Play MD. Get to know the characters, but as a new character. Mur will always be there for you to play with. But start your very own MD Character, and play as we play. Create your very own RP, solve quests, earn WPs to buy Spells from the WS. Enjoy your creation. MD, we are at the point now that players will leave. And leave they shall. It's going to happen. No one plays a game forever. We move on. It's a cycle. A seed falls on the ground, germinates, and a flower is born to be eaten by a cow that we kill, and roast in our oven. Only to be turned into nutrients. We can't continue MD like we are. It will die. Trust me. I've seen it in TKOS. Malignants became WAY to overpowered and killed anyone they didn't like over and over until their stats were back to 0. Which takes weeks of training to max. People like myself were playing the game since it first came out, and thus could kill them with ease, but that didn;t solve anything. It only continued a vicious cycle. We need to stop biting at each other throats for personal reasons. You are bored, we get it. Don't cause others pain for your pleasure. It's sickening. You feel you don't like something about a player? Don't attack them about it. Talk to the person, and reason with them. If they can't reason, ignore them. There is nothing they can do IG to you that will cause lasting damage. Be good to each other. MD needs it.
  16. That's a lousy excuse to be a powerhouse MP3. A real challenge is to become MP5, and a skillful player. Not a stat grinder, or a tokened up moron.
  17. Why must you be MP3 to train Angiens? I believe what they did was a good thing. You have been in MP3 for far to long. Move on dude.
  18. Yes, but that's what you miss. I am doing that, but am going a step further by analyzing each possibility and then deciding on the most logical solution or what ever it happens to be,
  19. It's not the trouble I amlooking for but for people to open their minds Pip. To see things as they are and not what they think they are.
  20. If Mur gets any more popular, Romania will have to thank him for the major increase in Tourism.
  21. Alright Chewett. Everytimr I see someone say something questionable I will pm you. Most of the time I don't care. Why? Because I figure you would catch it, because you seem to catch absolutely every minor thing I have done. But it seems you turn a blind eye to what your mods do.
  22. She couldn't have bothered asking me to stop? Nope. She couldn't stoop that low, could she? I was making a point. One she failed to realise. Again, dst shows her complete unwillingness to see her errors. She is always right, even when she is clearly wrong. You, as dst's friend, agree with it. Not as an unbiased observer. Players can't provoke Mods, but Mods can provoke players? I call Double Standards. I thought that the Rep System was supposed to be anonymous? Guess not. Yes, I neg repped her. For every time she abused her powers.
  23. [quote name='Kamisha' date='09 February 2010 - 11:46 PM' timestamp='1265777216' post='54203'] Ya the cube has been the source of mystery though I do have a theory and this supports it. At the beginning of the story there is the wooden box. Small as it might be it turns out that you can fit in it. You likely see where I am going with this. I believe that inside this box exists the entire MD universe. If you have ever seen Futurerama the episode considering the machine that can create alternate universes contained inside boxes you know what I am talking about. I just hope that mur takes good care of that box and doesn't feel inclined to shake it... too much . [/quote] Omfg. I am watching that episode as I read this. O.o Anyways, I am expecting some grands things for the Lands.
  24. So.. who entertains the Jester?
  25. And Moderators shouldn't act in such a childish way. It's unbecoming and wrong. A mod shouldn't use their powers to punish people she doesn't like for no other reason than that she doesn't like them. Making up reasons is unnecessary as well.
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