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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. I would like to obtain the Q Doc with my second(unused) WP.
  2. Well, one thing you may not know is that you may or may not have a hurt creature. If the max vitality of a ritual is above 300 vp, but the actual combined VP of the creatures is below 301VP then the ritual becomes random, or finds another ritual with the appropriate ammount of VP.
  3. It is still on going since no suitable contestants have been found, at least that is what I gathered.
  4. Alright, people keep on calling me a kiss ass, a follower, and what ever else. Far from it. I am not sucking up, other wise I wouldn't be making topics/discussions that could potentally give me a bad image in his eyes. If they do, they do. Anyhow, of all the old players I want to know more about lnator is the most interesting. I mean what makes him different from other knators?
  5. Let's breed Metal Bunny. Haha
  6. Mur, read a book called Ender's game by Orson Scott Card. If you love your tts, you will love this. It is my favourite book of all and always!
  7. Knator commnader seems a good choice.
  8. Yes, guy. I used to use only lorerootioan creatures and I toed them as being allies. I would play with the knators and train with the archers and I had a ritual using only lorerootian creatures that was actually quite effective.
  9. Are you double clicking the arrows? If you are you only need to click them once.
  10. Hehe. I still get confused going to MDArchives.
  11. Calyx and I have been working on a Faction of spiritual ends and means. I can try to contact her about it if you wish...
  12. I with all that has been said, all that I managed to read, I just have one thing tonadd... Tokens have destroyed the individuality of creatures. How often do you see a lorerootioan archer or a knator? These creatures and others have become useless. Hopefully we can change this somehow.
  13. Got mine as well
  14. [quote name='Lifeline' date='09 August 2009 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1249859202' post='39098'] lol lib what kind of crappy games do u play? ok to avoid looking like a spammer let me think of something constructive to put in here....hmmm....ahh...mhhh....cant think of anything...dammit *dances and writes something into his book* ah that was very bad rp and rp wont save me here anyway. i still look like a spammer ...crap no seriously MD doesnt need a police to watch everything going on. rules just limit freedom and alt abuse isnt really that bad to be worth the trouble. i mean come on! all u get is age on crits and awesome vit and vp boosts. and i personally am even to lazy to do that. its simply not worth it as somebody said already. if u want to monitor possible abuses do it for wish points. that is the only thing important enough to be monitored. [/quote] but the fact that there are a LIMITED ammount of creature slots gives me reason to belive that multiple accounts to get more creature slots is abuse. And the whole point of age is to slow down progression. So that we can't be the best in a matter of months while the best took years. Why not just remove the age if all you are going to do is find a way around it? No I do not suggest removing age. Just trying to make a point.
  15. I am sure Jesus had naughty thoughts about women, doesn't make him any less good or whatever though does it? Just because I did something srupid once, does not mean I am a bad person. I paid for my mistake. I have been out of prison for two months now, have made major progress ig wise (despite the hard time people keep giving me)and done nothing to warrent this behaviour any further. I may not be the easiest person to get along with but if you asked me for help, I will help you, no matter if I am frustrated or not. Now can we get back on topic please?
  16. Ahh yes I guess trust is a big issue. Especially when it's dealing with the exact locations of players and ctc codes.
  17. I would gladly help out with the gm thing, spending a couple hours a day reading logs to prevent people from cheating, I wouldn't mind.
  18. Burns I don't think it should be closed but a maturity check is needed. I shall wait till someone else can talk some sense into her. If at all possible.
  19. Ummm actually I am quite the opposite. I don't do what everyone else does and honestly I coould call you the same for voicing someone elses opinions without knowing why. And isn't that exactly why this entire fiasco started?
  20. First of all I was not aware of the being paid for the artworks, I did not quit either when I found our but this has nothing to do with that. Try dealing with this instead acting like the child you claim not to be. I was not actively seeking to destroy Mur and md'. I was not trying to get players to rebel against him. Honestly what you were doing is far worse. Grow up, take your medicine and go to bed and rest.
  21. Yes burns I do. The original reason that was put there was because the storylune needed thoroughal testing. I believe it has been tested. If you read something in the game it does not necesarily mean it is right. For instance read the hc page and tell me how much of it is applicable now. What we have here is just a poor genral attitude to work and the right way of doing things and the easy wrong way. Mur cannot possibly police everything. That is what shoeps was for, to take care of normal game thongs so that mur could spend his time coding and developing. Perhaps this is something we should look into once more? Having a gm or two that can sift through the crap in a (mostly) unbiased way. They couldnhave a set ofnfuide lines to follow and work like an lho but with a bit more power. And if anyone thinks but look at the last gm, that person didn't have anyone to keep an eye on him. Perhaps that is a good reason to have several to keep each other in Check. Lhos could still be in place, but the gms would have more abilities to check on the honesty of players, deal with player squabbling, and other minor things.
  22. Then they would ask an rpc for permission to make an alt I know this isn't a popular topic because a lot of people do it. An insane ammount do. But just because everyone does something does not mean it us right.
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