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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Md' has a great playerbase as it is. We all have one thing in common; we do not want just answers but more questions. Or at least that is what I want out of md'. I look forward to logging into md' everyday becuase I know I will be able to do something interest, discover something new, or have a deep conversation with a mr. Beefy. Lol. When I log in the first thing I do is check the adventure page for updates. And then the update page. Sure I admit I don't do quests. Most of them are retarded. Like "get me ten adepts and five protectors and you can have my spell doc" Something does need to change with these quests. I had a quest that was completed by three people on my hate page. The quest was to write me an essay on the behavioural patterns of knators, or the social heirarchy of the knators. Perhaps this quest was to hard for most people or noone knew about it. I think that more people should have the ability to makes quests, not reward them, but to have a quest page. In order to get the quest activated the player needs to get the quest apprOved by an rpc. This will allow many more quests, and a way to control the quality that comes from them.
  2. I trust mur not to send my friends emails to spam sites, or add them all to the Herpes Mailing list... however funny that would be.
  3. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='16 July 2009 - 06:20 PM' timestamp='1247782809' post='37279'] ok, so buying creats at mp2 messes with the creature icon ... but ..how do you get to creatures in mp2 ? [/quote] MP2s are not spawned on GG anymore, as far as I am aware.
  4. Chewett. I am not proposing that Mur change the entire game into HTML, with all the graphics and what not. I would just like to see a mobile version where you can access the different menus, chat, and move around. The battle part is unneeded as it is not essential to the MD experience in my view.
  5. It wouldn't take that much effort it would be like md' without the fashion. Chat would be changed only slightly to be manually updated. The side bar just need to be changed to hyperlinks and the images themselves can be just names and arrows indtead of the pictures.
  6. I would like to see a mobile friendly version of md'. One that doesn't use flash. While I am on the go or somewhere without my laptop or at work when it isn't busy I would like to do a little bit of md'. As of now I canny view my creature list, I can't read my mail or even talk I'm chat. Fighting isn't a necessity but it would be nice aswell.
  7. True, alts are not encouraged, but those people who have REAL alts, ones that have a real purpose, then they should be allowede the alts right? More RP is awesome.
  8. I would like to see an umbrella system set up for our accounts. Instea of having thirty different accounts why not have a single account where all your characters are put underneath that way you can keep track of your alts.
  9. Free Online Games, MMORPG, Magic, Roleplay, any variations of those terms.
  10. And last time I checked I believe GG had 32 members. I don't think there are ever 32 women in this game. Edits: Yes, it is sad, I know.
  11. I don't get it, MD already loads fast. Why do we need it to be faster?
  12. The Fraternity is now accepting all applicants with heavy baggage and a cocky attitude! Women need not apply unless they have large jugs of water and little to none suitcases of clothing!
  13. I have the same problem, except Mur is above the warning.
  14. Both of them are correct. A line is a never ending figure. On a 2d plane, it would appear to be a circle viewed from a 3d perspective.
  15. I think that the most important thing you can do to attract them, is to show them a bit more information about the game while in the tutorial. The tutorial is pretty darn boring, and I hated it very much. Click here, run to this, blah blah blah. They will think that is exactly what this game is, a point and click adventure.
  16. Yup, I flanked it and then stabbed it in the side! No, I was kidding.
  17. One's a vegetable and the other is a fruit. Apricots are hard and have very ltitle juice, which peaches have a lot of juciy flesh.
  18. Only 6 from 120k accounts... wow.
  19. Are adepts allowed to have adepts? I think so. Its all in the hips... I mean perspective.
  20. Yes, but a disciple learns from the Master, and then will become the master in time.
  21. And will it be that much different from starting out at MP3 though? He is incredibly far behind compared to normal MP5s, because a year ago many things were not implemented and he is better off without his old account and trying to fix it.
  22. Oh trust me, it's keeping me and my belly full of gross koolaid happy. I found the word btw. Disciple. BOOYAH!
  23. Most people do not come back after six months though, Chewett. If you have were reasonably far, you would still check in every now and then. Not just stop completely.
  24. She started it!
  25. Yes, but nothing that is related to a certain religion either. I think Zealot may work. Edit: No... I don't want people to think of it as a fanatic... Something toned down a bit...
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