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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Mur do you find it weird at all that people reference you to God? [May his name always be Red] [May Mur bless you] [Murry Christmas] There are tons of them. I just want to know how he feels about this.
  2. So... When is the next lecture?
  3. A redneck that lives in a forest... they fit! Let him in guys... Bwahaha
  4. I don't... not like you. I just find your morals irritating. And thank you dst
  5. Is that that Documentary that just came out?
  6. Oh I have enough exp and age, but the lack of online players is the trouble now. The vast majority of the players are in Alliances so we can only attack them once every 45 minutes.
  7. The lack of need for experience. My creatures have the max amount of experience to max them all the way to their final level before they even pass the first! It's insane. O.o
  8. I would like to see a new addition to the game that allows you to pick and choose how you wish to receive your experience/wins. Instead of getting 6k for each of your creatures, perhaps you can exchange that for wins when you set up the ritual? So for every 2.5k exp they gain, the will gain an additional win. I know it is flawed because of the Burst Rituals, but throw out your ideas!
  9. *applies for a petition to ban dst from becoming LHO* I would like to see a more detailed page of what exactly LHO's are supposed to do and the requirements. I know what they are, but I doubt others do.
  10. dst, sorry for being unaware of your countries going on, but what do you mean don't save the Danube Delta?
  11. Haha. Keep doing it. They will eventually either give up and listen, or they will eventually realize you are right.
  12. I used to bug the hell out of my friends when they dropped something on the ground. What does it cost you to carry it for a bit longer until you find a trash can? (There is one every few hundred feet along the major roads in Kitchener) It is like the movie Pay it Forward. You convince three people to become "Green" and they then will convince three people to become "Green" eventually a vast majority of humanity will become "Green"
  13. It is not the fact that they are children, but they don't have a PURPOSE. Adopting everyone around you, or everyone being everyone's sibling is unreasonable and pointless. I understand you want to be connected in a "special" way but why not do it in something original. I might be a bit biased on this subject since I have 4 sisters, one of which is my twin. BUT that just means I know what I am talking about.
  14. We have become a throw away society where the packaging of a product does 1,000x more damage to to the environment than the actual process of creating/transporting it. My dad taught me to recycle everything from milk bags to the little plastic things that keep the bread bags shut. Just that act alone will go from me to my children to their children and on and on. My grandfather never once recycled anything. It is all about getting in the habit of doing these things. It is up to YOU to do this. Not anyone else.
  15. Oh definitely. I gave birth to Bono. If you don't know what this means, you need to watch more Tv.
  16. Wow... I had a poo that big once... never again. Congrats though... at least it wasn't another twin.
  17. They are naked mole rats.
  18. Their skulls are WAY to fragile for that kind of thing... you need to use them as distractions for the more... dangerous creatures!
  19. I don't get it, Akasha. You like alts? :S And you don't like people referring to Mur as the God of MD? I have always thought that must have been weird...
  20. Haha. I meant they are not our real bodies. I think we project our mental version of ourselves into this world. I am not 100% sure if this is how it is, but I was explained that is how it is... Angien eggs come from the natural inhabitants of this world.
  21. My point is that there is no reason for these children to be born. And if you claim that then good for you. But yes, Talos makes an excellent point. But last time I read a comic book, having children is not a special power.
  22. Ok this is something that has bothered me on this game, and several others I used to play. [size=5][u][b]People having children. Most often(Liked 200% of the time), twins.[/b][/u][/size] ... And boring RPs I do not no know why(it must be something in the water)... but for some damn reason WAY to many people are having children and WAY to many of them happen to be twins. Do you know what the odds of having twins are? 3.21% I know this is a depression and all, and that according to Talos's topic that you are all bored and need something to do so you have children. But the reason why we are in a depression is because of the last depression everyone had children. You are only making it worse with your damn twins and single children. They are not our future, but our downfall. There are those of you that have maternal instincts and want to smother and take care of children, but last I saw, we are in a mystical place that is extremely dangerous and we do not have real bodies. I'm not exactly sure of the laws of physics in this world, but I am pretty sure that it is not possible to have children because Men do not have a corporeal form in which they can inseminate the women! Is it just me, or does having children in a game sound weird to you? If you want to imitate life, there are games like Sims, and Second Life in which you can play! There you can actually raise your babies and feed them and other meaningless stuff. Children are not toys! They are not meant for your entertainment... they are living creatures, and they SUCK at fighting other creatures. So weak and feeble and useless. I tried fighting my Grasan against a child... The child tried to use it's crying ability but it failed. I don't know if this is a bug or something, but the Grasan ate it to shut up the annoying little thing. So basically, my main message here people is... PLEASE find something worthwhile Rping. There is an ALREADY amazing story line in MD. Check out these little known things called Angiens! They are flipping awesome! And once you get to see the Tainted Angiens you can use those to scare your children to death... literally... If you need help finding a real RP. This is an example of a Personal page that I found while wandering through MD earlier today... I apologize to who ever this belongs to, I did not check who it belonged to. I just wandered MD looking at PPs until I found some children. [quote]We have twins now.One boy and one girl.There names are (boy)and (girl).they are beautiful,though all parents think that.If you harm them or my love,******** then god so help you I WILL somehow get you.We knew I was pregnant but we did not know the sex nor the amount, though we guessed it would just be one.We gained our extra knowledge from *******, a very kind person who I thank from the bottom of my heart.[u]I am one of the normalist people you will ever meet, and I don't mind admitting that. I have no magic powers no sword skills no special abilities.[/u]The only real thing I have is my humanity.I hate to see people upset or hurt, that is why I will try to never hurt people.I am usually very friendly but that is only my opinion.[/quote] These children have no purpose. Neither does the mother. What can she contribute to the world of MD? According to her PP, nothing. Just children. I am now offering my services to all the mothers and fathers of MD. I will erase your children for you and help you find a unique RP. Something you have never seen before... like an inventor, or a super awesome rabbit with an attitude that hates trees! That's another thing that annoys the hell out of me, all those newbs out there that think being a vampire or a demon or an angel is cool. It is! Trust me, it is... if they had a place for it here in MD. If they changed it so that they were afflicted with a hemoglobin deficiency and they needed virgin blood once a month to survive, then awesome! Perform the ritual on Chewie's coffee table! Make things interesting while you fight off the wookie yelling about staining his carpet! But a vampire? OVER DONE like a hamburger from McDonalds. Ok... enough ranting, I hope you all understand my plee, and the point I am trying to make... [u] Please find something else to do in MD besides each other... if you need help, pm me! I love doing stuff like this! [/u] Oh which reminds me... stop having sex and making out in the Archives. I like to wander there and research certain topics and things... so if you would... find something better to do than that. It is meant to be done in real life. It's better that way.. trust me.
  23. How about you play on the recommended browser, FF? Or IE if you so wish...
  24. Apparently there are things like Aramors and Grasans roaming the realm. But you never know...
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