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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Haha. I admit to using it as a spy.
  2. No, you are not. But you still need to report them.
  3. Just curious, dst... did you report this "bug"?
  4. This entire game is based on how fast your computer is, and how involved you are with learning the mechanics, so please... do not tell me that it is to involved with how fast your computer is. I played this for awhile on a 5 year old laptop with only .5 gigs of RAM. It ran perfectly fine.
  5. The game says to run it in Internet Explorer 8.
  6. I am capable of opening every single editing page in MD that I have access to. Military Beliefs, Alliance Leadership, etc. I cannot, however, open the Notebook page. I am given this line of code when I do. I use IE8, the recommended browser for this game. [quote]Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) Timestamp: Fri, 1 May 2009 05:57:52 UTC Message: Invalid argument. Line: 103 Char: 2 Code: 0 URI: [url="http://magicduel.com/layout.php"]http://magicduel.com/layout.php[/url][/quote]
  7. This game revolves around some of the same principles as the Heads Contest, except for several major changes. At the beginning of this competition, a balloon is placed at the GoE. A player(any MP) will grab the balloon and run off with it. They will accumulate points the longer they hold the balloon. Others can simply steal the balloon by clicking on their name, and collecting the balloon from their account. The highest score wins the game. Now, there are some things that need to be addressed for a game such as this. First of all, are the limitations when you get the balloon. You can go absolutely anywhere you wish, except for GG, as it is closed off. Logging off with the balloon either resets it to the GoE, or does not allow you to log off. Turning invisible is also disabled. Any other suggestions would be greatly welcomed.
  8. You stole. It is against the laws and the moral obligations of society. We work for what we have. The demo account is working for MD as a resource to help other players join MD. I don't see how you still thought you could do this and think it is alright. YOU STOLE. Simple. It is wrong.
  9. Anytime within the near future. (Two weeks at the most I am guessing.)
  10. If you loose to those creatures at MP4 or above, there is something wrong with your creatures. Their creatures are insanely weak.
  11. I would like to see something more being taken than the three creatures that were the oldest... How about the three creatures that had the most Experience? That would be a much better punishment.
  12. I believe the title of this topic should be, Prostitution... Because isn't slavery when you are forced to work without pay? ... That means Kragel is a pimp! Bwahaha.
  13. I offer 100 silver coins if Mur becomes my slave...
  14. I would like to see this trial as well. *grins* Perhaps I can be the judge since I pointed out the theft? I will absolutely partial and unbiased as a human being can...
  15. That is just an openended font code. Nothing serious.
  16. I want to see more chaotic updates. Hehe. Things that will stir up the community. Perhaps a theft skill, or things of that nature.
  17. Is it just me, or has someone stolen the creatures from the Demo Account? If there were creatures for the DA, and someone did steal them, what the hell is wrong with you?! That account is meant for new players to experience the game before they actually commit to it. Hopefully, the CTC has a log to find out who stole what....
  18. I have made this topic for those who wish to talk about Tokens. Discuss what you have found out, and any information you can divulge to help those choose which tokens best belong with what creatures...
  19. Yes, it would definitely be an interesting creature. Hehe.
  20. Ahhh, see the way I was thinking was that attack and defense= power right? So, I tried evening out the power distribution.
  21. *Acid is a new ability that takes it's strength from the total ammount of vitality in the players ritual, and multiplies it by (.100(Defense)). I am not sure if you guys missed that or not, but this would divide the total damage... oh wait. That is still WAY to high. Lol. Maybe .001 would be better? I admit the idea still needs a lot of tweaking, but it is something I am willing to work on.
  22. Hehe. That was a gentle breeze though, these Wind Elemental sends out hurricane/tornado winds...
  23. The third elemental has to much A&D? Are you kidding? A level 1 grasan has almost just as much... Ahhh, ok. I made a mistake on the last levels stats. I mixed it up with the CA's age. It should be 95 attack. Edit: As for the ability it is not like the Joker's ability, it is like Burns said a random power between Damage, weaken defence, and haotic. It is a good idea for Martyr, defend, and as for heal... I don't think so. How can the wind heal?
  24. Yes, it would be extremely powerful on the first attack, but the second... nothing. It is like the Elementals, it would be impossible to defeat a ritual with it alone.
  25. Small Gust A gentle breeze in the wind that feels nice on a summer afternoon. Stats Vital Energy 10/10 Attack 1 Defence 5 Initiative 1 Target: All Abilities: Heal Small Gust II The flowing breeze has chilled slightly and become a bit of a nuisance to umbrellas Stats Vital Energy 500/500 Attack 10 Defence 10 Initiative 3 Target: All Abilities: Damage Strong Wind Just short of becoming hurricane winds, the wind has formed a mind of it's own and can target specific creatures. Stats Vital Energy 1500/1500 Attack 30 Defence 15 Initiative 3 Target: All Abilities: Damage [Aura: ForcedPerch - Forces all flying creatures to land on the ground[Causes 50% extra damage]] Strong Wind II A ghostly human figure has appeared behind these frightening winds. Stats Vital Energy 2500/2500 Attack 75 Defence 15 Initiative 4 Target: All Abilities: Damage [Aura: ForcedPerch - Forces all flying creatures to land on the ground[Causes 50% extra damage]] Wind Elemental Swarming winds cover the Elementals opaque body. It's frightening apparel is nothing compared to it's fearsome powers Stats Vital Energy 4500/4500 Attack 95 Defence 15 Initiative 6 Target: All Abilities: Random [Aura: ForcedPerch - Forces all flying creatures to land on the ground[Causes 50% extra damage]]
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