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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Yes, but why is swearing so hated? I don't like the word "discs" it sounds funny. Does that mean I don't want to hear it? Nope. We were taught NOT to like swearing because someone way back when didn't like hearing people swear. O.o EDIT: Forgot to mention. I know tonnes of underage RPers. They are awesome people! For instance. Raven. He started out when he was like... 16 or something. Great rper.
  2. [quote name='dst' post='30623' date='May 8 2009, 02:14 PM']Thank you again Awi As for this: Have the courage to name "the idiots". I know that was aimed at me but guess what? I am smarter than you will ever be and I will not leave the game just to please you or others. As for kicking us (them whatever) out: you would like that don't you? You are coward and instead of dealing with me you hide under your "gray cloth" and wait for someone else to do your dirty work. One more thing: I am more integrated in the game then you will ever be. So eat your hart out ps: I will use this topic for answering to the arrows shot at me in other topics so I will not fill those with offtopic.[/quote] What the hell are you smoking? That was directed at those losers who come on and start calling everyone faggits and pussys. Incase you didn't notice the topic of the ENTIRE post was those who come on to cause shit. Yes, that is what you do. Was it directed at you? No. Because unlike those other losers, the shit you cause helps fix problems. Now stfu.
  3. Yes, his number is 1 (905) 623-1212. Call him up. So why do you feel like you have the privileged to cheat? To step over the line of "rules" and acceptable behaviours?
  4. Are these words actually harming anyone? I mean seriously. It's unpleasant sure, but who cares? It's a word. We all have been exposed to swearing since we were children, what is the point of hiding a word just because you find it unpleasant? The only reason why people consider it unpleasant, is because we hide it. If it was out in the open, noone would be scared of hearing it. "Oh no, he said the "f" word. *cries*" I understand that children play this game, well... children shouldn't be playing this game. It is WAY to advanced for them. They are not able to comprehend what is going on, nor are they capable of interacting with others with a level and appropriate dialogue. I get ten year olds constantly in the Paper Cabin. They rarely make it out of the tutorial, because it is to complicated for them to understand the way things work in MD. They have no idea what an "rp" is, so when I try to help them create one, they get frustrated and ask how do I beat the game, or cuss at me. There are players' RP that would benefit from being able to swear, especially the Crimson Pirates?. They have every right to be able to act like pirates. Stealing, raping, and murdering anyone they want. It is what pirates do. Of course you will get those idiots who don't have an rp. That don't want to have one, and are only here to cause trouble. I say kick them from the game. They don't want to integrate themselves into the game? So be it. They do not join the game. For the large majority of those who play, I can definitely say that we are mature enough to handle cussing. I mean come on, I walk in on people having sex three times a week, or those who are in "relationships" with people they have never met. I disapprove of these actions, but do I cry about it when I find it happening? Nope. I deal with it. I could go on and on and on about why swearing should be allowed, but I have some people to go train. *grabs his whip and heads to the Paper Cabin*
  5. Rituals should have two tabs, not all be on one location. Attack tabs will show up when you click attack, and show how many you have on that tab. On the defense tab it will show how many you have left. Edit: And perhaps a delete all button as well as the Delete All Inactive?
  6. So, dst, why don't you do what everyone should do, and not do the things you know you shouldn't do just because you can?
  7. There is no reason for a bank, Lib. It is not worth it for now. As far as I can see, there won't be any way to steal from each other in the near/far future, so our coinage is safe on us.
  8. Wait, Shadowcast is an actual member? I have never seen him on. O.o
  9. I voted no, unless silver were worth about .50$ and gold 5$ other wise you could just buy all the MDShop items with the S/G you get from the MDShop.
  10. Yes, but the thing is, each item has its own id. It is not set in a limited id barrier either, so I doubt a simple script will be able to check which items are silver coins, and which are not. It is a much more complicated process than it seems to be. The best solution is to change the coin system into a system by itself.
  11. Are you guys also just as old? Or do you just need glasses? Try reading the entire post first... Maybe you should do YOUR research first.
  12. There are many people on the RPC list even that are new, that were not here at the beginning, nor are they MRD. Akasha, for instance, she is a rather new player, just started what? A month or two ago? She has found herself a high powered role in GG, as well as on the RPC list. *a round of applause for Akasha!&* I do know she is one of the oldest players in the game...
  13. I refuse to read absolutely all of the posts, but my suggestion to this idea is that we can coincide this with the upcoming factions. Calyx, myself, and several others are proposing a healers faction to Mur. Once you are in, you could possibly have a different stat gain percentage than a... say... Mage lovers faction... This way, you can focus on a certain attribute style, and become what you want... however, if this were to be so, factions should be left for those who are in MP5 maxed exp. Because there is no WAY that an MP3 healer with high regen is going to last against an MP3 that is a Power based Necromancer....
  14. I think that the next stage of development would be the factions. If we have no begun developing those, I don't think we have begun a new "era". Lets fix what we have in this stage, and then move onto the next one with Factions.
  15. I think that the emphasis here is that people who are hoarding items should not do so. If they do, do not permanetely hoard them. Others may need your items, if they do, be respectful and set a decent price. Not something unreasonable.
  16. Fourtheded
  17. Haha. When I posted I didn't read everyone's replies. I read the topic, and the second one. I have not seen any such errors in any of the quest files.
  18. I will not be able to attend until late tomorrow. I work 14 hours, and I won't have access to a computer.
  19. Heyyy! Welcome back Jonn! Anyways, Pip that link does not seem to work.
  20. I was wondering where Clock Master went. Also, Clock I have been in LHO training for several months as well. It is simply a waiting game. I am frequently at the Paper Cabin, and GoE as well (Where the MP2s now spawn) helping players, but I am still waiting. >.<
  21. Why does all the other pages work, except for Notebook then?
  22. Depends on what you call perfect Chewett. I am extremely happy with the direction this game has taken. The technical aspect of the game gets boring after awhile, but the social interactions with RPCs and PWRs make the game interesting. The introduction of new content every few days is quite fun as well. As for Manu's post, I believe these updates definitely deserve a progress title, but I would like to see an update of most of the pages in MD first. There are many unfinished creature discriptions, several pages have outdated and misleading information as well. (Heads Contest page for instance) Nothing major but a general clean up would help set a proffesional view of the game as it nears its final stages. I understand if this can be put of until later, and I am okay with that. It is just something I feel needs to be addressed. I think that there will be a final version, but that does not mean updates are not needed. Adjusting and adding new content is something that every game has to do, otherwise people will get bored and leave. I will add some other stuff later...
  23. Harion, when the next HC is happening go to the Contest Page found at the top of your screen IG, and click it. It will tell you what you need to know.
  24. Lol. I have a 4gb computer now. I missed playing WoW so I bought this one.
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