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Posts posted by Nex

  1. [quote][aura pull] this creature makes enemy-auras target Earth Elemental[/quote]

    and with "any aura" you mean freeze ;) or is it even meant to drain the beneficial auras (creature boost, morale, etc) from enemies?
    you have limited the aura pull to 2 auras, but counting as 2 slots it still has a 1/18 chance to block any additional freezes. (level 5, while not having the aura pull, has a 1/6 chance to 'catch' additional freezes). one strenght that seems to be disguised as weakness is that by potentially catching multiple steal lifes (diminishing returns ;)) it protects the VE of other creatures, even more so because it is the first to get damaged and will have less VE than the others. [edit: also, counting as 2 slots means it would get double stats (=def) from your profile, so it will take some more time to weaken it]

    anyway, i can definately see its uses and think it's an interesting idea.
    (it's a creature idea... you know i have to comment it ;) )

  2. would be nice to make it 1-3 uses of the [spell], but recharge the counter once per month (maybe even make it 1 use per month per WP spend, with the option to invest a certain number of wps in the specific spell). thats in no way excessive, but it symbolises a lasting achievement :D as for the automated trips: having a 24/48h timer for access to those locations and an automated teleport to GoE once the timer runs out would allow this sort of roundtrip.

  3. it does, at least for claw II which i was referring to. the [b]highest[/b] of the 3 principles fuels attack (so if you have just one them, you get 1/3 of its value added to attack), but the [b]lowest[/b] of the 3 fuels regeneration, which, in case you dont have all 3, will get zero. (i guess it doesnt matter for you since your regen stat is high enough to get all your creatures back to full VE anyway :() btw, i think when you have at least 2 of them, it should get 1/3 of the other principle, instead of zero, but that wasn't the case when i tested it yesterday.
    i know that claw III (still) gets 1/3 of the highest / only principle to attack, power and initiative.

  4. since tokens are getting tweaked the days of multi million damage records are presumably over.
    right now i only noticed the changes to claw II, but i guess it's a work in progress and claw III, darkysky etc will follow. i was just currious what the record under this new circumstances is :D

    [spoiler]claw II was nerfed from adding the full value of the highest principle to attack & regen to adding 1/3 of the highest principle to attack & 1/3 of lowest to regen (which is zero, in case you don't have all 3 principles)[/spoiler]

  5. the question is not "should he get away unpunished?" but if ban is the necessary punishment. murs mind doesn't seem to be settled at ban, or he wouldn't have made this poll in the first place. thats good enough for me to say that there can in fact be other methods to deal with this case than ban (maybe mur already has an idea).

  6. i agree that severe punitive meassures should be reserved for cases where a player actively harms others to gain a unilateral personal benefit. this, as far as i am aware, is not the case with lightsage. afaik he tried to help a friend to win HC and ended up rank 4 in the process because it was one of the less active/ competitive months.
    now, i'm not saying it should go completely without penalty, but a ban of his favourite and most active char is too harsh in my opinion.

  7. i voted "no way!" for the fee, but 15 active days/ 1 credit spend as requirement to keep the avi.
    a fee would shatter the dreams of [i]ever[/i] getting a rusty for us vote-credit players, while having avis lost on inactive players is no solution either. 15 active days or 1 credit spend on [i]anything[/i] in the shop is a good requirement, but then i'd add a vacation function (limited to 1 month, 2, 3?), for those going on a interrail trip or something the like.

  8. first of all: i like the unusual upgrading requirements :P i think most of us know how to get them, but it still involves finding some buddies to help you with it.

    [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood']Twin Strikes, attacks twice in one round, the second coming at the point where a tenth of it's initiative would place it in the round order, each hit does 1/10th of it's attack stat in damage.)
    I was personally thinking they might be over powered on a target all, especially Twin Strikes.[/quote]
    i'm a little tired, so maybe i miss the point.... but.... how is inflicting 2/10th of your normal damage output, with delay, better than say.... inflicting 10/10th right away? so obviously i'd say: not overpowered (as long as those numbers don't exceed 10/10 by much when added up).

    the sluggish smash of the penultimate version keeps the 20% fail of its predecessor i'd assume. that "could" balance the fact that you hit for double damage, most likely in a battle that isn't meant to last longer than round zero anyway (from the top of my head i'd say 21 ini is the highest of all creatures by some multitude) :)

    sidenote: udgard is the golemancer, could be some interesting concepts for him to borrow here :D

  9. the big difference being that profile stats get evenly distributed among all creatures of the rit, while the effect for claw II (to name the most prominent example) is fully counted for every creature that has it. (not to speak of how much easier it is to power up tokens compared to stats)

    obviously a token attack bonus of 3000 is a lot more raw strenght than 10000 profile attack, since you can set 6 creatures with 3000 each, plus the ~1666 attack each of them gets from your profile.

    just to clarify there is indeed quite a difference. i know, kinda off-topic. sorry.
    end of thread-jacking :P

  10. Yay, thanks :P

    ok, here's my explanation:
    on the base segment of each finger are small hairs. the hairs on the base segment of fingers of the right hand point to the right (to the left of his point of view, since the finger was pointing at him) and the hairs on the base segment of the fingers of the left hand are pointing to the left (rightwards from his point of view). so he just had to check in which direction the small hairs point.

  11. [quote name='Death Bell'](if i win the first round that is) lol[/quote]

    lol, if memory serves me well, you've been amongst the favourites in the head contest the month before the one i won, so i guess i'll see you in/after the final round :P

    just to confirm:
    i dont intend to back out of what i offered: an additional challenge of the winner against my mp3 (who's alot weaker than V was in his prime as mp3, so dont be afraid :D). should you win you'll get to pick one of my double maxed age creatures.

  12. i support a change to the current system.
    preferably this change comes close to what mrwander and guybrush described:
    the option to (temporarily) deactivate [b]all[/b] tokens for a rit. no chosing which. no minmaxing. either you fight your round zero 1-hit-ko token battle or you fight completely without tokens.

    this way you don't permanently lose the tokens, but don't have too much controll about them either, which was lifelines concern against selective disabling. what you can deceide is this: all tokens or none.
    (in fact, lifelines suggestion leaves you with a lot more "optimizing" potential :P)

  13. [quote name='phantasm']i think the only thing truely hard to get is Victories[/quote]
    not at all. check your log from time to time when training at ggg and you will notice when / why you are getting victories (when you wouldnt normally expect them)

    [i tend to give too straightforward /spoiler-y answers, so i hope you can appreciate this slighly enigmatic tip :P ]
    [edit: if you haven't guessed it from my post, guy explained it below....]

  14. i'm really into experimental litrature lately, mostly constrained writing in the tradition of l'ouvroir de littérature potentielle. some pieces i can really recommend:

    [b]cadaeic cadenza[/b] by mike keith.

    "Cadaeic Cadenza is a short story of about 4000 words composed in Standard Pilish, in which the length (in letters) of successive words in the story "spells out" the digits of the number π (Pi) - in this case, the first 3835 digits"

    it starts with a version of poes "the raven", rewritten in pilish. brilliant :) also, the story itself plays nicely with its constraint.

    [b]la disparition[/b] by georges perec (english: a void, translated by gilbert adair)

    it's a lipogrammatic novel, written completely without using the letter "e".
    not only a remarkable example of constrained writing, but also a great story itself :) and again, really witty play with its constraint. oh, did i mention the english translation also contains a very atmospheric version of "the raven"? :(

  15. not to dive into details about the finer points of reproduction of the creatures of this realm.... but angiens and drachorns? unless you are talking about "magically merging" them, i have a feeling there could be problems regarding the... scale. i'm also a little concerned about our female LHOs, aside from that: Yay for draLHOrn

    as for a name, i'll throw in "drangien"

  16. you got me there. i was hoping it would get implemented without further thought to get all my tokens on useful creatures :rolleyes:

    nah, seriously: the idea is a good one, a simple trade cooldown of xx days would avoid overly abusive trading. right now you can just trade your favourite creature to someone with very few creatures, get the right tokens on it and trade the creature back to get the same effect.
    i think the only limiting factor we need on the (hopefully) new feature would be a time restriction for trades. trading creatures cuts the age by half, trading tokens takes some (or much) time between trades. sounds good to me :D

    [edit: was a bit misleading before edit]

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