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Everything posted by Granos

  1. [quote name='Lifeline' date='11 October 2009 - 03:50 PM' timestamp='1255290647' post='44407'] the realm is boiling... u have been wondering what this is all about. u shall not have to wait any longer. nobody dared to make his/her application public before the election and didnt wanted to face the masses and their criticism. we however are ready to face the enemy anytime. so here as promised the application for Liberty's kingship: What was once a prosperous land with a bright future is now the twisted land of Necrovion. Deathmarrow and the Shades have tainted the land and taken it from its rightful proprietary – Ourselves. We have had enough madness and corruption in the realm! The last war in Necrovion itself has shown that very well. Such a tainting of once resourceful and sacred human lands cannot be allowed anymore. Enough with feeling helpless! Enough with feeling manipulated! Enough with feeling corrupted! Let us turn our blade against what opposes our very nature. The pain and suffering shall end here. Therefore I candidate for kingship of Necrovion to reclaim the land from the plague called Shades. We have all seen that shades aren't even able to protect their own land. They failed twice not only did the Summoned Army stand no chance vs human fighters including necrovion sentinels after the war; but even a few month before it was defeated by thief's stealing from the land. The so fearful Shade Sentinel itself could do nothing more than swear revenge and stay helpless and was only able to watch how its land got pillaged. It is obvious that Shades are unfit and cant even reign their own land. And they corrupt everything that presents good values. We, the humans, cant allow this much longer. Shades are useless without the humans. So I will take the necrovion alliance and cut the shades from all their supporters. Why should once peaceful and sacred lands serve as a prison for the mad? Since not too long ago we have an own prison. So all those twisted beings that support the Shades will be exiled into our own jails. Then I will tear down the wall around Necrovion and reclaim the land step by step. If you appreciate human values and have had enough of foul creatures tormenting you and your family then join me and help restore the former prime of our civilization! Application sponsored and written by Lifeline © Lifeline Inc. and Co. [/quote] Well well well, It seems Im forced to speak up again, well done. lets start by looking at the application of a known enemy to Necrovion and by proxy the rest of the realm given his intentions and just pure blatant stupidity and ignorance of anything related to shades and Necrovion and apparently Military affairs given the fiasco that was his last campaign. FACT: Necrovion was not a once prosperous land as any indication of such was from lore which has been blatantly removed from MD for the very reason such as this as people are often to foolish to understand the actual point of it and use to base their claims and allegations. FACT: The Shades are unable to protect their own land? The shades if memory serves annihilated Lib with ease and the only people who can hold their own against them are Lifeline, Eigger and Shadowseeker. The Shades are more than capable, much more than Liberty is for Marind Bell and any other land is. FACT: Shades do not corrupt things, you clearly have little to no understanding of the nature of shades, and your basis seems to be from Lore which is not actually part of MD ecology. But on that note lets talk about corruption, corruption in Marind Bell, the blatant abuse of forum admin status and other countless ones, shall I make a short list of just Lib's doings? -Spamming chat in 16+ locations -personal alt abuse for the benefit of one character 30+ alts (used to become mp6 back in January) along with other numerous alt related offenses -Verbal abuse to countless player in game -blatant use of foul language with no regard for the rules But then wait, no warnings OR punishments? Something clearly is not right. (also notice the mood panel the ones offering their vote to Liberty openly are the same people using his alts to train in the Fenth Cave in Golemus) Very interesting... FACT: Perhaps you are blind, bad at reading or just plain stupid.. But this is from an AL event which is on hold, never take lightly the words of the Shade Sentinel, once it resumes you should know you are in for a world of pain if you haven't already given up from your blatant disgrace or banning. Keep in mind this is the very same person who Declared war blindly and then lost their OWN alliance, failing at proper leadership, a blind arrogant king? Leaving his own people to suffer and pay for his mistakes, human power INDEED. FACT: It is the duty of those of Necrovion to protect the shades from people and people from the shades. Are people really so blind as to ignore ACTUAL MD history ignoring all that was sacrificed in the first war by Khalazdad a far greater man than any present here now. FACT: Prision for the mad, you want to talk about madness, how about blindly sending your people to war before knowing all the facts then abandoning them. Great leadership qualities. Or rather having claims and allegations which no facts in which to back it up or even better claiming to know things to which you only state now which would have saved you much grief as well as those under your command and GG your ally wouldn't have had to suffer. FACT: If you appreciate human values and have had enough of foul creatures tormenting you and your family then join me and help restore the former prime of our civilization? Your are a moron if you believe this, the Shades were here before us, and will be here after us, war on the shades would destroy the realm that is what the KING OF NECROVION is to prevent not instigate. Kingship is a duty to its peoples and its land, you Liberty clearly posses none of these qualities and this merely is another claim for power a self serving claim as it shows from you record you have little to no regard for your peers, people and allies. Well done Liberty you've gone all in with a pair of twos. Another note, for those applying for kingship, this is a perfect test to which none have taken a stand up against, I have been gone all day and yet I am back for a short amount of time and already have done more than you to stand against this insult. Bravo.
  2. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='10 October 2009 - 08:17 PM' timestamp='1255220236' post='44339'] *wonders who is neg voting on votes with real value and asking questions...* This is The reason why I never got involved in the war(choosing sides). It forces people to cause strife between friends. [/quote] You have Friends Fenrir? If that were to be answered which I have no reason to answer, it would have been done in the initial post. My reasons for such are known to who matter which is not you or the general populace.
  3. I have been quite silent during this war, and a few people have had suspicions about my part or interests in it. Some have been close but, none have been right--at least entirely. I was the one behind the cause of this war, to which the Sentinels provided an ample vessel to ensnare the enemy. Over the course of several months I have been planting the seeds of war on all sides so as to have ample distraction for my goal. A goal which has been realized.... Wodin is gone. Initially it was to be the Children of the Eclipse to launch the attack on Golemus, but their numbers were not sufficient for my designs thus I moved to the Sentinels for my wishes and spoke with Jester. His goals for wanting to revive things in MD gave me much to work with from behind the scenes. His rise to power solidified the part I was to play. From there I began hastily working in conjuction with Jester and his ideas. It was pre-planned on my part to have Eigger join the sentinels prior to the war for the sake of torches. It was by my will that the Guerrilla Golemicarum alliance was given to Peace, unknown to most but a few. As a symbol of this pact as it were I gave Peace the Spectral Shard - an important item to me as it carries my soul thanks to the deal I made with Azreal Dark the Silent Reaper. Then there is the matter of Grido, as we had worked on some things together in the past, he approached me for aid in terms of retaliation against the Sentinels knowing full well that Brotherhood has men in every alliance (not guild), to which I strung him along in hopes of delaying things further until the battle started to decide the fate of the war so as to ensure all plans fell accordingly. At the last moment it was ordered for Eigger and other allies to join the Sentinels to annihilate the those foolish enough to give an excuse to wipe out their alliances with their hubris. Peace spoke of help from a higher power, that higher power was me.
  4. I will only post winners from September 2009 on unless requested to do otherwise. [center][i]September 2009[/i] [/center] [b]Noone[/b] for finishing first and exceeding the previous record of [b]325[/b] stats in one day with [b]358[/b] stats in one day won double the prize for and received [u]20 credits.[/u]
  5. For those whom feel they have not been rewarded for this pm me on the forum as the same goes for those who are not mentioned here... [b]Do not post on this topic pm me.[/b] -Granos (Shady) Jester - 5 credits Awiiya - Awarded - 5 credits Pamplemousse - ( don't remember ) [i](there are others which I don't remember off hand as I lost the data)[/i] RED SAVAGE WIZARD - Joker [i]I will update this as more are rewarded and I remember/reminded more..[/i]
  6. Happy Birthday HornyFruit
  7. Buwhahahahaha *coughs* hahahaha... Too bad Im mp6 and can't hit you anymore :P Also I appreciate the invitation you extended to your evil non-ally group but I fear I am already far too tied up :s

  8. Cheers, My rum often ends, with the opening of a bottle of whiskey or tequila :P Grats on making it to mp4 :)

  9. It appears that there is no torch for the Tribunal nor a treasury, will there be one if so how would such a thing be decided, as there is not a specific land leader. Will the Tribunal be treated like the Archives and still get a treasury or as a separate land with it's own torch or neither?
  10. Hehehe Finally MP5....

  11. Seriously though if you need help feel free to message me either in md or on the forums, Enjoy yourself :)

  12. Welcome to MD, if you have any questions feel free to ask anyone* most people here are quite helpful [b](Beware the heads )[/b] [i]*Except me Im an official newb hater according to some people.[/i]
  13. Of course, all our questions shall be answered next year! We will discover the meaning of life then 2 years later we get destroyed in 2012
  14. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 11:56 AM' timestamp='1254066974' post='42928'] ya dont need to bestove flag, its enough to see who are ya backin up [/quote] Lib, I like, I really do, but some of the things you say are just quite frankly unfounded and are rather foolish, if you have something to say to me questioning where my loyalties lie, as you seem to do, either PM on the forum or make another topic as this matter does not belong in this topic.
  15. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 11:46 AM' timestamp='1254066402' post='42922'] hmm dirty play from opposition i see, afaik there is no bugs left that can mess up allys, and i check it, if there is prove me that, and then i will say myself that i am shit of bug finder so cut down your bs, in every post somebody is exaggerating [/quote] No Lib not opposition, as I have taken no side in this conflict, also if requested by Mur or Akasha proof will be provided as somethings really have no place on the forum. All I believe is that fair is fair, I do not approve of double standards to which this matter brings into question.
  16. I believe that would make sense, but then the summoned army was still just as strong, as it was before, or perhaps this would explain why the shade sentinel did not appear at the stone of twisted souls during the burning of the cube? Ok so then I was correct in that based on the balance that killing wodin would not kill the shades merely only weaken them? So to be quite honest I am rather confused on the entire matter, logically one thing should happen but it seems to me that the opposite may be true (I need more coffee >_<)
  17. As Liberty stated, killing Wodin would kill the shades, [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 09:23 AM' timestamp='1254057839' post='42885'] yeah awi thats it i agree, kill wodin, yeah cmon peace do it, kill wodin and with him all shades die as well as peace, nothin will remain that will oppose shades me votes for it [/quote] To which I replied: [quote name='Granos' date='27 September 2009 - 09:46 AM' timestamp='1254059163' post='42891'] Call me crazy but, Im pretty sure the shades existed before wodin, and would continue to do so if anything that action would weaken them, not kill them.. [/quote] To which Liberty replied: [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 09:50 AM' timestamp='1254059406' post='42894'] heh before was also golemus wizard alive [/quote] To which I am still trying to make sense of, given his logical structuring.. [quote name='Granos' date='27 September 2009 - 10:03 AM' timestamp='1254060219' post='42899'] Well under that notion given that the Golemus Wizard was the sole inhabitant of Golemus, if anything the shades should be even more powerful than ever given that GG is vastly inhabited now, why else would the shades send someone to kill the Wizard? I still really don't see how that would kill the shades but then again, Im crazy... [/quote] [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 10:18 AM' timestamp='1254061125' post='42900'] wizard was dangerous, tiny ppl werent dangerous so tiny ppl taming drachs are still problem, but atm since everyone is killing them they cant balance nothin [/quote]
  18. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 10:47 AM' timestamp='1254062829' post='42904'] stone to avange drachs still havent been fired from catapult so if ya wish to drop it, dont complain later [/quote] But the catapults are facing out to sea.. not the main land... What did the sea ever do to you?
  19. Ah, ok thanks for clearing that up, I wasn't very sure on that specific aspect, too many rumor mills you know But, back to the point it doesn't make much sense for the shades to order to kill themselves no?
  20. So because Grido refused to use bugs to infiltrate and kill the or rather take the Necrovion Sentinels hostage he is being made outcast to Golemus, very interesting Yrth, So this post would clearly implicate that you fully condone and approve use of bugs, that is very poor behavior and a terrible example for other players especially considering that you are not only a RPC but also the "King" of Golemus. This raises the question, what other questionable demands have you made to your "people" to ensure their loyalty?
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