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Everything posted by Granos

  1. Im making this new thread to discuss the possible implications of Killing Wodin in regards to the shades as it was causing the other topic to veer quite offtopic.. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 10:18 AM' timestamp='1254061125' post='42900'] wizard was dangerous, tiny ppl werent dangerous so tiny ppl taming drachs are still problem, but atm since everyone is killing them they cant balance nothin [/quote] That still does not address why the shades would send people to go kill the Golemus Wizard, It really doesnt make sense that they would do so with the intent of destroying themselves... And given that shades are suposedly "black water" would that mean that all "black water" would be removed as well? Including all Wind Drachorns? EDIT: I hope this makes more sense
  2. [i]Contest updated with a new addition.[/i]
  3. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 09:50 AM' timestamp='1254059406' post='42894'] heh before was also golemus wizard alive [/quote] Well under that notion given that the Golemus Wizard was the sole inhabitant of Golemus, if anything the shades should be even more powerful than ever given that GG is vastly inhabited now, why else would the shades send someone to kill the Wizard? I still really don't see how that would kill the shades but then again, Im crazy... Or how it acceptable to make a new account based off an existing character... (Silly me I thought that was a banable offense )
  4. [quote name='Death Bell' date='27 September 2009 - 09:48 AM' timestamp='1254059305' post='42892'] what happened to wodin was worse.. stealing his creatures like that is worse than whats happening to you. why do u keep forgetting to mention that in your posts.. about how u stole his creatures. [/quote] I believe that is what we call a grey area, and is being discussed amongst the RPC's as is it technically stealing if it is your account? But that is a matter for the RPC's to discuss, not us, hence why we do not drag it back into this thread.
  5. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 09:23 AM' timestamp='1254057839' post='42885'] yeah awi thats it i agree, kill wodin, yeah cmon peace do it, kill wodin and with him all shades die as well as peace, nothin will remain that will oppose shades me votes for it [/quote] Call me crazy but, Im pretty sure the shades existed before wodin, and would continue to do so if anything that action would weaken them, not kill them..
  6. Why is it that the [i][b]King of Golemus[/b][/i] had immunity from the shades, wouldn't the shades kill him for [i][b]invading Necrovion[/b][/i] rather then attacking the Sentinels whom were defending their land?
  7. I am getting the same error
  8. Im sorry but as a Quebecer, I will have to decline, as we are a district society, and I Granos will Separate myself from the Canadian Clan *cough* Bill 101 *cough*
  9. Happy Birthday Dst
  10. Now, I have made this post for one reason and one reason alone, for the sake of pointing out how ridiculous these recent claims of power have been, be in terms of leadership of not fully discovered land which is Neutral like the archives or be it from invading another land for the sole sake of gaining more power. I have no interest in such a pointless claim to power or "leadership" as it were. The Tribunal lands are neutral and as such should never have one specific leader as they will never be involved in war, For those who have take my prior post seriously, have me quite concerned, and not a good way. Your odd claims to power are naught but pointless true power comes from people not spells, dots or otherwise. For that reason, I can ensure there will never be a leader of the Tribunal despite the so called would be claims of the potential Caretaker candidates.
  11. Welcome To the WORLD OF TOMORROW! err.. MD... Great to see new talent coming to md, if you need anything feel free to ask almost anyone, most people here are quite knowledgeable and helpful.. Except me... Im Technically a Noob hater.. (so I've been told *avoids pointing fingers*)
  12. Happy Birthday bud!
  13. The God King shall spare you then.... Blessings of myself upon you... Unlike the one form of opposition which seemed to have mysteriously disappeared..
  14. I hereby claim the title of: The All Mighty God-King Dictator of Supremeness of the Tribunal I do not need to give my reasons for this as there is no viable competition against me in this matter, but let any claims against be posted here.
  15. Welcome to MD I hope you enjoy your stay
  16. Happy Birthday!! or day after... >> I'm bad with time zones.. Try not to set yourself on fire
  17. Like I first said when Play logs first came out Pip For President :P

    Your still one of the greatest asset to md and defiantly one of my favorite people, but I still want fries... ;_;

  18. Happy Birthday, (Insert witty comment pertaining to mutations)
  19. The fact that RPCs have and done this and get away with it over the average players is enough to make me say yes he deserves his creatures back and makes me want to shout take a closer F-ing look at those you trust before punishing random people who have actually paid exuberant amounts to support md just to have accounts banned.. Also if you are going to ban and announce banning of accounts at least make sure you have to correct information. I understand that examples need to be made but why not actually focus on people who are actually problem players and abusers... ( note the amount of new mp6's and the amount of unique "active" players to md... ) Lifelines punishment was unwarranted and he is the type of person if he was simply told of his actions being illegal he would have taken actions to stop what he was doing and rectify the situation, which is MUCH more than I can say for the RPC choices of late and this year... So Kudos on making people who actually care about MD more annoyed while not targeting the people who should be the focus of scrutiny like the inactive RPC's or the RPC's not doing with their roles or positions despite their being online, no lets ban some alts of someone who wants to do something for MD... Brilliant..
  20. Congratulations you just made yourself an enemy

  21. You disgust me, there are places for jokes, and this is not one of them. Someone please close this topic.
  22. It's a bit long for a T-Shirt but I've seen some with variants of this before... [b]I must not godmod. Godmodding is the mind-killer. Godmodding is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will stop my godmodding. I will permit others to attack me and defeat me. And when it is done I will lose in a realistic way. Where the godmodding has gone there will be nothing. Only Role-Play will remain.[/b] [url="http://www.instantattitudes.com/shirts/t023.jpg"]Example[/url]
  23. I'll slaughter the.. woooorrllldd...

  24. [spoiler] First of all I will start by stating this: Since October of 2008 I have lead and administrated the hidden faction of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies. We have always functioned under the radar, under the guise of controlling and spreading mis-information. We have infiltrated every alliance (not guilds) for reasons such as control and mass manipulation of others as well as holding others hostage from the shadows. Not many people would know of our existence other than for the fact that we have done so to keep our presence known to a small extent in order to insight questions and fear. Many strong players have been part of the brotherhood, as well as notable ones.. Although, due to the nature of the organization, their names will remain known to them and high ranking members only (unless specifically requested). Loyalty has always been our strongest suit in the Brotherhood, as one cannot betray or argue with those they do not know they are affiliated with until, that is they are fully ready. It has always been structured in such a way that only the high ranked members have earned the right to actually be viable members, and would continue to do so if an official alliance was to come of this. We have always been dedicated to the secrets of the lands, manipulation of the spreading of facts as well of mis-information, which has lead to great power among our ranks, many of us have dedicated ourselves to the creation of quests for the realms as we have discovered that such power and rewards are far to easily gained and thus we take the necessary means to inhibit others while keeping our hold of power over others. We have always been neutral to a degree in the sense that we equally despise all others for their sickening weakness and how easily distracted they are. The structure of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies is as follows: Possible Recruits: Sleepers Probation: Acrolytes Apprenticed: Fangs Pre-Mastery: Brothers Elite: Assassins Leaders: Speakers Leader: Listener Given its structure, we would only have seats in the actual alliance for those of Rank of Brother and above, whilst keeping other agents within the other alliances, which we can say openly as they have already become far to integrated within each one's structure for us to worry about removal--inhibiting our plans. We have never used or condoned the use of alts for any of our works or actions to which in my opinion is one of our greatest strengths all we do and have is based on individuals. The alliance as itself would be mainly used for contact means and setting of contracts with other individuals and alliances for things which hold the Brotherhoods interest and lust for power for the sake of inhibiting others. As well the communication interface offered by it would greatly expedite things as PM's are quite horrid those who know me know I get anywhere from 20 to 50 pm's a day... Regardless of possessing an alliance or not the Brotherhood will continue as we always have, and we will destroy all others in hopes of getting closer to the void. Be it through direct or indirect means... [/spoiler]
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