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Everything posted by Granos

  1. [center][size=5]The full details will be posted after the festival, so as to incorporate all the changes..[/size][/center]
  2. Happy Birthday Eggs
  3. Quality over quantity ;)

  4. Interesting idea, but I'm not sure if you have been here for the last few weeks, but the amount of stress on the server has been tremendous, now consider how this new mechanic would effect the server especially with all the idle people or ignoring the requested rather than accepting or not.. Not nearly a full explanation for why this won't be implemented anytime soon, but it gets the point across.. Also imagine what a nightmare heads would be once someone figures out how to bug that? I'm not sure how this is supposed to actually improve game play.. Like real life you should be able to be attacked everywhere, like MB said, and especially if your mp5 (if you don't like fighting don't become mp5) , and if you need to use a sanctuary to heal, then perhaps the dojo should be teaching people that, as it offers what you seek only in a realistic sense. My point is I strongly disagree with the implementation of such a thing with the way MD currently is even for the dojo's. Because the Dojo is a purely social movement with no mechanics at its base, as such it should remain that way, there are so many more ways to deal with dojo offenders which are usually just a new player, an alt for that purpose or merely a communication problem. As for attacking in sanctuaries, if you want to fight leave the sanctuary, as with such an ability in place it would allow for outrageous stat farming with little to no way of stopping it. In short, bad idea.. In every aspect.. (there's more to add but I'm sure our friendly neighborhood bug testers can drive the point home without me.. )
  5. *stamps the official Granos was Here Stamp TM*

  6. Happy Birthday!

  7. Don't.. Have the words...

    Should have sent a poet..

  8. *gets eaten by a grue*

    .. I knew I should have huffed more kittens..

  9. I offer my support for the CoE to be made into an official alliance.. But nothing further than that..
  10. Threat noted... And will be dealt with accordingly..
  11. *puts on his stalker face*

  12. *Ruins your wall of women*


    Also .. Yes I changed my mind.. ^_^

  13. Frosty the snow man was very loyal adept... XD

  14. :rofl: I can't wait for episode II: Attack of the Alts
  15. [quote name='dst' post='22735' date='Dec 20 2008, 04:25 AM']Thank you Granos again for writing a poem for me! You really must love me! *wipes a tear*[/quote] I doing one each day for different players Merry MurMass dst
  16. The Canadians are slowly taking over MD Muwhahaha...

    Leafs suck.. Go Habs :P

  17. Come and gather around the MurMass tree and join in the caroling, come and post your MurMass carols here.. Your a mean one Mr. DST! You really are an eel, your as cuddly as a Grassan, your as charming as an Elemental, Mr DST, your a bad banana with a greasy black peel. Your monster, Mr. DST. Your hearts an empty hole, your brain is full of shades, youve got garlic in your soul, Mr. DST I wouldn't touch you with a 39 and half foot pole! Your vile one, Mr DST, you have termites in your smile... You have all the tender sweetness of a sea sick Drachorn Mr DST, given the choice between the two of you Id take the sea sick Drachorn.. Your a foul one, Mr DST, your a nasty wasty skunk. Your heart is full of unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk. Mr. DST The three words that best describe you are as follows: and I quote. Stink! Stank! Stunk! Your a rotter, Mr DST, your the king of sinful sots, your hearts a dead tomato splotch with moldy purple spots, Mr DST, your soul is an appualing dung heap overflowing the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled in tangled up knots! You nausiate me, Mr DST, with a nausius super nause, your a crooked jerky jocky and drive a crooked hos! Mr DST, your a three deckard sour crout and Kantor sandwhich, with arsanick sauce!
  18. Where have you been I miss reading the diary of an alchemist :(

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