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Everything posted by Granos

  1. Glad to see your still active :)

  2. Many have high expectations of you...

  3. Heads are part of a nutritious and balanced diet :P

  4. Perhaps turn it into a special alter which gives no stat or principal gains [spoiler]but rather is used to "revive" killed players should the war "test" every return [/spoiler] Just an idea...
  5. So are we going to be teleported no matter where we are? Or should we be outside the sage's keep? Granos
  6. 1. Every level 1 spell document 2. 1000 iniative 3. A pony... .. Don't judge me ...
  7. [url="http://www.skype.com/go/joinpublicchat?skypename=mrsiscoe&topic=MD%20Withdrawl%20Support%20Chat&blob=Qcl66XjiwIYwCGYZyknstfPdWBVfL2SuyoHxX7uUfTDAReong9Da5rS74VyPBg"]MD Withdrawl Support Chat[/url] Rather than hitting the forums, I figured I set up a chat room..
  8. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='22255' date='Dec 14 2008, 10:20 AM']security tests dont worry[/quote] So they are finally fixing all the issues with the server security? [spoiler]The security as is seemed kinda weak.. [/spoiler] So I heard.. [spoiler]And will this finally resolve the head contest issues?[/spoiler] Or you don't know?
  9. Social experiment,

    1. Create Addiction

    2. Remove ""

    3. Study Reactions

    -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    Figure out how to use such information

  10. I think alliances should not be asked for, they should just be another element to the game, and if it does fit at a social level then eventually made into an alliance, but "alliances" should not exist for the sake of becoming one of the built in alliances, it should exist because it makes sense and there is passion behind the idea.. Regardless of having an icon. But this is just my opinion..
  11. [quote name='Chewett' post='21664' date='Dec 9 2008, 05:22 PM']Why would you want that. i want the knowledge of dst. dst is hated by many i would prefer to be myself[/quote] Thats the point imagine the fun people could have, all the dst's running around
  12. Granos

    Who is Granos?

  13. Scariest person in all of MD...

  14. Just a crazy Idea I just had, perhaps with the use of the illusion system a new reward for heads can be becoming DST Thoughts? Anyone? Any other crazy ideas to add?
  15. Granos

    Who is Granos?

    [quote name='Liberty4life' post='21548' date='Dec 8 2008, 02:11 PM']*looks him self in mirror* huh i really look like grassan[/quote] That a fat joke?! You calling me fat?
  16. :good: [color="#FF0000"][size=7]HAPPY[/size] [sub]early[/sub] [size=7]Birthday![/size] Glor[/color]
  17. Someone has be stealing all my cookies and milk
  18. Granos

    Who is Granos?

    If Granos is not Granos then which Granos is Granos if indeed there is a Granos that is real out of the 8 Granos's claiming to be Granos?
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