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Everything posted by Granos

  1. LMFFAO where do I sign that is awesome Lib EDIT: Put up a poll!
  2. Fix the creature Auras!
  3. Which distribution are you using? And Hi :D

  4. It did exactly at 00:00 server time
  5. Happy Birthday Irene errr.. DarkPriestess.. err.. Peace..
  6. Aramor.
  7. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='01 August 2009 - 06:32 AM' timestamp='1249122764' post='38465'] To sumarrise: Idealy, if the system is to broken, move it here and set up a non-combat NPC. You get safety of a sanctuary, ritual setting plus agreed fights, and access to the GoE, where Veterans are often online to offer advice, as well as LHO. This would also mean you wouldn't need as many Dojo staff, just the ones who were doing their job properly. [/quote] The idea of moving it to a sanctuary defeats the very point and purpose of the dojo and it is a social initiative, having a npc there would be the result of divine intervention which were the reasons the start of the problems with the dojo it's self. Also the idea of using alt's (mp2's) is also not an option as they are no longer avalible for creation, and would not be for some time.. ( use of alt's is never a valide solution) The whole point of the dojo is a social initative run by the community for the community with out external aid. If you want the safety of a sanctuary and pre-agreed fights well thats up to you, you wouldnt need the dojo or the dojo staff to do that. But that said, if thats all people want then why have the dojo in the first place? (judging from the poll we can see thats not the case)
  8. the
  9. as
  10. documentary
  11. This is here for final thoughts on the debate and the fate of the dojo, if you feel another issue should be added please state so and why, Also if you have something to say about one of the issues then do so, but don't just repeat what has already been said. Click [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4783-dojo-meeting-log-day-211-212/"]Here[/url] for the full transcript of the debate. [center][size="5"]PLEASE READ THE DEBATE BEFORE VOTING[/size] [/center] Edit: Modded on request.
  12. anthropomorphized
  13. Uranus
  14. I also believe Ailith should be the one to chair this debate.. As for making it there, anytime works for me. Ive heard reasonable and unreasonable arguments from both sides for this debate already, and it should prove to be interesting, but the most important thing for this debate is making sure its at a time when majourity of the dojo staff can be there.. I have quite a few things to say on this but I'll hold them till the actual event. I'm also concerned that those who use the dojo its self, will not speak up, as most people who are showing interest in this atleast from the forum standpoint are almost all mp5, and a biased debate is no fun at all.. Also.. Heil Chewett
  15. lol? The virus is back!

  16. Yeah the npc's have always had heads, its one of the sneaky tricks some people use to their advantage.
  17. Oh thats right... I went there

  18. Yeah but your a RPC and been on the forum a year longer than me :P

  19. O.o *makes sure to hide his head stash*

  20. Granos ID:88510
  21. All Heil Freur Chewett! *salutes* XD

  22. Reputation: -21 Obviously a spammer Win

  23. Just Horrible camera quality :))

  24. Granos


    Now there are only a few ways to die in MD, and given the mechanics of her Character state it is not just some generic bug, it is a forced event. She was active after the torch contest so that is out There isn't some secret landwar test going on so that is out Also when a player does die in such cases there would be a a land affiliation such as no mans land.. This was the result of someone doing this intentionally to this character. If you feel the need read these logs [attachment=1027:lupdeadatGoC.txt] Unless someone has information in which to base this as an actual bug, it is not one.
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