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Everything posted by dragonrider7

  1. Hi, I am selling a shop joker 1. Joker - Age 127, no tokens :- Starting bid 3Sc -rider
  2. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1283626755' post='67672'] you can't transfer them, you can only pay RL money to send credits to someone. what's a Zircon? besides, 11 credits would be too low... edit: anyways, the trade should be finished tomorrow night if nothing new happens. [/quote] Zircon is the rare traditional stone thats all. I dont have any pay-pal accounts etc to transfer money, but I can create one if required -rider
  3. Hmm, I think I am the poor man over here, but my love towards dragons made me put my offer (the max that I can bring in) . Here is it 11 Credits (I dont know how to transfer credits + 1 Gold Coin + Zircon . -rider
  4. [quote name='Manda' timestamp='1282759984' post='67041'] Day: 236 Year: 5 Unholy Pope age 219 -----------------------------------------------------------------2SC Master of Puppets age 197 ------------------------------------------------------------3SC Master Lorerootian archer[Claw1] age227 ----------------------------------------------3sc Sharptear Archer age 46 --------------------------------------------------------------offered 30 SC By (Anonimo heheh) [/quote] Wanted to have Master Of Puppets but have only 2SC to give :-( -rider
  5. I think I am late.....anyways I bid 2Sc for the bird :-) -rider
  6. [quote name='Devie' date='01 May 2010 - 06:02 AM' timestamp='1272673960' post='59042'] [attachment=1622:Devons pic 001.png] Original Image [attachment=1642:Devons pic 003.jpg] gave him some shadows [attachment=1643:Devons pic 002.jpg] I dont know if this could be a avatar but i liked how it came out Tell me whatcha think [/quote] Nice ones, but I would suggest to put some dark strokes to bring some clarity, normally I draw the pics bigger and then reduce it using PS and if clarity is not there then it will look bad when reduced. Keep drawing!!, MD is the one which helped me to become atleast a level 1 artist I had some books which I brought long back that has helped me in drawing (Christopher Hart's). -rider
  7. [quote name='Manda' date='12 August 2010 - 07:19 AM' timestamp='1281577781' post='65849'] Maybe expand the galery with the credits, I mean if you use one credit, you will be allowed to see first 8 (all can see 8) then 16 avis, then 24 [/quote] Hey I dont think that is possible, I have already spent 2$ for expansion, but at a time I can see only 8, and if i dont like those avatars.... I am loosing my credits and I dont see an option to goback to the already unlocked avys or am I blind??........anyways I am not as wealthy as you are he he!!. But I still think that gallery should be made free to view. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' date='12 August 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1281618084' post='65920'] You got to get us interested again if you want us spending credits on this. [/quote] I do support Fyrd, because if one wants to change the current avatar, there should be better avatars in the shop, its part of marketing and people should be allowed to browse through. -rider
  8. I can give my Zircon + An aged angien for the dachron. -rider
  9. Hmm!! Manda wasnt that bad :-). Anyways warm welcome after 2 weeks. But I would have been happy with 1-2 dachrons
  10. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='02 August 2010 - 07:33 AM' timestamp='1280714612' post='64948'] or simply make your own avatar to either use or sell for credits. It can be hard to learn how to get avatars accpeted, but once you understand the system, you can get a lot of credits quickly. However, you do need a scanner to do that [/quote] This is where I am coming about. I already have abt 25 avys sold to the shop, but I recently unlocked my level 0 avatar and I want to find some of my avatars so that I can use it. I dont really get the idea that "all avatars to be purchased once", its the player's choice right? (may be this could be the reason that pulls back playerd from purchasing avys) . Anyways custom avatar creation had helped me in improving my drawing skills, will try and put more. and [b]I DO HAVE A SCANNER AND ALSO A PEN TABLET [/b] -rider
  11. Hi, I personally feel that browsing through the avatar list to be made free, so that the player can browse and get his fav avatar. He doesnt have to waste his credit. For a free credit person like me, a single credit is very important. Can it be made a scrollable page? -dragonrider
  12. Ha ha..... I tried to idle when I was MP4, setiing elem defense and my XP overflowed the cap in just one day. But once you are mp5, dont be afraid... you will never get even a single xp rise because there are powerful players outside with tokens and crazy creatures. I tried my luck but at the end of the day I had some 25-30 loses and low xp . -rider
  13. I am a great fan of MD.... always thinks of a new ritual while sleeping and on how get all the dachrons.....and also thinks on how can I become a protector of MD sky.
  14. [quote name='Darigan' date='18 July 2010 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1279410761' post='64099'] if i made this a no token 0%prayer tournament can I get a decent response? [/quote] Oh!! God then I may have get some new creatures. Most of my creatures have atleast one token -rider
  15. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' date='17 July 2010 - 05:02 PM' timestamp='1279366373' post='64065'] Zero tokens will be pretty hard to find. Definitly allow non-functional tokens (e.g., time related ones not active, and claws on wrong creature types, etc.) Suggest you say 0% slider (which wipes out power issues) and set up your brackets based on total number of tokens allowed in the rituals: 0, 1-2, 3-4, 5-8, 9-16, No limit. I guess you'd have to do this for each MP level.... Maybe the token brackets depend on the round you are in in the competition..... [/quote] Yeah! of course zero tokens is hard to find. Land is mandatory?? -rider
  16. After tired with travian and tribal wars and similar browser games I found MD game. Initially i felt it as a lagging game.... but on course it filled up in my blood, it injected creativity in me to imagine, to write and to draw fantasies and now the custom avatar feature has greatly improved my drawing skills atleast a 3 level up. Now every time I see something I am able to create a fantasy out of it. Thanks MD. You have changed my character. Thanks for approving my avatars, this will boost up me to do more. [i]between: I have completed my second story, read it in my papers, there was some place here where I pasted my first story, but I am unable to find it now.[/i] [u][b]"SKIES OF MD ARE SAFE WITH ME & MY MUTENDRA"[/b][/u]
  17. Hmm!! after giving it a thought, I also think you guys are right..... may be I am too much aligned towards getting a dragon since I am currently a dragonrider without a dragon..... may be I will get one before I die
  18. Well!! I dont have a solution to suggest, but have the same opinion as Shadowseeker...... the tokens have made the life of the minnows really horrible. -dragon
  19. Hi, I feel that the special creatures like Rustgold dachron etc cost very high for the free users.....it would be helpful if its cost is little bit reduced. -dragon
  20. 4 Silver + 1 Gold + Zircon for Dark IV 4 Silver + 1 Gold + Zircon + Max Elemetal with 2 claws for Morph I have only this much to give
  21. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='06 December 2009 - 06:16 AM' timestamp='1260060382' post='49264'] Oh look, another revived topic... Anyways, I've never bought credits, and I'm doing fine :/ [/quote] So u mean u r strong without tokens?? May be i need to get some new creatures
  22. After jumping into MP5, I am realizing the impact of tokens...... most of the MP5s are having lots of token which is making poor people like me to have losses only..... I am counting on free credits only.... hope in another year , I will get a lot of tokens :-(
  23. I support this idea...... may be 1 WP / every 100 active days?
  24. [quote name='Grido' date='19 October 2009 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1255890930' post='45100'] I think that you (Mur) agreed with something i said in the Kings thread, about not having to obey the leader of the land, but pledging to the land rather than the leader of said land.... but you've put at the bottom of the tab; "By submiting this form you agree to obey the laws of the land you selected and obey its ruler." I don't agree to "obey" the leader, and i think you agreed with the point i made about it in the other thread, so could this be changed please? As a side note, since this is work in progress section, anyone else with comments/issues, post here? [/quote] I agree with you!! ........ rules are always there.....but it is up to us whether to follow it.............. a land should have all kinds of people (theives, rebels, murderers etc) ...if everyone agree and obey the laws then there wont be anything interesting in the land :-) .....this is what the rider's says.... btw....what is the law for the sky :-) ?
  25. [quote name='Observer' date='01 October 2009 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1254336037' post='43249'] I don't think your allowed to participate... [/quote] Hmm!! Yeah....,I think I misread the rules.... pulling out my application ( still I really wanted to participate). Anyways.... do read my papers guys. -rider
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