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  1. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to nadrolski in Taking Shared Tools   
    i made an option to my fellow MB citizens that if they can not use water tools [size=2](e.g. no time to dowse for their own Water)[/size], i asked them to grab few for me and on behalf of them, i dowse water resources and distribute to any MB citizen available.

    [b]"These items are meant to be used by as many people as possible so if you don't plan on using them let them there for others to try."[/b]

    i had several tools in my inventory, but i did not collect such tools and log out til the next day and repeat. i hold responsibilities for most of the Marind Bell citizens's water stocks in their respective inventories, i sell them to the public, even with cheaper competitors

    Shadowseeker is right, i used to have 10+ buckets, and i gather water mostly inside their land (GG). i heard no complaints from any GG citizens about my dowsing activity inside the land premises, and when i see others gathering for water, especially GG's own citizens, i always give way for them. but who came inside that land and brought his bullying attitude? everybody's [b]bounty hero[/b]

    tools get recalled after a week. most of the [size=2]water[/size] sources in [size=2]easy[/size] accessible main lands are depleted

    i have a common sense of using my collected tools in other [size=2]remote[/size] lands, and never thought of just sitting inside the sanctuary and show off with those numerous tools

    my bad. i was too hard-working to do others's responsibilities of dowsing for their own supply of water resource, too hard-working to be the only Water Dowsers' member in action
  2. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Guillak in Taking Shared Tools   
    Something still does not sound right to me, and I'm trying to understand. Please forgive me if it's irrelevant.

    Nadrolski "publicly" asked all MB citizens (in MB private forum) to help gathering water tools in order to prevent water depletion. Paracelsus just happened to be online when needed, but it could have been any of us, and I would have been glad to help, not even realizing it was against the rules.

    What I want to point here is that all MB citizens knew what Nadrolski and Paracelsus were doing, but none of us denounced them to authorities. So, aren't we all accomplices, for not telling? Also, what's the point in giving a bounty for "discovering" this, while it was known by many people? There was not even a need to track anything in the logs (except for gathering the "evidence"), all you had to do was to ask them.
  3. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to xrieg in Taking Shared Tools   
    [color=#0000ff]Split from [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10924-eons-help/"]http://magicduel.inv...0924-eons-help/[/url][/color]

    I hope Mighty Pirate didn't get jailed for heat jars incident. It would be pathetic to punish somebody who stirred the community into some action hiding jars (BTW I got one 18k quite a long time after tools reset, PM me if you need it) and letting resources deptetion (herbs depletion in most low lands makes the 'most accesible and public' Herbs Basket useless for most game population) go unattended.
    After all, you could pick up heat jar if you went there early enough, you could ask ppl to loan it (you could get it for free, not only Mighty Pirate monopoly after all) - tools of the given type were still in circulation. On the other hand resources that are gone... are just gone - hence herbs baskets are available even several hours after reset.
    To summarize... I do not think items hoarding should be a jailable offense. It's minor tools abuse comparing with depletion.
    ... unless depletion is also consider jailable offense only nobody reported it as such?
  4. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Pipstickz in Eon's help   
    I'd still like some evidence, please, from Eon or Mur, or any other involved party.
  5. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Pipstickz in Eon's help   
    I don't want any rewards, I just want some proof. I did what I did in regards to Mighty Pirate for the community.

    [color=#0000ff]Following discussion about punishments and knowing things split [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10933-taking-shared-tools/"]http://magicduel.inv...g-shared-tools/[/url][/color]
  6. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to nadrolski in Eon's help   
    ..and unconditional investments
  7. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Muratus del Mur in Resignation letter of Yrthilian - King of Golemus   
    I thought this is something that needs to be public.
    It doesn't contain any 'too personal' lines or anything that
    could require it to be kept private so i am posting it here for reference.


    [i]Hello Mur,

    This is an email to officially state i am going to step down as king of
    I have many reasons for this some i will out line below.

    When I joined MD I found MD to be a wonderful positive place to be. The
    creativity of that time was like a drug to me. The RP and interaction of
    was great and encouraged one to strive for things in the realm and to
    discover. I am sorry to day that this to me has been lost.

    MD has become what seems like a big ball of negativity and hate between the
    many have tried to improve the mood but have not been able to break out of
    the cycle of mood swings and negativity.
    I dont know may be this is just one of the balancing cycles of MD as for
    such a long time things where good and positive.

    To me things needed fixing and have not been and probably wont be at this
    stage. Many where brought to you and the council
    and yet nothing got done even the things that got agreed to didn't get
    done. It is also this lack of support that drives me away from
    my role as king as what is the point when one cannot enforce the basic
    rules of the land.

    Eon is proving that point very clearly right now with the draining of land
    resources and the complete lack of respect for other lands
    and their rules. If i was to do what i could to stop eon i know you would
    reverse it again and and i would gain another point agents me.
    so in essence you have tied my hand to any sort of punishment i could enact
    on him.

    I love the land of Golemus and that is where i will always be. I am not
    leaving MD. I am just stepping down as king. As to me i no longer see
    the reason for a king. Yes the king has some powers but nothing like what
    they should have and the lack of support for the position and lack or
    respect for the kingship has made it a pointless role.

    I hate the idea of removing myself from that role but i think to save my
    sanity and who i am in MD I should go back to what i know best and
    carry one being the technomage.

    I am sorry to send you such bad new like this or good news depends on how
    you look at it i suppose.

    Golemus Technomage
    Ex King[/i]
  8. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Pipstickz in Eon's help   
    May I have some sort of record or explanation of how Eon helped in the tool investigation? For the sake of transparency.
  9. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Scary Monster Contest!   
    [b][i][font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]Once when a heavy drought occurred, only the mighty trees stood alive with full power, they helped all the other flaura nd fonna, they gave home to many seeds....but not knowing what they really are....and now they show there true face....."the Parasites", they have infected the trees..bringing his evilness out and now he scares instead of protect...burns instead of regen oh! God....please save the trees.....[/font][/i][/b]


  10. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Pipstickz in Citizens of Marind's Bell   
    Really sad to hear that and I wonder why these resignations happening only to MB........dont resign Handy...we all are with you.

  11. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Tipu in Citizens of Marind's Bell   
    So finally i will get my MB citizenship back muwahahaha...
  12. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Path of the dragonrider never ends, I was walking dejected, looking up in the skies..."where are you my Wind Dachron??"........I suddenly saw someone near Berzeker's way.....a Swami......I sat near by him....amazingly he told everything about me with his divine powers, I asked him whether I will get a Wind Dachron...he said I will and soon, he promised me that he will conduct a small ritual to satisfy the Gods for me a thousand thanks to him....here is he

  13. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Hmm!! Today morning ...me and my dragon was taking a flight above Willow's walk...and we saw something moving in the lake....uh!! was that a Water Demon??...no its not...then wat's it......on a closer look...i found it is something new...did it came to cause nemesis to MD land??.....not sure ....we caught is after a small fight and kept it in custody..with the Rabid wolf...I took out a notice paper and drew it, this is how he looks....does someone knows or want this guy??.....hmm in coming days there can be more creatures in MD lands.....we will be looking for it...


  14. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1297057329' post='78554']
    Looks a little similar to an avatar I found in the shop about a month ago.

    Image in second post on page three of Asterdai's avatar shop in the central market.

    Havent noticed that....this why I put a suggestion here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7629-suggestion-for-avatar-gallery/"]Avatar Gallery[/url] so that people can see..what avys exits...but my guy here is little evolved and he can be called as a King Demon

  15. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Hmmm!! It hasn't reached an end...there are more creatures coming out from the lake....we caught a creature...a dragon?...reptile?....lizard??...dont know, he says that he is a kin of crocodile... he seem to have come in search of his King Demon who is with me.....I cant let these creatures wander around and cause damage... I got him also under custody...here he is

  16. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ha what a nice weather, I was walking through the Whisper Alley...suddenly i heard some sound..near the trees..sound of a lady...I walked towards its source and found a lady

    practicing kungfu or some with her stick...who is she?? I wondered, I waited for her to turn so that I can see her face, she turned ...Ah!! what a face..did I meet my

    mate??.. she stared at me for a moment and continued her practise...I thought of way to talk to her, after a little though I pulled out an old text book method...I asked my

    dragon to come around and intimidate her...kudos it worked.... she said she came here to join some sisterhood ...I talked to her for a longtime....while leaving her I

    looked back....is she the princess I was waiting?? Nah!! she is a warroir, cant say when she is gonna kick my butts ....he he and as usually I haven't forgotten to get a

    drawing of her....


  17. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I was walking near the willow's shop...suddenly heard..some sounds, like someone working with metals, forging or something.. I waited there for sometime and I saw the door getting opened and a warrior fully in metal walking out......his entire body was shining bright in the sun. He stared at me for sometime and started walking away, I called him and asked about him....he says he is the distant cousin of "Imperial Aramor" and he calls himself as "Imperial Ninja Warrior", he doesnt use axe, instead he uses his highly sharp sword...now he is looking for team ....if anybody wants to recruit him to your legion please let me know...and here he is


  18. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ahh!!.....Day of peace!!!....the day on which people talks instead of fight..its wonderful.....I sat down near the steps of GOE and looked up....watching my dragons soar up in the sky...for them hunger overrides peace *[i]smiles[/i]*, what a wonderful creature they are, they can fly up in the skies....penetrate the smoky clouds..spitting fire and diving on top of their prey like a [b]Kingfisher[/b]......the myth about lightning and thunder is that true?? * [i]the fight between lighting and thunder dragons[/i]* ah dont know..........what makes them outstanding?? maybe its their great wings....what if they dont have wings??...their battle ground reaches to the end with the end of a mountain....or at the bank of a river, they cant fly over it...does such a dragon exists without wings??........ Suddenly I saw a shadow moving just a few miles away from me, what is that......is that a knator?? no...its a drago-wolf-knator?? no......[size=2]wh[/size].[size=3].wha[/size]....[size=4]what[/size]...[size=5]what[/size]...[size=6]WHAT[/size]...........it was a dragon...and a WINGLESS one.......it slowly moved into the grass......I saw the grass moving towards me...ahah...he also dont believe in peace I guess....before I could do anything...it pounced upon me.......AHHHHHH!!......my head pained like anything.....I jumped up.......and looked around.....nothing was around.....wha what happened??....I saw a bunch of apricot lying near by me....OHO!! now I figured it out....it was all a dream.....the pain was because of some bird dropped the apricots on my head......ha ha a beautiful morning dream.....a dream with special effects......anyways..I still couldnt forget my wingless dragon so I immortalized it in my book...here he is
  19. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Soothing Sands in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ahh!!.....Day of peace!!!....the day on which people talks instead of fight..its wonderful.....I sat down near the steps of GOE and looked up....watching my dragons soar up in the sky...for them hunger overrides peace *[i]smiles[/i]*, what a wonderful creature they are, they can fly up in the skies....penetrate the smoky clouds..spitting fire and diving on top of their prey like a [b]Kingfisher[/b]......the myth about lightning and thunder is that true?? * [i]the fight between lighting and thunder dragons[/i]* ah dont know..........what makes them outstanding?? maybe its their great wings....what if they dont have wings??...their battle ground reaches to the end with the end of a mountain....or at the bank of a river, they cant fly over it...does such a dragon exists without wings??........ Suddenly I saw a shadow moving just a few miles away from me, what is that......is that a knator?? no...its a drago-wolf-knator?? no......[size=2]wh[/size].[size=3].wha[/size]....[size=4]what[/size]...[size=5]what[/size]...[size=6]WHAT[/size]...........it was a dragon...and a WINGLESS one.......it slowly moved into the grass......I saw the grass moving towards me...ahah...he also dont believe in peace I guess....before I could do anything...it pounced upon me.......AHHHHHH!!......my head pained like anything.....I jumped up.......and looked around.....nothing was around.....wha what happened??....I saw a bunch of apricot lying near by me....OHO!! now I figured it out....it was all a dream.....the pain was because of some bird dropped the apricots on my head......ha ha a beautiful morning dream.....a dream with special effects......anyways..I still couldnt forget my wingless dragon so I immortalized it in my book...here he is
  20. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from nadrolski in The Grasan Replacement!   
    Congrats to all....who put effort for the drawings ......special congrats to you Von

  21. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Tipu in Halloween Competition   
    (Let me brag too i got into finals)

    Its was a battle of warriors
    Brother vs Brother
    Kc Guard vs Kc Guard
    The lord Tipu vs Sunfire
    And sunfire wins

    I am very proud to call u my brother. Iam so happy i got defeated by my own brother isn't of that passant the grinder.
    And i am sure ur commander would be proud of us if only he is in conscious state hehe.

    ok now to the serious part, i want my share *cough cough* yeah 50 -50 as per the brotherhood rules. Wondering when it was written? well just after i got defeated.
    And need a grant party since it is ur first ever victory in a battle tournament.
  22. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Passant the Weak in Halloween Mood Panel Shocker Contest   
    [i][b][color=#b22222][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Gimme your jacket...[/font][/color][/b][/i]
  23. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Shadowseeker in Scary Monster Contest!   
    [b][i][font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]Once when a heavy drought occurred, only the mighty trees stood alive with full power, they helped all the other flaura nd fonna, they gave home to many seeds....but not knowing what they really are....and now they show there true face....."the Parasites", they have infected the trees..bringing his evilness out and now he scares instead of protect...burns instead of regen oh! God....please save the trees.....[/font][/i][/b]


  24. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from nadrolski in Scary Monster Contest!   
    [b][i][font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]Once when a heavy drought occurred, only the mighty trees stood alive with full power, they helped all the other flaura nd fonna, they gave home to many seeds....but not knowing what they really are....and now they show there true face....."the Parasites", they have infected the trees..bringing his evilness out and now he scares instead of protect...burns instead of regen oh! God....please save the trees.....[/font][/i][/b]


  25. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to VonUngernSternberg in The Grasan Replacement!   

    "Mmh, finally. What a pleasure..."
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