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  1. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Curiose in Roleplaying   
    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1306467724' post='85217']
    So, Keida, in your opinion good rp is making multiple alts and causing needless drama? Especially in your little area by the lake, having multiple babies in a rash that seems highly unrealistic, and falling in love with a multitude of men?

    Excuse me, but that is not role play.
    I see that as trash.

    But that's just me.

    I knew you would single me out Curiose.

    and conviently you left out where i said that i am trying to get better, and just so you know, i only have one baby. Dont try to start arguments on this forum post that only shows jealousy. and its not pretty.

    Me? Jealous?

    Far from it. I have no reason to be jealous of a child.

    I second what Indyra said, and what plenty others have told me:
    [b]If you want something done, don't sit here on the forum whining about it. Get out there and do it, deal with the repercussions later.[/b]

    You can EASILY arrange things that can be done. I mean... hell, when Renavoid was still around, in that last RP shot, HOW MANY of you people stepped up to Rp? Hm? Very few, if I remember correctly. Oh, and with this Abra thing? How many are ACTUALLY getting involved with it now? Again, as far as I can tell... very few.

    So the issue is not just "oh Rp is dying, wah wah wah" its: "People don't care any more." Or, "People only Rp for the limelight and to get noticed, to get all the little trinkets and jewels they can find for their 'role.'

    So maybe there IS a mix between the two, but you can't simply blame that Rp is dying because Rp is dying. Rp is dying because people just don't care any more. No one is wanting to do anything-- from what I have also heard, dunno how true this is, but supposedly, the Al is what gave people a reason to do this. I don't completely agree. This goes along with what I said in the third quotations.

    You what you need. You just have to organize it in a fashion that people are interested, and gee... I don't know, maybe even take part?
  2. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to stormrunner in Roleplaying   
    I'm going to throw thoughts in this

    1. I was gone for a year and came back a few weeks ago... and it's been a pain to find anyone even chat with so I would say yeah roleplaying is probably at a low point

    2. as far as " blue text not equal roleplay" your right but doing nothing doesn't equal anything that is why it's call nothing, anyone who wants to even imply that stat griding is a role please send me cash and your adress so I can try to beat some sense into you or at the very least bleed of a little stress

    3. as far as the "god moding" thing goes that cames from not knowing how to role play at least for me it did, if you take the time at least some would probably stop

    4. as far as any bitching about what anyone does with their time, grow up, you don't like it don't be a part of it. note that means not talking about it too, you want gossip make a topic on it

    5. if you take the time and talk with newbies who are willing to talk you may be surprised at what you find... as long as your not to trying shove anything down their throat

    [b]disclaimer:[/b] this post is not about anyone, or any post just my thoughts on what I've read in this topic, if you have any problems with it... I don't care. if you agree with it great... I'm still not to worried about it. if you have a thoughts that actually are a thought not bitching or saying someone else is bitching. lets see if we can turn them into anything real

    p.s. I am reminded of some thing I read once. opinions are like penises everyone with a firm one wants to stick it in someone else

    p.p.s yes, that slightly dirty joke has a point if you can't see it I don't care. if your young and it warped your mind, your welcome and tells your parents I'm sorry, now go read/ watch a little George Carlin, and read a few books by this guy [url="http://www.wickedjester.com/category/Books-66."]http://www.wickedjes...egory/Books-66.[/url] it will finish the job

    p.p.p.s jester is right
  3. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to keida in Roleplaying   
    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1306517921' post='85258']
    Me? Jealous?

    Far from it. I have no reason to be jealous of a child.

    Like i said, stop trying to start a fight in the Forum....

    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1306517921' post='85258']
    Me? Jealous?

    Far from it. I have no reason to be jealous of a child.

    I second what Indyra said, and what plenty others have told me:
    [b]If you want something done, don't sit here on the forum whining about it. Get out there and do it, deal with the repercussions later.[/b]

    You can EASILY arrange things that can be done. I mean... hell, when Renavoid was still around, in that last RP shot, HOW MANY of you people stepped up to Rp? Hm? Very few, if I remember correctly. Oh, and with this Abra thing? How many are ACTUALLY getting involved with it now? Again, as far as I can tell... very few.

    So the issue is not just "oh Rp is dying, wah wah wah" its: "People don't care any more." Or, "People only Rp for the limelight and to get noticed, to get all the little trinkets and jewels they can find for their 'role.'

    So maybe there IS a mix between the two, but you can't simply blame that Rp is dying because Rp is dying. Rp is dying because people just don't care any more. No one is wanting to do anything-- from what I have also heard, dunno how true this is, but supposedly, the Al is what gave people a reason to do this. I don't completely agree. This goes along with what I said in the third quotations.

    You what you need. You just have to organize it in a fashion that people are interested, and gee... I don't know, maybe even take part?

    *reply to the second part* That is exactly what we are trying to say Curiose, Lack of caring to do rping the right way.
  4. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Curiose in Role Playing   
    Why did you make another thread instead of just putting this on Windy's?

    Bit redundant.
  5. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Windy in Roleplaying   
    I still remember a battle we had between the protectors of Bob and the rebels ....long back...when stormrunner and all was here... it was fun. I too remember some RP battles and events with HolyPaladin DEBA....we used fight a lot...dragon vs paladin ha ha.....I know I am deviating from the topic...just wanted to share my memories ....and RP is not something which is taught in some classes...it requires the player to imagine a lot, people should watch and learn, for example I learned to do RP from the chats between diff vet players...initially I wondered what these guys were doing....finally I knew that they were living in MD ...so entered and just became part of it.....so I would say let the vets (including me :-) ) start some RPs ...and let the new players watch and learn ..

  6. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Curiose in Roleplaying   
    So, Keida, in your opinion good rp is making multiple alts and causing needless drama? Especially in your little area by the lake, having multiple babies in a rash that seems highly unrealistic, and falling in love with a multitude of men?

    Excuse me, but that is not role play.
    I see that as trash.

    But that's just me.

    I may not role play now, but I have for quite a few years before getting fed up with it and all the invisible rules that have been given out as to who can do what, what constitutes this or that, what even makes it GOOD.

    Role play is a community thing. I agree that there is a line of what actually fits in MD and what does not. For example... some of you got met by the Postman. Did you even bother to listen to what he said about your roles? Some of you were even questioned on the constitution OF your roles, and how they even came to be, and how they fit. Some of you even may have NOT gotten what you had came to get because of that fact.

    MD does not have 'classes' MD has MD. MD is not one of your generic role play games.
    Take for example in Necrovion:
    Jester does not take the flighty fancy, imaginary fantasy players who have their roles based on what I just described before me. If you actually payed attention to the bounds of MD, then you can understand how to better fulfill your character needs, and how it plays into the way MD fits.

    Look at the AL For example.
    You have a wizard-- He based his wizardship off of studying the priciples.
    And Akasha-- She based her role in trying to figure out the principles and hunting in the pyramids of Mt. Kell'atha or however you spell it.

    While MD gives people the chance for ingenuity and creation of various character types and personality, one must think: How does it fit in with the AL, and MD as a whole?

    One example that I COULD give you was based off of why the AL [or from what I have heard] was removed:
    Renavoid had a space ship.
    Renavoid also had access to the AL and writing it.
    You see where I am going here? Spaceship? MD? No, no no.
    He CRASHED that space ship in the House of Liquid Dust. You think that was a smart idea?

    So... in short:
    Role play is a community thing.
    Role play is a thing in which also has boundaries which should be adhered to via social, or game mechanical means.
    Role play is meant to be FUN and not be burdened down with this or that rules of things that totally make it over complicated, and thus, less fun.
    Role play does, however, need some sort of structure to it so that people do not go buzzing around like gnats on a banana peel. Get what I am saying?
  7. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to keida in Roleplaying   
    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1306467724' post='85217']
    So, Keida, in your opinion good rp is making multiple alts and causing needless drama? Especially in your little area by the lake, having multiple babies in a rash that seems highly unrealistic, and falling in love with a multitude of men?

    Excuse me, but that is not role play.
    I see that as trash.

    But that's just me.

    I knew you would single me out Curiose.

    and conviently you left out where i said that i am trying to get better, and just so you know, i only have one baby. Dont try to start arguments on this forum post that only shows jealousy. and its not pretty.
  8. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Raine Castaway in Roleplaying   
    I know how you all feel. A few people and I are trying to keep our little role playing group active, but more people are becoming inactive and stopping role playing. And some people just hate us.
  9. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Ravenstrider in Roleplaying   
    I still remember a battle we had between the protectors of Bob and the rebels ....long back...when stormrunner and all was here... it was fun. I too remember some RP battles and events with HolyPaladin DEBA....we used fight a lot...dragon vs paladin ha ha.....I know I am deviating from the topic...just wanted to share my memories ....and RP is not something which is taught in some classes...it requires the player to imagine a lot, people should watch and learn, for example I learned to do RP from the chats between diff vet players...initially I wondered what these guys were doing....finally I knew that they were living in MD ...so entered and just became part of it.....so I would say let the vets (including me :-) ) start some RPs ...and let the new players watch and learn ..

  10. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Sharazhad in Roleplaying   
    I still remember a battle we had between the protectors of Bob and the rebels ....long back...when stormrunner and all was here... it was fun. I too remember some RP battles and events with HolyPaladin DEBA....we used fight a lot...dragon vs paladin ha ha.....I know I am deviating from the topic...just wanted to share my memories ....and RP is not something which is taught in some classes...it requires the player to imagine a lot, people should watch and learn, for example I learned to do RP from the chats between diff vet players...initially I wondered what these guys were doing....finally I knew that they were living in MD ...so entered and just became part of it.....so I would say let the vets (including me :-) ) start some RPs ...and let the new players watch and learn ..

  11. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to dst in Complaint against Seigheart   
    Esmaralda, I am not able to get the coins until the end of the BHC which might take a while. As long as I PUBLICLY stated that I want him to send the money to someone else I don't see what the problem was. I need the money and I only trust No one to get them.

    Now, I'll accept the apologize and ask a mod to close this topic. But I do want this to be recorded in his "Resume" for the job he's currently on trial period.
  12. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Manda in WTS/WTT Creatures   
    what about [b]10GC[/b] for GG?.....

    As per my experience here in the market, i have seen SW traded for 3GC and I even bought one for 3GC :-)

  13. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from MRAlyon in WTS/WTT Creatures   
    what about [b]10GC[/b] for GG?.....

    As per my experience here in the market, i have seen SW traded for 3GC and I even bought one for 3GC :-)

  14. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Chewett in WTS/WTT Creatures   
    what about [b]10GC[/b] for GG?.....

    As per my experience here in the market, i have seen SW traded for 3GC and I even bought one for 3GC :-)

  15. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Junior in WTS/WTT Creatures   
    what about [b]10GC[/b] for GG?.....

    As per my experience here in the market, i have seen SW traded for 3GC and I even bought one for 3GC :-)

  16. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from MRAlyon in Happy BDay Alyon   
    Happy Bday Alyon ...njoy
  17. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Pomegranate in Draw your aramor!   
    Did the final version of my aramor.

    You can look at the WIP here:

  18. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Blackthorn in Draw your aramor!   
    Level 4 Aramor
  19. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to duxie in Draw your aramor!   
    [size="2"][font="Verdana"]this is SPARTA! (just a quick sketch, for ideas or something...)[/font][/size]

  20. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Maebius in Draw your aramor!   
    [quote name='duxie' timestamp='1303219216' post='83069']
    [size="2"][font="Verdana"]welp, not really empty, but you can squeeze the spirit somewhere in it [/font][/size]


    Best. One. Yet!
  21. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to duxie in Draw your aramor!   
    [size="2"][font="Verdana"]welp, not really empty, but you can squeeze the spirit somewhere in it [/font][/size]

  22. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Ravenstrider in Draw your aramor!   

    Here's my attempt at LVL 4.
  23. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Blackthorn in Draw your aramor!   
    After a long battle...the aramors won and they walked back...but their King was disappointed despite of victory, he knew his defense was poor against the archers.....he decided quickly attack without defense isnt worth..he didnt ask the God of MD (Mur)...he looked for [i]SubZero[/i] but couldnt find him....and finally he got the [i]dragonrider[/i] the one who holds the "[i]Thousands Shield[/i]"...it was so easy for him to build one for the aramor..and also repair the horn on his shoulders.here he is in his next level...[i]hey where does his other axe go?[/i]...its there on his back sheath....he walks back with his head raised....."[i]archers...!![/i]"

  24. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from redneck in Draw your aramor!   
    After a long battle...the aramors won and they walked back...but their King was disappointed despite of victory, he knew his defense was poor against the archers.....he decided quickly attack without defense isnt worth..he didnt ask the God of MD (Mur)...he looked for [i]SubZero[/i] but couldnt find him....and finally he got the [i]dragonrider[/i] the one who holds the "[i]Thousands Shield[/i]"...it was so easy for him to build one for the aramor..and also repair the horn on his shoulders.here he is in his next level...[i]hey where does his other axe go?[/i]...its there on his back sheath....he walks back with his head raised....."[i]archers...!![/i]"

  25. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from redneck in Draw your aramor!   
    After hours of work..he made his ultimate armour...walked out to make a new beginning....he saw the aramors lining infront of him in different colors...he felt he is seeing a rainbow....suddenly the sun's rays fell on him...and he outshined all .....he yelled [i]"this is the weapon that i want...I am ARAMOR the first warrior of MD"[/i]


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