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  1. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from redneck in Draw your aramor!   
    After hours of work..he made his ultimate armour...walked out to make a new beginning....he saw the aramors lining infront of him in different colors...he felt he is seeing a rainbow....suddenly the sun's rays fell on him...and he outshined all .....he yelled [i]"this is the weapon that i want...I am ARAMOR the first warrior of MD"[/i]


  2. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Asterdai in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    I was sitting under a tree in the garden near my home and was drawing my avatars....suddenly..i thought..the tree....does it look similar to Awiya??.....i jumped from there went back a bit and took a frame and draw it in my mob...opps...i left my book there....


  3. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Blackthorn in Draw your aramor!   
    After hours of work..he made his ultimate armour...walked out to make a new beginning....he saw the aramors lining infront of him in different colors...he felt he is seeing a rainbow....suddenly the sun's rays fell on him...and he outshined all .....he yelled [i]"this is the weapon that i want...I am ARAMOR the first warrior of MD"[/i]


  4. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Draw your aramor!   
    After hours of work..he made his ultimate armour...walked out to make a new beginning....he saw the aramors lining infront of him in different colors...he felt he is seeing a rainbow....suddenly the sun's rays fell on him...and he outshined all .....he yelled [i]"this is the weapon that i want...I am ARAMOR the first warrior of MD"[/i]


  5. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Rex in Draw your aramor!   
    After hours of work..he made his ultimate armour...walked out to make a new beginning....he saw the aramors lining infront of him in different colors...he felt he is seeing a rainbow....suddenly the sun's rays fell on him...and he outshined all .....he yelled [i]"this is the weapon that i want...I am ARAMOR the first warrior of MD"[/i]


  6. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Draw your aramor!   
    I was walking near the Willow's shop and I found this guy...doing some hard work on his axe....he was telling "[i]Uh!! Mur hasn't given me a strong axe, it broke when I try to cut a rock , I took it to the workshop and there was a big queue of aramors waiting to fix the axe and finally I ended up in doing it .[/i]"

  7. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Jubaris in Draw your aramor!   
    I was walking near the Willow's shop and I found this guy...doing some hard work on his axe....he was telling "[i]Uh!! Mur hasn't given me a strong axe, it broke when I try to cut a rock , I took it to the workshop and there was a big queue of aramors waiting to fix the axe and finally I ended up in doing it .[/i]"

  8. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Manda in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  9. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Seigheart in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    Good bye over powered alts/newbs.

    Have some faith in the system.

    Things are about to change, deal with the changes. If you can't stand them, the logout button is always an option.
  10. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Muratus del Mur in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp3 = introductory, teasing stage
    mp4 = trasition stage
    mp5 = where the madness starts and end
    mp6 = maybe to visit one day for a week or so
    mp7 = its an illusion!
    mp8 =
    mp2 = was an illusion ..stage
    mp1 = access denied

    have fun
  11. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  12. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Tarquinus in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  13. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Rendril in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  14. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  15. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Neno Veliki in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  16. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Seigheart in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  17. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Geigon in Wandering Adepts Association   
    [font="Book Antiqua"]
    if this some form of .... protest ... count me in as well

    PS: i agree with a required MP to upgrade your crits, but it should be something that depends entirely on you , not being forced to start ass-kissing other players or paying them to get adepts just to upgrade some crits ... MP5 should be enough to upgrade any creature in game

  18. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Chewett in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  19. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Shemhazaj in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  20. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from apophys in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b].

  21. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Tarquinus in Finally one of my wish came true   

    After a long time, one of my wish came true, the creatures will now retain their xp on transfer......this is a great move, it will help in trading creatures like Joker ( which needs hell lot of xp to reach max.....i remember when i bought a Master Joker and finally ended up with lvl 1 Joker with zero xp)... i was actually pleading for entire status transfer and that also came true with the MAGIC crts :-). This makes me to think that..atleast at some areas I was making sense he he :-)....Anyways a big thanks to Mur.....

    [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8080-some-doubts-and-concern-with-crt-transfer/"]Tranfer doubts[/url]

  22. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from adiomino in Finally one of my wish came true   

    After a long time, one of my wish came true, the creatures will now retain their xp on transfer......this is a great move, it will help in trading creatures like Joker ( which needs hell lot of xp to reach max.....i remember when i bought a Master Joker and finally ended up with lvl 1 Joker with zero xp)... i was actually pleading for entire status transfer and that also came true with the MAGIC crts :-). This makes me to think that..atleast at some areas I was making sense he he :-)....Anyways a big thanks to Mur.....

    [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8080-some-doubts-and-concern-with-crt-transfer/"]Tranfer doubts[/url]

  23. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in MD Birthday Team Formation   
    Just came up with a drawing to start campaign..to Terrorize the Bunnies


  24. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Jubaris in MD Birthday Team Formation   
    Just came up with a drawing to start campaign..to Terrorize the Bunnies


  25. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Seigheart in [entertaiment] Celebrity Deathmatch   
    I shall participate as well, I only have Shades. Good luck finding an opponent for me.
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