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Everything posted by MRnegative6

  1. Im interested, but what good will these places do any good for a traveler like myself? Could you reveal a bit about the location and its specialities? I have long wanted a home somewhere other than out in the open by the Gates of Age.
  2. [quote name='Master' date='15 January 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1263546487' post='52770'] You can also be invited into a K collection Group by the members already part of one. So not necesarily need to spend 4 WPs to activate it from the shop.To be part of an already existing group ( i know of only one ) You need to insert the K group code received from a member of an existing group. Usualy , in each K Group, people have the option to edit one page each. Giving away valuable information ( some consider even huge spoilers) to the other members of the group. Each member has to come up with something. So if you have some stuff to offer i sugest you go talk to the people already in one. Check out their papers. When you see the yellow K on one person you know they're a part of a group and you'll only see the titles of the pages the mebers edit. [/quote] K thanks for the information:)
  3. The time has come. Im just posting this to clear up, reveal and more importantly...release myself from a burden. A burden i have carried for over a year. There have been some discussion that i know of and accusation towards me. Accusations of me betraying MRD and the MR's. Firstly id like to say that i did not intentionaly go against MRD aka MR's. Secondly i did NOT in ANYWAY conspire against the MR's or MRD. Thirdly, I was never kicked out of the MR's. I left it volutarily after speaking with MRD. So anyone who have been saying that the MR's kicked me out of the alliance...Im sorry but that is not true. I myself with my own hand pressed the "leave the alliace botton". So, what were the causes that lead to me leaving the MR's? These are the reasons i can see: - Winning the heads contest and assisting another to win. I believe Udgard and Liberty had a "secret" agreement with the MR's to win the heads. (For those that remember, the heads in the old times were won by those the MR's favoured) I assisted someone to win the heads which disrupted the MR's dealings and i also won the heads musefl which was also considered disrupting the MR's dealings again. Both times i did not know of the MR's plans untill it was too late (when stage II was about to start). I was only ever confronted by MRD when ever the MR's felt at risk that i was about to disrupt their secret deals. I do not see this as a betrayal towards the MR's. It was more the MR's own fault for not bringing me into the deal by trusting me and also understimating my skills/capabilities in the heads which MRD and Dst taught me. (Thanks you for that, i really apreciate it:) ) - Helping out too much during the festival when players were "teleported" to GG from the Gate of Age by Shoeps and Simplyzero. I was trying to help Shoeps out here as much as i could as i personaly thought a little help cant possibly hurt towards Shoeps. Plus Shoeps and simplyzero are cool people:). MRD and some people (who i still dont know) did not aprove that i was taking much of the action by the bridge, and i was told this and we created an agreement/system. I dont know if it even worked as i was usualy idle when the system was in place when it was someone elses turn to be at the bridge to help out. (In the meantime the other MRs were busy in GG according to news passed on to me by the bridge). - Opposing Cryxus openly in the MD Forums to create an alliance of pirates stationed in GG. This i dont reall know what to say. I posted my reply to Cryxus as i did not want to see pirates on GG as it conflicted with my role i was working on. After perhaps a day i was confronted by MRD who told me that i was opposing the wishs of the MR's by opposing Cryxus. I did not know then that the pirate alliance was also part of the MR's secret dealings before i posted my answer to Cryxus. Again i was left out of a deal and i got a blame for it as if i had known about it. - Offering to take control of the MR's when MRD said he was going to leave MD for good. I did not wish for the MR's to end when MRD left so i offered my helpin preserving the alliance untill MRD chose to come back. I did ths out of loyalty, kindness and friendship. Now that i think about it...I think the whole "MRD leaving" thing was another dea i was left out of. It was just a plan to fram me, idk i might have dug too deep somewhere and the MR's had to disrupt my credibility? who knows. So, those are the reaons as i see it. I have already apologized to MRD, Cryxus, Udgard and Liberty in several occasions for my messups. I do not wish to be in the center of some kind of MD political...war? Well now i feel much better. This has always been naging at me when i was in MD. Its a very unpleasant feeling to have when im just trying to explore what Mur has to offer to me in MD, as it is very interesting. Before i end this post i want to thank Chewett, Shoeps and Dst for being great to me:) You might not have seen how much spport you gaven me but it was a lot. Enough to make me think positive and enjoy MD. You three have been a great contributor to lighten up MD for me and actualy enjoy it even when the whole MR's were against me. Thanks you:) MRN P:S For those out there against me, no i didnt post this to aruge my point with you. I posted this to release a burden which disturbed me from enjoying MD.
  4. Why...am i -5 in reputation. What did i do now??

  5. [quote name='Burns' date='14 January 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1263500654' post='52752'] Everybody can see their own k-docs, but nobody else can unless you are part of a k-group [/quote] Oh ok:P Ty;) Now i know why i have it, and its purpose:) Ty all for your information^^
  6. I dont see anything wrong with dst. Dst is one player i struggle to beat (Out of many of the ancient players), she is a challenge. I do not only need to figure out how to counter her rituals but i need to take into consideration of her muscle power + the fact i might be poking a sleeping lioness;) Dst is a challenge but also a fun chatting partner;) Oh i almost forgot to add that...there is no need to take offence on being called a coward after one of your arguements with dst. I for instance dont believe ive ever been called a coward by dst, but even if i was called one, i know if i am or not so what ever dst says will not affect me personaly. I may take it into consideration and thus make a reason to prove myself to dst. Dst ftw >
  7. Oh i see...so why do i have it:/ I just suddenly had it :/
  8. Ive been wondering for sometime...why do i have a knowledge scoll in game. Under my avy i have K (in gold), comment on self, personal hate list, and the PL. Anyone know what the K is for? Im a bit skeptic, looks like something that needs a lot of consideration and most likely aproval by mur to write something in it. Ive had this K scroll for...quite a long time and i think its time to ask if anyone could share any knowledge on how i should aproach it:o
  9. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='14 January 2010 - 05:49 AM' timestamp='1263448141' post='52713'] I'd like to add that MRnegative6 does not, in any way, represent the MR Fraternity, and as far as I know, he betrayed MRD. Of course, my memory just may be wrong, but I don't think so. [/quote] I did not betray MRD intentionaly. I dont think i can even call it a betrayal, as i didnt know i was crossing over the MRs agreements WHICH i was not informed of AND was not part of AS i did NOT know of them UNTILL it was too late. The reason i was not informed of them was because i was in some kind of "checking faze" to see if i was trust worthy. Edit: And no im not part of the MRs, i just never changed my name and please dont say i should chuck this account and get a new one as ive invested a hefty amount of money into it;)
  10. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='13 January 2010 - 07:36 PM' timestamp='1263411372' post='52671'] Who gave you the right to use old history? History you were not there for or even part of. Even IF there was Guardians back then you still don’t have the right to use such info or history or even have a claim to such. It annoys me so much when people make assumptions like this. The history of old is not to be used in such a way. It is history of old and that is where it stays. The use of this sort of history is [b]ONLY [/b]meant for research and RP based on finding out information or creating a new theory of current events. For example I have used some history but used very fragment parts and created a new story or theory based on some old info. This is acceptable. But to try and put you in that time line that is going too far. As the current king of Golemus I do not recognise your role as Guardian in the capacity you have stated. If you had come to me with this intent I would have informed you this was a step too far. I would have also made suggestions for you and worked out this sort of role in a new way. What is needed to be pointed out here is that some players assume they can use history directly. Well you can’t and never will be able to. The only people that might have a right are the people from that time that might create a story that spans off from that time. The people like that are few and far between. They would be the people of old and well as many know there is not many of them left. I am sorry but it angers me to see that people take the history of old like this. I suggest you rethink this role and anything to do with the history of Golemus run by me or Akasha. As I have limited access to MD and the forums again while I am in work I cannot make a full comment on this. To anyone else thinking of using history of any land please go to the king or queen of that land and the people of old like myself or DST or Grido (there are other i have not mentiond but all are well known). I am sure they as I, would be happy to help you in whatever role you wish to create and point out any issues within the info you wish to use or if it conflict with the use of the history of old. [/quote] Hmm, much has changed since i started with this role long ago when i was trying to help out by the Gates of Age, when players were given free entrance into GG during the festivals. There were no Kings or Queens bound to GG then, only the gate keepers who held the key to cross the bridge. I can see this attempt for me to continue from where i left off long ago is getting me no where. This threads completed its purpose i guess. Ive gained the knowledge i needed which i missed durring my break. Thank you all for your constructive critisism, ill have a think of how to readjust my role into a more suitable manner. Although i do miss the old days. MRN
  11. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 January 2010 - 05:09 AM' timestamp='1263359390' post='52620'] I would prefer that they made a new topic every two weeks. So we know that the offer is still valid. Instead of my pm people about topics three months old that are still open seeing if it is okay to close it. [/quote] As Chewett said it would make a clutter. It would also be hard for players to know which threads are still alive and which are dead. I say keep the bumping within the thread it concerns aslong as its not being bumped every minute. Perhaps bumping the thread only to keep the thread in the top 10 threads would be sufficient. <--This method has worked perfectly well in many forums without making a mess.
  12. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='13 January 2010 - 11:58 AM' timestamp='1263383910' post='52640'] Mm.. just a sidenote, aside from all this, a somewhat logical mistake in your theory. Last guardian: Do you mean to say GG has nothing else _BUT_ you anymore, or do you mean to say it all ends with you? It's...not exactly the best method if you ask me, writing something when a land is nowhere near destruction. Even though you say it's because you are the last of your people..this very title claims that every other GG person existing here and now is nothing but a mere impostor. At least that is what I'd read out of it. [/quote] [b]Last guardian: Do you mean to say GG has nothing else _BUT_ you anymore, or do you mean to say it all ends with you? It's...not exactly the best method if you ask me, writing something when a land is nowhere near destruction.[/b] No, i am not from GG. That is why i never entered GGs alliances other than the MRs. I am the last of my kind that i know of who stood by the bridge to guard it from attacks or so i am guessing. This theory was built upon my research done long ago before my break which involved: - Khalazdad telling me the tale of the shades (Only as much as he was willing to tell me) - Ullr Wodin who told me of his purpose of creation and who summons him. (This linked very well with Khalazdads tale. - Omegaweapon who was believed to be the assasin of the Great Wizard. [quote name='Akasha' date='13 January 2010 - 10:17 AM' timestamp='1263377827' post='52636'] Pff .. why do people need to use names like Wizard of and Shades in their stories that defines their role? [b]Guardian sounds more fancy than Guard. I did not see anything better than the role i chose. I was once called the Researcher of GG, but only briefly.[/b] Everything that happened in that period is in AL and you are not in there, i am sorry to say this to you, but your story with Wizard and Shades is a lame one.. People..be more inventive..come with something new ad stop bounding your stories with the ancient LR, especially when it is connected with old AL. [b]No, i did not say i was there. I only said i believe i am one of the only living decendent from those who guarded the area around the bridge.[/b] Last Guardian of Golemus? [b]Yes, the last known decendant. [/b] BTW: last scroll Wizard left was a letter ... pitty you were not in this realm at that time.. which takes me to the next remark : [b]I am aware of this letter[/b] when you start to make up stories, at least make them according with your MD age/AL events or things like that... a bit more real (not referring to you personally but for all those that like to use important/fancy names from MD history, thou they never where in that period ) [b]As i said earlier...[/b] Bhaaa... be more inventive people and stop making ancient lore when that is not your job (not to say that ancient lore does not exists within MD and news for you : the only lore is us.) [/quote] I think ive given an answer to all your points. Thank you for your comment though
  13. Greetings once again, i ask for your support once again for my title i desire "The Last Guardian Of Golemus Golemicarum". I have worked hard and long for my title (1 year +) with a short break of around 1 year+. I think its time i try for my title again:) Ive left out some information of my discovery of the secrets which i uncovered which i was requested to keep hidden for now by enemies & allies. My word holds, even if you are my enemy i will not break our agreements so please do not worry. Anything else i have added to my scroll or you have heard me speak of it. This is my current scroll where i have written part of my tale. My other post (which is now closed) explains part of my tale in depth for those interested. [b][i][/i]The Last Guardian Of Golemus Golemicarum I search and make theories, and build up facts about the lost past of Golemus, which i believe is connected to a certain race in Golemus, which was one of the greatest civilisation at that time. When suddenly, the great civilisation...disapeared. Stories were told which were long forgotten. It is my duty as the last living decendant of my people to protect the bridge, and to preserve their existance in my mind and soul. I suffer for them, as i seek the truth. I carry a great burden, and speak with care. I see many enemies and too few allies. Origins I believe i come from a race, long forgotten and destroyed by the Shades who once protected the bridge to Golemus Golemicarum and faithfull allies to the Great Wizard himself. For what reason...i do not yet know. Now i wonder the lands seeking knowledge to uncover the past, and perhaps...take revenge. When i apeared within these relms by the bridge i had nothing on me other than my cape, robes, and my wings which i tend to hide within my cape. Although after a quick search of the area i discovered a sword. I do not know where it came from. I did know it held some powers as it glowed under my touch and it had letters carved into its hilt (DK - GGG). - Days and months passed and i heard of a contest. A head hunting contest, which i am still not sure where the tradition originated from but i saw it as a great oportunity to test my sword out. -Surprisingly i smashed through the contest and won a golden medal that looked like a dragon of some sort. I also won a passage to join an alliance "The MR's Fraternity". The the MRs i was able to explore the lands of my ancestors Golemus Golemicarum. I found out much about the landscape and geographical history of the place. -Three places within Golemus Golemicarum interested me greatly, these were places where i felt a bond. The Pillars The Alter deep within the island The Wizards study - The pillars I was studying this odd collection of pillars which seemed to sing to me as i helf my hand up to them. After several attempts to figure out its purpose i was able to hear more than beautifull sounds but voices. The voices told me of the purpose of the pillars, and much more. It seemed to me that i did not yet hold enough powers to wield the powers of the pillars for my own use. - The Alter deep within the island I saw at once this place of power as i stood by The Alter my sword i have named DK after the carvings flashed white before a red light struck out from within the Alter into the sword. I felt great powers flow into me through DK from the Alter. I am still confused of what knowledge and power i had gained from the Alter but i felt more...free. -The Wizards study This is where i found a scroll which The Great Wizard of Golemus Golemicarum has mentioned DK, The Pillars, The Alter, and Guardians of the bridge. The writing on the scrolls are written in signs i am not yet familiar with. I am still working on decoding the signs, but so far i believe this scroll hides more than the naked eye can see. Latest discoveries/progress to be edited into my scrolls: - I found a way into Golemus Golemicarum -I found something in the Drachorns lair i am not yet sure of. Looks like a purple scale.[/b] MRN P:S Those who would like to hear my tale and be able to visualize it better, please feel free to check out the scroll which i hold on me in MD when you see me. PSS: I am not asking for the title off the forums, i am merly asking others of their opinions. This will allow me to improve in places i have missed. This is also a way to share my role to those i have not yet reached as the area im most active in, for some reason is forgotten or ignored. I have not seen many visitors in GG or the gates of age compared to other parts of MD.
  14. [quote name='Rendril' date='05 January 2010 - 04:36 PM' timestamp='1262709381' post='51911'] You are trying to play a YouTube (flv file), this is why I asked what type of file it was. YouTube has a small protection on their .flv's, so you need to add some more parameters. Change the width and height if you want the player to visible. [code] <embed width="0" height="0" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UH4HDn4v24I&amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;fs=1&amp;autoplay=1"></embed> [/code] On a side note, YouTube provides the code in the "Embed" box to the right of the video, I haven't tested it but I assume it would work. [/quote] Yes the Youtube "embed" box works, thank you for the script too >
  15. Hmm well thanks but its still not working:/ I get this: ></strong><embed height="100" hidden="true" width="100" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH4HDn4v24I"></embed> <noembed></noembed> The song as you can see is in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH4HDn4v24I
  16. Does anyone know how this can be done? If so please tell me:)
  17. [quote name='SageWoman' date='03 January 2010 - 04:23 AM' timestamp='1262492582' post='51695'] The Long Guardian? Or do you mean the Lone Guardian? Anyways, welcome back to Magic Duel. Hope to see you in GGG very soon. Sagewoman [/quote] Haha, didnt see that;) Its fixed now thank you:P
  18. Could edit his picture... *whistles* but i cant win either way <.< That egg is older than i think all my creature..or as old as my oldest:/
  19. Ah...well scores and points was never a real problem;) Its getting the heads i lost back from...someone...i can never seem to beat <.< Thank you for the update though:)
  20. I am not the protector, but the protected.
  21. [quote name='DarkPriestess' date='02 January 2010 - 04:16 AM' timestamp='1262405792' post='51631'] Happy New Year to you as well and it is good to have you back with us. [/quote] Thank you all:)
  22. Congrats Hope all goes well:)
  23. [quote name='Burns' date='31 December 2009 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1262297655' post='51561'] neg 6! We should go and mess the contest some time, that was fun back then =)) [/quote] Hey:) haha, we shall see^^ Good old days:)
  24. [quote name='Chewett' date='31 December 2009 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1262297533' post='51559'] Welcome Back MR- nice to see another old player coming back! [/quote] Thank you:)
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