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Everything posted by MRnegative6

  1. Very nice pictures although i will need some discriptions on the other levels also:/
  2. Thank you, although the stats and needs to upgrade mur chooses with others. Therefor i doubt they would be considered. Other than that thank you, i will add your creature to the list of consideration. MR-6
  3. [quote name='dst' post='21013' date='Nov 28 2008, 09:49 PM']Actually...not init is the toughest to farm....[/quote] luck would be...its possible to farm yes...but darn the amount you get...per round...makes me want to stab cry...
  4. [quote name='Damien Thorne' post='20991' date='Nov 28 2008, 08:38 AM']Didn't help. It still Highlights just Fine under my other account too.[/quote] Hmm that is strange...it should highlight when ever...if there isnt a prob with it..
  5. [quote name='dst' post='20964' date='Nov 27 2008, 10:08 AM']No one is responsible for the addict I am today. At the beginning I hated the game (really personal reasons that have nothing to do with the game actually) but after a while I started to love it and now...I am an addict.[/quote] 0.o....well the freedom to manipulate the games story is quite atractive:)
  6. Fair enough:)
  7. [quote name='Chewett' post='20935' date='Nov 26 2008, 08:51 PM']all combinations of the pillars are now inactive for the moment. this will stop this issue[/quote] lol!
  8. We should try to express the awsome artwork in MD also, screenshots were scarce when i looked at the homepage when i joined. Now there seems to be a bit more, but i think more would help?
  9. [quote name='Bootes' post='20936' date='Nov 26 2008, 09:40 PM']As with Most Alliances of this Nature, I'm fairly Impartial.... Your Name Unnerves me just a Bit though... Hits a little Close to Home for me (I Tend to feel the Same way when I see Celestial Killer roaming about).[/quote] Dont worry we are already about:)
  10. Hmm, i dont know...sealing players from getting in completly i think is not the correct move...but sealing those in it from getting out is not the correct move either... Why not just make it impossible to get out when mp2? That would be the best solution?
  11. [quote name='Chewett' post='20931' date='Nov 26 2008, 06:18 PM']it was most definately the chance of testing a new game and the cool image and contest on the frontpage.[/quote] I agree with chewett...it was the same for me, no music then, but afterwards i didnt want to hear the music tones of times. I saved the MD link so i could skip the music part:P Yeah, i didnt notice the profile till later...the art work did call to me:)
  12. I got to say i just wanted the music to stop...yeah i found MD on another games advert. It did look quite interesting...first of all its not something you see everywhere...the tutorial did get me off a bit with all those writings and a few miss spell and writings...but over all after the tutorial finished, i was a bit lost....after i met a few players it started going well... I think alliances also boost players urge to play.. or just the fact that they found a role they want to acomplish...
  13. [quote name='sanguinious' post='20911' date='Nov 25 2008, 09:25 PM']the paper cabin has always been the starting point, easy to access and can be entered by all. the starting point at the ivory tower is a little difficult, most LHOs cant get to it and opening it up to Just them, will result in a mad, needless rush to become a LHO, i wish to be enlightened on this subject come on we cant let jonn do all the work[/quote] Im sure theres a reason why only a few LHOs can enter.
  14. cant there be a bulletin board somewhere in MD? You press it and the schedule comes up? Id like to attend a few, but the time zones are a problem...but either way i would suggest a bulletin board?
  15. Why not just let everyone pass through from inside to go out? Its inevitable that the mp2s will fiddle with the pillars...thats a fact. Everyone loves fiddling about when they are new. The pillars usually dont work when you just fiddle about, you need to know it beter so the chances are slim...are you sure that the mp2s walking about werent just...normal mp4s in illusion that ran away from mur?
  16. 0.o i just played because it looked special...and different from other games ive played... But, how exactly do people get the urge to play...mb the music?
  17. [quote name='pamplemousse' post='20910' date='Nov 25 2008, 09:18 PM']Why would you be asking to make this a formal Alliance? Don't you think that having an Alliance icon and tag may blow your cover just a bit? And that if your goal is to "become the dominating 'back street’ power and work outside the public eye", that announcing your presence in such a public and main street way may serve to negate that which you claim as a main pillar of your clique? In addition, may I suggest that you distinguish, in perhaps your own mind first, what the word "public" means. You say, "After all…we move with the public views, and wants". Do you intend to make your membership list public, and hold town hall meetings regarding the ways, means and movements of your club? Because, if you are planning to focus on "the way we and the public think it (MD) should be run" expect the public to want to involve themselves. Good luck.[/quote] Yes, we will work the way the public wishs to have things run. Not everyones wishs will go through, since theres ALWAYS someone that doesnt like an idea. Making ourselves public? Yes, we intend to do that BUT not the whole alliance, those who you can contact will be made public, and those that wish to help talk to the public itself. We will never be able to fit the whole alliance into one alliance unless we get to have about 50+ members per alliance. yes, it does blow our cover a bit, but we will not show all of us to the public. We will have those that show themselves and those that work undercover.
  18. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='20904' date='Nov 25 2008, 08:37 PM']it happened today so its less than 2 days passed since this new "system" is up, and i saw more mp2s wandering around [/quote] 0.o.....CLOSE YOUR EYES! bt this is a prob...
  19. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='20903' date='Nov 25 2008, 08:35 PM']hmm almost every month new alliance, currently there are over 10 alliances huh, and no war yet?[/quote] War...there may be one with ours. I could think of one alliance which may go against us, but unfortunatly nothing can be done to destroy us:) We will come back again and again. Although i do wonder why its so peacefull...
  20. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='20899' date='Nov 25 2008, 08:26 PM']eh what about mp2s using pillars and getting out [/quote] That is possible:) bt lets just...NOT IMAGINE SUCH THINGS!! but, im sure...mur has cealed the whole GG out? Only a few can pass in and out?
  21. [quote name='stormrunner' post='20895' date='Nov 25 2008, 08:05 PM']5 groups are active and 3 atleast wish to become alliances[/quote] Three...yours, mine, and cryxus? Well we do have a problem dont we:)? Yes MRA, thx for the support:)
  22. [quote name='cryxus' post='20886' date='Nov 25 2008, 04:40 PM']And neg6 I think the MRs are making quite the return, cheers MRD.[/quote] ...glad to hear that. Well, atleast MRD seems to like his mp6 role:) Well cryxus anything is possible here in MD, aslong as you figure out how. Btw, i do think this may take time to pass though, since GG seems to have a prob of getting out now...for few. Would it not cause problems for your alliance?
  23. It is an interesting idea, but i just think it creates a whole bunch of bugs, but if such a move would be made, why not instead alter the jump to leader so it shows where the leader is b4 you jump to the leader? Now about the LHO in GG...im sure mur has thought of something? I mean...new players will most likely not know what a LHO is...but im sure there is a way to get out for new players once they accomplish the mission they are assigned to do in GG. Then i believe they start yet again to complete and finish the quest by the paper cabin? I am not sure, i may test it out later, but im sure there is a way out of GG for the poor lost souls..
  24. Congrates MD, mur and all the staffs! :yahoo: Also us supporters:) Hmm, its been interesting how things change from the start, and hope not to see the end but a brighter future for MD:) The testing will never end i hope, because theres always more to add and to expand MD:) MR-6
  25. [quote name='Chewett' post='20872' date='Nov 25 2008, 12:10 PM']again at this moment i dont think any more alliances will be created. i will speak with manu about the possibility of more alliances being formed.[/quote] Thank you, its a matter of showing us to the public so we can actually be seen, but we already exist as im sure as Granos also says, there are now two unseen but seen alliances. Im sure our goal is slightly different.
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