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Everything posted by MRnegative6

  1. I must agree with the aprentice i have mentioned before, but it should not be a MUST have an aprentice. Due to the lack of ideas some people have maybe this may be the role they might like? Becoming an aprentice to a certain RPC...i would say it would be a tough role, because you really dont have any hope in becoming an RPC yourself untill your master is *dead* or something else happens, like you backstab your master etc... I like the idea about the drachorn to each area, but instead of the drachorn...lets keep it more...to the topic of the post ehh? But i cannot resist not adding this comment: Instead of having drachorns in each area, why not have 1 legendary creature for each area? Ok, no more spam offtopic things then:) MR-6 P:S I dont think we should have too many NPC RPCs...:/ Guards like wodin and knatty is ok...but RJ? Seems...wrong:) Lets see what mur would do instead?
  2. [quote name='GgSeverin' post='21300' date='Dec 5 2008, 12:29 PM']""Now, Ggseverin...i swear that Gimli from lord of the rings...hes a dwarf...not a gnome. I doubt it can be used if its been taken from somewhere else? or did you draw?"" Yes you are right; is him, if you say it's a dwarf it should be cause I do not know, it can be use as a start Idea or not.[/quote] Hmm...i dont think copy pasted things are aloud in MD...:/ But ok, idea...wont hurt.
  3. [quote name='lightsage' post='21267' date='Dec 4 2008, 07:11 PM']frosty how come your popularity is low? I don't seem to have low popularity rating through I doubt I'm popular... (of course it couldn't be people honestly anser the question put... could it? ;-) PS you sure it wasn't just liberty taking your rating down? =P[/quote] lol..
  4. [quote name='lightsage' post='21266' date='Dec 4 2008, 07:09 PM']It's just the frontpage only reason to make a new account is to check out MP2 PS it looks great but maybe size the login button up a bit?[/quote] Hmm...i didnt consider adding the log in botton onto...my previous post, i usually log in using a link saved on my favorites. Although it is a good idea to resize it...
  5. [quote name='Ren' post='21273' date='Dec 4 2008, 08:11 PM']Well, it might not work quite as easily as you would like... from what I've seen, Manu also doesn't like stepping on the RPCs feet, if he can avoid it. phrog's story branch was supposed to give him control over drachorns as well... RJ wouldn't hear of it. I'm still waiting to see if Manu will give in and let phrog join the fray. The idea is that there is no ONE way to get something in the game. ANY EDIT: Thus, the system looks weak right now, but that's mostly because it's small. Give it time to grow. [/quote] yes...i did consider mentioning phrog...since he is still...trapped within a drachorn or not trapped but just...in one. Although...phrog is another RPC hard to find...and to mention talk to....although there isnt really any problem with this aslong as someone can talk to him as he is active...from time to time. I must disagree, the rustgold drachorn has not ruined drachorns, they are two different species:) The rustgold looks fat also, and its also quite...annoying to even bother getting the RGdrachorn:) Either way its a challenge, and i dont believe braiton has come across a way to mutate a rust gold yet:)
  6. [quote name='Frosty' post='21252' date='Dec 4 2008, 05:17 PM']Just walking round Marind Bell I have seen my score drop rapidly O_0[/quote] lol i cant resist to smile when you say that!
  7. [quote name='dst' post='21259' date='Dec 4 2008, 06:04 PM']As long as RJ logs in...he is still in charge of the drachorns. When he will quit someone else will probably take his place. Also there were talks about forming some sort of groups which will handle different tasks like: giving drachorns, mutated drachorns, etc. So in case one of the players quit that task can be still carried out by others. But it seems this is still an idea and it will take time to implement it.[/quote] Hmm seems this convo goes in 2 places...i posted my answer in the other.
  8. Im against giving off the drachorns to someone else to lead UNLESS RJ has an aprentice:) Dont ruin the story people:) Be fair:) Would it not sound WAY better IF drachorns has been lost...for eternity? Such rare species...being over worked by such like dst, shoeps, MRD, mur...and...who else has drachorns? nvm, and braiton torments those left or atleast tries to experiment on those left to create another specie...maybe this new one may reproduce enough for all to see another type of drachorns about? Then maybe a new player could...take up the role to take care of the new drachorns, most likely braiton if my story goes as i assumed above:) or...someone figures out the abandoned caves where the drachorns sleep lazily...and takes control over them by inspireing them...what ever RJ did to gain control i do not really know. I just...dont like the easy...way out of things in MD. Assign a new player to be the drachorn master...when RJ didnt have any aprentice...*assuming he or she didnt* What do you think? Its just my current opinion that may change. MR-6
  9. [quote name='Grido' post='21243' date='Dec 4 2008, 04:44 PM']as far as i'm aware Mur hasnt said that there are too many RPC's, he does want to make sure a player deserves it before awarding the title however[/quote] I agree...but so far MD isnt completed:) I think RPCs from now on would most likely be permanant RPCs meaning...that once made they may not be turned back normal? Unless theres a really strong reason. Maybe thats why its harder to become a RPC now? MR-6
  10. [quote name='Raven' post='21232' date='Dec 4 2008, 03:20 PM']:offtopic: Just to note I am he. lol And Rex was there out of curiosity :pardon:[/quote] Just a rumour but raven used to be a carrot dont be tricked by his new apearance!! And this is interesting...3 days ago...? Then it cant have...any connection with that sudden annoying bug that apeared on my mp3 2 days ago...cant remember mb yesterday? Time in RL and time in MD...hard to explain and remember:P Oops...mb addicted now 0.o Either way gd luck getting out...that cabin scares me:P
  11. [quote name='dst' post='21223' date='Dec 4 2008, 11:20 AM']Damn! Those bugs just took over my life... I started thinking in terms like: it's a bug, it's not a bug, it's an exception, this account is bugged, etc... It just kills me...[/quote] The bugs are interesting most of the time:P Fun to exploit XD Eventually they disapear but still:)
  12. lol...ok i agree the alliance chat or alliance homepage after pressing the alliance botten to your left...needs to be improved in certain areas.
  13. Ok ok i agree its very nice but the point i think that mur wants us to talk about it is to...praise him:P and also, to find anything we think should be made better? So lets all say thank you its great:) Now, things we could consider *not saying its bad everything looks nice:)* -Why is...the create new character...whys the area around it also made as a link? Maybe its a trick:P bt maybe there can be a hyperlink ONLY to the create character botten. -The left hand side...i suppose its murs trade mark, very nice. The annimation is very atractive i must say...although...why does my mouse show i can press something? Can it not just run...by itself without showing its a link when its not? Other than that perfect:) -The top of the web page where the links for log in, register, forums, old stuff etc...can it not be adjusted a bit more to the left? It looks like its squished all into the right. -Color...nice:) I dont have anything to say about it i like it:) -Music...sorry my sound system is not working atm...i may listen to it some other time but im sure its good:) Congratz:) MR-6
  14. It is a shame that RJ is hard to catch...sometimes ive seen RJ about...but rarely...i dont even ask for a drachorn, or how to get one since i know the mail will be ignored:/ If RJ does not give out drachorns in any manner from time to time, this will collapse part of Braitons role play? Drachorns can be aquired still...but its too rare...or so it seems. Now, Ggseverin...i swear that Gimli from lord of the rings...hes a dwarf...not a gnome. I doubt it can be used if its been taken from somewhere else? or did you draw? MR-6
  15. I have also noticed this problem, although i must say you can sometimes catch RPCs that havnt been on for a long time just...there:) Although i do agree we need new RPCs eventually that are more active... Im sure theres a solution to this being thought out atm, maybe we shall see a new RPC contest soon:) I am not sure, but i do hope something is done soon before we even change to the next stage of the game:) MR-6
  16. Yeah i understand now:P
  17. [quote name='Burns' post='21178' date='Dec 3 2008, 07:30 PM']it's not a stealer... grasans have a weaken power of 150, don't they? =D i never watched them that closely, i just watched the damage raising per turn xD[/quote] But i dont know...my weaken defs dont seem to stack 0.o
  18. [quote name='dst' post='21173' date='Dec 3 2008, 05:49 PM']Yap, you're right. a/b where b is the total number of votes and a is the difference between positive ones and negative ones.[/quote] Hmm so...a shows...how many negative votes?
  19. Why not just use the alliance chat for now? I think mur is working on something like this now...not sure just a guess.
  20. Na, not about the abuse...ok fair enough...atleast now i think i know who brought me:P I seem to get dragged and teled to places all the time without me saying yes...now i know someone else is in the fun:P Usually i end up in interesting places so i dont mind:)
  21. [quote name='dst' post='21167' date='Dec 3 2008, 04:59 PM']After a first glance at those stats: the power is waaaay to big. I would consider for the last level a power no bigger than let's say 40%. Do you have any idea what a power of 20% (of a player that has some power) does to a let's say good amount of ve? I have seen that and 80% will kill the entire system.[/quote] lol...would be interesting:) If it didnt over kill the system.
  22. My honor and loyalty is gone from under my...bronze statue? Dont know what to call it lol.. But its not there:) Honor shows on my mini profile if i press myself:)
  23. I chose the very bottom:P Hmm...someone draged me to the gazebo when i was offline with MR-6...at the East Corridor i believe...that place is open to all no? I had MR-6 there because i was waiting for someone...then he was dragged...who..dragged me to the gazebo? XD oh well it gave me a short cut to the gazebo for part 2:P Thank you:) Bt its not stated in the rules is it? since the east corridor is not out of bounds.
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