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Posts posted by maggot

  1. You shouldn't be angry that someone is confused, and he's not really asking you to repeat things.. he's asking for clarification. Actually, most of his questions are about whether or not your points are valid.

    I know they haven't been implemented yet--was responding to this:

    "no it wont became game rule, it will stay society rule, but developer will help society to uphold this rules by them selfs (by giving dojo staff that ability)"

    Disagree. It would be pretty much a game rule not to attack in dojo if the developer gave those powers to dojo staff.

    Haven't really seen Vaul's suggestions suggested before, but even if it was, how can you expect people to know when the forums are in such a disarray? It at least doesn't say it on the list of New Ideas, and it's easy to miss topics when using the search function just because of the huge amount of them. So don't be so angry.

    Sorry, meant LHOs when I wrote about moderators enforcing dojo rules with their special powers. I know at least abbadun was using some sort of spell to punish dojo rule breakers, and since you said that the locking spell wasn't granted yet, I believe it was one of his LHO spells.

  2. So argumentative. Liberty, as moderator of the forums, you ought to be more patient and try to aid communication, which is the purpose of the forums, rather than become upset and annoyed. As a LHO, you ought to help this new player understand something if you acknowledge that he doesn't understand something.

    I disagree with you (Liberty) when you say the dojo is only society rule even if the developer plans to give special powers.. it is community-operated, but if the game developer gives dojo staff a power other players do not have to make players conform to the dojo, he is explicitly creating game rules regulating behavior around the dojo: you cannot attack in the dojo, and there are dojo moderators that will ensure you cannot do that.

    I think Vaul's ideas about implementing things to make the dojo areas official is logical as long as the dojo is going to be game enforced. He is only suggesting, though, do not be so upset...

    Vaul, like the others said, you should probably wait until the dojo is enforced by the game (it isn't yet, still completely community-operated with recognition from the game [dojo staff titles, Calxy = Dojo rpc] but not otherwise official) before you suggest those things. Maybe it is already planned to be like that.

    I disagree with Vaul about the list of offenders being bad if the dojo isn't endorsed by the game.. like Burns said, it is a social law-thing. Communities have the freedom to try enforce an organization they create with their own powers, just as players have the freedom to ignore the wishes of those communities and break dojo rules. It's pick a game style, and it's a lot more fun this way.. if the dojo couldn't create a list of offenders, how would they create an effort to make their dojo work?

    What bugs me right now is that some moderators are using their powers to enforce the dojo onto players who do not wish to comply with the community-created organization. If Vaul should wait until the dojo is officially endorsed to suggest his ideas for that time, then you should wait until the dojo is officially endorsed before using your powers granted by the game for moderating, a different purpose. That's abuse of powers for your own interest, and in the meanwhile you're taking away the freedom of people who don't even use the dojo and have no obligation to recognize it. The dojo is still not regulated by the game, as I understand it.

  3. Sorry, knew that at first but forgot when reading the other guy's post about Speaker of the Shades... guessing he means Khalz. I meant Shade Sentinel.

    Speaker of the Dead was originally protector of that tree in the Path of Loneliness. Players complained he was inactive, and he is. I think Zlei took his place, dunno if Speaker of the Dead will get another role or be removed permanently from the list.

    I have no idea what is with that tree.. all it does is bloom, but people are so protective that there have been two official protectors. Not that the average player can harm it. ;)

  4. There was this one instance Morpheus came. Was a big clamor. Left.

    He doesn't come unless needed. He's still here.. a player that has an ability to travel dream worlds, but can also come into regular game world when called. He's otherwise like any other rpc, you can pm him if you have a link to do so, he can talk, etc. He just doesn't come on often unless someone publically searches his powers.

    ome is too busy to fill rpcs duties; he's trying to get a Ph.D.

    Gilbert and Speaker of Shades are largely inactive, but still rpcs. Gilbert doesn't yet have a rpc function/special abilities, but there are plans for him. Speaker of Shades, like Morpheus, only comes on when needed. They don't have a description because they haven't submitted one to the game creator yet.

    All my supposition, except that seeing Morpheus come and the ome part. Was there when he said that chatting with others.

  5. Not entirely sure you are getting what I'm saying.. Don't care if events are shortened, if too much happens to log. Don't care if logs have some falsified details, as long as they go along with what the characters would do. Don't know where I said I wanted pure fantasy.. because that's not what I want.

    Don't mind if "Kiddies" is what "Brightlings" call Necrovion members.. but I do not ever see anybody being called a "Brightling" in the Adventure Log. And when you use "Kiddies," it's not in dialogue or attributed to anyone, just plain narration. Is the narrator a Brightling? If so, make it clear. Thought narrators were the Archivists, though...which are supposed to be objective, am I wrong? Right now, the Adventure Log seems to me biased as it always seemed to me.

    For all you seem to observe your subjects, hardly seems to affect in the Adventure Log. I observe people too, that is actually all I do in the game because I am waiting for updates to see if I want to spend further effort and time on it. Would give examples of how your characters contradict the ones I observe rpcs create, but there isn't much to compare. Yours just do actions, (some of) theirs have personalities. What do I know about phrog from the Adventure Log? Well.. he is a ghost... and he observes things and grows despairing whenever he needs rescue.. not much personality there. What do I observe about phrog ingame? A little hot-tempered sometimes but mostly likes playing around with people's minds, experimenting and seeing how people react. Don't get any of that in the Adventure Log. Is it because he is currently alienated and confused in his situation or is it because although his character still has that personality, it isn't portrayed in the log? Personally, it seems like phrog wouldn't be alienated and confused in this sort of situation [i]because[/i] of his personality. Pick any other rpc in the Adventure Log and I don't receive any of what I note about them ingame, only where their story is heading. Maybe it is just judgment.. but the Adventure Log certainly seems dry.

    Not saying you should be constantly repeating details like RJ smashing a clay model, just that details like that are severely lacking. You say that you cannot repeat glaring aspects of a character or else it will be repetitive.. but that is what you're doing. The little character in the Adventure Log is composed of the most apparent, flattened details of roles of rpcs. Again, my own judgment.. but nonetheless. Things like RJ smashing a clay model catched my attention because your characters hardly seem to do anything that really defines them, and I mean to say that you should go out of your way to include more details based on the character's personality which do not seem so basic. Don't overdo it, and keep on doing details based on the same aspect, or else like you said it will seem 1-d (more than they are right now), but it's not like they only have one aspect to write on anyway.. or they shouldn't have only one, anyway. You don't necessarily have to make things a lot longer, just characterize their actions a more specific way.

    Now that you say it, I am inclined to agree that the Necrovion side vs. Wodin was a typical bad vs. good, and in that case, good job in representing it. It angers me, however, that there was not really any roleplayers who made it more than that, because in the actual story of the game, the depth goes far deeper. But guess that's relatively realistic when translated into the story.. a whole bunch of idiots fighting each other for stupid reasons, happens a lot in real life.

    That does seem like a good reason for the hacked-seeming grammar, though I do not think you cannot do a better job anyway. Look, I know that I may be underestimating the difficulty of the things I am demanding, but nonetheless they do remain. The things I am writing about, I am trying to tell you so that if you want to know areas in which you can improve, you have my opinion. It may be critical, but I am representative of a person who reads what you create.. it's a legitimate impression. Not like I am trying to attack you.

    In the end, I am satisfied with your post in regard to why the Adventure Log isn't better than what it is. I think the main reason is that you don't have the time and effort to spend to make an Adventure Log that has character and is within the length limit (which I agree is difficult, but completely possible... the limit, yes, is constraining, but a good writer can work with limits well, at least better than this), which is reasonable since I believe you are not being paid for this. Guess another reason is that you're still learning about how to deal with the word limit in the first place, not considering character at all.. sacrifice of grammar shows at least that. So you may need some time if you want to improve in the areas I feel you need to improve. Unfortunately, that means an Adventure Log that is significantly worse than it could be, which worsens the game a lot when it is such a large part of the game.. maybe you can get some more writers, and have each writer have one story branch to write. That way you can each grow to understand a rpc's character very well and spend a little more work on representing that character even while you have to keep "everything involved in the process." Reading your posts I got the impression that you're the only one who actually writes the log.. I thought you had some writers in your alliance?

    By the way, don't believe you need to sacrifice spelling for space. Do you have a spellchecking program?

    So anyway, that is my opinion. Do with it what you will.. you're the Master Archivist.

  6. [quote name='Chewett' post='17978' date='Oct 6 2008, 04:41 PM']lol good point. i would like more opinions, liberty [s]and gla[/s] i would like to hear yours, anyones.

    EDIT: i really want anyones opinions on this. im desperate lol.[/quote]

    When out of boredom you read the forums, you learn a lot about the game history and the players. Think Glai would say something like this:

    [quote name='Glaistig' post='11040' date='Jul 12 2008, 10:19 AM']Well, I've been thinking.. the spelling and grammar errors do make a negative impact on beginning players, or at least that's the conclusion I draw from my own experience (trying to recruit adepts/encountering newbies with complaint). It'll have to be done eventually, and with the above in mind, it might be better if this correcting was done sooner rather than later. It seems like Manu doesn't have anyone he can trust with access to the codes, so I suppose it would have to be done the labor-intensive way.

    Just a suggestion.[/quote]

    Can't speak anything for him about the idea itself but he seems(ed) support fixing mistakes, so if there is a better way than before... you can guess he would approve. Personally, like the idea, think it would be fairly easy to do with a volunteer team (if you do it for translation, why not for translation of Engrish to proper English?) and the result of a cleaner game would be worth that effort.

  7. [quote name='Yami no Sakura' post='17936' date='Oct 5 2008, 11:19 PM']I believe that repeatedly silencing people qualifies as spamming, which is a bannable offense. And there's this rule from the Rules and Restriction tab on the top of the in-game screen:

    If anyone was banned for using the Silence command, it is because they used it repeatedly without reason on multiple users. If enough people make a complaint about it, there will be consequences.

    What are these horror stories you speak of? I haven't heard any of them...[/quote]

    Like I said, you can't expect people to be able to judge what is spam according to the game's judgment. If they believe they're using the spell purposely, then they won't think of it as spam, which by definition constitutes something pointless.

    Guess you're right about the second rule though, hm. Too bad not enough people complained about rpc abuse, huh?

    Been poking around on the forums, reading old topics, plus heard some things firsthand. Don't think names will hurt. The one about discussion an interpretation of rules was Robin (who was banned). Ren punished Robin (again, poor thing) for complaining about being attacked (I guess too much by Ren's judgment). A player who quit a while ago, Glaistig, told me about a person who was banned for complaining that another player lied (although he did spam, he wasn't banned for spamming since he stopped, just complaining repetitively). There was dst, I think, for something trivial I forgot, by Wodin, and his friends threatened for protesting his ban. I think kase, a former LHO, was banned, though don't know for what... except others disliked him. Some others, I don't remember but others might, and here we have Ledah.

  8. ... :D

    Well, how can that be considered legitimate if there aren't official regulations concerning it? I bet Ledah didn't even know it would get him banned, and after all it is a public spell that seems to come with no attachments.

    On a side note, I've heard little horror stories about people getting banned for minuscule reasons, not any listed under prohibition (like arguing about interpretation of game rules). I had to ask to make sure about this. Are we supposed to just assume what's okay and not, and get banned one day for not assuming correctly? You can't expect players to just know what's right and wrong when everyone has different perspectives--you have to explicitly regulate. Isn't it stupid otherwise?

  9. English was a mandatory subject in my school plus I have played a lot of games with English as the official language, so even though I'm from Spain I have little trouble using and understanding it. But I know sometimes my English is awkward in sentence structure, and I do take some more time to write in it than in Spanish. Probably noticed that I omit pronouns often.. but that's just me being lazy.

    Sometimes it is hard to understand people like Liberty, though. Like the game creator. But it is not so much the lack of vocabulary but their lack of punctuation. Capitalization, periods and commas really do help and exist for a reason... in the mother languages, too, right? Or maybe they never learned punctuation in English. Bother.

  10. Still don't think you need more length to write the Adventure Log well (if you even read my previous post). But guess it is not so bad an idea, would be interesting to see what the writers could do with more length.. if they would improve or not.

  11. There is a limit on words, but I do not think it is that constraining when I look at the longest update. You can still include details which make the story seem less...like a hack job. After all, it is them who made the "substance" written about. It is not so much as you add more writing, but you make their actions and dialogue seem characteristic of their unique personality. I wonder that none of the rpcs in the log are disappointed by how they are portrayed.

  12. Nice to know that the post was read. But I do not think that because the story is interactive and is supposed to realistically portray what occurs ingame justifies the way it is written. What are you making this topic for then, when you should easily know yourself whether or not the Adventure Log is doing that little? Yes, the bias commented on and the feeling of a cliche story is perspective, but legitimate. Don't want made up events. You can characterize the rpcs without distorting what happened ingame. All the details mentioned concerning the flat characterization of Necrovion seemed made up by the writers at least. Maybe Braiton wanted his character to come across as it was portrayed, but doubt that the members of the Necrovion alliance called themselves Kiddies. You take that liberty, can take the same liberty in trying to characterize roleplayers as if they had depth, like when RJ smashes the clay model of the bunny. You'd hope that you're trying to portray the personality of the roleplayers which go through your selecting process. Right now all I see is either the characters aren't owning up to the roleplayers, or the roleplayers don't have any defining features.

    Otherwise, might as well limit your writing to the cold hard facts of player interaction and events ingame when doing more isn't making the story better. And probably be more selective in the ideas you write about.. because the Adventure Log won't seem very involving when the bulk of it is about typical evil with dark sacrifice rituals v. good with revered leader that's revived and overcomes assassination attempts. Just can't get over how all the roleplayers seem to be material for stock characters. Feels like not much effort is put in the right places.

    P.S. don't see much improvement concerning stylistic errors, either.

  13. Don't understand what you mean by special kind of person in quotes, but just meant it was a creative detail more entertaining and reflected character details more. Characterized the role in a way which seemed rare reading the log.

    Find it slightly annoying offered criticism is ignored when it was asked for in the first place. Another wasted effort, and shows how much the community cares about the so-important Adventure Log. At least not enough to say they disagree, if they even care at all. So it's the game story or the players or both. Either way, just one more minus..


  14. [quote name='Marten_Lord' post='17597' date='Oct 1 2008, 08:34 PM']Anyone else think that Magicduel is akin to Lord of the Rings. The Necrovion being Mordor. The Angiens possibly being elves, and the shades orcs and greater shades being the ringwraiths. Just thought to point it out.[/quote]

    Actually yes, in the way that it is flatly portrayed with similar fantasy archetype, stereotypical dark side and balancing opposers, in the Adventure Log. But I believe that is not how it is supposed to be in the game, like Udgard says. Posted about it as criticism in the Adventure Log thread but no reply/change, so guess you and I are the only ones that feel that way..

  15. No, I understand. Was offended, yes, because of the offense displayed at simple feedback to the announcement: don't care about roleplaying, but look forward to puzzles. You are entitled to your opinion as I am, but your own tone was the one that provoked mine to be defensive and stung from then on. Reread your own posts and ask yourself if you would not be annoyed. Let it sink in. Seriously.

    In return for your apologies, though, sorry. Didn't mean to come across as giving "negative criticism" but to simply give an opinion. Also keep in mind that until the game developer replied, still hadn't grasped that the focus was on roleplaying. Did protest for myself personally because I don't care about roleplaying features, but I am not expecting a game for hardcore roleplayers to change because some players do not appreciate the roleplaying aspect, nor am I saying it is a bad game because of that. Only responded to people who seemed so disbelieving that someone could have my opinion. It is because of that apparent disbelief in your tone that I felt that you and others compulsively support the game, and do not welcome hearing what others think unless it is correspondingly in support of the game developer and his creation. Also read other topics in this forum and felt the same impression, that some players form a cult that worships the game developer..because of similar replies to people who criticized it.

    A general message to all in this community based on that impression: do not discard negative criticism so flippantly. Even if it does not supply a solution, it is asking for one and implies that the game could be improved. Consider carefully what a person has to say instead of making that person feel disliked and unwelcome for what he has to contribute, for because of the fact that he is complaining means that he cares about the game. Even when it is something in the game that cannot be changed, understand the viewpoint instead of dismissing it angrily as useless complaint. You cannot pitch the game as ideal when you do not understand that not one game can be perfect to all when it doesn't strive to be so, and that there are real cons to the one you are promoting. You are representative of the community of the game. You make an impact on the impression of those who have yet to make a decision on whether or not they will continue playing this game they have just joined. For a game which values the community so much, try to be a receptive community.

    Logan: Disagree. Really enjoyed the game once because it gave all the appearances of being a MMORPG I could play that wasn't hack-and-slash. This game's combat system is supposed to be one of strategy, not anything like repetitive grind in other MMORPGs I had played. Felt that the game's focus was on strategy, not only in combat, but in puzzles and an interactive story as well. It was the primary reason I played it instead of Diablo, it is the reason I vest so much hope in it even now when I realize the direction the game developer wants it to go. If you quote the game developer so much, so can I: he promised that anybody in the game would be able to become the best regardless of age as long as that person used good strategy. Really seemed like that. But I cannot "hack-and-slash," I cannot PvP all I want.

    One because the combat system does not make its concepts work yet, since development has gone into roleplaying and other features instead of fixing the numerous flaws. Truly those who do not roleplay have little to do but try PvP with a bad combat system and chat with others when roleplayers are not around to frown on the conversations with references to real life in the midst of their asterisk-denoted roleplaying. Still waiting for that to change eventually; understand when the game developer says he cannot work on all things at once, and if roleplaying development was important enough to be put above things that I care about, can't really complain. Another because those who roleplay are given powers that affect PvP. Don't completely understand why some rpcs are given combat boosts unrelated to their role, but it discourages those who cannot even think of roleplaying. However, I will not argue for this to change, not now that I understand what kind of game this is.

    As for rewarding PvPers as much as roleplayers, don't suggest that they are given combat boosts the way rpcs are, but there are others things that can enhance gameplay like inner magic, spells, access to locked areas, etc. that rpcs have easy access to and others do not. Only thing winning head contests give are a few credits and minor stat-boost.

    Do not think from my words that you have encouraged me to quit watching this game's development, or what is said in the forums. Will not bother trying to contribute feedback anymore as now I realize I am not in the targeted playerbase of roleplayers--this reply is in response to what is directly addressed to me--but still have a hope that the game will one day become one enjoyable to play even with features I don't care for. Otherwise will have to make a long search for another game which promises to make me think as this game did.

    Don't have much more to say. Doubt I will post again unless someone prompts me to respond to something they say to me.

  16. Nice to get responses once in a while, not like I'm being ignored completely by this player community. But offense? For what? Saying that I prefer combat to roleplaying? I'm not threatening the game, not demanding anything, not even suggesting that things be changed--a game can be a roleplaying game and please roleplayers, or a game with more emphasis on strategic combat and please PvPers. Either way a fine game. I said: it is simple, a game cannot expect to please all when it doesn't try to appeal to all. So don't take offense. That is offensive. Every game has a specific playerbase, if not as particular as this one's. Fine for games to discard players "less desirable" like Tarquinus suggests, but not so for a community to be so annoyingly prideful and unopen to opinions in a [i]forum[/i].

    This is a roleplaying game, yes, but I didn't understand it was such a [i]hardcore[/i] roleplaying game until I read the game creator's post emphasizing the word. That is why I said I understand more now. Most rpgs aren't like roleplaying forums the way this "game" is, they try for game aspects more than creativity outlet. When I joined the game, there were no such things as "rpcs." Joined before you, Tarquinus, yes, and quit for a long period.. and I tell you: really liked it, the innovative ideas and gameplay, but became disillusioned when I saw combat system wasn't going anywhere quickly. I log in after a few months to check where game has gone, and see all this roleplaying development. Figure I will tell others what I think because all the other people who are like me don't bother and just quit permanently, and here I am wasting time writing posts in a forum for a game I do not actually play. Maybe most players today joined the game knowing what it would be like, because all the older players already quit. I, others, had no idea. Game creator doesn't publish intentions.

    Compare rewards of head contest and rewards of actively roleplaying. Logan: many dislike roleplaying not because of work involved, but instead because it's not in the player style to write stories to get spells and powers over other players, not even stories like the one you have. Players like that contribute as much as roleplayers who ask for roles, but it is only those who write up wishes in stories to be able to read people's conversations from long ago and publicize that wish who obtain that wish. Roles [i]are[/i] limited. dst will not get a rpc role because he will not ask to be, act and name himself Balancer of Lands, because doing such things is not like him, and the role is not him then. Maybe you get it, maybe you don't. Don't truly care much anymore. Didn't mean to offend, only to inform that there are some people who don't like the roleplaying much and to encourage updates of those puzzles game developer mentioned. Now I go back to waiting and watching, spent too much time replying to this sort of community when I may never rejoin it, when the game may one day lose its appeal for me completely. Do not expect more effort from me to give feedback.

    Understand the great work in the game, though may not appreciate some aspects as much as others. It is why I stay and wait to see development, though grow more and more discouraged as I observe this development and hear from this outright arrogant, egotistic playerbase-community which calls the game developer "God." But still hope and wait, will for a while.

  17. Entertaining to you and large number, nonetheless still not a plus for another large number of players. Not protesting current rewards for rpcs, not protesting right of roleplayers to fantasize and have preferences, protesting lack of reward/incentive for other playerbases. Why reward players who enjoy making up roles more than others who dislike making up roles but participate in the game equally other ways? But think I now understand the development direction of this "roleplaying" game more: focus on hardcore roleplaying. Viewed as more important than combat. Doesn't appeal, but waiting to see if development in other areas will make up for it.

    Game will always lose players unless it appeals to all equally. Really is that simple.

  18. [quote name='wynken vanaril' post='16923' date='Sep 18 2008, 02:59 PM']I don't think it would change your style of game play any...you just wouldn't amass any points :D

    Ok, maybe there is a better system to track RP progress. I've entertained quite a few angry rants without a single alternative solution. I'm starting to feel like a politician...if you think my idea sucks so much, how about coming up with a better one (not necessarily you dst, just the naysayers in general)? :)[/quote]

    Don't view my suggestion as an alternative solution? No comment on it either. Feels like I'm being ignored.

  19. Personally the roleplaying thing is unique but not especially appealing. This game rewards players who enjoy making up roles more than those who can win head contests. Understandable, because roleplaying seems hard judging by the quality I've seen. Nonetheless not fun for those who don't even care about it. Well, waiting for the ingame puzzles and features mentioned. Really liked that aspect, kept me playing for a while before I noticed it was limited.

  20. Don't know if I like the idea of converting a player's worth roleplaying-wise into points. Like rating the worth of a culinary sensation with numbers when a long description is due instead. Also imagine players would be pressured to roleplay seriously all the time out of fear that acting out of character would lose points. :)) Some players can roleplay incessantly but others can do well enough without saying "*waves at maggot*". Or it could go the other way and people would put annoying rp spam in all the time to get points. :( Some will also spam positive points for friends and negative points for those they don't like. :) In the end, crappy roleplayers become rpcs. <_<

    <_<.. Hoping the idea suggested doesn't get implemented.

    Rather regular players be able to review other people's roles and their ability to act them convincingly, and categorize their review as either a negative or positive reaction, periodically: like every month. Actually, be able to do only one review and then edit in updates if impression expressed changes. Wouldn't be as casual as handing out or penalizing points at every instance of roleplay observed. Number of +/- reactions could be tallied up for Manu to review if he wants.

  21. The army is looking good now. After Wodin was brought back, another treaty was signed with the LoreRoot army, and training picked up as usual. Wodin is now completely prepared for whatever may come. And come it shall.
    Make it clear in whose perspective this is written. Who feels the army is "looking good"? It's stated like a fact, which conflicts with the annoyingly informal language. You should also give attribution to dialogue when it's not obvious. That was neglected in other updates. Then there's the "And come it shall." That's not suspenseful foreshadowing with weighty words. Cheesy, especially because it's inevitable that whatever may come has to come, or else the flow of future to present grinds to a halt so that nothing comes. I felt similar incredulity reading other updates.

    The story itself is bland. Golemus vs. Necrovion, with some side stories about characters which seem to have little personality for their lauded roleplaying abilities as rpcs. Also can't help but feel there is some bias. Read the adventure log and compare the characters of Necrovion to those of Golemus. At times the Golemus party seems stupid with the repeated shouts of "Master Wodin!", but the characters of Necrovion are infuriatingly shallow. The leader is crazed and pathetic, alliance members are fearful of his lack of intellect and are referred to as "Kiddies" as if to characterize them as minions or cronies, Braiton is callous and also annoyingly dislikeable in his petty behavior/thoughts. In the last updates, a cliche magic ritual summoning something with blood sacrifice.. whoo, dark magic. Necrvovion is depicted like the stereotypical bad side in trashy fantasy stories written by people who don't read a lot except of the same bad material they write. I got the impression that the dark world of magicduel had more depth.

    Either the portrayal of the adventure log is accurate and the rpcs are roleplayers who can't develop their characters, or the adventure log itself lacks in creativity and instead makes up lamentable details which don't correspond to what they describe. Either way, discouraging. Even with all the mistakes it had when the game owner was writing it, it was better before the job was handed to the Archivists. There are many unprofessional and annoying mistakes now. Proofreading shouldn't be so hard when supposedly these are good writers who know English... I don't mean to offend, only to give critical feedback I felt the adventure log deserved and wasn't receiving (does no one else feel this way?). Although I've had accounts on this game for a while, I don't play often because it fails hold my interest and it was out of sheer boredom I read the forums today. I hope you appreciate my honest if severe opinion, because I spent effort writing this much.

    Kudos to whoever wrote RJ smashed a clay model of a bunny in his anger. There are some parts I enjoyed in the adventure log, just wish they were more common.

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