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Everything posted by SageWoman

  1. I like your three headed dragon.

  2. So that is what my head of Security looks like! Dude, love the goatee...

  3. There is an error in your link. Please PM me in a private message.

  4. Very nice. A picture to go with the name.

  5. I posted a comment first! Aww you didnt finished it.

  6. yes I want to see the real you. Scare me! Give me nightmares. lol

  7. Hey nice picture! Try smiling. Show them missing toofers! LOL

  8. Name: Valentines Day Quest Maker: Sagewoman Duration: Feb 1 to Feb 13 Where: Hate Page Rewards: Answer one and find out, Big Ones Given out February 14 to questers with completed questions and tasks.
  9. All Hail the MuffinMaster!


  10. That art work is so last century! It doesn't show the REAL you.

  11. Until I see a filled out profile with some your 411, I will refuse all courtship overtures. = P

  12. There you are Kitsune! Awww.. no picture? The fox doesn't count.

  13. Your being stalked. Look behind you. ;waves::

  14. OH there you are! I put dots in front and back of your name. Silly me.

  15. Do someting about your profile. Its bland. Put some pizazz into it!

  16. Sister! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. OH MY Goddess! YOU are Ledah? :pokes eyeballs out with hot pokers::YOu sure don ACT 13 you big fibber. = P

  18. Awwww. No Picture? Do I have to dream you up? Nah, stick drawings are unbecoming of Necrovions. LOL

  19. Are you feeling like your being stalked? My beady little LR eyes makeing ou sweat? I'll stop visiting if you want. LOL

  20. I could be wrong but my ancestors in the mountains found that hiding things in plain sight works well. What book is hidden in plain sight?
  21. Don't think I have run into you before. Thanks for stopping by.

  22. Your not a stalker are you? In leauge with Grido? 0.o lol

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